#splithead hylics
eggratgremlin · 7 months
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Hylics oc art from today!
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fruity-boy-bruno · 1 year
OKAY so I'm gonna fucking info dump my very heavily head cannoned and redesigned Fleam because I'm thinking about him real hard. And to, explain how he looks when I draw him.
So the most notable things away from his cannon design are how i draw his horns and face. I draw these both similarly to how I draw Smuldunde and Dedusmuln because I hc that Fleam is also a splithead. His more person-like face is a mask that he wears over his face to look less scary (that Instar encourages him not to).
Since he's a splithead I draw his horns bigger like i do Smul's and Dedus' (unless they're still growing back from them dying, then they're skinnier). The main difference to them I draw him with are the holes surround by green. This is from an infection he has in them. Basically the outer layers of a splithead's horns are made of slime mold that's highly sensitive but has a outer layer that's more solid and skin like. Fleam has an infection in his caused by another splithead's slimemold getting in there. The other slime mold attempts to eat Fleam's causing large gross holes to appear all over his horns.
He managed to get the infection in a duel he had with Dedusmuln. After the events of the first game Dedusmuln went back to his home village of splitheads to see how people were holding up after the spell of madness and Fleam was like "no way you were one of the people who took down Gibby you loser" and challenged them to a duel. In splithead culture duels are supposed to be to the death (since you respawn anyways), but once Fleam was starting to lose he got scared and started to run because he remembered how Gibby didn't respawn after Dedusmuln fought him and his ass didn't want to be next. This is suppperrr disgraceful to do, plus made it easier for Dedusmuln to kill his ass and steal his armor (which is where I hc they got their armor in the second game from).
Anways a bit after his horns had regrown from his trip to the afterlife the holes started appearing and since the illness is super uncommon the village was like "ew what the hell" and chased Fleam out throwing rocks at him </3 bc they thought it might be contagious (which it's not!) But Fleam doesn't quite know what it is either so he assumes the sages cursed him for being dishonorable in battle.
Another part of Splithead anatomy my friend who came up with the anatomy hcs ( @eggratgremlin ) came up with is that their eyes are located within the slime mold of the horns, so due to the decay of Fleam's, he is mostly blind. They're also where they smell from so his sense of smell is dulled too.
The setting I normally draw him in is while he's living in the woods with Instar <3 they just be two freaks in the woods.
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apple-cores · 1 year
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toldja so 🧃
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may1th · 3 months
would yall be interested in seein my hylics oc??? no??
too bad
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hi hi hi hi hi look at em!!!!! silly beast
they are a splithead!!!! hehehehe!!!!
they are 7'1 ft tall (around average for a splithead/hc)
they have a major fixation on dread knights (explaining why they wear armor constantly)
fun fact they were litteraly made on roblox look at them
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i hope people wont mind if i plug my artfight here but uhh..
incase you wanna attack em :3
another note i decided to add because im just insane is that i basically put alot of like..??? joseph joestar into him????
since for 1 i do think that they would do the whole ''your next line will be (blank)'' thing execpt this hardly ever works and also theyd definetly run like this
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oh how i love you josephmuln/silly
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adsurgitvagus · 3 months
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General Hylics oc masterpost, since I've made so many and put off showing them for whatever reason. There they are, most of them anyway: a spaghetti creature, a disgraced dread knight of Yiithorn, a splithead pilot and the most pathetic Wayne out there. I love them all dearly and really need to get all the sketches of them out of my system
Bonus points: their interactions and friendships!
