newcastles · 2 years
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John Constantine is one of the most powerful magi currently alive. He was born lucky that way, with limitless potential and ability. All that power has led him to very little in the way of reward, instead it has marked his life with great tragedies. 
He studied under the best, lost some of his closest friends, and made enemies of others. He took magic more seriously than anything else and it cost him love multiple times. But he never stopped. He dedicated his life to studying more, collecting dangerous artifacts, setting spirits to rest, and doing anything he could to wipe the sins of his past by making a better future for someone else. It just seemed that every time he thought he was on the right track, he caused something horrible. Probably because his magic was channeled through demon blood. After the horror witnessing a child die because of a spell he cast improperly, John went into a tailspin. He underwent unethical treatment at a mental facility for the criminally insane, communed with the Dark Realm and had the demon blood torn from his body, had his magic cut down to nearly nothing by it, and had no friends left to turn to for help. So he put his head down, did what he did best, and tried to help people who had the misfortune of being affected by demons and ghosts.
Along the way, John found himself cursed by a demon to never return to London. Setting foot on the soil would cause his body to rapidly decay. Starting with sickness and then quickly turning to rot. Not to mention the issue of demon blood. It made the cost of black magic cheaper, something of a friends and family discount applied. But a horrible creature, part of the source of magic itself, ripped it out of his body at an exchange gone wrong. Maybe, if his life was a little slower paced and a little less haunted, he might even have noticed the news of Sokovia, but honestly, John didn’t even know it was happening. He was recovering in the House of Mystery in the realm of dreams from his encounter with the Dark Dimension, the loss of his demon blood, and lingering scars from his horrible time in Ravenscar.
He didn’t notice until the ISA was already marching their way across America to stop their den of vigilantes, and then he of course had to suddenly sober up and remember he was in New York because of the whole curse issue, and tuck tail to take the House somewhere else. He was quite content in hiding, popping out for cigarettes and the odd haunting problem until Zatanna reached out to him.
POTENTIAL CHARACTER ARCS: DEMONS: Wanda has a demon in her head, John has a need for demon blood, they have a chance to bond while healing their shared trauma over evil forces trying to use them. LONDON: John has been cursed not to return to London after a spell gone wrong. Typical. But he hasn’t actually managed to find a way to solve that problem. He has new allies here instead of working alone like he has been who might be able to help him break his curse without killing anyone, setting anything on fire, or just summoning the demon who did it to try and kill him. HAUNTINGS: Sokovia had a horrible tragedy fall on it, and that usually leads to the unrest of the dead. Hauntings are hardly unheard of near the site of these kinds of things and he only charges a small fee for charity work.
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poixonivy · 2 years
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Back at it again, this time with a proper villain! Say hello to the lovely Dr. Isley, residents of Sokovia—or, as she’s more often known nowadays, Poison Ivy!
Name: Dr. Pamela Lillian Isley, PhD.
Age: 34.
Occupation: Super-villain; bio-terrorist; botanist.
Height: 5'9"
Public identity?: Yes.
Affiliations: None; formerly ISA.
Human, mutant, metahuman, alien, inhuman, or other?: Metahuman.
Powers/special abilities, if any: Trained botanist; secretion of floral toxins and mind-controlling pheromones; immunity to toxins and pathogens; ability to heal and transfer toxin immunities to others; ability to control the growth and actions of plants; superhuman healing factor, including the ability to grow back entire limbs.
+ Intelligent, determined, sensitive
- Suspicious, callous, hateful
**TW: sexual manipulation, power imbalance, non-consensual bodily modification.
This is how it began: with deception, and heartbreak, and pain.
Pam Isley was a shy, reserved girl who grew up in a quiet suburb in Gotham—far away from all the hustle and bustle and danger of the city. She was studious and often overlooked, focusing more on the comfort of staying in her shell than focusing on her social life. Pam enjoyed science and her books, but the one thing she was truly passionate about was the environment. From articles to documentaries to aggressive activism, Pam worked hard to bring attention to the way humans were destroying the very world they inhabited, killing it slowly then quickly like an unbeatable disease. But more often than not, it seemed to her that no one cared.
Almost no one. By the time Pam began graduate school, (by the time the hero ban was put in place,) she had developed quite the crush on Dr. Jason Woodrue. He was brilliant and kind and listened to her when she would rant passionately about the state of the world. He shared Pam’s opinions and encouraged her further, even inviting her to help him with his own research. (Even inviting her into his bed.) Pam was besotted; she happily agreed to work with Jason, promising she wouldn’t tell a soul about his top-secret research.
Even though some of the things he was doing confused and frightened her, Pam kept that promise. She kept it all up until he strapped her down to a metal slab and began injecting her with various toxins of his own design.
(The rest was a blur; she wasn’t sure if her screams were what led to Jason’s lab of horrors being discovered, but she remembers her body aching and her blood burning. And crying, and crying, and crying.)
Recovery took a long time. But even though Pam’s body healed, her mind didn’t. At first she was frightened; her moods would swing wildly in a way they never had, and she would fall into screaming rages only to snap back to sweet and calm moments later. Sometimes she could only cry. Sometimes all she could think of was finding Jason and making him hurt. It wasn’t long before Pam began noticing changes in herself: as the mood swings slowed to a stop, something else had begun.
Plants would bloom from her nearness. Men would turn their heads as she walked down the street no matter what she wore. Her mind grew sharper and her beliefs grew absolute. She grew taller and stronger and more and more beautiful through no action of her own. Synthetic fabrics began to grate against her skin. People began to do what she told them. The plants began to speak to her.
The plants wanted to kill for her.
She tested herself as the years passed, carefully at first and then with more daring: she learned that no chemicals could affect her any longer, from aspirin to pepper spray to tear gas, and that a smile from her could get the weak-willed to do what she wanted. That a kiss from her could make anyone do what she wanted. Including die. Any people sent to subdue her fell before her, and the ones who didn’t bend to her will were destroyed by the various, horrifying plants she had learned to create.
And as Pam’s powers grew, her vision of the future sharpened and her fear evaporated.
And so Dr. Pamela Isley became Poison Ivy, shedding the withered petals of her old identity and blooming into something wholly new.
While she hadn’t cared when the “hero ban” happened, Pam did care when the tide began to turn against mutants and metahumans. Luckily for her, she had options. Options such as being granted clemency by the ISA as long as she agreed to play nice. And play nice she did—for a while. Until she learned that she wasn’t the only botanist blooming their way out of human flesh in their midst.
After Pam learned that Jason Woodrue had been employed by the ISA—that he had been the one studying her—she escaped, and spirited herself away to his last known locations; Sokovia is a convenient stop along the way. And recently, she’s stumbled across a handsome Oddfellow in the woods...
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americanwish · 2 years
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“Take it down a gear. No shame in being afraid. Being brave isn't the same thing as not being scared.”
CHARACTER NAME/ALIAS: America Chavez / Ms America
FACECLAIM: Herizen Guardiola
AFFILIATIONS: Young Avengers, herself, maybe the Nomads
AGE: 20
SPECIES: Metahuman
- Bold vs. Reckless: America takes the big swings. In battles, in life, around other people. She is the one who will step up and make the bold choice in favour of actually doing something rather than simply hoping that the world will fix things for her. That’s not how it works and everyone knows it. If you’re scared to make a decision, America will step up and do it for you. Except she’ll make the decisions even when people don’t ask. She’ll make them on the fly and quick on the draw and sometimes that works. Sometimes, she doesn’t think about the consequences of her actions and it leaves her in a situation worse than the one she just left. 
- Confident vs Brash: Similarly, her confidence has been hard won and fought for throughout her life. She was a shy, nervous child, but forced to grow up too soon and, in doing so, it forced her to learn confidence quickly. Her powers leave no time or space for self-doubt and she’s long since learnt to work through those feelings efficiently. However, this means that she forgets not everyone has had that experience. She can be unwittingly brash and hard on people when they display insecurity and it’s worth it for her to take a breath between her instinctive response and actually saying anything. The confidence she wears is hard won and necessary but she’s learning softness too. 
- Loving vs Expectant: America feels everything so very deeply. She masks a lot of this behind the cool, swaggering bravado of the vigilante who kicks teeth in and punches holes in the multiverse but she is an intensely emotional person. She loves with all her heart and does so very, very fiercely. It’s an honour to have America’s love bestowed upon you. It also comes with expectations sometimes. She holds herself to great standards when it comes to the people she loves. She holds them to those same standards too, even if they are unaware. It can be unfair and sets them up to disappoint her but she can’t help it.
- Self-Propelled Flight: America has the ability of self-propelled flight at superhuman speeds.
- Superhuman Strength: America has demonstrated incredible strength. She appears to easily tear large metal doors off their hinges, and nearly bested the Asgardian god Loki in a fight. Loki has commented that she could "throw tanks to the moon", though this is likely an exaggeration.
- Power Stomp: America can focus her internal power into her feet and legs in order to deliver an energized shock-wave with a single step.
- Invulnerability: America is bullet-proof, flame retardant, has superhuman durability, and can survive even in the vacuum of space unaided. 
- Star Portal Creation: America has the rare ability to smash open star-shaped portals that enable her to traverse the Multiverse, she can use them offensively as a spatial slicer, as well as access the Starling Highway.
- Interdimensional Travel: America can use her gateways to travel between realities at will.
- Energy Infusion: Individuals of the Parallel that Chavez calls home are capable of harnessing their inherent power from within, using it to vastly augment their physical fighting ability by leaps and bounds.
- Psychic Defenses: America’s powers are so intensely physical that she would be susceptible to psychic and psionic attacks.
- Personality: America can be reactive and emotional which can result in aggressive outbursts 
- Edges Syndrome: A genetic disease linked to the XX chromosomes which causes cellular degeneration. America’s childhood cure still holds but the threat is real and present.
- The Demiurge is so important to her. It forms a central tenet of her faith - or at least the faith she was raised with - and it is a power that gave her and her mothers a utopia to exist within. It both disappoints her and delights her that Billy is its vessel. She expected something grand and someone untouchable. It’s humbling and reassuring that it is just some twink she can bully with all the love in her heart. 
- She loves to learn history - especially Earth history - of her people. She comes from another dimension but she forges real cultural connections on Earth and the history of revolution in her culture is important to her - it forms a basis for how and why she conducts herself as a vigilante. 
- She definitely got too into Pokemon for a hot second and is an extremely skilled rock/fighting type trainer. That’s all. 
- She loves to have connections with people and she will make an effort to create those connections. All this to say, America throws a hell of an event. Sleepover, party, dinner? You got it. She’ll make it happen with all the grim determination of someone in the fight for her life. 
- Growing up in a place without any form of patriarchy or ruling masculinity means that America does not take kindly to being told what she can and cannot do. She has never had her strength or competency questioned on the basis of her gender and she will not hear it from anyone. 
- Okay. Bear with me here. In Doctor Who, when Rose becomes Bad Wolf, she says “I can see everything. All that is, all that was, all that ever could be” and the Doctor replies; “that’s what I see. All the time. And doesn’t it drive you mad?” This is America’s experience. She can’t see the multiverse. Not in so many words. But she knows it and she can feel it - all that potential just simmering away all the time. It’s exhilarating and exhausting and it puts her on edge all the time.
It all started with a wish. Amalia Chavez was born and raised in Washington Heights; coming to be a scientist and a scholar and a doctor. It was a fulfilling life, one that allowed her freedom and space and everything she had ever wanted. Except the fact that Amalia longed to be somewhere where she could fall in love with a woman freely and without recompense or fear of retaliation. She wished for it. Over and over. Every night before bed, every morning when she arose, every time she was in the lab. Eventually, the universe heard her. Triggered by Amala’s experiments and by her own latent mutant gene, the universe sparked to life and so the Utopian Parallel came into focus for Amalia. All she had ever wished for; the chance to love and be loved as a queer woman without fear. Amalia met Elena in the Utopian Parallel and so it came to be that America Chavez was born; the daughter of Earth and the Utopian Parallel all at once. 
Living in the Utopian Parallel was exactly what it said on the tin; a utopia through and through. She came to learn her own strength and her wisdom and her joy early and all was to be perfect and loving for the rest of her life. 
Or until she was six. 
When America was six years old, the Utopian Parallel began to collapse - black holes threatening to pull it out of the pocket it had been created in and out into the wider Multiverse. Elena and Amalia sacrificed themselves to stop it. They were scattered across the Multiverse in that moment and, as it always does, America’s next chapter began with a wish. She wished to find them again and the Utopian Parallel answered. Armed with the ability to literally punch holes in the multiverse, she emerged on our Earth, washing up in Jones Beach - close to where Amalia was born. She was taken in by the Santana family and raised to adulthood by them, even as she began to operate as a vigilante on the side. This came to upset her adoptive family as it was attracting attention. For anyone else, perhaps this wouldn’t be a problem. Living in Washington Heights, however, it did nothing but inflame the neighbourhood’s already contentious relationship with the NYPD. 
Eventually, America renounced the Santana name and struck out on her own once more. Over the next few years, she proceeded to do what work she could - even allying once or twice with the brand new Young Avengers team, although she was prone to helping out and then disappearing before anyone could get hold of her name or identity. 
