#squiddy encouraged me to post this. love you
porcupiney · 1 year
i want a hepatitis-c themed birthday party
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squid-god-supreme · 29 days
hi everybody it me ya boy
i know that it has been a long time now since ive posted and even though this blog has been restored and i could go on as normal, i think i have come to like my new blog @squiddy-god since i have already begun to post on that blog and port over most of my fics
i will still probably remain active on this blog and keep it around but i really encourage all of you to go follow the new blog if you want to see more of the fics i write, i love all 4000ish of you guys and i hope eventually the new blog can get to be that big too
on the new blog you guys can send in things for there too! you can send in request for continuations of my old works as well as my new works that have been written on the old blog, if you see this and thing
"ah i had a request for this guy" feel free to send it over to the new and shiny blog!!!
i love all of you so much and losing this blog was devastating since i have had it since my early days of middle and highschool, it has been such a big part of my experience and how i engage in fandoms so loosing it so suddenly and then spending months trying to get it recovered was hell for me.
so here is what happened, i tried to log in the day before my last post and my blog had fully been deleted, i spent the next months trying to contact support however i got no response until about a week or two ago when they finally responded asking if i still wanted to process the appeal, i obviously said yes however it was just restored today
the reason it was terminated was that it somehow falsely triggered the anti spam protection and got nuked like a roach-
over this time i had already basically fully restored my blog on the new one @squiddy-god and even have posted several new fics over there, so for those reasons ive decided to now start posting on that blog while keeping the content i already have on this blog.
id really like to thank you for following me, and if you would follow me on the new blog for more content i would be very grateful, you have all made this such a fantastic experience and i hope we can continue that on the new and improved blog.
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queen-of-the-boos · 7 months
Untagged gushing? For part 2 of the valentine event going on
I can't express how much Pearl means to me. She's the one who made me realize I was aro in the first place. I don't know how to express what that means to me in words? But I'll try.
I remember when I first saw her and I was filled with a strange emotion I couldn't explain. I was like. "Do I like a girl??" Because I had never heard of the term squish or queer platonic before. I knew it wasn't romantic, but not knowing what I know now, how could I explain the fluttery feeling in my chest when I saw her? I didn't want to kiss her or anything like that. I just... Wanted to let her know she was loved. By me. A lot. And I wanted to be by her side all the time. She grew to become a massive comfort for me.
And then I found out about aromanticism and QPRs and squishes and all that lovely stuff.
I was overjoyed to know other people experienced this same feeling, that I wasn't alone! That there were words for such things! Then, I realized I had to come out. Because, yknow, I was aromantic and very happy about it. I came out to a group of past friends (only one of them stayed with me all this time) and got a severe lashing from some of them saying I wasn't allowed to use the term queer platonic, and that I wasn't "technically a part of the LGBT". It really broke my heart and kinda made me recede.
Luckily, I had that one friend who stayed, who encouraged me and welcomed me in with open arms. She didn't quite understand it fully just yet (like me, I was still learning!) But with her help and reassurance, we were both able to figure it out!
So I fully leaned into self shipping with Pearl. I loved her and still do. I remember in particular one night I just felt so giddy about her and the possibility that she could love me back in the same way that I just... Felt my heart soar. All my worries went away briefly and I fell into the most lovely daydreams of holding her hand and being with her on stage and all sorts of things!
Just the thought of her looking at me like I was a person and not some weird fan or something and just... Queer platonic attraction coming so naturally to her that she's just like "Uh, duh I like you! You're my girl! I don't care who doesn't like it." I'm gonna cry typing this (happy tears)
Anyway I'm rambling now but I just... Pearl... Me finding out I like her that way and her being my aro awakening will always be something special that no one will ever take from me. The whole ordeal even got me an irl QPP. I'll always be thankful to my sweet little squiddy and I'll always love her so very much more than words can express. She's so important to me and the thought of me being her number one makes me feel like I can fly 💕
I... Want to post more about us. I think I'll reblog some nice things for her tag now.
If you've gotten this far... Um... Thank you for reading all of that, I appreciate you very much and I hope you know your fave loves you too. It's healthy to self ship and it can teach you self love and being so many wonderful people into your life. It's really worth staying for, I promise.
