#squish-squash and xmajordumps have done some pieces recently for it
howlsnteeth ยท 3 months
I know this isn't inherently an ask, but I just wanted to say that I recently joined Tumblr just for shits and giggles because, ya know, hellsite- it has its rep, and I figured 'fuck it, why not?' because I'm basically a walking Tumblr post and/or Pinterest cat meme, so like...
That's lowkey unrelated to what I'm wanting to say- just putting the recently joined part out there so maybe you'd understand the anonymous thing... (I talk... WAY too much and am too open a book, I'm so excited and justga hrvrjwvfhwbajfbr- I'm so sorry, bere ["bare"? "bear"? nvm] with me ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ)
Anywho, I really love both Sleep Token and Cult of The Lamb, and I've been seeing a few posts here and there of- I'm not sure what you'd call it exactly- those worlds colliding (obviously I follow tags for both consecutively; I would never have expected there to be POSTS FOR BOTH THOUGH???) and it makes me so insanely happy! Finding your page has just
God, it's made me so happy ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ your art is so refreshing and mY GOD, the first piece I saw was your CoTL drawing referencing Atlantic, which is my favorite Sleep Token song (not including singles nor collabs) and from my favorite album (not including eps)- sorry rambling again- and just
I'm not quite sure if I'm making any sense, I'm honestly just rambling hyperfixatedly (if you couldn't already tell), but now that I've written it all down (which was more or less to get it out of my system without actually hitting 'ask' and/or to thank you for and praise your work), I actually DO have a question:
When I first joined Tumblr, I really just... made a kind of miscellaneous, I guess profile? Blog? Or whatever. lol
I wasn't really planning on doing anything with it, but... seeing people like the things I like- I've never been a social media person. I don't use hardly any, minus, like, Pinterest and a few others, and even then, *I* don't post, so do those even count? But I just feel so inspired??? If that makes sense???
I'm thinking about making one dedicated to Sleep Token and CoTL, do you think I should??? I guess I should do it more for me than anyone else, but I'd just
like an outside perspective, ya know??
Thank you! Sorry for the rambling, but if you do answer, just know I GREATLY appreciate it ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ
Tumblr media
sorry meme response at first because thank u for the accolades! i'm glad you've enjoyed it. as for advice hell yeah i mean if it's something you like then go for it! i'm certainly not the only person drawing cotl/sleep token there's others who rock it!
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