She was operating as a vigilante in New York still when the Accords were first brought in. She refused to sign. Firmly and categorically, she would not sign away her right to exist for the sake of people’s comfort. America took off into the multiverse. She had abandoned her mothers for too long and there was nothing left on this earth for her now. 
Until. Until the chaos magic of Chthon and the subsequent warping of the Demiurge rippled through every reality and America knew she had to return. She has come to find out once and for all what is going on out here.
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notaweaponx23 · 2 years
Laura Kinney
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Character name / alias : Laura Kinney / Formerly X-23, now Wolverine
Faceclaim: Seychelle Gabriel
Affiliations: X-Men, Nomads
Age: 29
Species: Metahuman
Gender: Cis female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Identity: Secret
Powers and/or abilities: Genetically enhanced with Logan’s DNA, Laura possesses all of her father’s basic powers, with the difference that she has two bone claws on each hand and one on each foot. These claws are coated in adamantium, but that’s not true for the rest of her skeleton, also differentiating her from Logan. 
She has an accelerated healing factor, longevity, immunity to diseases and poisons, as well as superhuman senses (especially smell, which she uses for tracking). Her stamina, reflexes, durability and agility are all enhanced by her mutation as well as her training.
Since childhood, she was raised to be an assassin, and thus is an expert martial artist and black ops agent.
Weaknesses: Very few, as she can regenerate from almost anything, except having her head cut off. Cosmic amounts of energy could harm her enough and most likely kill her. The length of time for her to heal may vary if the injury is near fatal, which can give the enemy an advantage. She can be put out of commission by certain drugs and there’s a trigger scent that her handlers used to give her to make her go into a berseker state, in which she’ll kill anyone in sight, friend or foe.
Personality traits:
- Protective vs aggressive: She wants to survive, first and foremost. She’ll fight tooth and nail to keep the freedom she’s gained and she’ll do the same for the ones she cares about. Unfortunately, her very nature is of a feral creature and the way she shows emotions or handles her problems is just as unhealthy as her father’s. Yay, genetics!
- Honest vs rude: Laura is... blunt. She’ll say whatever she thinks to your face, although admittedly she has gotten much better with her people skills. She doesn’t like playing games and in spite (or perhaps exactly because) of being as assassin, she prefers to speak/hear the truth.
- Nurturing vs distrusting: Touch-starved feral child. She has an inherent distrust of organizations and people, but once she gets comfortable with someone or if she sees a child in need of care as she once was, she’s an incredibly sweet, nurturing person. Basically think of a wolf, aggressive and suspicious at everyone except her own.
- Laura volunteers at orphanages and shelters to read to children, as her mother used to do for her during her upbringing at the Facility. She’s the living proof that a little kindness can go a long way.
- She fears nothing, that was beaten out of her a long time ago, but she hates being in enclosed spaces.
- She loves crossword puzzles and will do them while laying around in absolutely lazy positions. She has perfect posture in combat, let her rest a bit!
- Animals tend to be fearful, distrustful or even aggressive around Laura, much to her dismay.
Life before the Accords:
X-23 was the first successful project of the Facility. After 22 failed attempts to clone the Wolverine, Dr. Sarah Kinney decided to test out a theory and create a female subject through artificial insemination, giving birth to a little girl that was hardly ever allowed to be a child at all. Raised in captivity to be the perfect weapon, X-23 lived a life without comfort, subjected to physical abuse and emotional negligence, with sparse moments of much-needed care with Dr. Kinney.
At the age of 7, through radiation exposure, X-23's mutation was triggered and she started her training to be an assassin. Four years later and with successful experimental missions under her belt, the Facility began selling her services to those willing to pay a fair amount for a quick and efficient way of dealing with their enemies. X-23 did as she was told with the life she had always known, until she started catching glimpses of the world outside.
Fearing that the same situation could be replicated by cloning the subject and wishing to save her from the impeding fate of living weapon, Dr. Kinney gave X-23 a clear mission – destroy the Facility, including every sample of genetic material, and kill her handlers. Unfortunately, Dr. Kinney’s found out about the plot superiors and used the trigger scent to send X-23 into a blind rage, leading her to kill Dr. Kinney while the woman was trying to help her escape. With her final breath, Dr. Kinney told the 13-year-old girl the truth about being her mother and gave her the name she would use from then on – Laura.
For over a year, Laura wandered the outskirts of San Francisco, managing to survive by herself with the skills honed throughout her still short life. She’d seen the files that linked her to the Wolverine, a connection she didn’t know what to do with, and once she encountered him the first instinct was to attack and flee. It took some time until they could get used to each other, and she doesn’t forget that in spite of everything, Logan didn’t leave her alone then, taking it upon himself to raise her to be a full person and not what the Facility tried to make of her.
Eventually, she also joined the Xavier Institute, where she learned how to make friends – and some trouble too, of course. Laura still considers herself more of a lone wolf than anything else, but she has her people and they can count on her, because she knows that she can count on them as well.
Following the Accords:
The one thing Laura hates the most is being labeled and at the mercy of powers-that-be deciding her fate, therefore she didn’t sign it. She also didn’t want to go to Genosha because she doesn’t negotiate with people that want to trap her kind in one place. She has been on missions with the Nomads, but hadn’t come to live at the Mousehole until reuniting with Logan.
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avengingxrchangel · 3 years
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Whatever its limits, I was given this power for a reason. To use it. And that's exactly what I intend to do.
NAME/ALIAS: Warren Worthington II | Angel FACECLAIM: Aaron Tveit AFFILIATIONS: X-Men, X-Factor, Hellfire Club (doesn’t often associate with them though and is not a member of the middle circle) AGE/BIRTHDAY: 33 (October 2, 1988) SPECIES: metahuman (mutant) HEIGHT: 6' 0" (183 cm) LOOKS: BUILD: athletic HAIR: slightly wavy blond EYES: blue GENDER: Cisgender male SEXULALITY: Straight OCCUPATION: CEO of Worthington Industries ROLE AT THE MOUSEHOLE: N/A. Warren does not live in the Mousehole; he is currently renting a room in/near Matchak. However, he does know somewhat (nothing terribly detailed) about the Mousehole from his limited contact with Hank and Jean. IDENTITY: Public
+ Generous - Warren has funded many teams, projects, schools, and nonprofits over the years with his family’s fortune. He is always happy to give to those who need it and to those less fortunate, and will never turn away a friend or teammate with an idea they need help funding. This also extends beyond just monetary assistance. Warren has a large networking circle and many resources he is more than willing to offer if they will be helpful to his allies.
+ Guardian - Like his hero alias suggests, Warren is like a guardian angel to many people, mutants and humans alike. Though he usually keeps to behind the scenes charity, or individual rescues, if there is a major battle, Warren will be there, fighting alongside his teammates.
+ Confident - While Warren initially thought he was some sort of freak when his wings began to grow in, he quickly came to terms with his newfound powers and embraced his identity as a mutant. He still had some insecurities around it, mostly involving his father’s unwillingness to accept his mutation, but he learned to stand his ground. Warren has always been confident (sometimes to the point of arrogance - see below), but now that his identity is public and he is the CEO of Worthington Industries, his confidence has truly blossomed.
- Commitment issues - during the early days training with the X-men, Warren was described as pretty carefree, often ditching class to go flying. While he has grown up since then and taken more responsibility for his life and his family’s company, he still has a bit of that carefree attitude and still has a bit of a hard time really committing to things. For example, even though he helped out the X-men a lot and joined the team on and off, he never really truly committed like many of the other members. And while his excuse was at least somewhat selfless (helping mutants with his funding), it may have been more impactful to join the X-men and thereby symbolically throw his lot in with mutants rather than work from behind the scenes. This lack of commitment also tends to extend to some of his relationships as well.
- Arrogant - Warren is quite confident in himself and his abilities. This is not necessarily always a bad thing, however it does make him pretty arrogant at times. He likes to think he can handle things on his own and has a hard time taking orders from leaders he doesn’t respect. He also tends to butt heads with other people with equally stubborn or fiery personalities.
- Blunt - Warren doesn’t tend to sugar coat things or try to say things carefully in order to save face or spare feelings. He just says what he thinks. However, he can be rather charming if he chooses, but this is more due to his upbringing rather than his personality.
Powers/Abilities: 16 foot wingspan white feathered wings which allow him to fly at high speeds and significant heights. In addition to his wings, he has anatomy adaptions suited to flying such as hollow bones, temperature and wind resistance, and enhanced eyesight, hearing, agility, coordination, balance, endurance, speed, and reflexes.
Weaknesses: Other than his mutation, he is quite human (no healing factor (yet)) and is therefore vulnerable to any sort of weapon attack, toxin, or psychic assault. Warren also has some potential vulnerability involving his company since he is a mutant and has had a number of people try to use that as justification to wrest the company from him. All these efforts have been unsuccessful thus far, though there have been a couple of close calls.
Unaffiliated - For most of his early life, Warren’s parents didn’t know that he was a mutant. So when he joined the original X-men team, they though he was just going to a new prestigious boarding school. A few years later, Warren’s father figured out his son was a mutant and threatened to cut him off if he joined any mutant team. While he doesn’t really care what his father thinks of him (or at least that’s what he claims) he didn’t want to lose his funding because he was using the money to help a lot of mutants (behind his father’s back of course). So he put off rejoining the X-men until after his father’s death.
Flying - Warren loves flying and often uses it as an escape or way to de-stress.
Coats - In public, Warren nearly always wears a trench coat to hide his wings. Even now, despite his identity being public, it is often easier to just wear a coat, rather than deal with people’s reactions to his wings. Plus, he’s become accustomed to the habit, and has actually grown to quite like the style.
Player - Warren likes to think that he is very suave and charismatic when it comes to flirting, but most of the time he is really just a dork.
Regrets - While Warren never really had a fantastic relationship with his parents, he still regrets not being able to save them, and wishes that he and his father could have come to a better understanding.
WHAT BROUGHT YOUR CHARACTER TO SOKOVIA? Warren came to Sokovia to see what help was needed and what Worthington Philanthropies can do to assist. (And while he genuinely cares about the cause, a small part of him also came because he was tired of pressure from the ISA and attention from the media regarding his decision to not sign the accords and thought this would be a good reason to get away.)
DID THEY SIGN THE ACCORDS? WHY OR WHY NOT? He has not, but has been constantly pressured to do so because of his high profile name and status as a pretty big industry player. The ISA officials can pester all they want though, Warren will continue to “respectfully” tell them where they can stick it.
Warren Worthing III was born to extremely wealthy parents, Warren II and Kathryn Worthington. When he was born, his parents were unaware that he was a mutant, but the doctor that delivered him noticed a distortion between his shoulder blades, and recognized what he would become. Throughout his youth, Warren attended a number of boarding schools, including the Fairburn Boys School and the Phillips Academy. It was at the Phillips Academy that his wings began to grow in.
Warren got his first real test using his wings, when a fire broke out in the dorm rooms. He donned a disguise and rescued some of the students from the burning building. It was also later at the Academy that he defended a fellow student named Cameron Hodge from some bullies, and the two became best friends.
While visiting New York City over winter break, Warren again got to use his wings for good by saving or helping a number of people throughout the city. The news of an “Angel” in New York caught the attention of Charles Xavier and he sent Scott Summers along with a couple other young mutants to recruit Warren. Although hesitant at first, Warren eventually agreed to come to the Institute and join the X-men.
Warren trained and fought alongside the original five X-men for some time, often battling head to head with Magneto and his Brotherhood of Mutants. Eventually, however, Warren’s parents found out that he was a mutant and forbade him from returning to the X-men. Although he was out of the fight on the front lines, Warren still did what he could to help mutants behind the scenes; while his father searched in vain for a “cure” for his son, Warren continued to support mutants using funds from his family fortune behind his father’s back.
One day, after a particularly nasty argument with his father, Warren stormed out. He met up with Candy, his longtime girlfriend and the two of them went out together. While they was out, a criminal who called himself The Dazzler sent his agents to kill Warren’s father. Returning home and finding his father dead, Warren went after The Dazzler. He was able to track down the criminal who revealed himself to be none other than Warren’s uncle Burt Worthington. Burt hoped to take over his brother’s company, going on to try to seduce Warren’s mother, Kathryn, then subsequently poison her to gain the whole company for himself. While Warren and the X-men were able to stop him from taking over, it was too late for Kathryn, who died in Warren’s arms. In this Shakespearian turn of events, Warren suddenly found himself as the owner and CEO of the family business.