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beaubambabey · 7 months
Now that I've finished BG3, I have Thoughts
I had to turn my beautiful first Tav Mr. Robbie Roh-Tane aka the time I accidentally made Shadowheart her very own big brother and got too attached and made up a backstory where he went off to bard college to bring smiles to the children of Faerûn because he found joy and purpose in making his little sister laugh but came back to find his family home massacred and his family nowhere to be found which led him to a sad slippery slope where he used drugs to cope for decades until the nautiloid forced him into the Absolute's rehab program and then proceeded to role-play as this strange reunited sibling dynamic... into a mind flayer. which is so fucked up
Robbie aka Rhysander who I will proceed to call Rhys for the rest of this post was made to look pretty and convince people to not fight him. This meant he was Not Very Good At Not Dying which is Bad
Rhys and Astarion broke up after the brain went down because I didn't want to force Astarion to stay with a mind flayer who's slowly losing himself when he came into this relationship for a pretty boy half-elf that championed personal freedoms above all else and encouraged him to think about what he wanted. Which is Fucked
LIKE. Fuck The Emperor man.
Why can't you manipulate him back this fucking sucks
Like yeah I know you can pretend you're still yourself after all this time even as a mind flayer and that you're not gonna make the same mistakes but like??? Y'all
I personally think it would be cool to have come to a compromise with The Emperor where he can eat as many Absolutist brains as he wants on his way up and we help him dominate the Netherbrain but Orpheus goes free but that's just me and my love of No Sacrifices Here Except Your Own Ego
Like honey. It's not my fault the Elder Brain evolved with the addition of an incredibly powerful magical artifact. That's just gonna happen whether we like it or not
I cried when Lae'zel thanked Rhys for his sacrifice. That felt so fucking meaningful and made it all worth it. For a while at least
Maybe I should've put more worms in my brain. Would I still have needed to go full illithid if I became part illithid with the Astral-Touched Tadpole? Much To Think About
It's really sweet that Halsin would still willingly kiss your squiddy face. I love him. Thanks, Daddy Halsin. May you and your nine cartloads of kids you adopted live a long and peaceful life
I cried every time someone hugged Rhys as a mind flayer. It must be such a lonely existence, becoming a monster and cutting off contact with the people you've come to care deeply for.
Shadowheart's ending where she and her parents build a little homestead with so many animals is so cute. She's so happy and delightful. I would become a squid a million times over to give that to her
In roleplay context, it's so bittersweet if you think about being reunited with your sister and parents only to have to stay away from them so you don't subject them to the monster you've become. They live their happy life together and you steer clear of it because you can't bring yourself to ruin it by staying long enough for the hunger to catch up to you. But when you come to the reunion party six months later, the sister you've searched for through the fugue state your loss put you in, the one you saw in every child you've saved, who fought by your side this whole time while you unwittingly mourned her, who you rebuilt your sibling relationship with during this adventure, finally gets to know the parents you got to know. Finally gets to live as herself and be happy and free. And she hugs you sweetly, in spite of your monstrous appearance. She got to have a big brother to protect her when it mattered most, and now she's grown enough to walk her own path in life. I couldn't be happier.
I ran out of inspiration points trying to dominate the brain like an IDIOT and couldn't feasibly convince Gale to NOT become a God. Poor Tara. Poor Mrs. Dekarios. Poor me for having to stare at Gale's chrome nipples. We will discuss this tragedy with Morena over tea.
I made sure to go back and do the Iron Throne rescue before fighting Ansur just to make Wyll into the Blade of Avernus so Karlach wouldn't die. And I'm happy with that decision. Seeing Karlach's face as she reports her findings and compliments your squiddy mug is so fucking sweet.
I was sobbing after we killed Gortash hearing about how her revenge just didn't feel worthwhile and how she was gonna die anyway and. I'm so glad she's still alive in this run
Talked with my buddy who romanced Wyll and made him Grand Duke and he said he made Karlach into a mind flayer and she was chill about it. Idk how to feel but it's nice there are options. Don't know if Rhys would let that happen since it's taking her freedom away and sacrificing her feels wrong but since I'm doing the Netherbrain fights again I'll see what I can do
I'm genuinely tempted to get the No Party Limit mod because it feels wrong to take people out for the final boss.
