#spoilers greys anatomy
soft-heartlover · 2 years
This is just my vent/rambles. I need it so here I go:
The chapter started off great between Kai and Amelia. When they were at Meredith's house and Amelia's ex's hadn't arrived yet everything was going well they were even playing soccer with the kids, Kai seemed very excited to meet the family and Scout. When the co-workers started arriving and being faced with the situation of meeting more people I noticed that Kai started to feel anxious (maybe this is related to they not liking public speaking and getting anxious like when they had to explain their procedure at David's surgery) and when Amelia left with Scout I think that was their peak of social anxiety maybe. They felt overwhelmed.
The swing scene broke me, I got the feeling that Kai after talking to Owen and Link (Amelia's exes) understood that Amelia wanted more children in the future because she likes her maternal side( but Amelia really doesn't want any more children, she doesn't even want to get married, but they doesn't know that). Which maybe gave their a trigger for parenting (remember Kai comes from a dysfunctional family that doesn't respect their gender identity or their name). It was a lot to process and there was a lack of communication. Kai was quick to shut down and talk about it to take care of theirself and not get hurt and Amelia obviously missed the point. There needs to be a conversation where she tells they she doesn't want to have any more children and them can come to a consensus on what them should do for each other. I hope Kai realizes that they got carried away with their anxiety at the drop of a hat. And that they doesn't need to expose theirself to groups of people or be a parental figure, but to be around Amelia's family and share with Scout like they did at the beginning of the episode when them still looked happy together. I refuse to think that it all ended with cross ideas between them. This character and ship changed the lives of many of us and Amelia who up to this point had only suffered enough. They deserve more than that.
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