#spop eira
i-just-love-spop · 4 years
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Some more of my kids!
Top ones are my Scorfuma-twins, the girl Kohana (left) and the boy Aster (right), the bottom ones are Frosta‘s adopted daughter Eira (left) and my Seamista-boy Calder (right).
The princess maker only has one body type so if you’re wondering why they all look so similar in body type – yeah, that’s why.
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eirastrid · 4 years
Im drawing Mara from She-Ra right now so YOU get my thoughts on her
MAN!! ITS SAD!!!! Her story is sad!! We see her in season 5 as like a memory that helps Adora (that scene made me cry) but like. She’s super dead. She died doing the last thing she thought to do, having to go against her closest friend to do so, leaving behind Razz who was too lost in the timelines to ever really get to say a proper goodbye, pinning all her hopes on a future she-ra she hoped would never come to be. She never got to see the happy ending Adora got, what she was able to achieve. She discovered that she was a weapon, her hopes of making things better shattered, and then she died alone, betrayed, and afraid.
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i-just-love-spop · 4 years
Obligatory age difference post for my spop-kids
Clover is the oldest, so I’m going to calculate everyone else’s ages in relation to his.
When he’s 22 years old:
-Thorn is 17 years old
-Arrow is 15 years old
-Sirena is 15 years old
-Leo is 12 years old
-Angie is 7 years old
-Eira is 7 years old
-Sagi is 6 years old
-Willow is 6 years old
-Kohana is 3 years old
-Aster is 3 years old
-Calder is 3 years old
-Finn is 2 years old
Keep in mind that:
-Clover was adopted at the age of thirteen, so Thorn was the oldest (except for Frosta) until she turned seven – she’s about five and a half years younger than him.
-Leo was adopted at the age of five.
-Eira was adopted at the age of six.
-These aren’t the exact age differences in months – p.e. Calder is only five months older than Finn, but because Clover‘s birthday is in between theirs, Calder is already three years old while Finn is still two.
-I may have miscalculated somewhere.
This should be mostly correct, though.
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i-just-love-spop · 4 years
For the OC asks, could you do 2 for Clover, 26 for Arrow, 14 for Sagi, 34 for Thorn, 48 for Finn, 38 for Leo, 71 for Angie, and 3 for Willow? Also, thanks again for sending me asks for my characters.
For context: Arrow, Angie and Sagi are my Glimbow-kids, Leo and Finn are my Catradora-kids and Clover, Thorn and Willow are three of my Scorfuma-kids.
Other characters mentioned: Kohana is another one of my Scorfuma-kids, Sirena is one of my Seamista-kids and Eira is Frosta’s adopted daughter.
Here are the questions again if anyone wants to ask anything else.
2. Do they have a fear of an animal? If so, what animal?
Yes, he does. Clover is afraid of birds, especially really big ones. There’s no specific reason for this, at least none he can place, but he just finds them kind of terrifying for some reason. He had a lot of nightmares about being pecked at as a kid, and he’s still startled by big birds when he grows older.
It also takes him some time to get used to Angie because of this. When she’s flying around, the sound of her giant wings flapping freaks him out quite a bit.
26. Have they ever been in a physical fight before? If so, with who? Who won?
Arrow actually gets into a lot of fights – most of them accidentally. She’s not one to deliberately pick fights under normal circumstances, but she often ends up in situations where they just can’t be avoided, especially when she’s with Sirena. They’re both sensible people most of the time, but Sirena is very inquisitive and keeps probing people even when it’s obvious that they don’t appreciate her digging into stuff that’s not really her business, and she’s also not good at biting back sarcastic comments when they’re out of place, which gets her in trouble often, and then Arrow gets in trouble along with her most of the time. The fact that Arrow has a tendency to be a bit too sassy for her own good usually also doesn’t help defuse the situations they get into.
Who wins might depend, but she’s more likely to loose, at least when it comes to physical fights – she has won a couple of times, but she’s not that great with hand-to-hand-combat outside of training situations (she and Sirena fight in training regularly, and whoever looses will not hear the end of it for at least an entire week, but that doesn’t really count because they just kind of know the way the other moves after a couple of years, which of course isn’t the case in regular fights). She’s more the “if possible let’s blind them and get out of here before things get serious”-type of person, and if that’s not a possibility, she will still choose using magic to fight from a distance over brawls any day.