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dedusmuln · 8 months
Hey what ocs do you have
YAAAAAAAY HI!!! ok so i have a . decent amount of ocs. but my most recent ones are my ace attorney oc, and my hylics ocs ^_^. I'm trying to work on ocs for an original story too, but those ones are highly in the works right now, unfortunately U_U this post got REALLY LONG , so i'm putting a read more on it!!! more oc info under there :-]
my ace attorney oc is Mirasol Armando, and she's the niece of Diego Armando . I'm forming a little backstory for her right now! the main idea for her was "wouldn't it be funny if phoenix had to face a girl who looks like both mia and diego combined?". she has a decent history of bad luck, and after getting kicked out from living with her parents' friends, she kinda has to fend for herself. she was planning to be a prosecutor, but after having a conversation with phoenix, she decides to become a defense attorney at his suggestion. the next time they meet again, she's actually graduated from law school!! yaaay!! i need to keep working on her but . I do plan to draw her soon my hylics ocs . i will admit they are less formed... two of them I have are actually named, the other i . don't . and i still want to make a fourth one after that. ludunsmde (pronounced loo-done-smeede) (they/them) is my splithead oc! as their name suggests, they are a sibling to dedusmuln and smuldunde. they're a traveling marine archaeologist by boat, who also finds themself fascinated by marine life time to time. gets easily distracted. if they were a playable character in the party, i think they'd be the hard hitter of the group, having a lot of power (similar to pongorma). i could see ludunsmde playing the bass, and also having interest in claves. i'm sure they'd play a handful of things. ludunsmde misses their family a lot, realizing that moving around so much is the one downside of travel. but they care about their work heavily, and are sure to plan visits time to time. oh yeah . as for physical appearance, they're taller than dedusmuln but shorter than smuldunde! their fur is a blueish color, with pink horns :-)
the next character (he/she) doesn't have a name yet . BUT! i've been calling him Imago for now in place. imago is the actual owner of the boat ludunsmde has been using ! she's a bit of a vagabond and travels pretty often , i'm not sure how she met ludunsmde , but they've been traveling with each other for a While. imago isn't specifically looking for anything, and having ludunsmde around for company is entertaining enough. they help with the heavy-lifting so he can't complain. i think imago is the healer of the party, not much of a fighter herself. i could see him playing the drums !!! kinda contradictory to his laid-back nature, but it's more of an outlet for emotions, since she's not much of a talker. imago is technically the 'leader' of the group but is the least talkative of the group. as for physical appearance, imago looks similar to somsnosa and instar ! is probably a bit shorter than them though. not exactly sure what her outfit would look like, but i'll figure that out eventually :-] ludunsmde and imago have a bit of a lgbt thing going on between them but idk what flavor yet my Third hylics oc is my wayne oc, named Absence (they/them). absence is a wayne that somehow managed to run away from training, and has been wandering around since then. absence does eventually stumble across imago and ludunsmde, and asks to join them on their journey. seeing someone so lost and confused, neither of the two really wanted to leave absence on their own, and let them join. absence is sort of just on a journey of self-discovery, trying to figure out who they are besides the life that they were supposed to live as a wayne. absence's name was suggested by ludunsmde after a long conversation about absence wanting to have their own name and own self, but not knowing what name would be right, feeling a lack of certainty. since there was an absent moon at the time, combined with their lack of choice, ludunsmde thought the name 'absence' would be fitting, and absence agreed. absence's fighting doesn't have anything specific, but they're relatively speedy, so they usually go first. absence is also , shockingly , the singer of the group. if they had to play an instrument i'd have to say electric guitar, like wayne. despite how different absence tries to be, they can't deny that electric guitars are cool as hell. as for physical appearance, absence dresses in a romantic-goth inspired fashion and also sports a full black outfit. they're also a bit shorter than some of the other waynes. absence has a relatively dramatic appearance, and that's on purpose. they have fun with it i also want to make a fourth hylics oc to complete the party, but i haven't chosen exactly what i want to do with them yet. i did think about making a poolmagne or a coutured oc but. im not sure yet. as for other ocs , i have some other ocs like Tango, Doe, Root, Narcissus, Lucas, Lucky, Eugene, Euadine, and . a lot of other ones !!!!! but i won't ramble about them because i've already talked a lot about these ones :-]
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eggratgremlin · 11 months
I forget how much you've shared but I think you should mayhaps give a big list of your Splithead species hcs of the creature variety and also society ones maybe <3
Okay so split heads are like Humanoid beings that are clay based and are symbiotically  tied to fungi slime molds! I personally refer to them as mulns (because dedus and smul both have ‘mul’ in their names)
huge ass lore drop under the cut
The horns are fungi! They're like the texture of a very stale Swedish fish but are very sensitive! They also get a bit drippy when the splithead is all emotional and weepy! Their horns are their predominant sensory organ, its where their eyes and scent glands are!  
Splitheads also have fungi that grow all over their body though some of it is seasonally occurring. This fungi is actually various slime molds though, and they are attached to the nervous system of the Splithead! Those fungi are like connected to the subconscious and display emotions! So like they wiggle around when the Muln is happy or anxious! Theres also two kinds of mulns, Mulns born in th wet season and those born in the dry season. 
Now Mulns aren exactly born persay, they start out as spores which parasitically live in another organism aka a host! Until they get enough nutrients! Then they burrow out of any hole in the body or just make their own, usually killing the host and then they dig into the soil where they grow like plants for a couple more months. 
After those months the baby mulns burrow out of the soil with big ol fungi covered horns and theyre so very hungry and so they start eating each other with their goblin shark mouths, which is called The Feast in muln culture and usually only one Muln surivives the feast, theres social stigma surrounding mulns that dont eat their batchmates during the feast.Also the more batchmates you eat the bigger muln you are! So Smuldunde? Yeah she fucking ate everyone!
Wet mulns only have thier fungi during the wet season, and they have patches on slime mold that grow on them rather than dry mulns usually that have their fungi all year round and can grow full body like fur ! And dry mulns horns are more so like a jelly bean, hard crust on the outside. Mulns also have 3 sets of eyes, one on the front, the side and on the tips of thier horns (because they are both prey and predator animals due to the feast)
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If anyone has anymore questions at all about muln lore at all or want clarifications just ask!!!
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eggratgremlin · 11 months
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more gourdmul!
