heoltrouble · 7 years
Unrequited Love
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                   “Okay, tomorrow 7 pm?” He wiggled his eyebrows, feeling excited. 
           "I have tons of work.“
           "Next day after tomorrow?” He suggested, you could see his eyes were sparkling in anticipation. 
            You shook your head slowly, a no. 
            "So it’s a no?“ Simon looked hurt as he stood in front of you, waiting for your answer. 
             You looked at his shoes which were same as yours, you bit your inner cheek, contemplating on what words you’d say. After seconds passed you looked up at him, "I’m sorry, I can’t.” You sighed,however you felt guilty for constantly rejecting his favor. Simon was your bestfriend and recently he sent you a lot of hint that he wanted to change the relationship between you two, though he knew you had boyfriend.
              "It’s just a dinner, y/n. A friendly dinner, I just want to catch up things with you. You’ve been avoiding me recently and it’s frustrating.“ he purposely emphasized the word ‘friend’, to make you less burdened. He didn’t want to make everything between you and him crumbling after he declared his feeling, he did it just because he wanted you to know and you didn’t have to return his feeling.
               "I know, you’re my friend. But–”
               "Is it because of him?“ He sounded bitter, "you’re avoiding me because of him?” He was referring to Soohyuk, your boyfriend. Soohyuk was never fond of Simon, he hates his guts and it goes around for Simon. Both of them act civil to each other only in front of you which confusing you. 
               Recently your fight with Soohyuk were always about Simon, he pointed all about you and Simon, on how he would look at you when you weren’t noticed, he was too kind and overprotective for a 'bestfriend’ label, and you needed to stop hangout with Simon. 
               But you brushed it off, Soohyuk was acting like a jealous child and you just can’t stop talking to Simon without reason. He was your bestfriend, far before you met Soohyuk. You wanted to go but you didn’t want to make Soohyuk mad, it was hard for you and you wished Simon would understand your situation. 
               Shaking your head slowly, you touch his arm, “Simon, I-" 
               "Y/n!” Soohyuk’s voice came out of nowhere, startling you.
                You turned your head to the voice source, you found your boyfriend standing with scowl and his cold eyes darting straight to Simon’s. Looking back at Simon, you noticed his body stiffened as he held his anger. You knew well how Simon’s body reacted when he’s upset. 
                Soohyuk walked to your direction then wrapping his arms around your waist from behind and he placed a sweet kiss on your temple, making the whole situation more awkward.
                The last thing you wanted to happen was being lovey dovey with Soohyuk in front of Simon. 
                Not giving you chance to say a word or even bother to greeting Simon, he let out a mocking chuckle before said, “let’s go, you say want to watch movie and cuddle with me." 
                And it made Simon’s lips twitched, but thanks to your quick reaction, you turned to Soohyuk and nudged him to lead the way out so there would no fight and broken nose between these two. 
                "I have to go, I’ll call you later.” You bid goodbye to Simon, seeing his eyes held the anger, you wanted to comfort him but you couldn’t safe both of them. It hurt you too for sacrificing Simon. But once again, what you can do? 
                It was almost a week after last encounter between Soohyuk, Simon and you. Everything went well though Soohyuk never stop to tell you to be careful around Simon. And there you were, meeting Simon after his recording session, he insisted to meet you at your place and asking you to come at his birthday party which would be held next week. 
               "It’s one of my birthday wishes.“
               "I said it’s one of my birthday wishes, spending time with you even if it only eat your stupid chocolate waffles plus that ridiculous vanilla ice cream.” He let out an exasperation sigh. 
               "Simon, we could celebrate your birthday early.. I could throw party for you and we will having fun.“ You said, sounded more like negotiating. Simon said he wanted to celebrate his birthday only if you come and join him from the start until its ended. But too bad, because you promised Soohyuk to go to meet his parents at that date, 9th March which was also Simon’s birthday. 
              “Then there’s no point to celebrate anything, even in my birthday, my bestfriend won’t come. Where’s the happy in happy birthday when you’re not around?” He crossed his arms in front of his chest, he was pissed but he tried his best to not act like stupid young boy, pouting and stomping his feet for example. 