There’s one particularly bad incident when she’s about sixteen where she and Sirena investigate some strange activity in the Crimson Waste, and once again Sirena cannot keep her mouth shut and they end up in a fight, which is especially problematic because there is no water anywhere near them that Sirena could use for self-defense. The criminals corner them pretty quickly, forcing them into hand-to-hand-combat. And the two girls lose. Badly.
14. What is a pet peeve of theirs?
People. Being. Mean. To. Willow.
Also, Sagi really has an issue with unreliable people who don't follow through on promises. He takes promises very seriously and is genuinely hurt when people say they’ll do something for or with him and then don’t do it.
If someone promises too meet him, he’ll expect them to show up and be really upset if they don’t. Being late is fine, but not showing up at all really hurts, even if it’s just out of forgetfulness rather than out of malicious intent.
And sure, he’ll forgive someone after they broke a promise and maybe put on a fake smile, but once you’ve broken a promise without having a good reason to (sometimes things don’t happen as planned, and if the person just couldn’t keep the promise because of something out of their control, that’s fine), he’ll possibly never trust them again the way he used to.
He also doesn’t forgive being lied to very easily, at least if it’s a serious topic.
34. Have they ever broken the law?
No. Thorn I think is the one that’s the least likely to break the law out of all of my characters? She’s the teachers’ favorite student, good-girl kind of person and would never do anything that could potentially harm someone else. She wouldn’t hurt a fly – aside from accidentally stinging people out of reflex if they startle her –, which is ironic, since she’s definitely one of the most powerful kids and also the one that could potentially cause the most damage out of all of them because she’s the only kid that’s connected to more than one Runestone.
The only thing she’s ever done that might be considered law-breaking would be the cake-‘heists’ Arrow pulls with her (and sometimes also Sirena if she’s around), where they sneak into the Bright Moon-kitchen and ‘steal’ cake if one of them is upset for some reason... but nobody actually considers it stealing since Arrow is the princess, and the kitchen staff often just... pretend not to see it when the kids are young but actually deliberately place some cake somewhere they can reach it easily so they don’t climb the furniture and get hurt.
48. What does their room look like?
Finn has a huge bed. Don’t tell anyone, but it actually has the softest mattress in the entire palace because they genuinely like sinking into the mattress unlike their moms.
When they’re practicing a scene for the first time, they spread out the pages in order all over the bed and read every page in a different position and with a different voice.
They also have a really large wardrobe. This is because they have tons of different clothes – both regular and costumes – because they love dressing up in different ways to play different characters. It’s not quite Double Trouble’s shapeshifting abilities, but it’s close enough. If they can fool someone in Bright Moon into thinking they’re someone else than Finn, they’re extremely happy for the rest of the day because that means their acting skills are actually kind of good. They also have the biggest, weirdest wigs and hats you could ever imagine, both because it’s funny to see other people’s reactions to them and because they’re good for cheering people up and making them laugh when they’re in a bad mood, which can be found all over the room. (Honestly, they have so many different clothes that they try on regularly spread out across the furniture of the room that sometimes you wonder if anything is actually inside the wardrobe).
There’s also about three different lamps on the ceiling for different kinds of lighting for when they need to practice scenes – one was a present from the Seamista-family and sort of imitates Mermista’s ‘lightning when I need it for dramatic effects’, one is a mood light that can change color that their moms and their older brother got them together, and one is a straight up spotlight from Double Trouble. Pro tip: don’t turn them on all at once, especially not in addition to the regular ceiling light, unless you want to go blind or crazy or both.
They also have a meditating mat hidden under the bed somewhere that they’ll absolutely only ever use when they’re sure no one is around because they’re too embarrassed to admit they actually kind of enjoy it, as well as tons of childhood toys that are kept in a treasure chest for good memories.
Finn’s also pretty sure they misplaced a knife in the room somewhere because they ‘borrowed’ it from Arrow’s knife throwing target when they needed it to practice for a scene (nobody was hurt, thankfully), and after that, it just kind of... disappeared and was never seen again.
They have a family picture in the nightstand drawer that’s way more precious to Finn than any of the toys they got as a kid could ever be, and beside it is a bracelet that Bow and Glimmer gave them for their very first audition when they were still a little kid that they’ve since worn to all their auditions as a good-luck-charm.
They also have some crafting and sewing supplies lying around because if they can’t find the exact clothes or accessories they have in mind, they might as well make them.
Some posters on the walls cover the burns left there by Kohana when they trained in the room very poorly.
And there’s a waterfall, because this just seems to be a thing in Bright Moon. Finn also has no idea what it’s for.
