secretgirl0103 · 2 years
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“Welcome to Springwood Grove Festival my name is Chelsea” The woman at the ticket booth said with a soft smile. “How many tickets would you like? We have tickets for all the rides and there another set of tickets for the dance party tonight as well”
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xmagik-kingdomx · 3 years
Red string of fate Christian Eller/Luke (you had to know this one was coming)
Our muses are destined to raise a family together
"Im home" Christian said as he walked in, pulling his tie off and listening for his two omegas. His two mates were in the kitchen, cooking something. "Lovely dears, that smells amazing" he said, smirking as he leaned into the doorway and watched the two. Luke was with child, hence why he was in his life as he was now.
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extramusetime · 3 years
⏰+(18) Hawk
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"awwww come on I dont wanna go back to the meeting with the other sea kings.... i just wanna go swim with the sharks. Show them whos boss you know? Please dont make me go back"
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adsagsona · 3 years
Tommy sometimes wondered why he had taken on this job. It was boring most of the time, but his friend had asked him to take care of his son and he hadn’t been able to refuse. It was good money too, might make for a great holidays in a couple of months. He sighed as he folded the clothes he had washed. He didn’t particularly like the dorm but it was better than most and even rather quiet in regards to partying.
His ward, Luke, was staying just a few rooms over and if something was wrong, he could easily track him through his phone. Tommy hadn’t had much trouble with the young man at all. At a knock to his door the bodyguard looked up and frowned, not a lot of people sought out his company. A few of the older students asked him out to a beer once in a while but that was it. He walked to the door to open it.
“Luke? Weren’t you going out tonight?” He asked and then looked a little more worried. “Are you ok?”
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capeshifters · 3 years
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@spywriter27​ asked:
"Anyone ever tell you that you have a nice ass?"
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Bella turned instantly around hearing someone compliment her backside. Bella wore usually tight dresses, high heels, clothes that left little in hiding.  “Thank you...I do try to take care of my body. Woman’s body can be quite a tool.” She smirked and approached the person extending her hand to a greeting shake. 
“Bella Lupus..from Lupus and Lupus Law Agency. You had called for our help?”
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pcsitivibee · 3 years
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positivity for spywriter27 : @spywriter27 is one of the best people I have found via rp. I appreciate them more than I could ever say.
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“So that’s the plan, we eat with May, if the turkey gets burnt we’ve got a back up pizza. No pie though, pie just slows you down. Then we go shopping. It’s gonna be dangerous, but it will be worth it. Rumor has it, the new phones are gonna be marked down to a hundred bucks, and they come with a store gift card for three hundred dollars. I can buy so many backpacks with that gift card. I’m stimulating the economy really.” Peter nervously watched the other guys in the call, trying to judge their reactions, and to see if they thought that he was completely out of his mind, or if it was just the video lagging because of data or or internet issues.
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8legged-polaroid · 4 years
Easy Answer Smut Meme: 1, 3, 5,10,11,12,19,18, 24, 27
“Oh wow!”
1. Swallow cum or take it in the ass/pussy?
“I feel I don’t get to swallow often?  Not that I don’t like to but most people like my ass more so... ass I guess? I like both tho.”
3. Give or receive oral?
“Receive.  While I do love to please people... it’s hard to deny the sensitivity I have to it.”
5. Favorite pet name to be called in bed?
See here
10. Body shots?
“I’m underage.  Absolutely.”
11. Best place to have sex?
“Rooftops and Alleyways.”
12. Do you use toys? What kind?
“I, uh... I have a few, but SOMEONE I know has a lot of them and I get a lot used on me... mostly plugs, vibrators (bullets and typicals), do handcuffs count?”
18. Weirdest place you’ve had sex?
“Does an alternative universe count?  If not, I’d have to say... on a space ship.”
19. Would you sext or send nudes?
See Here
24. Kinkiest thing you’ve done?
“Werewolf sex.”
27. Favorite position?
“All fours or cowgirl when on bottom, missionary and against a wall for on top.”
