spoileralert-khr · 1 month
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Ottavio, Bluebird, and his beloved Vespa + sidecar. It’s his favourite colour :)
I had to trace most of the Vespa, I’m really bad at technical drawings…
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spoileralert-khr · 3 months
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Libitina (45), Rain, Varia Medical.
Was the team lead for Bluebird’s first mission and has shown up here and there so I decided to draw her :)
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spoileralert-khr · 2 months
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Thank you to all who voted! LMAO @ the four way tie, though! I guess I'll work through them one by one.
First is teenage Nashi/Naoshi with bonus(?) Iemitsu.
HEAR ME OUT re big hair Iemitsu:
1 . Tsuna's impressive hair volume had to come from somewhere...
2. 70s hippie hair
3. That 'Young Lion' nickname had to come from somewhere...
4. He probably had to shear it all off at some point which is fun to think about
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spoileralert-khr · 4 months
Anyway here are some crack doodles of ugly baby chickuro.
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spoileralert-khr · 8 months
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For some reason Nashi is really popular, so I made them extra pretty for you guys 🤣
Nashi (30), Cloud, former Guardian to Federico.
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spoileralert-khr · 10 months
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Quick scribble of poor Bluebird’s ‘disguise’ in Ch. 17 🌝
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spoileralert-khr · 8 months
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Another quick doodle, this time of Amaranth’s minders:
Orichalcum (25), Mist
Yinli |银砾 (17), Rain
Both pretending to be totally ordinary, nothing to see here.
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spoileralert-khr · 1 year
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The OG Grade-A troll.
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spoileralert-khr · 10 months
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Quick doodle tonight. Post-Varia Tyr & his Guardians (minus Ottavio who is still slaving away).
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spoileralert-khr · 11 months
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The Informant.
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spoileralert-khr · 1 year
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the people who actually do work
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spoileralert-khr · 1 year
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dumbass trainee #1
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spoileralert-khr · 1 year
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dumbass trainee #2
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spoileralert-khr · 5 months
a day in the life of SA!Ottavio
Did this as part of my (possibly unnecessary) fic planning, so I thought I'd share.
Ottavio’s post-Mirco schedule (some modifications after Rue and Basilio arrived)
Most Days 0430-0630 training 0630-0645 shower 0645-0730 breakfast 0730-1000 work 1000-1015 coffee break 1330-1400 working lunch 1400-1730 meetings/ staff seminars/ reviewing subordinates’ work 1730-1745 afternoon snack + coffee 1745-2000 finish whatever wasn’t done from the morning; M/Th/Sa: short break at 1900 to scrape mirco off the training room floor and return him to his room 2000-2100 check that mirco is still alive, eat dinner, turn deaf ear to shamal’s complaints 2100-2300 finish whatever wasn’t done in the afternoon 2300-2330 washing up and stretches, check that mirco, and not an illusion, is in bed 2330 bedtime
Rest Day (every 6-10 days) 0530-0730 light exercise 0730-0745 shower 0745-0830 breakfast 0830-1130 adult personal things like accounts, investments, non-Varia business 1130-1430 if kids also have a rest day, take kids for a good airing out + lunch, otherwise continue working on personal stuff 1430-1530 plotting; if no plotting required, nap 1530-1700 phonecall with Tyr!!! 1700-1730 afternoon snack with mirco if he’s not with mammon; otherwise, snack while staring into space 1730-1900 self-improvement (self-study /reading/ Flame technique) 1900-2030 If rest day falls on M/Th/Sa: scrape mirco off the training room floor, ensure the child is washed, then dinner 2030-2130 check children’s schoolwork progress 2130-2200 brainwashing the children 2200-2300 thinking, worrying, moderate alcohol consumption 2300-2330 washing up and stretches, check that mirco, and not an illusion, is in bed 2330 bedtime
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spoileralert-khr · 2 months
Chapter Update
Nana's relative comes to town.
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spoileralert-khr · 3 months
Chapter Update!
So much for Tyr's retirement!
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