"You fornicated with an illithid!" And nobody says shit? Not even your partner??? Fucked up
You can ask for one last kiss before the final boss. I didn't realize it would be the last kiss Rhys and Astarion shared
I'm still fucked up about that but. I'm glad to see him happy. My Radiant Hopeful ❤️
Lae'zel chose to go with Orpheus at the end. Didn't try to steal Rhys away from Astarion to fight in the war. Probably because Rhys turned squid. Sad
I'm so exhausted. But by the gods that was a good game.
0 notes
tumblunni · 5 years
Today's random mood is soft thoughts about my headcanon of McKraken being Squisker's adopted nephew before things went wrong
* Squisker was the very beloved mayor of the springdale yokai realm, which i am choosing to call Springdoom until we get a canon name, yes. He was 100% a good dude and Mckraken falsely accused him of the crimes that got him imprisoned away in the infinate inferno, in an attempt at a coup to take his power and begin his anti human warfare. But also i think itd be saddest if Mckraken did genuineky care for his uncle, and he'd just become so carried away in his obsession for revenge that he started getting paranoid that all his loved ones were plotting against him. He's probably haunted every day by what he did and after his redemption the first thing he did was fight his way thru the inferno to set right what he'd done wrong!
* They first met when Squisker was just idly visiting the human world and stumbled upon a baby yokai all curled up and scared in the wreckage of a beach destroyed by an oil spill. Originally he just wanted to help the kid get to the yokai world and find a new family, but then the lil guy called him "unca" and his heart(s) were totally melted! It kinda helped give the old man a reason to live again, during a very melancholy time of his life.
* Imagine babby mckraken sleeping in the sink cos he is just a smol squiddy and does not understand fancy society yet. "But why would you have a tiny pond thats not for sitting in!" Squisker introduces him to the concept of beds and he's initially very suspicious of this strange land rock. But then he bounces up and down on it and its just like waves! Its a magical sea land hybrid!!
* Various funny circumstances of squisker being this fancy politician man and trying to introduce a feral sea child to high society. Even funnier if the rules of yokai high society are wildly different to humans, like you have to hold every single fancy fork simultaneously in your tentacles! Possibly some cute moment where the kid's innocent 'but why' questions get squisker to realize he's being all stuffy and fancy when its not really necessary, and maybe itd be fun to loosen up and enjoy himself?
* Melancholy episode where babby mckraken keeps trying to adopt fishies from the human world and bring them home to protect them. Squisker has trouble explaining that mortals cant survive for long in the underworld, which would require first explaining to this poor kid what death is and that he's dead...
* maybe possibly one of those fish does come back as a yokai decades later when mckraken is all grown up, and pledges eternal loyalty to him for the kindness he showed as a child? And thats the backstory of that one fish boat boss dude everyone forgets.
* Headcanon of maybe mckraken's signature inspiriting power is 'colourlessness' or 'nothingness'? He can drain energy out of stuff with his weird hand mouths and it turns black and white. And perhaps for maximum angst the reason Mckraken himself is colourless is because that day his paranoia overtook him and he betrayed his closest family member, he used his own powers on himself to erase his emotions enough to be able to silence those doubts...
* Alternative headcanon is just that turning colourless is somethibg that naturally happens to yokai who lose all hope. Supported mostly just by the fact whisper is a notable white yokai who isnt part of The White Yokai, and also his backstory form had more colour and that backstory was really damn tragic...
