#spoilers for verdant wind but yall know the drill already
yukiwrites · 4 years
Khalid, Regreting
Thank you so much for the support as always, @xpegasusuniverse​! This was so amusing to write, I hope you like it açlsdkmasd I used Kylee’s design and names for Khalid’s Mother and Father for this one!
Summary: Balthus has Claude keep the promise he had made during the war -- to bring him to Tiana so he could put his childhood crush to rest -- but what neither of them expected was for Balthus to get the hots for someone else, as well...
Commission info HERE and HERE!
Even if the internal conflict within Fódlan was resolved and the unexpected war against Those Who Slither in the Dark was won, there was still much work to be done. Byleth had agreed on taking up the position of the new leader of the Unified Fódlan so as to help open its borders to all of its neighbors, starting with the one whose help was invaluable throughout all of the turmoil for the past six years: Almyra.
Now wiser and battle worn, Claude -- or rather, Khalid -- was ready to return home and assume his royal duties as the heir to the almyran throne. Alongside his Teach, they would both help strengthen the newfound alliance between the two estranged lands.
Khalid was looking forward to a brighter future, one that he and his allies would pave with the knowledge they had gained during the war. He was also eager to return home to see his family, with whom he had to basically cut ties with during his stay in Fódlan so as to protect his own background from anyone who would want to harm him.
What he was not looking forward to, however, was to fulfilling a rather one-sided promise Balthus had made him make; one that made him cringe and retch each time he even remembered its contents.
“Man, the ride to Almyra’s longer than I thought, but finally we’ll get to the capital today!” Balthus stretched his upper body on the horse besides Khalid’s, making the prince sigh wearily. “I feel like I’m back to bein’ kid, what the heck, my hands are even sweating.”
Khalid groaned. “Please just- don’t be weird about it, alright? I’m already having waking nightmares about all of this.”
“You mean ‘dream come true’, yeah? Now that I’m gettin’ closer, I can’t help but remember how smokin’ Lady Tiana was like back in the day-”
“Grah, please keep it to yourself!” Khalid covered his face with both hands in disgust. “You’re talking about someone else’s mother.”
Balthus barked a laugh, throwing his head back with mirth. “Hah, I’m just tellin’ the truth, kiddo. I’m not tryin’ to seduce her or anything, I just want-”
“-to cleanly end your childhood crush, yes, Balthus. Believe me, I keep telling myself this lest I go insane.” Khalid narrowed his eyes to his former classmate, wanting this nightmare to end already.
Balthus, however, simply crossed his arms behind his head with a large smirk as he looked up at the clean almyran weather that welcomed them into its lands. He had that ancient crush to resolve, yes, but he also considered making a permanent residence out of Almyra -- in part because all of his debt was abandoned in Fódlan so he could start over with a clean slate; in part because playing a role in the war during the past six years and having a purpose might not be so bad, after all. He would help lower the walls which, in turn, would keep his own Mother safe, as well.
It was a win-win, basically!
With such a mindset, Balthus was welcomed into the Royal Palace of Almyra, a castle gilded with gold and built to make the most of the warm winds and plenty of sunlight. He looked around in a daze, at least to calm down his beating heart for the upcoming reunion with his childhood crush.
Once they were guided to the throne room, Khalid was the one to open the door, being welcomed by the two most important figures of Almyra: King Arash the Generous and his Warrior Queen Sharzad the Fearsome, previously known as Tiana von Riegan.
The tall, rugged woman rose from her high seat wearing the soft expression of a mother, running towards her son to enlace him into a hug. Even after five years apart, Kahlid still hadn’t grown taller than her, whose gaze was just a few inches above his.
“Khalid, my boy,” Tiana brushed her hand on Khalid’s face, her wide smile crooking one of the scars she sported on her face, making her look even softer than before. “You turned into a man while we weren’t looking.”
Smiling as he momentarily forgot the 6’6’’ baggage he had brought with him, Khalid closed his eyes to receive his mother’s nose kiss, then softly took her hands in his as he lifted his head to place a kiss on her forehead.
Arash waited for his turn to hug his son, which he did with the overwhelming force of the strongest male warrior in Almyra, robbing the air from Khalid’s lungs. “You left home a boy, but returned a King,” Arash huffed once they separated, closing his eyes to receive Khalid’s nose kiss before Khalid took his father’s hands to kiss each of them in respect.
“Peace be with you and thank you for all the help with Nader and the borders,” Khalid whispered softly over Arash’s hands, his smile the most genuine anyone in Fódlan had ever seen -- proof that he was indeed home, in a safe place. “There’s still a lot of work to do, so don’t go on giving me throne yet; I still need you to teach me.”
