#spoiler!: So far pudding is kinda sus
nightcrisis · 6 months
I feel the need to share that I finally reached WCI in One Piece!
I've been dying to get to this arc (like any other sanji girl, tbh) since I first heard about it, and I am so excited 🥹🥹
Getting to the 700-800 episodes of op feels like an achievement since I'm the kind of girl who takes a year to finish a 12-episode seasonal anime (like I'm a jjk fan but I've been stuck in ep 6 of the 2 season for like 4 months) .
When I started one piece like 2 years ago (I think?), I swore I was gonna die before I even covered half the show. But OMG, watching it has been a life changer, and I feel that I am no longer the same person I was before op.
All of this just as a public reminder to myself that apparently I can do anything if I hyperfixate on it enough.
Thank you, Luffy. You really made me believe that life is an adventure :)
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themoonweaversden · 1 month
Messeges that were found so far: SOOS (spoilers)
This is just to collect all the codes that you can type in in thisisnotawebsitedotcom.com and their effects only (please click images for better quality)
Masterpost with all messeges / codes
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"Sup Dude! Soos here, or as I call myself now "Mr Mystery," but I also call myself Soos too because that's still my name dude! Okay, so first, the GOSS, Tad Strange. Is Totally. Crushing on Woodpecker Guy. I ship it dude. I ship it HARD.
Anyway Mabel wanted me to write about the triangle guy? Dawg, homie is BAD. NEWS. Never trust a bro who can climb inside of your brain. And his book is sus and, to be quite frank, mid. I looked inside and just saw glitches and the words "HE'S UNCORRUPTABLE." What's that supposed to mean? At least holding the book made me look kinda smart, so 1/5 stars I guess.
Anyway Mabel told me to keep it brief, which is no problem for me, I love brievity! I can't get enough of it! Being succinct is like, super easy for me for some reason, I guess it's like a gift? Don't get me started on pithiness, let alone- oh dang I'm like, running out of paper?! LOL! That's what tape is for bro!
What were we talking about? Oh yeah, my life as chief proprietor/tour guide/scam-magineer (Mr Pine's phrase) of the Mystery Shack! Running this place is an actual dream come true. To stop from pinching myself I asked Old Man McGucket to invent a Pinch-Bot but then it got loose and went on a pinching spree and had to be put down, heh heh. Wild times!
What's the shack like without the Pines? Well, it's got a lot more laser tag. And Questiony is back and MORE QUESTIONABLE THAN EVER! (Turns out all he needed was PANTS!) Every day I get to regale the children with yarns of enchantment and lore, and Melody set up this dope train that goes through the redwoods carrying baby goats. We're doing like... so good. Knock on on wood, but we're always saying "jinx" after talking and like, "anticipating each others emotional needs." Might be some little Sooslets on the way! WINK!
Mr Pines is gonna be away at sea for a while but he promised to not send me any postcards, which meant a lot to me. Dude is a real one! Anyway, I gotta go get some lotion for my cheeks. Abuelita and Melody have been pinching me at the same time a lot and it's starting to become a problem.
Look what I gotta deal with over here! Seesh! Stay cool, and if you're ever in Oregon stop by the Mystery Shack to see the local world record holder for the world's happiest dude. ME! Ha-ha!
-Soos "Mr Mystery" Ramirez
PS: Don't tell Ford that I got pudding on his cursed book!! Unless he likes pussing, then tell him to lick here ⟶
PPS: Did you know that you can turn any spoon into a spork with a few simple adjustments? I'll show you how any time dude!
PPS: If you see Bill, cover your head in tin foil and bring some ninja stars. And a bat, in case he ever accquires human flesh. Or in case you see a PINATA"
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