#squiggles talks: cobra kai
littlemisssquiggles · 2 years
I don't think I've talked enough about how much I freaking LOVE Cobra Kai.
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It's a series that I ironically only just got into like earlier this year; thanks to my sister. We watched the first season together and after she fell off of it, I kept going because I couldn't get enough of how genuinely good this show is. From its terrific and at times surprisingly clever writing (when considering the source material) to its amazing cast of characters, this squiggle meister could not get enough of this show.
Similar to Arcane, I came into Cobra Kai from the perspective of someone who only saw the first original film like donkey years ago when I was just a little kid---barely old enough to remember it at all.
So I haven't seen the Karate Kid in many, many years and never watched any of its sequels. I did see the Jaden Smith Karate Kid movie. But as far as the original ones go, I'm not very versed in the world of Karate Kid.
So I didn't have the nostalgic attachment to the franchise as some of the more hardcore fans might had.
All the more reason why I found myself genuinely enjoying Cobra Kai a lot more than I expected.
That and of course the thing where I also got super attached to some of the characters and their dynamics with one another.
My favourite aspect of Cobra Kai is the connection between its protagonist Johnny Lawrence and his boys---Miguel Diaz and Robby Keene. I know some CK fans (particularly the ones on Youtube) love to go on and on about the "kicks" of the show---meaning the fighting and the cameos/callbacks to the Karate Kid series.
But for me, what pulled me in were these three characters and the bond they have which tied into their respective stories---well them and a few other characters who I also love.
Cobra Kai Season 5 premiered yesterday on Netflix and I watched the whole thing in one go.
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It was only 10 episodes but I watched it all because as soon as I watched one, I had to watch the rest. I almost even didn't want to finish because I was having so much fun with this season that I wanted to savour all the good from each episode since I know it would be a long while before S6 comes back (if there even will be a S6).
For me to say that Season 5 of Cobra Kai was its best season yet wouldn't be fair to the other seasons that came before it. Because so far, ALL of Cobra Kai has been really, really, REALLY GREAT in my opinion with each season only toping the other that came before it.
And not surprising to me at all, S5 didn't disappoint. It came and it delivered!
I don't want to spoil anything about the season or the show in case anyone hasn't seen it yet.
All I want to say is that…S5 DID NOT DISAPPOINT!
Even after finishing it, I still find myself going back to rewatch my favorite moments from the season. There wasn't a single episode that I thought was bad or boring…it was all just GREAT!
Again, not gonna spoil anything. I just wanted to gush about Cobra Kai for a bit while I'm still riding the high of S5.
If you haven't seen Cobra Kai as yet---definitely go watch it or at least give it a try.
Whether you're an ole school fan of Karate Kid or not like myself, like I said, it's like Arcane in terms of storytelling and direction---the writing delivers for both old school fans while making way for new ones.
~LMS (2022)
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