* Oh and Squisker only attacks you in the infinate inferno because he's gone mad from rage and grief and just attacks everything indiscriminately. This is actually canon to his japanese medallium entry! (Though him being a good guy before being imprisoned and him being a father figure to mckraken is all speculation)
* so imagine a post redemption mckraken teaming up with you to try and recsue his uncle from the prison he put him in, ans its super depressing when he gets to squisker's cell and sees he's so far gone theyre gonna have to fight him. And maybe some sort of scene of him shielding you from one of squisker's attacks and getting heavily wounded, to prove how he really is legit about earning his redemption?and its this moment of kindness that makes squisker recognise this is his nephew, and come back to his senses. And i can just imagine mckraken weeping because what right do i have to be forgiven? You stupid old man, youre way too naive! Sobbing and hugging him and in his eyes squisker can see the sad young child he adopted so long ago, finally free of the chains of hatred he'd destroyed himself with. And then theyd go back together to the town and of course all the citizens woukd be like HOLY SHIT SQUISKER'S BACK, WE'RE SORRY WE DIDNT BELIEVE YOU, OH GOD MCKRAKEN TRIED TO TAKE OVER THE HUMAN WORLD and they immediately wanna elect him back to his old position. But Squisker insists on letting mckraken back into the town and giving him a second chance as his chairman, as well as his nephew. Claims its just because 'oh well ive been gone so long, i need someone who knows more about modern politics'. And probably works his ass off to clear his nephew's name and convince everyone that mckraken did what he did because of his love for this city, even if it was wrong it proves that he has a good heart and you should let him have a second chance! Aaand its hard to disagree i guess when the guy most affected by mckraken's takeover is also the one arguing for his redemption! The whole time mckraken is probably grumping about trying to deny it all and being like 'no put me in the prison its what i deserve NO I DO NOT HAVE ANY REDEEMING TRAITS DAMMIT'
* anyway i just like stories about broken families trying again, even if they cant be exactly how they used to be, as long as they both want to be a famuly again then they can be something new thats equally as good.
* also cute squid dad slice of life adventures is probably the most blessed sentence in the english language
* imagine babby mckraken always hiding shyly behind squisker cos he's never met any other yokai before and he doesnt know how to make friends with the other kids. But i dunno, maybe squisker is like 'youre such a bright young child you can help the others learn to swim!' or some other case of finding something he's good at and encouraging it as a way to bond with others. Oh maybe Mckraken's cooking skills started with learning to cook with his uncle and bringing snacks to school and all the other kids would be jealous? So he just sorta ended up with a tendancy to make food for people, which stuck around even when he turned evil. Still gotta open every evil meeting with sake and sushi! Gotta nag your minions that theyre not eating enough and they need to take care of their health! Gotta spend eighty hours decorating an elaborate layer cake as stress relief from dealing with that lousy human kid. Now grab a plate and sit yer asses down, you damn layabouts! Youre gonna cherish every mouthful, god dammit!! Also he totally wears lil oven mitts on all his tentacles.
This has been a miscellaneous ramble of squid redemptions, goodnight y'all
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pyratetm-a · 7 years
alright, i said i’d rewrite it to be more thorough, so here we go.  the infamous why amanda and her hector are not dmtnt compliant and never will be post.  this isn’t a reflection on the rpc, but it is on disney, because that movie was trash, and i’m not changing my stance on it.  at all.  full stop.  
x.  it cheapens the point of jack sparrow and the pearl.  first and foremost, in the established canon pre-dmtnt, jack sparrow was given the wicked wench - a ship he utterly fell in love with - to captain, and made to transport slaves.  when he set those slaves free on an island cutler beckett could not find (without knowing where it is), he was branded as a pirate and the wench was set on fire and sunk.  jack made a deal with davy jones - 13 years as captain to have her raised from the depths - and he would join davy jones’s crew.  to totally rewrite that as, oh, jack got it because some random dude died in a fight with salazar is literally cheapening the established sacrifie he’d made in pre-existing canon.
x.  it ignores pre-established canon on the compass and its origins.  jack bartered with tia dalma for that compass years ago, it has never, ever been mentioned it does anything beyond finding what the owner wants most in the world, and it’s not even like this is an obscure bit of something from a book.  it was literally in dmc.  tia dalma physically asks jack about the compass he bartered from her.  again, a case of ignoring the canon that came before it without even a cursory wiki check.
x.  it fucks with the timeline.  pre-dmtnt, cotbp took place in the mid-1740s.  now the timeline’s been shifted so much because of this trash heap of a movie, isn’t it supposed to be in the 1750s?  but somehow the kid will and elizabeth had is all grown up?  but timeline wise it’d have hector having a child while he was cursed?  which makes no sense because he was cursed, could not reach orgasm, and most importantly, could not achieve an erection because he had no heart beat.  it does nothing at all to check itself against the other canon pieces to make sure it works.