After his parents’ deaths, Warren rejoined the X-men for a time, working with some new heroes in addition to a few of his old teammates. However, the reunion was short-lived, with all X-men related activities being shut down with the introduction of the Sokovia Accords and some mutants beginning to relocate to the metahuman-run state of Genosha. Since then, Warren has focused on his family’s company and has done what he can to continue to support mutants around the world. This goal is what eventually led him to visit Sokovia. He had heard of the widespread devastation in the country and decided to see if Worthington Philanthropies could add to the relief effort. While he is here on strictly business, it wouldn’t be all that surprising if he happened to run into an old friend or teammate. Maybe the reunion isn’t over after all…
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divineblccd · 2 years
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CHARACTER NAME/ALIAS: Cassie Sandsmark aka Wonder Girl FACECLAIM: Sabrina Carpenter  AFFILIATIONS: Teen Titans, Young Justice, the Nomads AGE: 21 SPECIES: Demi-God
IS YOUR CHARACTER’S IDENTITY SECRET OR PUBLIC? Public  POWERS AND/OR ABILITIES: Flight, Superhuman Abilities, Electrokinesis (ish)  WEAKNESSES: Several of her powers/weapons are linked to controlling her emotions, and Cassie is…not great at this. She’s weaker against projectile weapons like arrows and bullets than she is against blunt force.
DID THEY SIGN THE ACCORDS? WHY OR WHY NOT? No. Again, Diana heavily influenced her decision, but after Cassie saw how the ISA treated metas, she knew it was the right decision. However, she does occasionally spiral in self-doubt and wonders if she’s too dangerous to go unmonitored 
Cassie grew up like a lot of kids in Gateway City: idolizing Wonder Woman and getting into trouble to pass the time. She never really knew where it came from, but there had always been an itch underneath her skin that seemed impossible to satiate, no matter how many fights she got into. Cassie bounced around from school to school, never staying long enough to make friends. The only constant in her life was her mother and her Museum. She could only play on her Gameboy for so long while waiting for her mom to finish her work at the Gateway City Museum of Antiquities. What was a restless girl to do when she was surrounded by ancient artifacts and weapons but ignore all the ‘do not touch’ signs? It helped when Diana showed up. Superhuman patience appeared to be one of Wonder Woman’s many powers because she put up with Cassie’s endless chatter and demands for attention. All Cassie wanted was to be like Diana, to be like Donna, to be a hero. She practiced with swords she wasn’t supposed to touch and watched tape after tape of Wonder Girl’s appearances in the news. So, when Zeus asked her what she wanted in exchange for helping Wonder Woman take down Doomsday and Decay, she didn’t have to think about her answer. A hero. She wanted to be a hero.
Zeus granted her wish. He gave her superpowers, similar to Diana’s, and after convincing her very reluctant mother, she trained with Artemis to become worthy of her gift. Cassie eventually earned the Wonder Girl mantle with Donna’s blessing and retired costume. Sometimes, she had to pinch herself to believe it. As Wonder Girl, Cassie joined Young Justice and grew close to Cissie, Anita, and Tim. She finally had friends her own age, and she was living her ultimate dream–but like most things in Cassie’s life, it didn’t last long. After Donna was killed, Cassie was devastated and the team was disbanded. It was her first time experiencing true loss. Her father, so she was told, died before she was born. The grief had been mostly second-hand, a dull longing for someone she made up in her head. Donna’s death was sharp and jagged in all the worst ways. The pain awakened something inside of her, something that she liked to pretend didn’t exist.
Eventually, Cassie couldn’t ignore it. She joined Teen Titans and later learned that her father was Zeus. She had been lied to by the people she trusted the most; she could feel the rage that had always been simmering beneath the surface erupt. Fortunately (or maybe unfortunately), Ares gave Cassie her own mythical lasso, but instead of truth, her lasso expelled lightning fueled by wrath. Her superhuman abilities, on the other hand, were weakening with no apparent reason. Being Wonder Girl was all Cassie had ever wanted, so when Ares told her that Zeus was the reason her powers were disappearing, she made a deal with the devil. In exchange for Ares’s powers, Cassie would become his champion. After the proverbial ink dried, her powers became completely entwined with her anger. It was overwhelming, all-consuming, and she felt like she might burn to death from the inside out. After Kon died, she almost did.
Cassie’s powers became unmanageable. It was easy, almost natural, to give into the rage. Ares was the God of War, after all, and she was supposed to be his champion. She realized that she was becoming the very thing she sought to destroy, but it was too late. Her nephew Lycus, the son of Ares, took advantage of her instability and attacked her in order to claim the title of Ares’s avatar and her powers. He was able to take the powers that Ares gave her, but through a nearly fatal battle Cassie discovered that she no longer needed to use powers from other gods. She had divine power flowing through her blood. She defeated Lycus with a level of super-strength that she had never possessed before.
She used her new powers to lead the Teen Titans, and now she hopes that she can do something to prove to herself that she’s worthy of being called a hero. 
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bdrakerising · 2 years
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Oh... sorry! Was that cold? Just be glad it wasn't Wolverine giving you the wake-up call!
CHARACTER NAME/ALIAS: Bobby Drake aka, Iceman FACECLAIM: Ronen Rubinstein AFFILIATIONS: Nomads/X-Men AGE (physical age as well, if different): 35 SPECIES (human, metahuman, alien, etc): Mutant IS YOUR CHARACTER’S IDENTITY SECRET OR PUBLIC? Public DOES YOUR CHARACTER LIVE IN THE MOUSEHOLE? IF SO, WHAT ARE THEIR DUTIES? Combat trainer and mission team leader for those in colder climates. DESCRIBE SIX TRAITS (3 positive, 3 negative) YOUR CHARACTER HAS AND HOW THESE AFFECT THEM:
Transparent. You would think someone who has powers like him would come across cold right? No, Bobby is very honest and open, he leads with his emotions which can some times also be his downfall but Bobby can’t help it, he has a big heart.
Brave. Bobby is very brave and is often seen standing up for the little person. Because he’s so willing to go wandering into dangerous situations without thought, it can put him in danger some times, but that’s okay, he always finds some way to get out of said danger even though the x-men team has had to pull him out of them plenty of times over the years. He doesn’t back down.P
Protective. He adores his family, Jean and Scott are like brother and sister to him, Hank is one of his best friends and he may have a small crush on Warren but doesn’t talk about that. Since he joined the X-Men next to Scott, it’s been a big learning curve due to how he was treated by his peers when his mutation manifested. He’d do anything for his friends even if it means he puts himself in direct line of the danger instead.
Thermal Vision
Molecular Moisture Inversion
Molecular Moisture Conversion
Bobby has yet to unlock his secondary mutation which will consist of:
Organic-Ice Form
Ice Clone Generation
Cryokinetic Perception
Cellular Replacement
He’s also an accountant and speaks fluent Russian and Spanish.
Becomes mentally exhausted with overuse of his ice powers. Has a fear of tapping into his full potential.
Bobby joined the X-Men in Genosha but as they began to establish the miro-nation, it became clear that there was no need for his skills set even as an accountant, so he said his goodbyes early on and left without a fuss from Xavier (which frankly, hurt, not that he’d ever admit that out loud). So, he turned his attention to the nomads and has been with them ever since. He’s the one that heads up missions in colder areas as he can withstand them and he keeps everyone in tip top shape by being a trainer around the mousehole. With the addition of the Danger Room that’s coming, he can set up some situations through that eventually.
No, he didn’t sign the Accords, he was already half way to Genosha at the time. Plus, he’s a mutant and is tired of constantly being opposed for who he is. He believes if any mutant signed it, then they must be out of their minds.
Bobby has had a string of girlfriends over the years because he was deep in denial about being gay, why add this on top of being a mutant too. His world already hated him for one thing, why add another. But slowly over the years, Bobby has come to accept his sexuality and has been out for a few years even though he’s still a bit afraid.
He’s a bit of a prankster and will often lower temperatures in rooms because he finds people’s reactions funny. He should be grown up by now, but it keeps him amused.
The O5: Jean Gray, Scott Summers, Warren Worthington III and Hank McCoy, these four are his best friends. They grew up together, fought together through thick and thin, Bobby will do anything for them.
Lorna Dane: Despite having dated her in the past, they are now good friends.
Johnny Storm: Literally the best person for Bobby to team up with. They are good friends with similar goals and sense of humour. It wasn’t always like this though and they often butted heads.
The only thing I have in mind at the moment is him unlocking his secondary mutation which is where he can shift his entire body into ice. He’s going to be stuck like this for a while until he learns how to control it. Get your mops ready, Mousehole.
Bobby has always been a follower, even as an X-Man but him leading up teams here is a big change for him which he’s fully taken on board. I’d like to see him make some hard decisions regarding this.
Born to William and Madeline Drake in Floral Park, Bobby’s mutation manifested early on when he couldn’t stop shivering and feeling cold all the time despite his parents taking him to doctors, none of them could figure out why he was feeling cold all the time. It was only when Bobby was forced to protect himself (and his then-girlfriend) when his powers were revealed by encasing the school bully in ice. That was a rough time because the town then organised a mob to go after him, believing that he was dangerous. It wasn’t for Scott Summers, then Bobby would’ve been dead there and then. That’s when he left his home behind and started on this weird adventure as one of the original X-Men.
Over the years, Bobby learned how to control his powers and was even given the name of Iceman eventually. What Bobby wasn’t aware of at the time, but is now, that they were all child soldiers and that is something that doesn’t sit right with him any more so his relationship with Xavier is strained. He took him in and gave him a home when he had to leave his own, he’ll always be grateful for that, but doesn’t mean that he likes it.
Bobby was never going to agree to sign anything like the Accords, so quickly turned down the chance to and turned his attention on following the others to Genosha to help establish the mirco nation alongside his peers. He managed to stick around for a grand total of six weeks before he started to feel redundant. Every single one of his friends had an important position within this nation so Bobby left and hasn’t looked back on Genosha since, even letting Charles go to voice mail every time he calls.
He has been in Sokovia ever since, helping them get on their feet and established combat training for those heroes who are feeling a little rusty. Recently, he’s been off on missions up in Siberia as he’s the one that’s chosen to head up teams in colder climates. Now he’s back in the Mousehole for the time being and he’s wondering what the hell he’s missed.
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spccd · 2 years
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thomas ‘tommy’ shepherd // SPEED.
name. Thomas “Tommy” Shepherd faceclaim. Diego Tinoco affiliations. Young Avengers, Nomads birthdate & age. June 9, 2001 // 20 species. Mutant identity. Secret
LOYAL: Tommy’s not really used to having people who would go to bat for him, to be honest. Sure, there’s been a few years of being on a team, but that doesn’t override a lifetime of the opposite—which means that if Tommy thinks he can trust someone, then they’ve got a ride or die for life. He may act detached and, in his own goofy way, standoffish, but Tommy’s the kind of guy who would bury a body for someone that he isn’t even that close to. Snitches get stitches, you know? It’s the kind of prison loyalty you get used to after years spent in and out of juvie. 
SELF-SUFFICIENT: If nothing else, Tommy is pretty independent! For better and for worse, a lifetime of having to take care of himself means that he is more than capable of providing for himself (and others, should the situation arise). As much as he jokes about how badly he wants to marry rich and never work a day again, Tommy is pretty streetwise and can get himself out of a bind… usually without causing too much trouble. Sure, that means his credit score is shot to hell because he took out a credit card to pay a lawyer after he got arrested once and didn’t have the funds to pay it back, but what does he look like he is, middle class? The point is, he’s fed and sheltered and he’s good at keeping himself in check in a bind. If he were to get separated from the rest of the gang in some kind of catastrophic event, he could take care of everyone. And himself. 
UNDERSTANDING: Some of these hero types kinda… have a moral superiority complex. And Tommy finds that exhausting! He is Not The One. Sure, he has a unique perspective on the matter, but Tommy knows more than anyone that having done bad things doesn’t mean that you’re inherently bad, and he’s quick to give others the benefit of the doubt. While he may not be immediately trusting—he doesn’t believe people right away, and it takes him a long time to truly open up to folks—he is the kind of person who believes that intentions matter and that people aren’t defined by their pasts. Everybody’s got some baggage; what’s the point in getting hung up on it?
FLIGHTY: Is Tommy deeply loyal? Yes. Is Tommy deeply unreliable? Also yes. Sure, he would do anything for his friends, but that doesn’t necessarily mean he’ll show up on time—Tommy’s still not accustomed to having to really answer to someone, and because he’s so fast, he has a tendency to wander off… and then get distracted and stay wandered off. His brain works faster than most people’s, so he might follow the trail of a thought (literally) before whoever he’s talking to has finished a sentence, which has gotten him into trouble on more than one occasion. 
VOLATILE: Unfortunately, Tommy’s temper has always been the source of all his problems. Angry outbursts are common in those who aren’t used to being heard, and Tommy’s entire childhood has been marked by neglect and worse; while he often has a goofy, fun-loving exterior that can get as good as he gives with teasing, a misplaced word or a teasing insult that cuts a little too deep can send him swinging straight into rage. It’s a minor issue when it’s a spat between friends; it’s a bigger issue when he’s vaporizing his school or dealing with his massive issues with authority.
RECKLESS: Remember that ‘unreliable, thinks faster than everyone else and will run off’ thing? Yeah, it becomes MORE troublesome! Tommy thinks fast, but that doesn’t mean he’s great at thinking before he acts—his body’s just too fast, and he’s going to start moving before someone can stop him. It doesn’t help that he has a compulsive need to keep moving lest his debilitating insecurity catch up to him (sure, most people can’t outrun their mental illness, but what about the fastest guy alive?), and he’d rather run headfirst into danger without a strategy and figure it out later than stop long enough to start lingering on self-doubt. 