              "I’m so sorry, you know what the reason is.“ You almost cried, frustrating to be in this situation. 
              "You’re going to meet his parents, are you going to marry him?" 
              "No.” You replied real quick, “we never discuss about that, it’s too soon to talk about marriage and stuff.” You explained, when the other girls would be excited talking and dreaming about their wedding, you were at the other side. Sure you’re happy with Soohyuk but picturing yourself spending your life with him was never crossed in your mind, there’s something that you missed but you didn’t know what it was. 
               "You don’t love him.“ He mumbled, "you’re doubting your feelings to him." 
              Simon’s words caught you. You were battling with yourself, wondering the truth of your feelings. Was it love? Were you ever feel the spark and excitement whenever Soohyuk touches you? 
              Simon touched your hands, it felt warm and his touch sent multiple feelings to you. He held your hands and pulled you closer, touching your cheek, he lifted your face to meet his. 
              "Do you love him?” His voice sounded so gentle and there was no anger in it.
              You stayed silent, nothing came out from your mouth. You looked at his eyes deeply which the more you looked at them, the deeper you drowned at his eyes. Simon has round eyes and they’re beautiful, his eyes were the most expressive, whenever he’s sad, angry, happy, all showed from his eyes. 
              "You know, sometimes what you think it’s good and makes you happy it’s actually not what you deserve. Sometimes you have to go deeper, ask to your heart to know the answer.“ 
              His words were true, maybe Soohyuk was what you want but he might not the one that you needed. His thumb caressed your hand in soothing way, you didn’t know how he do it but it felt good and you liked being touched by him. 
              "If it’s up to me, I don’t give a damn to him and I’ll do anything to make you mine. But this is you, I give you my heart and I wish you’ll keep it, but if you didn’t want it then let me know where I stand.." 
              "Simon, I–” your voice cracked, you never felt unsure of your feeling before and his words were like reminder to you. 
              He shook his head slowly and smiled, putting his forefinger on your lips, “I don’t want the answer right now, you can think about it. If it’s me that you want, you know where I am on my birthday." 
              And after that you felt his lips touched your left cheek softly, he put on more seconds as if he wanted you to feel his lips against your soft cheek longer. 
              "You’ll come to me, won’t you?”
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jennikimmm-blog · 7 years
KANGEN KAMU (MISS YOU) @longlivesmdc #simondominic #ssamdi #ssamthingspecial #aomg #khiphop #koreanhiphop #longlivesmdc #jungkiseok
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heoltrouble · 7 years
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               “Hahhhh, it’s frustrating, isn’t it?“ Simon sighed, looking at his nine months baby boy who was busy sucking his own thumb, looking at Simon innocently. After few stunts and drama that his son pulled for the last thirty minutes, finally he found his peace. Jungki finally stopped crying and lying down on the soft mat for his own will, feeling exhausted after crying for only God’s know the reason why. 
                You went on grocery shopping and Simon volunteered himself to take care of his adorable son. At first you against his idea and insisted to take Jungki with you, but Simon said he would be okay, Jungki already nine months old, he could sit, rolling on the mat plus you just went one block away from home. They will be fine, that’s what he thought. 
                 But as soon as you went out, little you knew that Jungki was throwing tantrum as if he tested his dad’s limit and capability to take care of him. And sure  it’s exhausting for Simon, he wondered how could you put up with Jungki all the time, but when he think about it, Jungki has been always calm and reserved whenever you’re around. 
                 Jungki didn’t play fair. Simon pouted.
                 Jungki reached his tiny hands for Simon and Simon gladly offered his forefinger to him to hold, “We are really look alike, dude..” Simon commented, feeling so proud for creating his own mini, Jungki.
                 Jungki wrapped his dad’s finger then kicked his feet in the air, looking so enthusiast.
                 "It’s more like I actually cloning you instead of having a hot moment creating you with your awesome mom–“ He shook his head, feeling ridiculous for talking about his non stop love making crave with you.
                 “You’re too innocent to hear that, sorry my bad.” He grinned stupidly and shook his finger in gentle way which wrapped tightly by his son. 
                 But then Jungki started to whine and Simon didn’t know what to do. 