x.  it cheapens elizabeth’s sacrifices and independence.  so wait.  you mean to tell me because lizzie got a little dick from her blacksmith/pirate she’s suddenly going to forget everything she’s lost (her father, her home, james, her former life), forget that she was made pirate king, and become the good little housewife that goes back to corsets and dresses when she has a ship (the empress), and a territory as a pirate lord (singapore).  the same elizabeth that learned to use a sword after being kidnapped by cursed pirates.  the same elizabeth that got one up on hector barbossa (only the one, though).  the same one who made sure jack was sacrificed to the kraken.  the same one who stood up to sao feng.  the same one who used his belief she was calypso.  sure, sharon.
x.  everyone lost about fifty iq points to make the female lead seem smart, when the truth is the writers couldn’t write a smart female anyway.  carina’s badly written.  outside of her not needing to be hector barbossa’s daughter (nah, i don’t count that either, so don’t ask), she’s badly written in a way that makes it obvious they had no idea what they were doing, so they made everyone else stupider to compensate.  jack sparrow is not fucking stupid.  jack sparrow is wickedly smart.  that’s kinda been the point of all the other movies.  she could have been an interesting character, but it also pushes forth inaccurate tropes that aren’t historically sound.  women were teaching university at this point.  so...there’s that plot point as bullshit.  the first female professor of anatomy (which was the first female professor period) was in the 1730s in what would become Germany (Germany was not a unified nation at this point, it was several nation states ruled by several princes and also a good portion of it was part of the austria-hungary empire).  don’t fuck with me disney, i got historical sources.
x.  it makes everyone an exaggeration of surface qualities when it comes to pre-established characters.  gibbs is literally the only one that’s not wildly ooc.  that’s it.  jack is not stupid.  he has a drinking problem - literally all of them do, welcome to the 18th century - but he knows his limits and he’s not really stupid enough to pass them.  hector barbossa, the man who sailed an entire ship and crew over a waterfall at the end of the world and laughed on the way down would n e v e r be content to have a fleet of ships that cannot be attacked.  his vanity is not in his clothing or his looks.  that much gold on a ship is fucking stupid, it would make it capsizable.  these are not stupid men.  and yet according to dmtnt they sure are.
x.  will’s job is not a curse.  it’s a duty.  as long as he’s doing the duty, he should not be all barnacally.  the reason davy jones was squiddy is because he didn’t do the fucking job.  shit, even the lego games got this shit right, how did the movie fuck up so badly?  the “curse” is the squiddy-ness in the attempt to encourage jones back to his job.  will in this movie was bullshit all the way around, his characterization was so fucking bad.  and we’ve got the ending scene of awe where he was decidedly not fishy after ten years, so.  shrug emoji.  also, if all the “””curses””” of the sea were broken, will would have dropped dead, y’all.  his heart.  it’s in a chest. that’s not the one he’s attached to.  think about it.
x.  the guillotine was not even a thing until 1789, where it was used in the french revolution.  do you know what the french revolution was not?  georgian era.  this is early industrial revolution era.  no, these are not mix and match.  and potc is clearly end of the golden age of piracy.  you know when that was?  early dates are 1730s.  it finally really started to sputter completely around 1750.  fuck you, disney, this is what i’ve dedicated my life to studying.
x.  and lastly, it just ignores fourteen years of pre-established canon.  i’m not tossing out 20 books and four other films for a movie that can’t even agree with itself (the magic in this movie makes no goddamn sense, when at least it did in the other four), much less everything that made it even possible.  if you do, great.  but understand i’m gonna want to do an au where it doesn’t exist, so it’s going to require plotting.
this isn’t everything, and it got saltier than i intended, but again:  not slamming anyone, but this is my stance on it.  the 20+ books and first four films are all i’ll consider canon, considering the newest film ignores all of it.  if they had called it a reboot, i’d have no issue with it (beyond terrible writing) but as it stands...i just can’t.  hector barbossa is important to me as a character, and it speaks volumes that after geoffrey rush has said he’ll keep coming back to hector as long as he stays believable and interesting, and has now said he’s done.  because he had a huge part in shaping hector from the beginning, which is fantastically lacking in dmtnt.  even in the bts pics they all look miserable, when the ones before are actually kind of fun to go through, because it’s obvious they were having a blast.  so, now you know, there are most of my issues, even though it’s been said before, but i think this time i’ve covered it in greater detail.  again, this does not mean i won’t rp with characters from it, but we’re going to have to have a sit down and plot session to make things work.