SUPERSPEED: the name of the game. Tommy’s maximum speed is unknown, but he can easily run faster than the speed of sound, over water, etc.; he takes a lot of pride in having been able to run from the US to Genosha and searched the island faster than Billy was able to teleport there, sucker. His physiology is also adapted to allow him to run at such speeds without suffering from the friction or reduced oxygen, as well as somewhat reduced impact effects. He also has superhuman stamina to allow him to keep moving at incredible speed for several hours.
ENHANCED STRENGTH: With great speed comes great leg strength. Speed can lift about 1 ton’s weight with his lower body strength, and even his upper body is strong enough to bear about 800 pounds – mostly under duress. It’s not, like, his preferred state to be in, holding 800 pounds.
ENHANCED PERCEPTION: Look, when you’re moving way, way faster than everything around you, it kinda feels like the rest of the world is in slow motion. Tommy’s mind processes regular information at speeds aligned with his physical speed, allowing him to be aware of his surroundings while moving (the rest of the world literally does appear to be in slow motion) – and to react just as quickly, giving him lightning fast reflexes. This also means that he can, for example, read entire books in a very short timespan and remember what he’s read. 
MOLECULAR ACCELERATION: The major difference between Tommy’s abilities and Pietro’s is that Tommy can create hyperkinetic vibrations that accelerate the molecules in matter and can make them, uh, explode. It also means he can accelerate his own molecules enough to pass through solid surfaces! But mostly the “blowing stuff up” part. (Pietro can sort of also do this, but Tommy can do it from a distance, therefore he is cooler and also better, thanks!) 
WEAKNESSES. He is still, you know, broadly human; while his body can withstand extreme friction and he can dull the effects of sudden impacts, he is still painfully mortal and woundable in all the usual ways: a punch, a knife, a gun, an energy blast, a broken heart. He is also frankly unaccustomed to people being as quick as he is, and so can be caught off guard by anyone whose speed comes anywhere close to his. …And he’s an impulsive, reckless dumbass, his fatal flaw.
Mostly? Tommy’s here for the free food. Just kidding; Tommy was technically summoned to play the role of emotional support child to Wanda, a thing he has a lot of mixed feelings about—if only because every time he roasted Billy for being like, “you just don’t understand her like I do” about Wanda, it turned out he was kind of right, while Tommy was happy to shrug off the similarities and weird coincidences. But it is true that in a world that no longer has room for superpowered beings who want to live their lives in peace, “apathy” and “staying out of it” are no longer really options. He’s also lonely, but like hell he’d ever admit that one.
 Absolutely did not sign the Accords!!! Tommy has ENOUGH issues with the government crawling up his ass to go willingly sign away his rights like that. REGISTER? No, thanks. That gets in the way of his ability to “get away with doing stuff,” thank you very much. Frankly, Tommy is hesitant to register for anything that would get him put into any kind of database, period, especially as a mutant with a criminal history—but everything that went down with the Accords certainly did not inspire confidence. 
Another great reason to be willing to relocate to Sokovia? Tommy is effectively homeless. He wasn’t welcome back home after he broke out of SuperPrison—and frankly, didn’t want to go back there—so for some time he made an attempt at normalcy by moving in with Billy and Billy’s extremely normal family. It… didn’t really work out. They are extremely nice, and Tommy still makes a point to stop in for dinner and stay for a few days because he has some manners and he’s not about to wholly disrespect the amount of care and compassion that Mrs. K showed him. But a curfew, a sort-of-mom who expected him to be home for family dinner every single day at seven p.m., sharp… none of that really worked for him. He wanted it to! He really did. He wanted to be able to fit into their lives. But at the end of the day, Tommy just felt suffocated—and the lingering sense that sooner or later, he would fuck up the whole thing, earn their ire, and wear out his welcome, so he bailed before that could become a problem. In the meantime, he’s been squatting in a house in New Jersey with an old ex-villain who basically has dementia. Why, who’s your roommate?
Speaking of an old ex-villain who basically has dementia! Tommy has become a great homecare nurse. This is a pretty unexpected turn of events for someone who is pretty selfish and was once called a sociopath by the person he thought knew him best, and for someone who loathes doctors and labs and medicine of any kind. Taking care of Master P gave Tommy purpose in life when the Young Avengers couldn’t really keep operating, and he feels pretty guilty about abandoning him, actually. That means Tommy will still sprint across the whole of Europe and the Atlantic Ocean to check in on the guy and make sure he isn’t stuck on the ground because he fell over and couldn’t get up and to make sure he’s eating and all. Pandemonium’s not completely incapable of taking care of himself or anything, but he forgets.
After the Young Avengers broke him out of juvie, Tommy never bothered to return to high school. It’s that ol’ “fitting in with normalcy” thing again, and a desire to keep himself off the ‘grid’ as much as possible. He did, however, receive his GED, but he hasn’t bothered with trying to go to college—too expensive, first of all. Second of all, not really worth his time. 
Tommy does have a superspeed mutation, yes, but it’s a little more complicated than that—hence his ability to vibrate molecules around him at range. As a product of Wanda’s soul, Tommy contains traces of magic within him, too, and it is the source of his abilities; Tommy’s superspeed is its own kind of reality warping, not dissimilar to time magic—he can move quickly by changing the world around him, so to speak. But practically, it’s superspeed.
In that vein, slowing down can be… a challenge. When you start doing everything faster than the speed of light, it can be difficult—at tims, agonizing even—to operate at a slower pace than everything else; imagine going from the internet speeds we have now back to dial-up. This became a huge factor in why Tommy struggled to maintain real human connections: people just couldn’t keep up with him, and he didn’t want to have to slow down for them. Joining the Young Avengers helped that a little as for the first time he met people who kind of understood him, but his attention span is shot to all hell, and he still struggles with a distinct lack of, uh, patience. 
It all started with a curse. Frank and Mary Shepherd never really wanted a kid; Mary Shepherd can distinctly recall the moment she saw that little pink plus on a pregnancy test (and the second test, and the third, and the fourth) and burst into tears, damning whatever God was listening for giving her this problem that would make her body unrecognizable, belonging to someone else; for another mouth to feed; for forcing her into a marriage she didn’t really want. The whole fling with Frank had been hot-and-cold, intense passion and even more intense fighting. She’d hid the pregnancy at first, until her then-boyfriend inevitably found out and promised to be the best goddamn dad the world had ever seen. They may not have had much, but they would have love, and wasn’t that everything in the world?
No, it turns out, it was not. The fighting stopped… for a while. Frank and Mary got married, a combination bridal and baby shower that left them with a small house stocked with all the signs of domesticity: a mobile with little animals to hang over the crib, a Kitchen Aid mixer (the ultimate symbol of luxurious suburbia. Mary never imagined she’d have one; now that she did, she hardly knew what to do with it). But the tenuous peace they’d brokered didn’t last long, and Frank started drinking again, and Mary never wanted to have this stupid baby, didn’t he remember that, didn’t he remember how he’d talked her into having this baby and if it was his idea he was going to need to take some of the responsibility instead of going out after his shifts, stupid deadbeat?
Anyway, that basically set the stage for Tommy Shepherd’s life. 
His parents split when he was young, and Mary Shepherd made the choice to reclaim her life, leaving behind the man and the kid. Frank left Tommy more or less to his own devices; he wanted a buddy more than he wanted a kid.  It didn’t help that Tommy was a hyperactive, rambunctious kid as it was, never mind being one starved for attention; even at a young age, it was clear that while sometimes Frank liked him, at other times, his dad found him annoying as fuck, and Tommy struggled to be able to gauge which way the pendulum would swing. When whatever shenanigans Tommy got himself into stopped entertaining him, Frank stopped paying attention.What qualified as “entertaining” got rarer and rarer as Tommy got older, which meant he would start making grander and grander attempts for attention… and in a whirl of anger and every other poorly regulated emotion in the book, Tommy’s outbursts and tantrums took a turn for the violent. Prone to stirring up trouble and picking fights at school, Tommy was regularly in detention or suspended, and before he hit puberty, he already had a knack for finding himself on the wrong side of the law and inside juvenile detention halls.
Most of those stints were short stays for minor incidents—just enough to get a rowdy brown kid off the street, you know? But Frank’s girlfriend always had a funny feeling about that kid, his angry eyes, his unfeeling expression, the way he never flinched at gore, his stupid white hair. She was pretty convinced he must’ve been a mutant or something.
Turns out, she was right. (Or something. Tommy’s not clear on the details.)
When Tommy’s abilities manifested—the same day as that whole Novi Grad Sokovia thing, whatever the hell; he didn’t keep up with world events enough to know how they got there, but he did know where they ended up because you couldn’t escape that particular aspect of the news cycle—all he knew was that he could finally taste the air of freedom. Freedom from the crap of his daily life; freedom from teachers who loathed and distrusted him, who treated him like he was nothing but a lost cause and a trouble maker; from his dad who never wanted him around anyway—for once, Tommy’s life could be really, truly his own.
Anyway, that’s how he ended up vaporizing his school. It was mostly an accident. (Mostly.) No one had been inside—late at night, zipping circles around the track field in a blur too fast for the human eye, all Tommy had been wishing for was the promise that he wouldn’t have to go back to that cursed shithole. And suddenly, the shithole was no more.
He could have run away, of course. He was way faster than any cop car, and the cameras were gone. But when you’ve suddenly blown up your school and reduced it to nothing but ash and scorch marks on the pavement, what the hell do you do besides stand there in awe and start laughing in disbelief? So naturally… he was caught. Before Tommy could really register what was going on, special ops police had encircled the premises and nullified his powers, hauling him off to a unique hell specifically for those bad kids unlucky enough to have superpowers.
For someone who already felt caged within the confines of his crappy life, you can imagine how that went—Tommy did not exactly love superjuvie from the start. When the heads of the prison realized the extent of his mutations, they saw only an opportunity. Ah, war: the mother of invention. From there Tommy became the subject of secret, probably illegal experiments, as a team of scientists hoped to bottle his speed and his kinetic vibrations into something mass producible, or else to find a way to turn him into the United States’ greatest living weapon. They had invented the super-soldier, after all, and that was with a regular human. What else could they make? 
The result was that Tommy had phenomenal control over his abilities in a short amount of time, and the instant the power nullification was turned off of his cell, he did what any sane person stuck in a prison would do: he blew the door right off. On the other side were a bunch of wannabe superheroes his age, in desperate need of help—somebody’s boyfriend had been kidnapped. Somebody, it turned out, who bore an odd resemblance to him; they may not have been identical, but there was an uncanny connection. (Tommy claimed not to notice. No one else was polite enough to do the same, apparently.)
So what was Tommy going to do, say no and keep himself incarcerated forever? The rest, as they say, is history: they saved the boyfriend, Tommy joined the team and adopted the name Speed, they went on their share of adventures. Tommy never returned to his dad’s house; his dad never asked about him. For a brief time, he lived with the Kaplans for lack of any place better to go, but after a few days of having to put up with Billy and Teddy sucking face and Rebecca Kaplan trying to lovingly psychologize him, it was time to go. He found some stability working odd jobs where he could get a month’s work done in a few days’ time and pay rent to a landlord who didn’t ask questions, but as having superpowers became more and more dangerous, so did Tommy’s plans for income.
Eventually, the Young Avengers were forced to disband, and Tommy found his way back to New Jersey. Until the Mistress of Magic appeared, apparently demanding his presence…  
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fastandfrictionless · 3 years
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Did you miss me?
CHARACTER NAME/ALIAS: Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver
FACECLAIM: Aaron Taylor-Johnson
AFFILIATIONS: Nomads/Avengers
AGE: 25
SPECIES: Metahuman
DOES YOUR CHARACTER LIVE IN THE MOUSEHOLE? IF SO, WHAT ARE THEIR DUTIES?  Yes, but would prefer to spend time away from there wherever possible so lends a hand as an Aid Worker, naturally being able to deliver resources and construct things extremely quickly.
Protective: Growing up without parents instilled a duty of care in a young Pietro, constantly prioritising his sister’s needs over his own. As they grew, Wanda was more than capable of taking care of herself, but Pietro would still go to the ends of the Earth to make sure she was okay.
Ethical: Pietro has a strong moral compass, passionately fighting for what he believes is right. Despite his views historically being skewed by extremism, he has always stood up for those suffering unjustly.
Funny: Pietro’s wit is just as quick as the rest of his body: he has a wicked sense of humour, developing in part as a coping mechanism for the many terrible situations he has found himself in from a very young age.
Impatient: Pietro doesn’t like to slow down and certainly doesn’t like waiting. If he decides something or someone is taking too long (and it doesn’t take him very long to come to that decision), then it’s not worth his time.
Short-tempered: Growing up holding a lot of anger and resentment inside caused Pietro to develop a short fuse: it doesn’t take much for Pietro to blow up and it’s not pretty.
Cocky: Never one to be shy, getting superpowers didn’t make Pietro any more modest. He knows his worth and what he can do, which isn’t a bad thing, but he’s happy when everyone else knows it too.