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xmagik-kingdomx · 4 years
First time he came face to face with his young papa, he didnt think it would be because two foxes got into a pissing in the Livingroom to claim it match and Kai came to deal with it because Orion was busy. The omega was fussing and telling everyone off in that special way only his papa could- and when one of the foxes tried to get to close or tried to say something rude, Ares had stepped in0 just in time for Orion to join them. Kai was looking at Ares in surprise who had a fox by the throat in his hand, growling lowly , his eyes bright red and threatening. “This isnt your home. Its temporary. this IS their place. You will respect the omega of the pack or you will get your ass handed to you. Understood?” he said, before he noticed both his fathers were now looking at him. He blushed and let the fox go, then shoved his hands into his pockets.  Fucking hell hsi dad was gonna be pissy as hell now. There was no way his easily trigged rage didnt kick off over this. 
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extramusetime · 3 years
Sweet hearts
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“Um- hi- you’re Katie right?” the senior asked, looking at the red head. “I was told you were the one to go to if I really needed help in science.” 
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oceancoralx · 4 years
The bell rang as Luke opened the door to the coffee shop. He was trying his best not to look panicked but between his current case and misplacing his cousin pulling off his usual calm demeanor wasn’t happening. “Oh you are here,” he said, sighing in relief, “Sorry just, have you seen a guy come by with a German Shepard? About ye high, brown hair, green eyes, dog is a bit of a scoundrel.” He said, offering his best sleep deprived description of his cousin to Ocean.
Ocean’s eyes narrowed but a smile eventually spread out on his face. He had to hold back laughter that was climbing up his throat. “I’m here? Yes, I’m here. I work here. I literally own the place.” He gave the boy a once over with a little smirk. “Oh, yeah, I know him. He was in here. For people who live together, none of you can ever seem to find each other, can you?” He mused aloud. He was becoming rather fascinated with this family. “He left not long ago. Think he’s trying to avoid you, actually. Something about coffee.”
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blue-eyed-devils · 4 years
“at least let me clean the wound!”
Tension Meme
Brett sighed, more exasperated than in pain. The cut on his hand was minor, but it was a bleeder. The blood already starting to trail down his arm. He didn’t want Luken to yell at him in front of everyone again so he relented and silently offered his arm to Luken.
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slxttymuses · 5 years
“I’ll do anything you want me to do to you, but you have to say it out loud.”
“Damnit Luke stop being so formal and get over here.” Danny was glaring, just a little bit playfully from where he lay on the bed. He was damn well ready after their little incident, currently still dressed but he had found the lacy lingerie from before and was wearing it beneath. The twins had a babysitter for the night and it was time to utilise that time correctly.
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wavexrider · 6 years
“What do you mean she isn’t in her room? I swear she does this to piss me off.” Dante moved past Viola, the maid who worked close with the princess, and searched the large bedroom to see it was empty. The window was open letting the night air come in. Dante sighed and he left the room. “I know where she went, Viola. Bring her meal in here, I’ll make sure she comes back and eats it.”
The bodyguard hurried down the stairs and through the kitchen to exit out the backdoor which would be quicker to get to the garage than going through the foyer. “Katie! What are you doing?” he called out to the slim figure approaching the garage. 
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"Hey if you're dating my cousin why did you break in through the roof?" Luken asked, leaning against the railing at the top of the stairs as he sipped his drink. "You're the over protective twin aren't you? What did he call you? Meter, Deter, Peter, Paul. Paul it was Paul right?"
“Spider-me, Spider-me, does whatever I wanna does,” Peter mumbled climbing through the skylight. He had been slowly easing up on Luke, it was hard to argue against him when even May didn’t mind the boy, but Peter couldn’t overlook a golden opportunity to gather information when he had the chance. After all, he had no idea when he’d get another chance. The sound of the voice caused Peter to lose his balance and fall flat on his rear end with a loud ‘oof.’ “What? Who? Me,” he rambled. “No, ew, why would I date your cousin… Meter? Who the heck would name their kid ‘Meter?’“
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nytehavyn-circle · 5 years
"Reasons being I wanna ride a cowboy. Free drinks for your eternal life." Katie offered with wiggly eyebrows. "Also my cousin wants to know if you'd do dinner with her. Then I realized I gave you her number but I didn't get yours so I said I'd ask next time I saw you."
Tolaas laughed and scribbled down his number, handing it to her.  “there, but I don’t always answer my phone. Hate cell phones,” he said making a face.  “An’ ya wanna ride a cowboy, huh?” he grinned.  “I’m sure that can be arranged.”
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