spreadwardiard · 2 months
So the real question is who do you think swept the other of their feet (romantically)? Megatronus or Orion?
THAT IS THE REAL QUESTION!!! AAAAH WHAT IF THEY SWEEP EACH OTHER OFF THEIR FEET?! Just... a mutual tumble head first into each other's arms. Its so hard to choose because both dynamics are GREAT!
Picturing like, Orion Pax being a little selfish for once and going. "I think I'm in love with that rough and tumble gladiator rebel." and diving head first into courting without a second thought leaving megs over there like ??!!??!?!<3
But also Megatronus being like "Shit the archivist is kinda cute and he makes my spark do weird things. oops he's mine now." Amping up the flirting by 1000 and leaving Orion like !!!!!!!!!<3<3<3!! Is also freaking amazing. It really is hard for me to even choose which I like best because I've legit envisioned and written both scenarios. My two favorite Aus I've worked on are like that. In Two Sides to a Coin, Orion was definitely the sweeper. He pursued Megatronus after Megs convinced him it was okay to be selfish. Orion was like, "Okay, I want you." Megs was like '???wait no I'm terrible for you.' And Orion was like 'I don't care I'm being selfish."
In Crossing the Line, Megatronus was the sweeper. Bro literally starts flirting with Orion mid debate in that AU and essentially throws Orion's whole worldview on its head. XD That actually was one of the MOST fun scenes i've ever written actually.
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spreadwardiard · 3 months
Thoughts on pre war Megop?
Pre-war Megop is like... my bread and butter omg. I spend at least 3/4s of my day thinking about their pre war relationship, how they met, how they got close and then what came between them. Im most familiar with tfp, and i admit that probably most of my thoughts and opinions are based on fanon and headcanon, but its not like tfp really gave us much to go off of in the show, and the aligned books are stupid expensive.
Nonetheless I am absolutely OBSESSED with pre war megop. Its my favorite aspect of the ship to explore. I get stupid sad that they dont get a happily ever after what with the war and all coming between them. I love to explore how their prewar dynamic affects how both of them act during the war itself.
Omg for real i have si many thoughts on pre war megop that its hard to cohesively write them all down. I dont even know really where to start. I have more pre war wips than i care to admit XD. I just love them. I love them being in love with each other. I love the idea of a corrupt council using that love against them and I love to think of ways to salvage that love for them.
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spreadwardiard · 1 month
hi! i noticed u made a few posts abt loving megop and wanting a community for it? i have to ask: do u think there'd be enough people to make a megop discord server, maybe??
cause my god i wanna join a megop community so bad but i'm not sure tumblrs good for communities like that...
I've heard there already is one? But that its not very active and idk how to get access to it. I've kinda toyed with the idea of making one, myself, but I'm super intimidated by the idea of having to moderate a community. I feel like theres gotta be enough of us out here who like the ship though. Ajsjsjqhshw I'm a shy bean who is scared of rocking the boat too hard or stepping on toes XD but i know i really do want to make friends and just be not normal about a ship again. Its so fun.
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spreadwardiard · 2 months
how we feeling about transformers one Megop?
I'm excited for it!! I been calling this the megop movie since like... July when I first learned about it and found out the focus was OP and Megatron's relationship.
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spreadwardiard · 3 months
5, 13, 15, 20, 22, 27, and 30 for the song asks friend!!! <3
OOOH! Thank you friend! I'll try not to get long winded about muuuusic lol.
5:A song that needs to be played LOUD
Okay I'm gonna start off immediately in the deep end here and say Pop/Stars VS Megalovania by DJ Cutman! I never played Undertale myself, but I really liked a lot of the music in it, and this mash up is to die for!! It mashes up perfectly and I always have to turn it up!
13:One of your favorite 80’s songs
I had to research some release dates of things for this one hahaha. I have so much music on my playlists that I'm not sure what is from when anymore! But I always loved Take on Me by Aha!
15:A song that is a cover by another artist
Omg where to even start... I have so many song covers that I love. I could go the safe route and say Hurt by Johnny Cash. but ooooooh I also really like I Really Want To Stay at Your House by Thai McGraith for any Cyberpunk fans out there.
20:A song that has many meanings to you
Ooooh I think for this one I'm gonna have to go a little more obscure and reach for my FAVORITE band. Bran-new Love Song by the Pillows is my choice here. Its a nostalgic song for me, reminds me of the slower days of childhood but also has a strange melancholy to the sound of it that just... chefs kiss. It reminds me of days gone by, of new loves being forged, and of the bittersweet that comes with it.
22:A song that moves you forward
Ha! I like Huton no Naka Kara Detakunai by Gokumon. I know this probably isn't exactly what this prompt means by moving forward, but this song DEF gets me out of bed in the morning (which, in my opinion is moving forward XD) and is so very relatable.
27:A song that breaks your heart
This is a hard one theres so many good songs to choose from. So many have made me weep. But ooo I think Take me to Church by Hozier. It just hits really close to home for me.
30:A song that reminds you of yourself
omg Chandelier by Sia. Especially with the music video. idk, it just hits me in weird place and honestly this also could be a song that breaks my heart considering it does make me cry like everytime i listen to it.
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spreadwardiard · 2 months
*Places a cookie down at your doorstep with a lil note that says "you're cool <3"*
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Omg thank you so much <3 hi hello
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spreadwardiard · 2 months
May these cute kittens hugging cheer you up just a little bit<3🫂💕
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Thank you, friend.
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spreadwardiard · 3 months
If you still want to answer that Writer's Would You Ever ask meme, Would You Ever Write......... major character death?
Oh I ABSOLUTELY would. Sometimes I love a good hurt! Thinking on it now, I probably have a wip somewhere with that in there somewhere. XD
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spreadwardiard · 9 months
Hi the reason why I am typing is to say thank you for reblogging my poem.
I loved ur more than affection story
Your poem was lovely!!! I LOVE poetry and I don't see it on my dash very often! I had to reblog it! Also thank you so much! I'm so glad you liked More Than Affection. It was so fun to write. I have some ideas for a part 2 for it!
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spreadwardiard · 3 months
6, 11 , 20 🎶
6:A song that makes you want to dance
I absolutely LOVE Dragonstea Din Tei by O-Zone! It gets me so pumped up!!!
11:A song that you never get tired of
It was hard to choose one but oooh It had to be one by my favorite band! Instant Music by the Pillows
20:A song that has many meanings to you
Omg this song... Hello by Evanescence. my lonely childhood, my DID, depression, alters, not wanting to be fixed,a lot with this one. Also used to be one of my fave songs to sing in the shower before I started HRT and my voice dropped.
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spreadwardiard · 4 months
I just read your "The Rot" And all I'm gonna say is
Holy fucking shit
This is ✨Juicy✨
THANK YOU SO MUCH! I was so nervous to post. i'm really glad you like it!
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spreadwardiard · 2 months
No because megorion/megop really has it all:
Best friends to lovers
Lovers to enemies
Enemies to lovers
Mutual pining
(And you can shove it all into the same au if you so desire)
You are SO RIGHT though! It really is just... an all around great ship! It hits so many dynamics and is just really fun for me to think about. I swear megaop has INFECTED my entire BRAIN XD
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