38. Do they get along with others easily?
Leo has a hard time making friends because he’s pretty shy, and he’s also very shut-in for a while after he’s adopted because he’s pretty traumatized from losing his biological parents.
Aside from that, he is a very sweet little kitten that most people like once they get to know him, and very unlike his parents, he doesn’t really pick fights – although he does sometimes end up in some anyway – or ever make actual enemies (which, admittedly, is kind of easier without the Horde around to ruin everyone’s day).
Sure, there are people who don’t like him – I mean, really, having literally everyone like you would be kind of a reach –, but his friends love him to pieces, and he’s one of those people that rarely ever fight with their friends.
So in general, I would say yes, he does get along with others pretty easily, as long as he can actually bring himself to start a conversation.
There is an exception, however, and that’s if someone he meets is rude to him or his friends right off the bat for no reason. He will not try harder to get this person to like him. He‘ll forget his shyness for a moment, hiss at them and move on.
He won’t waste his time and energy on trying to get along with someone like that.
71. Who is their ride or die?
Angie is actually kind of a fun person for this question because she’s not close with many people – nor does she want to be, she’s never been very comfortable with the idea of a huge friend group – and if she ever lets anyone get close, there’s a good chance she would go to great lengths for them.
Out of her family, her ride or die is definitely Sagi. She gets annoyed by his clinginess sometimes and his enthusiasm can get exhausting to her – especially because she’s not a morning person and she doesn’t appreciate him talking her ear off at seven in the morning because she doesn’t even want to be up already can he please shut up, but they are really close because they’re so close in age and she loves him dearly and is very protective of him. He gets insulted from time to time because a bunch of people find his endless babbling annoying, but while the insults fly over his own head most of the time, there’s a chance said people might get their ass kicked by her later if she overhears it. She also tries to keep a bit of an eye on him whenever she can because she knows how much of a klutz he is and that he has a tendency to get himself into dangerous situations by accident.
Out of her friends, Eira. These two are a bit of an odd match because Angie prefers to go on adventures alone and Eira doesn’t like to go on adventures at all and would rather stay inside all day... but when they met they just kind of clicked. Eira is the only one Angie will actually stay inside and read a book with, and Angie is the only one that can really bring Eira to take risks.
3. What do they wear to bed?
The most important thing for Willow is comfortable clothes. How they look doesn’t matter as much as how they make Willow feel when worn – the fluffier the clothes are, the better. They also prefer long, warm clothes over short ones.
Willow doesn’t get hot very easily, and either way, they prefer being hot at night a lot over being cold (they can’t sleep at all when they’re cold), so they’ll still wear long woolen clothes all through spring and at least during parts of summer.
They really like colorful clothes, especially when they’re a kid, and despite eventually growing to like simpler colors when it comes to the clothes they wear in public, their pajamas always stay really colorful.
They also have a glow-in-the-dark-pajama with stars and planets on it that helps them cope with their fear of the dark.
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i-just-love-spop · 4 years
Spop-Kids Birthdays
Eira: January 5
Calder: February 17
Sirena: February 29
Leo: March 10
Clover: April 19
Aster and Kohana: June 2
Arrow: July 24
Finn: July 29
Thorn: September 15
Willow: October 25
Angie: November 23
Sagi: December 13
For context:
Scorfuma-kids: Clover, Thorn, Willow, Aster and Kohana (they also adopted Frosta but she’s not on the list because we already know her birthday)
Glimbow-kids: Arrow, Angie and Sagi
Seamista-kids: Sirena and Calder
Catradora-kids: Leo and Finn (second one is Noelle’s kid obviously)
And Eira is the kid Frosta adopts.
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i-just-love-spop · 4 years
My Spop-kids masterpost
[More links to be added when their posts are done]
The picture of Arrow I made
This picture of Angie by @magyk-cheddar that I’m still crying about and that everyone needs to see
This picture of Sagi I made with the Princess maker
This post about the Glimbow-kids and what food they like best
This gorgeous commission of Aster, Kohana and Frosta made by @grinux
This really long ask about all of my Scorfuma-kids
Frosta’s adopted daughter:
This commission of Sagi and Willow
These pictures I made of some of my kids with the Princess maker
More Princess Maker pics!
Even more Princess Maker pics
Everyone‘s age differences
Everyone‘s birthdays
This ask with some questions for my Glimbow- and Catradora-kids, along with some of my Scorfuma-kids
This nonsense I did for fun
[more links to be added in the future when I get done with the posts.]
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