POWERS AND/OR ABILITIES: As his name suggests, Quicksilver is all about Super Speed, which also results in: -Extreme force generation -Increased reaction time -Increased metabolism -Increased thermal homeostasis (able to withstand the effects of friction and temperature)
WEAKNESSES: Wanda A slippery patch of ice Bullets (too soon?)
Wanda brought Pietro back to Sokovia and nothing makes him want to leave. This is his place of birth (and death), and the home of what little family he has left.
No. Two things Pietro cares very little for: people in positions of authority and people who try to tell him what to do. 
-Pietro’s mind is always going full-speed ahead, which can be beneficial in dangerous situations, but it makes relaxing very difficult. As a result, he suffers from insomnia, which also makes his mood rather irritable. 
-As a kid, Pietro was always a fast-learner. He picked up English early on from watching cartoons, and this talent only got better after his superspeed developed. However, as stated earlier, Pietro can be very impatient. If he doesn’t pick something up within the first few attempts, be it a musical instrument or set of rules, he gets frustrated and gives up, believing it to be a waste of time.
-Robbed of a ‘normal’ childhood and having to grow up at a very young age, Pietro lacks a bit of maturity. His arrogance and desire to be right all the time is his inner child manifesting itself as it never had the chance to fully develop and leave him.
-Pietro is very competitive, even with himself. Constantly trying to break his own records, he once put himself in a very perilous situation in the early days of getting his powers by tripping on a railway sleeper while attempting to outrun a high-speed train from Stara Pazova to Novi Grad.
Clint Barton: The one Avenger other than his sister that Pietro was closest too before it all turned dark. Would be nice for them to reconnect and for Piet to learn of his legacy.
Vision: Any older brother (even if it’s just 12 minutes older) would feel wary of any man or android growing close to his sister. If Pietro learns of any romantic feelings developing he would want to make sure Vision’s intentions are pure.
Any other speedsters ie. the Flash: A bit of healthy competition!
And everyone else!!!!
POTENTIAL CHARACTER ARCS: As Pietro learns and gets accustomed to the fact that he had literally died, it could lead to a different outlook on life; the knowledge and experience that time is limited would encourage him to form stronger bonds with those he’s close to and have even less patience for those he’s not.
The Maximoffs were good kids by nature, unfortunately nurture had other ideas. Witnessing the death of their parents in front of their very eyes and the childrens’ subsequent upbringing on the streets of a tumultuous, war-stricken nation naturally led to some bad choices. Starting out as freedom fighters, protesting against America’s violence and oppression of their country with violence of their own, the twins were eventually led to HYDRA, a sinister organisation whose experiments with the mysterious Mind Stone blessed- or cursed- the young adults with superhuman abilities. Pietro could now move at speeds faster than the eye could see, but he and Wanda were still no match for the so-called enemies, the Avengers.
Then along came Ultron. An indestructible artificial-intelligence created by Stark and Banner, he seemed to provide all the solutions to Sokovia’s problems. It wasn’t until Wanda discovered Ultron’s true intentions that the twins eventually stopped and noticed the discord and destruction they had left in their wake. It was a wake-up call: time to stop being weapons. Time to make our own choices and be who we want to be. Pietro had never been entirely sure who he wanted to be, but he knew what he wanted to do and that was to make a difference. This was his chance. He knew the consequences, but Pietro was young and fast- he felt immortal. He never expected his choice to fight with the Avengers instead of against them would be fatal. Without thinking, Pietro Maximoff sacrificed his own life to save the lives of Hawkeye and a Sokovian boy, perhaps seeing the potential the young child had of living a life he himself never could. As the darkness closed in, the final act of a life full of anger and violence was one of kindness.
And then, after several long years, Pietro opened his eyes. 
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fistofthemccn · 2 years
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Marc Spector / Steven Grant / Jake Lockley / Moon Knight / Mister Knight
AFFILIATIONS: Nomads, technically. AGE: 41 SPECIES: Human
WANTED ARCS: Knock knock, someone let him into Mousehole? He just moved here. Whether in support or against him, Marc is setting up shop helping people get out of the country who may not be welcomed because of former connections to militia and the Sokovian civil war by making fake documents. He technically has a legitimate job working with and identifying artifacts of magical origins, just only when you’re talking to the right parts of Marc. Moon Knight has a reputation for eccentricity, sometimes earned, but not many people actually believe him about the god Khonshu giving him his powers. Maybe you do? BIO:
Standard superhero childhood, no reason to linger on it. Lower middle class parents in Chicago, a pushover dad, a mother with undiagnosed mental illness, a brother he failed to keep from drowning, and just over a decade of abuse. A year and a half in a mental hospital to get his own official diagnosis of Dissociative Identity Disorder, went down from over a dozen or so alters into four or five, and got a clean bill of health if he kept going to therapy. Then, running off to join the Marines as soon as he could pack a bag and absolutely not getting that therapy.
Marc Spector was a good Marine. He’d gotten into more than his fair share of fist fights in high school for being the weird kid and it turned into special forces training pretty damn quickly. He thrived under the order and structure. It was all turning around, the years of fear and abuse, the voices in his own head the doctors tried to get him to ‘merge’ with. It all went quiet in fights. Until it didn’t. His second tour. Sergeant Spector went off the reservation and Marc was left with a full month where he had next to no memories of what happened, no communication with the alter who had been fronting, he couldn’t even tell who it had been, and he woke up in a hotel room with a message that he was being served a dishonorable discharge. So he ended his twenties about how he started them. Broke, jobless, unemployable, with people living in his head who apparently wanted to ruin his life. Somewhere in the last ten years, Steven Grant had apparently been working on his bachelor of anthropology and completed it. He had graduation photos on his phone and a certificate and everything. Maybe Marc had been missing more time than he thought the last decade.
Somehow, Jake Lockley got a job with the CIA. How in the hell Jake had the connections to get a fake set of documents so good, he couldn’t be traced back to his dishonorable discharge as Marc Spector, he didn’t know. But it gave Marc a job again. So maybe his thirties were looking up. Jake clearly didn’t actually want the job, he was never much of a communicator, but he showed up when contacts got rough and Marc would wake up to his body filling out a report and have to rewrite everything so the handwriting matched properly. Five years in, it went sideways again. He had never remembered what triggered him so badly he went out for a month, but whatever it was happened again, because he woke up six months later in England. Someone had been using the body to make contact with the CIA because he apparently quit very suddenly according to a string of emails, and one of his coworkers begrudgingly put him in contact with someone called “Frenchie” who could help him out. 
Jean-Paul DuChamp, or Frenchie, was his point of contact. Whoever had been playing at Marc had done a good enough job that Frenchie didn’t seem to notice any difference in his behavior, or at least he didn’t say anything about it. A few short muscle for hire jobs, a few underground fights, that was how he had been affording the flat in London. Apparently Steven had a part time job helping advocate for artifact repatriation to their native countries and outlining what different things needed for safe transit and display. Part time because of his sleep disorder. It was the first time Marc realized Steven didn’t know about the system. Steven didn’t know, and Marc could wake up relaxed on days after Steven took over for a long period of time. Usually with a book in his lap and a half finished cup of cold tea. Marc was never the kind of man who could sit down with a book and a cup of tea. He preferred to be in motion.
The first person who ever just… noticed that Marc was not always only Marc was an archeologist and it was by mistake. He’d come to the museum when Steven was working and they’d had a discussion about a few jars from a tomb and how it was a shame they’d been excavated so poorly and lost the artwork in sections. Then Marc was hired as a part of his protection detail on a trip to Egypt. The same night they talked about it, about how Marc was sick, about how maybe he wasn’t sick at all, he was just different, about how maybe he needed to communicate more with himself, he remembered why he had gone dark with the CIA and gone MIA with the Marines. Bushman killed everyone.
A switch wasn’t something that happened fast, he usually had at least a minute of dissociation, a humming in his ears, disconnecting with the body, before someone else took over. As he dragged his body to the temple seeking something, asylum, warmth, a place to sit up while he died, he wished he could feel any of the symptoms coming on so he didn’t have to be the one who knew what dying was like. Selfishly, he wanted it to be Jake. Instead the voice he heard in his mind as his fingers started going too cold to feel was a stranger’s. Khonshu, God of the Moon, Protector of the Travelers of the Night, and Deliverer of Vengeance. 
Later, when enrobed in the Vestments of Khonshu, Marc would wonder if he only made the deal because he was afraid to die, or if he really believed he could get Bushman. He thought maybe, since the power of the god could heal his wounds, literally revive him from death, and enhanced his body with super strength and speed, it might have healed his mind. Instead he started seeing his alters in mirrors. That was new. Khonshu said it was because he was weak and fractured in that way already, he needed to ignore it and work harder. Marc Spector was put on international watch lists for the slaughter of the dig crew. It wasn’t like he had a life to go back to anyway. So he did Khonshu’s dirty work in the mortal world.
The god rarely lived up to his name as protector, Marc mostly stole back Egyptian magic and artifacts from black markets, intervened in squabbles between gods, and killed when Khonshu demanded to be fed the blood of an evil heart. Marc used the vestments for his own purposes. Hunting down human traffickers, protecting the streets of New York quietly, destroying drug and weapons operations. He had a few known run-ins with Punisher and Spiderman. Steven worked three days a week in a gift shop, frustrated he didn’t understand why he couldn’t manage his sleep disorder well enough to work in the museum proper, and Marc went out at night, healed by the vestments of the fact that they didn’t sleep. Jake mostly went away. Until fucking Raul Bushman showed up and blew up his plans.
By the time Marc had control again, he had returned to London. Steven loved London. They’d managed to keep making payments on the shitty one bedroom so Steven’s books could be there. He never really questioned why they were in New York for any time at all. Only this time when he woke up, Sokovia had been blown to hell. Sokovia had been blown to hell and apparently fucking HYDRA were taking to the streets trying to scramble to collect artifacts and people all over Europe. And to top it all off, something about seeing dead kids on TV, kids who reminded him of his brother, triggered Steven out in the middle of a job as Moon Knight and he had to finally confront the fact that it was not a sleep disorder. He was one of three, usually three. They rarely split anymore after the mental hospital unless something happened, something like this. Steven, vegan Steven who hated fighting, accidentally created Mister Knight to try and protect himself from the memories of violence coming up as he was forced to integrate in the middle of some of the most hellish months between the fall of Sokovia and the UN’s fight to put all vigilantes on watchlist and own them, and the criminal organizations taking advantage of the open space leading them to spend more time fighting.
He didn’t even have a therapist, or Frenchie, to help get Steven to calm down and trust them and put himself back together with Mister Knight. And Mister Knight apparently had beef with Jake and Marc, which didn’t make being in his head any easier. Marc wasn’t really proud that when his mental health went haywire, he was the alter most likely to try and just… vanish. But he was. He went to sleep and didn’t want to wake up, until suddenly he did.
Apparently it wasn’t because Steven was tired, or because Jake had information, that Marc was finally drawn out of his own mind. It was Khonshu forcing him out and telling him to go to Sokovia. He was pissed. Apparently a human was meddling with the kind of magical power only gods were meant to have access to. Apparently he’d been aware of a growing force there for some time, but decided to wait. Gods were interested in politics, apparently. He knew of a gathering there opposing the iSA he didn’t want interfered with, since he’d rather the ISA be taken down. He didn’t like humans interfering in his divine work. Marc didn’t really care why Khonshu wanted to go. He was going because people there were hurt. Because he knew the feeling of being a scared kid in an unstable situation. Because part of his job was to protect, even if Khonshu forgot that.
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boyblunderrising · 3 years
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"We know we're right, but what's the point in being right if we're not willing to fight for it?"
NAME/ALIAS: Tim Drake || Red Robin FACECLAIM: Timothée Chalamet AFFILIATIONS: Bat Family, Nomads, Teen Titans, Young Justice AGE/BIRTHDAY: 22 (July 19, 1999) SPECIES: Human HEIGHT: 5'6" LOOKS: BUILD: Slim but strong from constant training HAIR: mid-length black EYES: pale blue GENDER: Cisgender male SEXULALITY: Bisexual OCCUPATION: Tim is college age and therefore should probably technically be in school. He would be a great student if he had the time and mental space for it (also if he applied himself). Besides that, he has worked at Wayne Enterprises as everything from an intern to basically CEO (though perhaps that’s not on public record). ROLE AT THE MOUSEHOLE: Assistant Tech Support, Reconnoissance IDENTITY: Secret. Definitely secret.