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squid-god-supreme · 4 years
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Hello! My name is squid/squiddy! I am the one running the blog!
Pronouns : he/him it/its
I welcome all new followers with open tentacles!
i know that it has been a long time now since ive posted and even though this blog has been restored and i could go on as normal, i think i have come to like my new blog @squiddy-god since i have already begun to post on that blog and port over most of my fics
i will still probably remain active on this blog and keep it around but i realy encourage all of you to go follow the new blog if you want to see more of the fics i write, i love all 4000ish of you guys and i hope eventually the new blog can get to be that big too
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This is a multi-fandom blog!! 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
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Alright so here's the rules of my blog
🖤I take request for all anime and some fandoms, if I don't know the anime I may watch it or do some light research
🖤if I write for a yandere it will be tw ect.
🖤I don't write descriptions of physical abuse, unless in the past tense or in a context were y/n is leaving the relationship for (insert character) ie: readers past relationship was abusive and (insert character) helps them.
🖤if you'd like me to TW tag something please feel free to ask,this means if there is something you'd like new to tw for personal reasons then please ask!! this blog is a safe space.
🖤I write for any reader male!Reader fem!reader gn!reader (this includes both cis and noncis readers)
🖤I will absolutely do malexmale or femxfem, I'm LGBT and I'm fine with doing fics related to it
🖤Unless specified the reader is always gender neutral
🖤I don't tolerate homophobia or bullying
🖤This is mostly a reader insert blog, I don't really do ships
🖤I will do smut 'n naughty stuff, I have no problem with it!
🖤I of course reserve every right to reject a request, normally I won't, but if I don't feel comfortable with it or it breaks the rules I will
🖤No max characters, request as many as you'd like darlings
🖤Unless you specify hcs or oneshot I'll do hcs with a short pice of writing pertaining to one of the hcs.
🖤Please reblog my writing, shit posts and memes I would like to get my writing out there!
🖤I take request all the time and for anything! I can do hcs, one shots, Au's, if you have questions, if you have memes, anything is welcome, I also do matchups and stuff for curtain fandoms! (Check fandom list)
🖤Be warned I only do mild angst.
🖤I feel the need to add this because of recent happenings but I DON'T support pedophilia. I will not stand maps. Fuck no. Consider yourself blocked if you ever send me a request with blatant pedophilia.
🖤I write for POC readers, reader race is not specified unless requested same as reader gender! But don't be afraid to request male reader or POC readers!! All are welcome!
🖤I write for Polly relationships although I'm not the best at writing it.
🖤never be afraid to ask me to clarify my rules!
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*†:。.。matchup rules。.。†:*
I write both hcs and one-shots, I'm also Willing to write multi-part longer fics! I do matchups for most of the fandoms I write for and I also do in-charater interactions! If you want to see what I currently write for/if I do matchups and
character Interactions rules
interactions for that fandom please check out my fandom list from the links below⬇
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾Fandom list☽༓・*˚⁺‧
A list of all the fandoms I currently write for and what I'm willing to write for them, feel free to request fandoms for me to add to the list if they arnt on there already!
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Prompts <3
Alfabet prompts!。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆
That's about it for the rules, feel free to send request 'n stuff. See ya
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General master list pt1☆pt2☆pt3
(Last updated today)
Kinktober 2020-2022 master list here⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ 
(under construction)
Multiple part fic/AU masterlist!
(Updated today)
Discord link for here★☆
(Anyone can join! Please do)
Poc descriptors google doc(rules and link)
(This is list of descriptors for dark skinned readers/characters)
Squiddy rates
(Master list of me rating twst cards, feel free to request my rating of any character)
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