                 "Hey, hey, I’ll tell you when the time is right. Okay?“ He tried to negotiate with his nine months son as if Jungki understood his words. 
                 Jungki kept whining and started to cry, kicking his little feet in the air out of frustration. And Simon still had no idea what Jungki’s want. He made funny faces to stop Jungki for crying but all the respond was cry and a loud whining. He finally gave up and started to think that babysitting by his own was a really bad idea, he needed you. You were the one who could tame this little monster. 
                "Daddy doesn’t even understand the meaning of your cry.” He mumbled then scooped Jungki in his arms, rocking him gently for awhile before he realized he smell something. 
                Really really smelly. More like stink.. Could it be?
                “Geez, little man you pooped, didn’t you?” He pulled away to look at Jungki who innocently blinked his cute round eyes, he already stopped crying.
                “You poop monster~” Simon scrunched his nose and snuggled his face to Jungki’s tummy, making him giggle enjoying his dad silly action.
                “Alright, let’s see how much you produce the poop today~“ Simon said in a song tone and put Jungki back on the soft mat to change his diaper. Jungki wiggled uncomfortable but he didn’t cry, Simon started to get rid off Jungki’s evidence. 
                "Its more like babyshitting, not babysitting.” He commented as he took off Jungki’s diaper. 
                “Look, you’re literally a baby and now you’re shitting on your diapers, baby and shitting will more look realistic. Aren’t you agree?” He asked, but not really clear to whom. 
                “Mmmbwa, mamama bofphhh..” Jungki’s babbling voice came as a reply. 
                “Alright, alright.. Stop complaining, I’m changing your diapers, okay? See?” Simon showed a fresh and brand new diaper in the air, shaking it slowly so his son could see it.
                “Ppapapaappa.” Jungki reacted as if he understood what’s Simon said to him. He threw his tiny fists in the air as he smiled, showing his tiny white teeth on his lower gum. 
                “That’s right, I’m your appa. Your awesome dad.” Simon nodded satisfied, still busying himself to put on the diapers. 
                “Dadadada.” Jungki cutely babbled again.
                “Isn’t that english word?” Simon looked amused by the fact his son was actually talkative.
                “Dadada hmpfhhhhh.”
                “Yes, it’s daddy. Dad-dy..” he pointed out to his son how to spell words daddy. As soon as the diapers changing session done he patted Jungki’s round bumps.
                “I’ll teach you everything once you bit older. Okay?” And Jungki giggled as a respond, causing Simon grinned wider.
                “You’ll learn how to play instruments from uncle Sunghwa, learning english with uncle Jay, write a deep shit and heart shattering lyric in english with uncle Chacha, being annoying like uncle Jukyung, cute like uncle Hyukwoo and the last.. Be awesome rapper and girls’ favorite like me. Uh no- girls are trouble, lets just stay away from them as far as we could, okay?” He gave Jungki serious face while the innocent Jungki already rolled around on the mat as if he wanted to get away from his dad’s lecture. 
                 The sound of key shuffling indicating that you already come home, Simon whipped his head on your direction. 
                 "Is everything alright?“ You asked, watching your son rolled back and forth on the mat while your husband just sit and looked exhausted. 
                 "We can’t do anything without mommy, daddy is suck..” Simon let out his frustration, raising his both hands in the air, feeling defeated. 
                 He looked at you with his puppy eyes, “Mommy please babysitting us..“
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heoltrouble · 7 years
Stupid Love
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Simon Dominic's POV
          "Why is this elevator so fuckin slow?!" I muttered to myself, more like cursing. I was inside the elevator, going to Sunghwa's apartment. After few seconds leaning lazily on the elevator wall, finally the elevator dinged and opened. I sighed in relief, walking out from elevator then suddenly my eyes caught on something interesting.
         There was young lady with black hair off to her shoulder walked to my direction, she was really pretty, her pointy nose, pale skin and small pouting lips which made her more attractive on my eyes.
         Geez, I couldn't stop ogling at her but I needed to stop. It was kind of rude and impolite to look at opposite sex with daring eyes, I won't be caught and accused as pervert. So I looked down, watching my own steps when she passed by me.