+ Smart - Tim has what could be described as a genius level intellect. This allows him to keep up with The Batman and solve crimes effectively, but it also makes him a bit of an over-thinker. + Observant - Tim takes in all the little details, piecing them together into the bigger picture. He can also tell if something is off with someone. Try to hide it, but he’ll see right through it, be it a friend going through a shrouded tough time, a criminal trying to hide the truth, or a foe disguised as a false friend. + Resourceful - Like his mentor, Tim has contingency plans for his contingency plans. But unlike Batman, Tim lets his emotions through on occasion. He is objective in getting the job done, but also is pretty empathetic and wants to help everywhere he can. He uses the resources he has and isn’t too proud to rely on his allies to help complete a mission or save the city. - Overly independent - while this is sometimes a good thing, it also means that he tends to do things on his own, and not ask for help, even if he needs it. It also means that he is pretty reluctant to open up to people, preferring to deflect any vulnerability-exposing questions and instead focus on the task at hand. - Perfectionist - also can be a good thing because it means he is detail oriented and does his best work on everything, but generally it is a negative trait since it causes him to get tunnel vision while working on a project, make him very hard on himself, and create impossible standards that he can’t ever live up to. - Self deprecating - Probably due to his perfectionistic nature, Tim constantly compares himself to others and to what he thinks he should be, feeling like he will never be able to reach his potential or be good enough.
POWERS: None ABILITIES: Hand to hand combat (often uses a bo staff), detective skills, tactical analysis, acrobatics and gymnastics, very tech savvy, multilingual WEAKNESSES: Well, no super powers for one thing, which makes him vulnerable to any sort of attack, toxin, or disease. Also, while he is an experienced fighter, he doesn’t have the natural strength, size, or skill of some other heroes, so he has to work a little harder to keep his skills up and tends to be more cautious in battle. He also tends to want to reason with people rather than fight them. This can be a good thing, but if a criminal has no interest in talking, things can go south very quickly.
Loves coffee - probably way too much, but despite what anyones says, he is not addicted. (Yeah right). “Come on guys, I don’t drink it that much.” (He definitely does.)
Insomniac - who needs sleep when you have coffee? Whether it was from years of patrolling at night, or whether Tim is just a light sleeper, either way he is a total insomniac. It’s not that he doesn’t like sleep, it’s just that sometimes he just gets caught up in a project and loses track of the time…
Bat Bros - Looks up to his older brothers, Dick and Jason, a lot and wants to be like them. (He looks up to Duke too, but Duke is slightly younger/similar in age)
More expresso, less depresso - Uses humor to cope with depression
Sarcastic - Although he comes off as pretty quiet and unassuming, spend any significant amount of time with Tim and you’ll find that he is actually incredibly sarcastic and has a very unique brand of humor.
Demeanor - Tim’s demeanor changes drastically depending on the context and who he is talking to. For example, as Red Robin, he tends to be more confident and heroic, in business meetings he comes across as pragmatic and decisive, and with those who know him well he tends to be more genuine and level-headed.
WHAT BROUGHT YOUR CHARACTER TO SOKOVIA? After getting things settled in Gotham, Tim has finally made arrangements to join Batman in Sokovia. He hopes he can continue to be helpful here and is excited to meet some heroes he has only ever heard about or some he has only briefly crossed paths with. While he was slightly reluctant to leave Gotham without Red Robin to protect it, he figures the Nomads needs him more at the moment.
DID THEY SIGN THE ACCORDS? WHY OR WHY NOT? No. No way. Any sort of document that long, that controversial, and that emotionally and politically charged has got to have some sort of behind the scenes agenda to it. Plus he’s been suspicious of General Ross since he heard of him. Just doesn’t seem like the best guy. And the fact that Ross only gave heroes three days to decide whether to sign or not definitely makes it seem like there is something they don’t want everyone know. (Maybe more than one thing.) Plus Batman didn’t sign, and if Bats thinks something is a bad idea, it usually is.
BIO Tim Drake was the son of wealthy parents, Jack and Janet Drake and grew up in Gotham. As a kid, Tim and his parents went to see Haley’s Circus and met the Flying Graysons the same fateful night that Dick’s parents were killed. Later, upon seeing Robin perform an acrobatic trick that he’d previously seen Dick Grayson perform, Tim began to put the pieces together and eventually figured out Batman and Robin’s secret identities. However, he kept this knowledge to himself until after Jason Todd’s death. Tim had also figured out that Dick Grayson had become Nightwing and that the new Robin was Jason Todd. Upon seeing how his grief at Todd’s death affected Batman, making him more volatile and violent, Tim became convinced that Batman needed a Robin, and approached Dick Grayson and asked him to become Robin again to try and help curb Batman’s new ruthlessness. Dick, although impressed by Tim’s detective skills, refused to go back to being Robin and instead went to help as Nightwing. Batman and Nightwing ended up being captured by Two Face, so Tim donned the Robin costume and went to rescue them. Because of this assistance, and with some help convincing him from both Nighwing and Alfred, Batman accepted Tim as the new Robin on a trial basis. Bruce was impressed by Tim’s intellect, but initially did not allow him to take up the mantle of the Boy Wonder in the field, instead training him for several months. While training in Paris, Tim encountered and eventually defeated King Snake, finally proving that he was ready to take his place alongside The Batman.
As Robin, Tim faced off against an array of villains, including Two Face, Lady Shiva, Ulysses Armstrong, Cluemaster, and Ra’s al Ghul. During these battles, though Tim mainly worked with Batman, he also teamed up with various other heroes such as Nightwing, Huntress, Oracle, and Spoiler. It was while trying to apprehend Cluemaster that Tim met Spoiler. Realizing that she was Cluemaster’s daughter, Tim initially thought she was working with the villain, but she explained she was trying to stop him, so they ended up working together. Stephanie became an integral part of the Bat Team and she and Tim worked together often, and eventually started dating.
Tim also joined and led the Teen Titans and Young Justice teams, becoming great friends and allies with heroes such as Super Boy, Impulse, Wonder Girl, and Donna Troy.
However, soon tragedy struck in Tim’s life. During the Identity Crisis, Batman and Robin began investigating attacks made on many families of Justice League members. It was while investigating these attacks that Tim received a transmission from Oracle saying his father needed to speak with him immediately. Jack had found a note attached to a gun suggesting he protect himself. An intruder entered the house, turning out to be the hired killer, Captain Boomerang. Jack shot Captain Boomerang at the same time the hitman threw a razor boomerang, and the two killed each other. Tim, like both Robins before him had lost first his mother (some years ago to an attack by Obeah Man) and now his father to crime. However, instead of becoming bitter and vengeful, Tim focused his efforts on doing good and helping to protect others from suffering the same fate. Bruce offered to adopt Tim, and though initially opposed to the idea, he accepted the offer a year later.
Recently, Tim has taken up the mantle of RED ROBIN. As Red Robin, he continues to fight for justice along side his friends and fellow heroes.
However, the recent events following the Sokovia Accords have made that slightly more complicated. Tim was suspicious of the accords from the start, and was relieved that Batman and other heroes shared his sentiments. He was slightly taken aback by the heroes that decided to sign the Accords, but recognizes that they were only doing what they thought was best for the world. But as the ISA grows stronger and more brutal, Tim has begun to realize that they need to be stopped. He hopes that the Nomads will be able to band together and defeat this new threat to the world.
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batgirlwhoisall · 2 years
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Trigger warnings for abuse, murder, death. 
Cassandra Cain was born with a mission set for the course of her life. She was meant to be the greatest bodyguard for one Ra’s al Ghul. Trained by her father, David Cain, she was supposed to be the greatest weapon. He refused to teach her how to speak, how to read, only training. She was cut off from the outside world, no distractions, nothing exposed to her outside of what David deemed important. Cassandra was a weapon and weapons only needed to learn how to fight and hurt. As a result of this, Cassandra’s brain focused on body language, being able to pick up far more than the average person on non-verbal cues. She could predict movements and intentions with an almost terrifying accuracy as her brain rewired itself to work with what knowledge was given to her. This also, in turn, made it much more difficult for her to try to develop her speaking, reading, and writing skills. 
It wasn’t until Cassandra was eight years old that David finally decided to put her to the test to see if his training had actually worked. Taking her along with him, David sent Cassandra to be the one who killed the target. Unaware at the time of what exactly was happening, Cass merely thought it all to be just a game. It was her brain’s attempt to save herself somewhat from what was about to come. As she struck the killing blow, Cass watched the target die and felt her stomach churn as she realized just what was happening. She saw death as he saw it, reading his body language and the signs from death as he took his final breath. This event utterly traumatized the young girl. In that moment, she realized that not just murder itself was wrong, but her father’s profession was as well. Her entire world was rocked, and she simply ran. Cass could no longer be a part of that world and didn’t want to. She was determined to get away.  
Cassandra spent several years after that homeless, traveling the world as she was filled with guilt for what she had done—what they had made her to become because of her father. It wasn’t until she was seventeen years old that she came upon Gotham. It was there that she came across her father once more, saving Commissioner Gordon from David’s attempt at killing him. After that was when she was given a new purpose, a new chance to prove that she wasn’t what she had been raised to be. With the approval of both Oracle and Batman, Cassandra became the new Batgirl. 
Over time Cass not only flourished in the Batgirl role, but also thrived in it. It was the best she had felt in years. She also began to learn with help how to read, write, and speak. Learning sign language came along with that, helping her when she struggled exactly how to verbalize what she was thinking or feeling. It took time, but she progressed and felt like she could finally do the good that she knew she could be capable of. She wanted to become more than what she was made to be with her father’s influence. 
As time passed and things changed, so did the world. The Accords happened and it was something that Cass was vehemently against. She would not sign them, refusing to if approached. She wanted to help people and would not be told when and how she could. She assisted with keeping the International Security Agency’s Task Force when they attempted the strike against Gotham. She stayed in the city for a long while before ultimately deciding to follow to Sokovia and help the Nomads in the Mousehole.
•ADVANCED BODY LANGUAGE READING: Cass’ advanced ability in body reading has enabled her to be able to read the body language of others and read what they are thinking. It even gives her ability for the most part to tell what people are going to do next before they do it. This is extremely helpful in combat, helping her predict the next move and block or return a blow. •MARTIAL ARTS: Due to her training from practically birth, Cass has an extremely advanced level of martial arts knowledge and skill. She can hold her own against not just her own father, but several members of the League of Assassins.   •INVESTIGATION: Having joined alongside the Bats has increased Cass’ investigation skills exponentially, training with people like Bruce Wayne and Tim Drake. •ADVANCED HAND TO HAND COMBAT: Trained from a young age in various forms of hand to hand combat, Cass knows many assassin techniques, but refuses to use lethal force anymore.
• I headcanon Cass as a lesbian! Sapphic Batgirl for the win  • EMOJIS. Cass loves using an excessive amount of emojis when she messages or texts people. She feels like more often than not she can express herself a smidge bit better with emojis via text than the words she still struggles with at times. • Though she has grown exponentially in her speaking, reading, and writing abilities she has dyslexia. This is a combo of canon and headcanon, honestly, since in New Earth canon it was said she had the learning disability. • Cass can speak now, but alternates between actually speaking and using sign language. • Cass is very socially awkward, not fully understanding a lot of social cues due to her upbringing. She can misinterpret social cues far too easily, coming off as rude or blunt at times due to her lack of care for societal norms in the first place.
• I wasn’t sure where to put this, but I just wanted to note if any of the canon for Cass I’ve written in her bio steps on any toes or clashes with Batfam canon that I am more than happy to change it / work out with Batfam members what makes most sense!
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dacostaintl · 3 years
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Character name/alias: Roberto da Costa / Sunspot 
Faceclaim: Alfred Enoch 
Affiliations: Nomads, formerly the X-Men
Age: 24 
Species: Mutant/metahuman 
Gender: Cis male
Sexual orientation: Bisexual
Identity: Secret
Powers and/or abilities:
- Solar energy absorption, storing and re-channeling: Berto’s body converts solar radiation into energy, which he can then use to his liking. At this point, other types of radiation, energy and heat can also be used to fuel his powers, but solar is always the primary source. Once he re-channels this energy, he enhances his physical strength, speed and durability (including self-sustenance), manages the ability to fly, to project heat waves and plasma blasts, and the immunity to fire and heat. In his powered-up form, Berto remains cloaked in darkness, as he draws all the light reflecting on him.
- Skilled athlete and combatant: Berto was a football player in his youth and during his time at the Xavier Institute he’s been trained in various fighting methods, including the Brazilian capoeira.
Weaknesses: Although nigh-indestructible to physical blows and thermo/photo attacks at his powered-up state, Berto still depends on having stored enough energy to be able to keep himself going. His ability to retain and conscientiously use his powers has improved considerably in his years of training, but he’s unable to create energy on his own and is always susceptible to switching back to his average human form once he burns out.
Personality trais:
- Generous vs. Self-indulgent: Growing up in a lavish household, he never wanted for any material possessions and doesn’t mind sharing when he has plenty to give. It’s a trait that he extends to less tangible things because he also sees that there are more important matters in life than money. Regardless, he’s a firm believer of the “treat yo’ self” mindset and might often postpone lesser duties for some fun.
- Passionate vs. Quarrelsome: There’s no other way to put it – his blood runs hot, he either likes something or he doesn’t. Roberto cares deeply about people and the issues he believes no one should be facing for simply being who they are, he’s devoted to those he holds dear to his heart and always makes sure that they know how important they are to him. Because of this ebullient nature, he also takes offense easily and is quick to spark into fighting, although it was worse when he was a teenager than it is now that he’s perfected his business attitude.