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eggratgremlin · 11 months
Hey can you draw Smuldunde eating ramen and having strong emotions of any sort bc of it lol
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"Oh! it reminds me of traditional Muln worm stew! how wonderous!"
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eggratgremlin · 11 months
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doodle of Smul baby: Gourdmul
(they are feeling sad)
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eggratgremlin · 1 year
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And this is why Pongorma is taking care of the Smul babies and not her
(the gray one is Gourdmul and the blue one is @fruity-boy-bruno's Boulette)
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fruity-boy-bruno · 1 year
Do you have any hylic ocs 👉👈
Oh so many!!
We have my darling Vi (short for Vivisection) she/they/it who is a Wayne that was experimented on by Odozeir as a nymph (the stage i hc comes between larva and what Wayne is) (she's my favorite child <3) (feel free to ask me specifically about them or any of my other ocs)
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We also have a few other Wayne ocs that I haven't actually drawn good art of yet but have stuff semi written for because they're part of a rp I'm in.
First is Freckles, they/them, their defining feature that separates them from other Waynes is ofc their freckles. They're just a sweet fella who really looks up to main Wayne and wants to be cool like him.
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Next is a Wayne that doesn't have their own name that I will refer to as Imposter, he/they. Imposter impersonated main Wayne after he got yoinked into the sky and started a cult. That's all I really have about him so far...
Third is a Wayne larva that's been named "Burgle" by Dedusmuln because the little guy keeps breaking into their house. Burgle is abnormally smart compared to most Wayne larvae, and hasn't been seen climbing a ladder, but has been places only a ladder could get them...
My first non-wayne oc is a splithead baby! One of Smuldunde and Pongorma's kids (I'll elaborate in a different post if asked) Its name is Bolete, she/they/it. I haven't actually written much for them yet, but ik they're goth..
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I also have an arrangement of ocs that aren't specifically hylics, but fit well enough into hylics. But I'd get into them on another post..
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fruity-boy-bruno · 1 year
Smuldunde hcs?
Hehehe Smuldunde
I think Smuldunde uses she/they pronouns teeheehee
I know she doesn't actually have a tail but I like giving her one because it's fun. Also I have a lottt of creatury hcs for her but they're shared with Dedusmuln for the most part bc theyre both splitheads!. @eggratgremlin has extensive hcs about how their species works (which i suggest looking for or sending them asks, I'm not sure how much they've actually posted on here lol) that I agree with but sounds better coming from them imo.
She's also Dedusmuln's "cousin" (may or may not be actual cousins but they both claim to be) and obviously also likes anthropology like Dedusmuln.. but I think she bounced around in college a lot and was originally a stem major and knows a lot about different science shit.. (uses these skills to make hylics drugs and do mad scientist shit<3)
She's also got splithead autism!! Autism girly!!! In the splithead hcs me and Jouta have they are able to smell emotions and that's pretty much her only hope for social cues..
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fruity-boy-bruno · 11 months
erm uhhhhh Dedusmuln hcs?
Heheh yes..
So first off I hc that they use they/he pronouns..
When it comes to more specific creatury things there's a lot of stuff that @eggratgremlin came up with (that I helped with a littttlee) for splitheads in general that I really really like but ik they have written a lot of down somewhere so I'm a little too lazy to resay (mostly because it's VERY in depth) sorry to send anyone more interested in that on a chase..
Okay, so they did go to college for archeology (among other things, they tried a bunch of different stuff for their degree but none stuck that well) BUT they dropped out. And are a self proclaimed Dr in archeology. Since the madness spell made that type of thing hard to track, people are pretty inclined to believe him.
They also occasionally help Smul with their mad scientist shit but very occasionally.
Oh oh! In Hylics 2 they suddenly have the armor because they stole it from Fleam (points at my post about Fleam hcs) but also they like became a knight! They asked Pongorma to train them and stuff between the games.. and they took a very specific oath about protecting a very specific person... heheh...
I also hc that they have pretty bad anxiety and get realllly paranoid about everything that could go wrong in a situation and need others to help them refocus and get less nervous. They took a LOT of reassuring before most of their major fights. Along with that anxiety they're pretty worried someone's gonna find out that fake doctorate (the crew already knows, I mean like someone it'd be bad to find out)
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fruity-boy-bruno · 11 months
Do explain Smuldunde and Pongorma,
curious to see what their dynamic is like and why you ship them! /gen
Okay my main reason is because that's just the direction the hylics rp went in! Smuldunde told Dedusmuln that she finds Pongorma attractive and Dedusmuln was like "ooooh I'm so gonna tell her" and Pongorma was like "woah the big lady likes me." They're still a very fresh relationship like just started dating and are still learning about each other and getting comfy in it. Lots of misunderstandings because of how reluctant Pongorma is to talk about his past and the differences in Splithead and his culture. So rn it's mostly based on physical attraction and Smul's anthropology interests in Pongorma.
I also just haven't too deeply thought of ship dynamics before so sorry if this doesn't answer the question too well lol
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apple-cores · 2 years
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