         Who is she?          Her sweet fragrance could be smelled, I was sure it was kind of gum fragrance, so sweet and geez— I needed to check her again. I stopped and turned my head to see her but that damn elevator already closed, bringing her away from my sight.
         Great Kiseok, you just lost a chance to say hi to her! I sighed in annoyance, accepting the reality then walked to Sunghwa's door.
         "Sunghwa-ssi~" I called him through the intercom while I brutally pressed his doorbell. Sunghwa's apartment was my second home, literally and practically. Because whenever I feel lonely and bored I will gladly and unashamedly crashed at his place, as long as he didn't have girlfriend. Because it would be awkward when I crashed there and his girlfriend was around, it happened once and as predicted it was very very awkward situation.
         I heard a click sound from the door, Sunghwa noticed me and automatically opened the door. But it wasn't me if I didn't mess around, so I kept ringing his bell until I heard he groaned.
         "Hyunggggg, stop that!" He whined, yes everyone. Sunghwa was secretly a cute guy, he won't scold me since I was older than him. I guessed that was my privilege for being oldest, pranking my little brothers was fun, especially Sunghwa and Hyukwoo.
          I smirked at him, "Are you in the middle of making out?" I passed him paper bags of McDonald's burger and fries then entered his place.
          "With whom?" He scowled and I really wanted to smack his precious nose at that time.
          "With your right hand and tissues?" I chuckled, teasing him.
   Gray's POV
         I couldn't stop munching this damn delicious chicken nuggets for almost thirty minutes, Kiseok hyung was the best when it comes to bribe me. Today he said he wants to crash on my place since recently he felt lonely. That old man needed someone to talk to and I was nice enough to let him be here.
         "Sunghwa, can you stop eating?" He glared at me who busy stuffing my mouth with nuggets and fries.
         I stopped munching even though my mouth still full with the food, raising my eyebrows to let him say what he needs.
         "I'm thinking to have vacation." He leaned back at my black couch with his eyes glued at his phone.
         "Whtuudjfudgere?" I was struggling to talk while my mouth full with food.
         "Do you want me to help you shove that food?"  He didn't even look at me but his voice sound scary, I quickly munched my beautiful nuggets and swallowed them before Kiseok hyung helped me. I was sure I won't really like his help, I swear.
         I quickly munched my nugget and swallowed it one go, "where do you want to go, hyung?"
         He sighed in heavy tone before he answered, "I don't know, I'm just bored. I need something new."
         "Maybe you need a new girlfriend? You kinda lonely these day, hyung. You're getting old.." I nonchalantly stated, he had been single and sleeping around lately. No one of his one night stands ended successfully as long lasting relationship, he was practically hooked and fucked, that's it, no girlfriend and just fling. He was man with needs after all and I can't blame him, beside.. cough cough, I actually did the same.
         Kiseok hyung dropped his phone on the couch and clapped his hand in excitement, making me look at him weirdly. "shit! speaking about girlfriend, I just met a beautiful girl earlier but damn— I didn't have a chance to talk to her, she's beautiful and I'm worried I might make her scared if I made move to her."
         Heol— love at the first sight? Hell nah, it must be lust at the first sight. He's Simon Dominic for God's sake! I scoffed inwardly.
         "It's quite odd if you didn't ask her number, hyung. I mean, you always get girls' number after all." I reached for another paper bag full of nuggets but he quickly grabbed them and secured my precious babies nuggets on his side. Damn, this old man—
         "I swear I never met a girl like her before!" he said in dreamy expression, which was stupid and ridiculous to watch.
        “Who is she? You got her picture?”
        “Unfortunately no, I was too busy secretly staring at her. Damn—” he hissed in annoyance and I started to wonder how attractive she was until Kiseok hyung admiring her like that.
         If he got whipped by that girl, I'm sure this whole beautiful and peaceful world would be doomed. And whoever the girl, I feel really sorry for her.
   Gray's POV
           "Sunghwa, where's your girlfriend?" My aunt asked me as soon as she saw me, this is why I don't like family gathering. Your not so close family would bother you with unnecessary questions, such a girlfriend, love life and stuff while my parents were okay with how I live my life.