- Charming vs. Arrogant: Berto’s extroverted, lively disposition has a famous consequence – he's a huge flirt and enjoys being charming to people just to make them like him or even to put them off. It comes from a place of carefree confidence, but at the same time he can come across as arrogant. And honestly? He does not care one bit. A face this handsome with a mind this sharp? Please. 
- As far as nicknames go, he prefers to be called Berto (or Beto, which is the common Brazilian version for his name, but was more often used by his parents). Bobby is only fine from acquaintances, if any of his friends call him that he’ll take it as teasing.
- The comics are vague about what his father’s company was really about, so I’m putting it as a multinational dabbling into mining and energy resources, currently in the process of being fully repurposed as a sustainable energy powerhouse (all puns intended) for every country it operates in. Emmanuel da Costa was famously shitty and cared little about the environment, but Berto is trying his best to undo a lot of the damage that his father has caused.
- Roberto is fluent in Brazilian Portuguese (his native language), English and Spanish, but he’s something of a linguistics nerd. He has taken up a bit of Tupi-Guarani and Mayan languages as well as Latin to impress his mother, an archaeologist who spent more time on expeditions across the Americas and Europe than with him.
Life before the Accords:
(TW: Mentions of racism and historical slavery)
Born to Nina, an American archeologist, and Emmanuel da Costa, an Afro-Brazilian businessman who built his empire from the ground up, Roberto grew up in the sunny wonderful city – Rio de Janeiro. Although this was a privileged setting, he’s seen how his father had to fight tooth and nails to earn his place in a white high society, comprised predominantly of ‘old money’ folks descending from slave owners, while his family had their roots in slaves themselves.
As such, Berto was not completely immune to prejudice. At 14, during a Youth Football League match, a string of slurs from other players combined with his heated temper prompted the first manifestation of his mutant powers – and attracted the attention of an anti-metahuman division of the Hellfire Club. Once he fled and managed to stay hidden, they kidnapped his girlfriend, Juliana Sandoval, who ended up killed in the fight that ensued, taking a bullet meant for him.
By this time, Professor X had already sent down to Brazil the team that became known as the New Mutants, all teenagers from different parts of the world like him. With them, Berto moved into the Xavier Institute to learn how to control his powers and train for other battles that would come – not always the easiest task considering that he tended to let his emotions get the best of him and a bit of a problem with Xavier’s authority.
His civilian identity managed to stay hidden by some backstage moves from his father, then also a member of the Hellfire Club. With a recognized family name and lots of resources at his disposal (the one thing his father didn’t really mind giving him), Berto moved on to a double degree in Business Management and Environmental Energy at Columbia University and was able to land an internship within Wayne Enterprises.
Following the Accords:
The Accords can [REDACTED SWEARING IN BR PORTUGUESE]. The law was passed down when he was college, not following Professor X anymore, and he chose to stay out of it for the most part, taking advantage of the fact that his metahuman identity wasn’t public. He steered clear from establishing Genosha, for believing that his commitment isn’t to mutants alone when he sees other social issues happening.
Meanwhile, he’s been getting closer with the Nomads, first only as a solar-powered punch on missions and then with financial contributions once he took over Da Costa International following his father’s death in late 2019. He’s been to the Mousehole only once before, but the talks of the Sentinel Project have made him more worried about what ISA may be working on, so he wants to hang around consistently for a while.
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stormofxarchive · 3 years
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age: 37
gender: CIS WOMAN
pronouns: SHE/HER
sexuality: PANSEXUAL
Ororo was born in New York City, the place she would return to later in life as an X-Man. As a baby, her parents, N’Dare and David Munroe, moved to Cairo, Egypt, for her father’s work as a photojournalist. Their life as a happy family was interrupted when N’Dare and David were killed in a plane crash. Only five years old, Ororo was traumatized by the crash and being buried under rubble during it led to her developing severe claustrophobia. In the aftermath, as an orphan, Ororo began wandering the streets of Cairo. It was at this time she was taken under the guidance and tutored by a master thief, who taught her how to become a street thief and survive.
  She would eventually travel to Kenya, her mother’s homeland, where Ororo first displayed her mutant powers of weather manipulation. Here, she also met Ainet, who took Ororo in and became a surrogate mother to her. Ororo also began to use her powers to help her village, where she learnt a dangerous lesson about her limits. In bringing rain to her drought-stricken village, she had inadvertently taken it from other villages, leaving them at a loss and killing many animals. It taught Ororo that although she was powerful, she had to make use of restraint, a lesson that has served her well in the years since. From then on, she developed a greater understanding of her powers and was able to use it to help all the nearby villages; in return, she was worshipped as a rain goddess, a mantle that she claimed, as yet unaware that there were other mutants like her.
  As a young adult, Storm was identified as a mutant by Professor X and recruited to his second team of the X-Men. While uncertain of whether or not she wanted to leave the life she knew, Ororo steadily acclimatized to the team and would, in time, consider them her family. She relished using her powers to do good, developing her ability to use them to their full potential. Eventually, she would be known as an Omega level mutant and one of the most powerful members of the team. Additionally, Ororo’s level-headed mind and keen sense of tactics had her become one of the leaders of the team.
  Before the Accords, Ororo had primarily served as an active member of the X-Men and devoted her life to the team full-time. As a former goddess, she had never had an interest in any profession and considered the X-Men her life’s calling, but in time, she began teaching at the school as well, where her nurturing side found an outlet. Ororo found deep meaning in helping the next generation of mutants grow. With the rise of the Accords, she had to make a difficult decision. Being an X-Man was the foundational part of her, after all these years, and every instinct rebelled against the nature of the Accords. While she wished to fight and assert her right to freedom, she cared so deeply about staying with her students that she found herself signing them for their sake, particularly as she had an extremely turbulent history with the headmistress, Emma Frost. Ororo wasn’t willing to leave the students with only Emma to watch over them. Making the choice to stay with the school weighed on her severely, but she believed it to be the right one.    
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+Kind Hearted: One of the reasons why he decided to use his powers for good, was exactly because of that. He hated seeing people suffering, he could have not known what to do with them in the beginning, but when he learned, he promised himself he would do everything in his power to protect others.
+Selfless: sometimes some would say he was even a little too much. He tended to always put other people's lives first. Luckily, when he was Shazam, that got him into less trouble, perks of having powers, but when he was a mere human, anyone could hurt him, which happened before.
+Loyal: he takes a long time to trust you, but when he does, he almost turns into a dog. He wouldn't ever betray you, would be by your side until your dying day. He would protect you no matter what. You could call him at 3 am saying that you're feeling sad and down, that he would go running to your place to cheer you up.
- Impulsive: he had gone to the field many times without a plan before, because the only thing he could think about when he saw someone in trouble, was that he needed to save the person. When he was the big guy, he tended to have a lot of wisdom, the same couldn't be said when he was just Billy. Despite being an adult, only four years away from his thirties, he wasn't the wisest on some occasions. But some have said that he could give some pretty good advices sometimes.
- Paranoid: when he starts to like someone, he tends to already start to imagine them leaving him, not wanting to have him in their lives anymore. His head starts to scream for him to run, so he doesn't get hurt, that little voice always shows up when he's already terrified of losing someone. He learned to deal with that, not let that control his actions, even if a lot of times, that little voice is still there, in the corner of his mind.
- Closed off: he hides how he feels 90% of the time, mostly negative feelings, because the happy ones, he tends to want to scream to the world, with the exception of love, which is extremely hard for him to talk about, especially to the person that he feels that toward. He took so long to tell his ex how he felt, actually he was only brave enough to do it when she said it first. But it wasn't just when he felt it romantically, platonic love was hard too, just not as much as the former.
Wisdom of Solomon: Due to Solomon's blessings, Shazam has instant access to a vast level of scholarly knowledge. Billy describes this ability as a feeling and a moral compass.
Powers related to the above:
Clairvoyance: The wisdom of Solomon gives Billy clairvoyance and provides him with counsel and advice in times of need.
Divine Grace: Billy has the wisdom of Solomon which allows finesse in actions and dealings with others.
Eidetic Memory: Through Solomon's wisdom, Batson is capable of memorizing anything he sees.
Tactics of War: Through Solomon's blessings, Billy is an accomplished tactician.
Mathematics: Through Solomon's blessings, Billy is an accomplished mathematician.
Multilingualism: Through Solomon's wisdom, Shazam can speak any language when transformed. He has been shown to speak decent Arabic and Japanese.
Strength of Hercules: With the blessings of Hercules, Billy's strength is greatly increased. He is able to crack concrete, bend steel, and could even fight toe-to-toe with Superman.
Powers related with the above:
Super-Leaping: With Hercules's blessing, Billy is able to use his strong leg muscles to leap far distances in a single bound.
Stamina of Atlas: With the blessings of Atlas, Billy canendure great physical exertion without tiring while in his empowered form.
Powers related to the above:
Self-Sustenance: Because of Atlas' blessings, Shazam is able to survive without food, water or any other sort of sustenance while in his empowered form.
Power of Zeus: Zeus' power, besides fueling the magic thunderbolt that transforms Billy, also enhances his other physical abilities and allows for inter-dimensional travel and the casting of various mystical spells. Most notably, this power allows Shazam to manipulate and control the "living lightning".
Powers related to the above
Accelerated Healing: He displayed the ability to use the transformative lightning to heal others or himself instantly from wounds inflicted on his mortal form.
Dimensional Travel: Shazam can access the Rock of Eternity whenever he wants, which sits at the center of the Multiverse. Shazam was also able to forcibly transport the Wizard to the Rock of Eternity through a bolt of his lightning.
Electrokinesis: Shazam is able to generate and manipulate the "living lightning", which is the magical lightning that transforms him into Shazam. He can project the energy from his fingertips and even use the lightning bolt as a weapon by dodging it and allowing it to strike an opponent or other target.
Magic: As the wielder of Shazam's power, Billy is capable of casting magic spells for various purposes. While originally not well-versed in magic, Billy eventually learned to cast precise spells from the Book of Champions.
Powers related to the above
Power Distribution: As Shazam, Billy can share a portion of his magical powers with anyone akin to family that he so chooses, giving both similar and different powers of their own based on their personalities. The Wizard considers this "sharing spell" the greatest of Billy's powers.
Size Alteration: Shazam has used a spell to shrink down to the size of Mister Mind, in order to fight him inside his father's head.
Summoning: By saying "Ala-Ka-Zamm!" Shazam was able to summon a ping-pong table into the Justice League Headquarters.
Thermal-Blast: Through a spell, Shazam was able to ignite a blast of Superboy-Prime's ice breath into flames, and redirect the blast at him.  
Courage of Achilles: This aspect is physical and partly psychological, and gives Billy superhuman amounts of inner strength to draw off from, while also making him indestructible to harm. Bullets have no effect on Billy, and conventional weaponry does nothing to his physical body as well. Only the most powerful of superhumans can topple him. He withstood a punch from an enraged Superman without any noticeable pain and injury afterwards.
Powers related to the above
Indomitable Will: Because of Achilles', blessing Shazam is very strong willed in his actions.
Immortality: As long as he remains in his empowered form he doesn't age
Speed of Mercury: With the blessings of Mercury, Billy can run as fast as a bolt of lightning, this means Billy can at least run a third of the speed of light.
Powers related to the above
Flight: With Mercury's blessing, Billy is able to hover or out right fly at high speeds.
Superhuman Reflexes: Shazam's reflexes are heightened to superhuman levels.
Vocal reliance: The spell that allows Billy to transform into Shazam is purely vocal. Therefore, if he is prevented from speaking, such as being gagged, he will not be able to transform.
WHAT BROUGHT YOUR CHARACTER TO SOKOVIA?  He moved from his hometown, because he thought that Sokovia needed help. He saw everything that was going on, and thought that maybe they needed a little hand. It was a hard decision, because he would be far from his family, but knowing he would have people he was close to there, he felt a little more at ease, he wouldn’t be alone. DID THEY SIGN THE ACCORDS? WHY OR WHY NOT? No, and is shocked by the vigilantes that did, especially Clark. He doesn’t see why anyone would agree with such thing, it was so clear to him that it was some kind of plan Lex created to take over the world. He didn’t trust him. PROVIDE 3-5 HEADCANONS RELATED TO YOUR CHARACTER:
Music is his passion, and he even thought about making a career out of it, but decided against. If people paid more attention to him, would make things harder, so he went for a job that had to do it with, but that he wouldn't get famous over it.
He always wanted pets, but never adopted one because his fear of them getting hurt because of him and his fighting crime job, was bigger.
He also loves dancing, and he is good at it. There are some occasions that he gets really shy, but dancing and singing, are not one of them. He finds so easy to move his hips.
Sometimes he stands on the bed while listening to music, and play air guitars and drums. He had been caught doing it before, many times by his adoptive parents and family.
People he joined forces for a mission: vigilantes are always running into each other, so he probably bumped on more than a few of them while working before the accords, and joined forces to stop whatever threat that was going on.
People he met in college: this one probably gonna be a little harder, but if your character has the same age as him or close, maybe they could have met when he was in college.
