#spoiler alert: i had no idea how to answer no. 7 clearly dsalkfsdajlkfajs
chibicrow · 5 years
for the otp meme, how about recoil/gunfire? 1, 3, 5, 7, 12, 17, 24, 25 and 29
*CRACKS KNUCKLES* LOVE ME SOME GUNFIRE....SHIPPING //punted (thank u for using both names ‘ppreciate it dlkasfjkdsafl)
For the OTP Question Meme 👏👏👏
1. Who is the most affectionate?
tbh I think it’d be Ryoken, but only at the start of the relationship b/c Takeru at the start would probably be self-conscious about affection at first (like “would it be out of line if I did this” kind of thing). As the relationship progresses tho, Takeru’s definitely the more affectionate one. 
3. Most common argument?
So, definitely two common arguments they’d have:
1. I def see Ryoken as someone who just orders take-out instead of cooking for himself, so Takeru’s like “you really need to stop doing that.” And Ryoken eggs him on so Takeru just gets so exasperated and is like “FINE I’LL COOK.” which is actually Stardust Boi’s plan the entire time. And Takeru falls for it. Every time. rip.
2. But also, Takeru might not throw punches at every urge he gets, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t get into scuffles every now and then. So he’d come back with cuts, bruises, and all that and Ryoken’s like “can you stop getting into fights?” And Takeru would be like “don’t tell me what to do.” and eventually, Ryoken just drops the subject. It’s an argument he never wins rip Stardust Boi.
5. Who is most likely to carry the other?
well, unless I missed something in VRAINS, Ryoken doesn’t really work out other than playing intense card games, so DEFINITELY Takeru. Ryoken only acts mildly inconvenienced most of the time (b/c who WOULDN’T want to be held by warm soft boi amirite). 
But when Ryoken’s in the middle of something and Takeru does it as a “go tf to sleep Ryoken” thing, he absolutely hates it lmao. 
7. What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other?
hmmmm. So on Takeru’s side, he’d get flustered whenever Ryoken’s brought up in casual conversation (when he didn’t before) + so Yusaku + Aoi are like ???? 
And then with Ryoken.... I dunno. He’s not a very direct person when he talks about how he feels, but then he’s like “oh shit I have feelings for Takeru” + that starts??? slowly going away?? yeah.
12.  Who initiates kisses?
ok this would actually depend on the type of kiss tbh. If we talking light kisses like on the forehead or cheek or something, def Ryoken. But, if we talkin’ lip service (if y’all know what I mean.... >:3c), then it’s Takeru. 
17. Who says I love you first?
Takeru. But like. It wouldn’t be planned or anything. They’d probably be arguing over something stupid, and Ryoken’s like “well why do YOU care.” and Takeru’s all “uh, because I LOVE YOU, dumbass?” they’d be that OTP don’t change my mind. 
and meanwhile Ryoken’s like “.....oh.” 
24. Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times?
Kogami “Stardust Boi” Ryoken like there is no doubt in my mind about this. And he’d do it just to get a rise out of Takeru too and Takeru would be like “Ryoken what the FUCK.” out loud when he probably shouldn’t say that.
Rip Takeru.  
25. Who needs more assurance?
Ryoken. Like, all that shit he had to go through with his dad? There’s no way he wouldn’t. Good thing he has one of the VRAINS top cheerleaders as his boyfriend hee hee >:3c 
29. one headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart
Can I do a hard pass on this one I don’t want to be sad about my Gunfire bois. 
just kidding. I’m a fic writer it’s my duty to deliver the pain no one wants. 😅😭
ok so assuming VRAINS actually does throw Stardust Boi + pals in jail or in confinement, but also assuming that maybe Stardust Boi (+ maybe Spectre) get out (legally lmao - don’t ask me about the other Knights. I don’t think they’d let them out that easy). 
Headcanon that Ryoken’s mental state’s in absolute shambles after getting out ‘cause being confined like that for so long will do that. Also he realized in said confinement that his father really was an ass and it just destroys his entire being.
But wait. It doesn’t stop there. Also headcanon that Takeru somehow realizes this wouldn’t have happened if he hadn’t confronted him about the Lost Incident. Not that it makes him go down a spiral (’cause like. He’s gotta put up a front for Ryoken.), but he just. Feels guilty that what happened to Ryoken was his fault and uh. Yeah. 
so there ya go.  
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