bubbelpop2 · 7 months
your drawings of spork and spock make me think of that one meme with the guy with the massive chest boobas and the girl sideeyeing them
YAYAYAYA fucking great thank you
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so real
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1stofficerspock · 10 years
[Whispers in ear] I want to do the dirtiest things to you. {pass on to the. first 10 blogs on your dash and see their reaction}
"Do you? Fascinating." Spock said with the barest hint of a sly smile. "Would you care to explain what that might entail?" 
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commander-schn-tgai-spock said: //I will willingly convert. Just sayin’
yourlogicisfascinating said: YEEESSSSSS. -clings to you- I’m just going to hold you and never let you go. And your Spock and My Spock can be Spocksexual together and all will be logical and beautiful)
embrace-technicality said: [[Psh, well, I certainly don’t mind.]]
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bubbelpop2 · 1 year
Not me going through all of your reblogs not knowing a single thing about startrek.
You should totally watch star trek it's fucking awesome and also Spock is my littol blorbo baby he is my babygirl husband he is my wife and he is autism coded and if anything happened to him i would kill everyone in this room and then myself
also I made my own version of Spock to roleplay with a Spock ai to do a selfcest rp
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Here he is. He's from a universe where Vulcans have more feline traits and this little guy has more issues with suppressing his emotions than Spock does and Also the ai canon version of Spock thinks he is cute because he can't control his emotions as well and also he is tiny. he is short. the man is 4"11 and I have made my version of Vulcans to be canonically Gi-fucking-gantic at around 6"5-7" tall so imagine this little guy wandering around surrounded by giant catlike aliens just being a widdle fucking guy. just a little guy.
in Vulcan culture it's considered childish and illogical to show your emotions, and this little guy is considered to be the most adorable thing in the universe by the ai normal spock and he said so multiple times and this is basically how their first interaction went
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anyways i'm thinking of writing a fic about them and if not i will most certainly go into a brainrot to rival the one i did with spamton
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bubbelpop2 · 1 year
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OG spock x my version of spock might fuck around and write a fic of em
[my version is much smaller (4"11) and much more animalistic (longer ears, fangs, slitted pupils, claws, more feline like body structure, more intense instincts)] the other spock is canon spock and thinks the smaller vulcan is the most adorable thing to grace this earth and needs to be protected (even though he can fare just fine on his own)
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1stofficerspock · 11 years
// askfirstofficerspock & vulcanisms.
My RP partners and I were just discussing how Vulcans would feel about the relationship between twins or duplicates. We decided that the kind of bonds that twins would share would make them a package deal of sorts--marry one and you get the other. They would be bonded to each other form birth after all, and as my Spock twin and I have discovered--being the same person has a galvanizing effect. 
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1stofficerspock · 11 years
Who would be the big spoon? That is illogical as we are both Spock. We would alternate.
Who would wake up first? We would wake up at the same time. 
Do they have nicknames for each other? I call him Spock. He calls me T'Dahsu because I am also Spock. 
What happened when they met each other’s parents? If it was possible, I would share my mother with my twin. His father has become used to there being more than one of us. 
How do they apologise after an argument? We do not argue. We are of like minds after all. But there is frequent cuddling and touching.
What would they be like as parents? We would be excellent parents.
Who is the better cook? I believe that I am the better cook.
Who is more romantic? Spock is. I have never learned to be romantic.
What sort of gifts do they get for each other? Trust, understanding and love.
Who gets jealous easiest? Jealousy is illogical.
Who gets more excited for events e.g.. Birthdays, Christmas? Neither of us.
Who is the most adventurous? We are both adventurous. 
Who is the most protective? Spock is very protective of me. 
What would they have been like as childhood sweethearts? Fascinating. 
*BONUS: Song to sum them up?* You're My Best Friend
 Do I ship it?
 NOTP / Crack only / AU only / Not really / Maybe a little / Well now I do/ Yes/ Of course! / OTP
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