People that watched one of his gigs: even before going to Sokovia, he played and sang in a bar, so if they lived in Fawcett City or visited it, maybe they could have watched he sing? 
CHARACTER BIO — tw alcoholism, vomit, death
Sometimes people that are parents, shouldn’t have become one. Billy Batson was born in Fawcett City, he never met his dad, because he left before the boy was born, so growing up without a dad was already hard, on top of that, his mother was not the greatest one. She drank, a lot. He had seen many times her either sleeping on the couch, with a bunch of empty bottles on the floor, or in the bathroom throwing up. It was hard to deal with it, he was just a kid, he was supposed to be enjoying his childhood, instead he had to take care of a woman that didn’t know when to stop. He had to be an adult, while his friends were outside playing.
She was a mess, which was why no one was surprised when her son was taken away from her and placed in an orphanage. Not that he was that thrilled about it, but he could finally rest. It was exhausting having to look after his mom, many times he had to clean her vomit off her bed or the floor. Maybe he could finally be a kid. He was lucky to be part of an orphanage filled with lovely people. Not all of them were like that, but the staff, they treated him well, however, he didn’t feel like they were a family. Speaking of it, took him a long time to find one that wanted to keep him. He went to one foster house to another, no one wanted him. Couples usually adopted a kid with this perfect image of a family in their head, and Billy just wasn’t the kind of kid that fit into that narrative. He was constantly getting himself into trouble, and running away from their home. He was a problematic kid, because staying 8 years in a home like the one he grew up in, scarred him. He got better as he got older, but it took him to finally find a loving family, and until nowadays, he had to deal with the aftermath of the things he had to face as a kid.
No one was ready to deal with him, so usually they gave up, except for one family. The moment that he met the Vasquez family, he could already notice that there was something different about them, the other families were also sweet at first, sure, but they were different, he could feel just how much they seemed to love him already, and since they had 5 other kids that they also adopted, it was hard to see them as bad people, still, the mere thought of them disappointing him, made him try to run away. It was in that day, that his life would stop being ordinary.
One moment he was in a subway, in the other he was in some kind of cave. He thought that he was dreaming for a moment, who would think that something like that was possible? Especially since there was a wizard there who gave him powers and told him that he was the chosen one. In a blink of an eye, he was an adult, or at least seemed to be in the body of one. After getting out of that cave, he started to freak out, talking out loud to no one in particular, mumbling about how on earth was he supposed to fix this? And why the heck it had to happen to him from all the people in that city? He knew that he would need someone’s help, and the first person that came to mind was Freddy.
Despite the fact that he was planning to run away and never look back, he knew that the boy would help him without hesitating, and for his delight, he did. It was hard to find out how he could go back to his fourteen year old self, but eventually they did. It was so simple, all he had to do was yell the same name that he had to yell in the cave, and shortly after, he was back to his normal self. That didn’t really take away his powers, he could go back to being Shazam at any moment he wanted, so he stayed in the Vasquez home, and his new foster brother helped him to train.
It wasn’t easy, and honestly, he was clearly not ready to be a hero, but he had to be, there was an evil man that he needed to defeat, he was strong. At first he didn’t want to, he didn’t think he would win, he was scared to die, but the moment that he threatened his new family, which after some time really grew on him, it awoke something in him, but the guy was stronger, he would need help. He had to give his siblings powers, the same way that the wizard did to him, together they were unstoppable. They were able to stop Sivana.
After that, Billy’s vigilante duty didn’t end, he continued it, and so did his siblings. Many threats came, and they stopped them all, they were making the world a better place. They could not be capable of changing the whole world, but a small part was still something. As time passed by, Billy had to juggle his secret life with his social and academic one. Found himself a girlfriend, finished high school, started college. It wasn’t an easy task, but he refused to give up of his mundane life or his vigilante one. He continued, and after some time he successfully graduated in music. He found a job in that area, a small little bar that needed a singer for the band that played there.
He had a girlfriend, a job he loved, and a family that were always there for him, not to mention plenty of friends that he never thought he would be able to even meet. Three big heroes that clearly adored him, Superman, Wonder Woman and Batman. Not only he could call them friends, but they were one of the biggest reasons why he had the strength to continue, he met Superman when he was only fourteen and still new to the whole hero thing, he guided him, the three of them did. They taught him so much, he felt like he owes them for the rest of his life, they were his second family.
His life could not have been the best, but at that moment in his life, he could say that it was almost perfect. It had downs like anyone else’s life, like when his best friend died, because he was in the wrong time, in the wrong place, Billy blamed himself for it, as he passed because the bullets that ricocheted him, went straight to the other boy.  He learned to deal with the guilt, but there were many days that he still thinks about it, and if it was really his fault. Another thing that he blames himself for, was the end of his relationship, wonders if it could have lasted if he was a better boyfriend.
Things slowly started to get better, but like mentioned, life had many downs. What happened in Sokovia, the accords,  it definitely affected him in such a huge way. Not just because he didn’t think that it was fair, but because he found out that one of the people that he trusted the most, Clark Kent, signed it. It infuriated him, how could he do such thing?! He thought he knew him, but apparently he didn’t.
He stayed months trying to decide whether he would move there or not, one more hero is never a bad thing. No matter how dangerous the situation was, he was willing to take the risk. He texted both Bruce and Diana almost daily, both because he missed them, and because he wanted to make sure they were safe and sound. He was still mad at Clark, but he still cared about him, he thought about texting him, he wrote a variety of them, but never sent it.
Months later, he finally decided that he should move, it would be hard to be away from his family, but he knew this was for a greater good, he had to be strong, so in 2018, he packed his things, and went to Sokovia. Without thinking twice, he became a member of the group that they were calling the Nomads, it was time to save that city.
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belyypauchok · 3 years
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“pain and suffering is every day and we are both still a trained killer. except I'm not the killer little girls call their hero.”
stats ;;
Name: Yelena Belova
Alias: White Widow
Age: 30 
Occupation: Assassin (gone rogue)
Gender: Cis woman 
MBTI Type: ESFP (The Entertainer)
Height: 5'4″ 
Weight: 125lbs 
Sexuality: Grey-asexual
Affiliations: The Red Room, Natasha Romanoff (?), The Nomads (?). Herself. 
Species: Human
powers / abilities ;;
Assassin: Yelena has been trained as a Black Widow assassin since youth and, as such, is at nigh peak human condition. She has been trained for most of her life in the ways of spycraft and combat. She is a master spy and assassin, known for being one of the deadliest child assassins the world has ever seen. 
Weapons Proficiencies: Yelena has high proficiency with firearms, knives and a staff, although she prefers to fight hand to hand and has a style of combat that is particularly direct and brutal - heavily influenced by Sambo. 
SNACKS: Yelena loves chocolate. She doesn’t eat it much any more - she is concerned with her conditioning and her work and that is all she is allowed to think of but, in those three shining years with her family, she grew a wonderful affection for the stuff and either of her parents would often find her sneaking an extra bar after dinner time with wide, innocent eyes and a charming smile.
ESCAPE: She likes to read - mostly fantasy actually. It’s likely a form of escapism but every time she’s in a different airport, she will pick up a cheap paperback. It’s a good cover but it also gives her a wonderful chance to immerse herself in a world that isn’t her own for a little while.
MUSIC: Even now, Yelena loves folk rock music and has her own iPod - an old, battered model that she bought fifth-hand at a market on a whim. It is her sole rebellion from the Red Room, aside from the photos she has kept safe all these years, and she often loads it up with new music and uses it to keep herself focused and motivated during morning runs. No one at the Red Room knows she has it - they frown upon any sign of individuality from their Widows.
traits ;;
Loving : Yelena has always felt everything so very deeply, one of the few traits that the Red Room looks down on her for. She loves with a ferocity that would startle anyone who knew her in the throes of her conditioning and she is willing to accept any love that people give her in return, even if she is unlikely to trust it. This mostly applies to familial and platonic love - she craves it deeply considering the fact that she has never truly had it. She’s got a very deep well of emotion that she yearns to tap into, even though she doesn’t know quite how to reconcile this yearning with what she has been taught in the Red Room.
Humorous : As she has started to grow past her conditioning, Yelena has come to learn that she has a wickedly sharp sense of humor. She is deadpan and sarcastic and legitimately very funny, always ready with a quick remark to disarm a situation or to dissolve tension. A lot of this comes very naturally; she does not intend to be funny quite in this way but her attitude drips with sarcasm and it often surprises others. It is a useful trait but also, she will come to find that she genuinely enjoys making people laugh. It’s a damn sight better than making them scream or cry, as she is also very adept at doing. 
Fierce : Perhaps an expected trait of a Widow. Yelena is fierce and, while this could be seen as a drawback considering how ruthless it makes her, she considers it to be one of her finest talents. She is single-minded and focuses spectacularly on her job, no matter what it is. She pursues her goals with a clear, laser sharp focus that means she almost always succeeds. It definitely keeps her in the good books at the Red Room and so, she cultivates this ferocity as best she can. She has a strong talent for hyper-focus and can be downright scary when she puts her mind to something. 
Cynical : But being raised in a facility designed to breed the love and kindness from you does not make you a sunshine optimist. Instead, Yelena is darkly cynical and often does not believe there is ever a light at the end of this tunnel for her. She has no real hope for her future and can be downright bleak when it comes to the outlook of her life, something that is only to be expected when considering her past. It’s rarely something that she says aloud but there are arch remarks here and there that make one thing very obvious - she goes into every mission expecting that it could be her last.
Amoral : Similarly, she has been taught to kill since she was six years old. The Red Room had no space for moral compasses and so, she has learnt to discard her own. She does still have a sense of justice to an extent but this does not align with most people’s. She has no qualms with violence or killing and likely will not for a long, long time - a quality that will no doubt cause a ruckus. Her own code of justice hinges on the idea of always allowing people agency, since she has never had her own. Death is not the greatest crime to her; control is. 
Impetuous : Yelena is also prone to speaking without thinking and has taken many punishments for it over the years. Yet she cannot seem to shake the habit, even now. When she feels so deeply, it is all too easy to get swept up in her own emotions and to speak before she has truly thought about it. She often makes errors in judgement about what is appropriate to say to others. Yelena is able to keep secrets about world intel but god forbid she thinks before telling someone exactly what she thinks of their outfit. 
past ;;
[TW: Yelena’s bio contains mention of kidnapping, child abuse, mental conditioning/brainwashing, forced sterilisation and murder] 
Born to a poor, destitute couple in Russia, Yelena was never destined for a life of greatness and yet, it seems that life had darker plans than anyone could ever comprehend for her. When she was only three years old, her true parents looked away from her for one moment when she was in their front garden. Yelena was snatched up at that moment by a passing Red Room operative. The Red Room was looking for children after all. Perhaps in another time, she would have simply been cycled through the system and Yelena honestly doesn't know if that would have been more cruel or not. As it stands, she was taken for an operation in America. Used as the cover story for Melina Vostokoff and Alexei Shostakov, she was to be raised as their youngest child - and to reduce suspicion of the couple. She was to gain an older sister, someone who would watch over her and protect her and bring her the greatest joy. 
Yelena got to live in what she thought was bliss for three entire years. She was a delightful child - bright and intelligent and quick to laugh. She endeared herself to Natasha especially over those three years and they bonded as only sisters can. Then came time for the operatives to return home to Russia. And Yelena was to accompany them. When they landed, Natasha fought viciously to keep her sister by her side and Yelena has never forgotten the wild, desperate look in her sister’s eyes as she was taken captive and shoved into a cargo container with the rest of that year's intake of girls. 
So Yelena, the innocent child, was to die. She was cycled into the Red Room and put through the harrowing conditioning to make her into a Black Widow. She suffered great trauma at the hands of the facility and yet, she cannot even remember most of it due to the mental conditioning that accompanied her physical training. 
Like all Widows, she was given training in a range of deadly arts, sterilized at the first possible opportunity and then trotted out to do their dirty work. Her first assassination mission was when she was a little under 14 years old. She became a prolific and dangerous assassin, doing the majority of her work under the guise of an innocent, unassuming child. 
She was a child. Exploited and traumatized and none the wiser for it. Yet, throughout it all, she clung to the memory of her mama and papa and her best big sister and how they hadn't left her. With every time she was subjected to the chemical conditioning, the memory becomes harder to keep hold of. It is vague now, their faces blurring a little, but she holds on all the same. 
Recently, she was sent on a mission to eliminate a defector from the Red Room - a Widow gone rogue. When she came across the Widow, she was in possession of several vials of a red gaseous substance. In the fight, one of them shattered and Yelena was exposed to it. This substance negated the effects of the chemical conditioning. 
It was like being dunked in a vat of cold water. For the first time in years, Yelena feels awake. 
And now she knows she has to get word to Natasha. Other girls are suffering like they did. Yelena is awake now and she can’t let that continue. 
present ;;
Yelena has recently been sent on a mission to eliminate a defector from the Red Room. In her pursuit, she was exposed to a substance that broke the chemical conditioning that she had been under. Now in possession of a few vials of this substance and with the growing terror of what she had done at their whim, she has tracked down the one person she thinks might be able to help; Natasha. 
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