Both King and Queen chuckled softly at their son’s words, patting his back with familiarity of a true kin.
“We have a lot of catching up to do, but I’m guessing you’d rather introduce us to your friend first...? He’s been staring at us quite intently since a while ago.” Tiana, without taking her hand from Khalid’s shoulder, gestured with her chin towards Balthus, who was awestruck behind Claude.
“Ugh,” Khalid groaned, his head drooping. “Mother, Father, this is Balthus from House Albrecht,” he gestured to the tall man, taking a set to the side so as to make way for the royals to see him. “He helped me out before the war broke out so I promised I’d bring him with me to meet, uh…”
Tilting their heads to the side, King and Queen shared a look. “What’s wrong, Son?” Tiana asked as Arash patted Khalid’s back questioningly.
Hiding his face with one hand, Khalid took a deep breath. “Can- can everyone else go away?” He huffed in one go, looking at the myriad of servants waiting for orders at all corners of the throne room. “All of you, out, please? I want our guest to be alone with the King and Queen.” He gestured for them to leave, urging for their steps to be fast.
Now both Tiana and Arash were frowning. What was that man’s importance anyway? Besides, Tiana vaguely remembered dealing with House Albrecht in the past, but it was in a life before she accepted the name Sharzad… Which was quite a long time ago, in all honesty.
Somehow breaking away from the stunned spell he had been under, Balthus blinked as he looked from the King to the Queen with wide eyes. “I really don’t know what to say now that I’m here, apart from: you’re so much better than I ever expected.” Balthus took Tiana’s hand to place a kiss on it, bowing his bear-like physique to her level.
“What a soft-tongued gentleman.” Tiana narrowed her eyes, carefully removing her hand from Balthus’. Unbothered, the tall man moved to the King, surprisingly taking his hand to kiss as well.
“You know, it’s been a while since I was this floored ‘bout a guy, but man, you both have such a good taste in people.” He said with a large smile as he returned Arash’s hand to himself, puffing his chest with some sort of pride.
Khalid covered his face with both hands in utter regret. “Please stop talking.”
“What? After coming all the way here? No way, pal.” Balthus didn’t even turn to reply to Claude, fixing his gaze on Tiana instead. “I don’t think you remember me -- I don’t look like a kid anymore anyway -- but we met when I was a brat back at the Albrecht House.”
“Really? I do see how you’d change from being a kid to growing up to this.” Tiana sneered, somehow glancing down at Balthus despite her shorter height.
That made the large man tremble in his skin. “Oh yes, that’s exactly what made me fall for you, ma’am. I came here to tell you I’ve had a crush on you since then.”
“Excuse me?” Arash and Tiana both exclaimed at the same time, looking from Balthus to the ashamed Claude behind him.
“Please, please stop talking, I can’t take this anymore.” Khalid didn’t know which to cover -- his eyes or his ears, both of which felt like they were bleeding from shame.
“I don’t usually go for guys, but hot damn, Your Majesty.” Balthus turned his gaze to Arash, who now was turning red from rage. “You both aged like fine wi-aguh!” Balthus groaned after being hit right in the solar plexus by Tiana’s famous lightning fast arm.
“What the hell was this about?” Tiana waved her aching hand as the large man crumpled on the ground, unconscious.
“Worth it.” Balthus gave Claude a thumbs up before fainting.
He woke up a few minutes later inside the guest room he was going to occupy during his stay in Almyra -- which, if it depended on the Royal Family, would be as short as possible. Unfortunately, Claude had just told the servants who had carried Balthus there to bring water, so he was alone in there.
“Man, you never told me how much of a looker your dad was,” were the first words out of Balthus’ stupid smirk.
Flinching, Khalid covered his ears. “This was a mistake, a terrible mistake, a mistake.”
“Hey, you think they’re looking for a third ‘dance partner’? It’s been a while since I did one of those, but it’d be worth it with those two, hah!” Balthus guffawed as Khalid retched close to the door.
“My Mother went to pick up her weapon and I’m not stopping her. Pray to whatever gods you worship ‘cause she’s furious you talked to my Father like that.”
“Fuck yes? Getting’ right down to action,” Balthus jumped out of the bed, stretching his arms. “This is rekindling my old crush all over again, Claude. I might stay here for a while.”
Throwing his head back with the longest groan he had ever let out, Khalid reached for the door. “I’m serious; I’m not stopping her. Fight for your life or whatever, but don’t speak about this anymore, alright? Ugh, I should never have done this…” He grumbled before disappearing out of the room, closing the door behind him. 
Excited, Balthus looked for his weapon to fight the most exciting battle for this life and old love. He might stay in Almyra for a long, looong time, if all the people were just as good-looking as their rulers.
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