          I was holding myself to not rolling my eyes at her, or else I would be labeled as a bad nephew. In this Christmas family celebration I wanted to hold my image as awesome guy, I needed to behave for few hours at least.
          "That's really annoying question mom, stop bothering Sunghwa oppa." Here my cousin, Lee Youngji came for the rescue.
          She was right, my amazing girlfriend was currently at the future. Which was mean I still have time to flirt and sleep around, enjoying my bachelor life before she come and drag me to the aisle.
         "Both of you are hopeless, go find girlfriend and boyfriend. Give me grandkid, okay?" My aunt babbled and Youngji rolled her eyes beside me.
         "She always like that, I'm still young though." She pouted and I chuckled.
         "Why are you single? That's not how you used to be." I rarely found Youngji being single, whenever our family gathering she usually brought her boyfriend. But this time, she brought no one. 
         "Broke up because he doesn't want to have serious commitment." She sighed. I remembered she planned to tie knot sooner with that guy, well.. that shit must be really stupid for breaking up with my cousin.
          "Jerk." I added, wondering who that stupid and ugly guy. How dare he play with my cousin like that.
         "Yeah, boys are stupid."
         "Indeed. I'm a man, so I'm not stupid." I nodded in satisfaction, feeling proud of myself. 
         "But your dick literally flying around." She scowled and I choked hearing that.
        "What the—"
        "Seriously oppa, you really need to stop sharing your banana to stupid monkeys out there."
  Simon's POV
            I sighed in bored tone, staring at my phone. There were so many messages on my instagram, twitter, and snapchat. My precious fans were wishing me a merry christmas, I felt thankful and blessed because they're caring and loyal to me. But there was hole inside me which needed to be filled but I didn't know how to.
           I opened my inbox and scrolled at the multiple sender, mostly from the girls, some of them are celebrity or idol and the rest are I actually didn't really know who they are, probably the girls that i met at the club or my one night stand partners. This year little bit different, no one of AOMG’s artist worked in Christmas. Jay was currently at the Seattle, Sunghwa went to Japan with his family while the rest were stayed in Korea, celebrating Christmas with their family, just like me.
           Just then my phone buzzed, there was kakao chat from Sunghwa. He sent a picture of chocolate cheese cake, purposely sent it because he knew how I love chocolate cheese cake. Then in seconds later, he sent another message;
Sunghwazzing : merry christmas hyung! Me : you too. Sunghwazzing : how's your christmas? Me : good, my mom wants her daughter in law ASAP.
           Which was true, because whenever she had chance she would bother you with her  where-is-your-girl-friend question, until-when-you-will-be-playboy or I-really-want-another-grandchild-so-you-better-get-married-sooner.
Sunghwazzing : ㅋㅋㅋ Me : girls are stupid. Sunghwazzing : cheer up hyung! I will help you to meet a girl who isn't stupid. Me : who? Is she sexy?
           There was no reply from Sunghwa, I guess he was busy? I shrugged and back to eat my corn chips, watching my nephew who busy playing with his car toys, mimicking car’s voice. I smiled as I saw how adorable my nephew was, at the same time I was also wondering how my son or my daughter would be? My brother was already married five years ago, he such a devoted husband and dad for his family which was I found it stupid. He married in young age, I thought he would regret for marrying in young age but that actually never happened. That bastard always look happy and now days I found myself jealous to him.
          Should I get married? Do I really need to settle down and be a cool dad? I shook my head and chuckled, cursing myself for being a stupid. Marriage wasn’t simple for me, never. It was something sacred, when you said your vow wedding, you were not only promise to your wife, you promise to God, to stay faithful whatever happen in your marriage. And for now, I wasn’t ready at all.
          I took quite much chips and shoved them into my mouth, chewing slowly as I back to my phone. I found Sunghwa already sent his reply, he sent a picture which made me rolled my eyes, it must be picture of food again. I opened his message and waited for the picture until it’s done loading, but when the picture showed I choked really hard, my tears rolled down as I felt the chips pricking my throat and I couldn’t swallow them. Damn fucking hurts—
          I put my phone on the couch and struggled tapping my nape in order to get rid the hurting chips, once the chips could be swallowed, I took my phone again and stared it in horror.
