#srsly anons on this website are so entitled
halfricanloveyou · 2 years
yo, this is my blog and i don’t owe you activism on it. i’m here for fun and!to bitch about shit sometimes but i’m here for me and not you.
if you’re thinking of telling me what to post and how to post it or what to say and how to say it, consider maybe sucking my dick and balls.
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ashdumpsterpile · 3 years
I feel like I also need to add that if minors are dropping into adults inboxes...we have literally NO WAY of knowing that y'all are minors. I have been "called out" for harassment bc I said something to someone who might've been a minor, hiding behind anon and being a general dick to me.
Again, this is an 18+ website, some of us are going to be posting adult content on here. Most of us use tagging to warn, but it's a courtesy not a requirement. The same goes for AO3.
It's not the responsibility of a single adult on this website to protect you or to monitor your content, kiddos. Be safe, be smart, figure out how to use the filtering system and don't come complaining in our inboxes under anon just bc we posted something you think isn't "child friendly" enough for you.
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