         How could?          Is that really true when people says world is so small?
         I blinked again before convincing myself that my very own eyes were in good condition and they didn’t trick me, it was her. It was the picture of that beautiful girl whom I met few days ago at Sunghwa’s apartment building. Where did he find this girl? I gulped as I read Sunghwa’s message;
         she’s my cousin, beautiful isn’t she? ㅋㅋㅋ
Guys, I try new POV to make it fresh, how do you think?
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heoltrouble · 7 years
Ice Cream Cheat
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         "Forget it, I don’t want to talk to you.“ Your lips formed into pout, making your way exit from your bedroom, but your husband quickly blocked you.
         "Baby, I’m sorry.” He gave you puppy eyes, asking for your forgiveness. However, it was a joke at the beginning, he played with your camera along with your gear. You already warned him to be careful because it’s your favorite, but playful and careless Simon didn’t get your warn, he purposely play with your camera then something that you could predict finally happened. Your lens fell on the bed then bounced to the floor, fortunately it didn’t broke but it has scratch and chipped on the edge.
         You were aware your husband, famous rapper Simon Dominic was more than capable to buy you more expensive lens than you had, he can buy you two or three. But money wasn’t the problem, it’s your own camera which had been used when you used to be a photographer before you retired, because you marry him and dedicate yourself for your family. Surely, it has a lot of memories behind the camera and you couldn’t stay still knowing your husband scratched them.
          “No.” Your voice sounded firm and cold as you gave him hint to move from your way, you didn’t even bother to make eye contact with him.
          “Baby..” he held your hand and you slapped his hand to stop his movement to touch you.
          “Don’t baby me.” You were upset, you knew he didn’t have intention to do so but still, you needed time to compromise.
          “I promise I’ll buy you a new one, sorry okay?” He tilted his head down to check your expression, he tried to negotiate with you. He knew all his fault and he wanted to redeem his sin.
          “I don’t want your money. Oppa, move.” You gently pushed him aside so you could make your way to the kitchen. Even if you were angry, you didn’t want to be harsh to your husband. There’s no rude behavior between two of you even when one of you were angry, mostly bickering or simply silent treatment which dominating your fight.
          He moved aside and let you walked out from the bedroom. Simon sighed in relief, because he heard you called him oppa. It means you weren’t that mad, you were just upset and he knew how to make up with you.
          You glanced at your four years old son who was busy playing with his toys in the living room when you stopped by the kitchen, pouring a glass of water for yourself then sat on the kitchen bar, observing your son. Mini Jung Kiseok was too immersed on his toys, mimicking the sound of honking car as he play with his toy cars collection.
          Just then you heard Simon’s voice which feigned to sound cute and adorable, “Who wants ice cream?” He asked cutely then your son quickly responded, he ran to Simon with his toy on his hand.  
          “Me! Jungki wants to eat ice cream!” Your son squealed excitedly, asking his dad to hold him.
          Simon held Jungki in one of his arms, “okay little man, what flavor do you want?” He grinned and glanced at you with his big stupid grin. So annoying.
         "Choco!“ Jungki clapped gleefully, he loves ice cream and chocolate. He was absolutely Simon’s and yours.
          "Then daddy will eat the vanilla one~~~” he said cutely while opened the refrigerator, taking out mini cup of chocolate ice cream for Jungki and medium size cup of vanilla ice cream for himself.
         You really wanted to cut in but you didn’t, you still mad at him. However, vanilla ice cream was yours and you knew Simon was trying to get your attention by messing with you. But you were not going to provoked, so you sat still with your glass of water, watching Simon put Jungki on his high chair beside him as he sat across you.
         He opened the ice cream lid for Jungki and gave him ice cream spoon, Jungki humming in happiness while enjoying his ice cream while Simon who sat across you grinned like an idiot and licked the ice cream lid in front of you. Purposely sticking out his long tongue and dramatically licked the lid while his eyes playfully smirked when you glared at him.
         How dare he and his soft tongue—
         You shook your head, brushing off the thoughts of your husband’s skilled tongue. Jungki scooped his ice cream while humming kid’s song, whenever he feels happy he will humming his favorite song. In front of you, there were two guys whom you love till death. Despite of tons of prank and antics by your husband, you love them unconditionally.
          Simon smacked his lips, savoring a delicious vanilla ice cream which supposed to be yours, not him. You glared at him, warning him to not messing up with you. But he only shrugged innocently and mouthing, ‘what?! I’m eating ice cream~’
          And he licked his spoon in sensual move causing you cringe inwardly.
          You rolled your eyes, ignoring your mischievous husband. But his plump pink sexy lips attracted you, there was rest of ice cream on the edge of his lips which he let it be that way, he was trying to seduce you. Well, he knew you well. If you weren’t mad, you’ll absolutely volunteer yourself to lick his lips without hesitation. But you were mad and you had to be tough.
           "Baby, is it delicious?“ You asked your son who ate his ice cream in a mess, ice cream was all over on his lips and cheeks, but he looked cute and adorable.
           "Uhum!” He nodded furiously, making you smile.
           "Mommy, do you want ice cream?“ Jungki asked you back which made you quite surprised, your son well known as miserly when it comes to ice cream. Looks like he changed his mind, he wanted to share with you.
           You clapped your hand in excitement, "sure!”
           "Then daddy, please give your ice cream to mommy.“ He said nonchalantly, commanding his dad to feed you ice cream. Jungki was still the same.
           You shook your head weakly, giving sign to Simon to not feed you. But Simon really tested your patience, he scooped the ice cream and stick out his spoon to you, ready to feed you.
           You frowned, signaling that you dislike his action.
           "Baby, aaaa—” Simon said while opened his mouth widely when he said aa-, buying Jungki’s attention.
           Jungki looked at both of you, expecting your lovey dovey scene as usual. You had no choice except opened your mouth and let Simon to feed you. The ice cream was good but Simon needed to get smack on his lips— you mean on his arms.
          “Where’s the kiss?” Your son asked.
          “Eh?” you looked at Simon, confuse.
          “I always kiss mommy when I say thank you..” he said innocently, not knowing that his parents were in the world war.
          Oh, Lord.. Your son was also on Simon’s side.
          Simon smirked in victory, “That’s right, kiss daddy since daddy shared ice cream with mommy~” Simon nodded in agreement, supporting your son.
          You glared at your husband, giving him a don’t-mess-with-me look.
          “Babe..” he pointed at his lips and winked, teasing you.
          This guy—
          “Your son’s waiting us, come on..” he winked his eyes cutely, having fun flirting with you. His lips were so tempting but you needed to hold yourself, you didn’t want to fall in his trap easily. At least not this soon, probably tonight you would reconciled with him and do kind of make out.  
         “Mommy, do you hate daddy?” Jungki frowned at you.
         No no no, rule number one in this house was; do not include Jungki in your quarrel with Simon. You quickly shook your head and,“Huh— of course not, baby. Mommy loves daddy.” Then a forced sweet smile appeared on your lips.
         Simon smirked, watching you. He leaned his back deeper on the chair and raised his eyebrows, full of confident. He patted his lap then opened his arms, welcoming you.
         “Then come to daddy~”
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heoltrouble · 7 years
Love Call (10)
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              Three days later…
         "Oh is that a necklace from him too?" She cut your sentences with another question, she pointed at white gold necklace with Hangul alphabets; Jung, as his family name. It was a gift from him. One thing that she didn’t know, Simon bought you another diamond necklace but you barely touch it. You love this simple necklace best, it’s assuring you that Simon loves you, he wants you to be his. Yes, you still wore his necklace even if you told him to break up with you. You just can’t unlove him, he hurt you but love was still there.
        Looking directly at her eyes, you tried your best to not get angry by every single shit that she tried to feed you.
        "I think he's rich enough to buy you a diamond necklace just like what he bought for me back then.. instead of those toy.." again, she heartily mocking you, "it could be because he doesn't love you that much? Awww~ poor little girl~ he probably only wants to play and have fun with you~"
        That’s it. She had enough, it’s your turn to fight her. Maybe pulling her hair and land your beautiful sharp paw on her face could be appropriate things as respond? You clenched your fist tightly, holding back your anger to not explode in the public. You were inside one of high end boutique and you didn’t want to harm your own pride, dealing with Simon’s unashamed ex-girlfriend. She never worth anything from you.
        You looked at her eyes without saying anything then turned back your heel, leaving her dumbfounded on her spot. You walked to the cashier to pay your dress so you bring yourself from her bullshits, you were tempted to punch her but you immediately threw away your thoughts. Violence was never a wise solution to anything.
         Was Simon really love her? Was Simon has guts to cheat on you with that kind of girl? You started to doubt your impeachment on Simon. She really has a bad attitude, rude and act like uneducated human. Simon couldn’t be in love again with her, it must be true when he said he only love you. She’s jealous because Simon defends you, if they’re back together she wouldn’t confront you and try to humiliate you. If Simon chose her then why would she act like you’re her rival? That’s the answer. She’s jealous and she wanted you and Simon to be separate.
        Just when you handed over your dress to the cashier, you heard a furious step approaching you. You decided to not pay attention as you dug your bag, searching for your wallet to pay your dress. When you succeed to find your wallet, you saw Lady Jane took your dress from the cashier counter and shoved them to you, you caught your dress in fast response and looked at her in disgust. What did the hell she does?
        She put a lot of dress in cashier counter and shot a death glare which you didn’t even care, “your cheap dress can wait.” She rolled her eyes and faced the cashier lady, “wrap them for me.” She proudly smirked as she handed her credit card to cashier lady.  
        And you stood there in urge to strangle her neck inside your mind.
        After in a moment, the cashier lady processing her card and said in poker face to Lady Jane, “Your card is cannot be used, Miss.”
        She gave another card and the cashier said the same thing, “This one is also cannot be used.”
        Then you giggled freely without coercion. What a dumb girl!
         “Honey?” your mom peeked in through your door which was jar opened, unintentionally snapping you from your thought about meeting Lady Jane two days ago. Your mom was standing in front of your door with her motherly smile.
        “Mom..”  you smiled at her.
        “Are you okay?” she walked closer to you.
        “I’m okay, only my heart isn’t okay.” You chuckled, trying to make fun on your bitterness. You wished the pain goes away but it wasn’t, it’s still there and creating a hole in your heart.
        “Did you talk with your dad?”
        “Yeah, are you here for talking about it too?”
        “No.” she smirked, causing you to raise your eyebrow.
        “And then?”
        “Just checking my beloved daughter and let her know that Kiseok is here, down stair in the living room.” She ruffled your hair and playfully taped your cheek, your mom always treat you like baby.
        So he’s here, he really keep his promise to win you back.
        “It’s okay,, honey. I already told him that you want to be alone, I asked him to leave though. But he promised he will come again tomorrow.” Your mom explained. They said mom is always the best when it comes to understand her children, indeed, your mom is one of the best moms.
        She looked at you who didn’t say anything, “Do you want to talk to him?”
        “Is that okay?” you found yourself hesitate. Was it the right time to talk to him? You can’t avoid him forever, even if it would have different ending you still needed to talk to him and solve the problem like adult.
         “Would you be okay, honey? I mean, I can help you to kick him out if you’re not ready to meet him.” your mom looked worry.
         You gave her firm nod before answered in confidence, “I think I’m ready.”
         You were sitting on the edge of bed with your fluffy pillow on your lap when you heard whispering voice outside your door. It must be him. You shifted your position and control your breath, calming yourself. Simon should be the one who feel nervous, not you. Five minutes ago you told your mom that you’re ready to talk to Simon.
         The door opened and you saw Simon standing few meters from you. He looked skinnier than before, his sharp jaw line became more noticeable, along with his eye bags but it didn’t diminish his charms. And you hate the fact that he still has effect on you.
         Both of you locked each other eyes for moments before he murmur, calling you.
         “Hey..” his deep voice broke the silence between you and him.  
         “Why are you here?” you couldn’t help but glared at him, showing your unfriendliness. But Simon didn’t find it offending. He walked slowly approaching you.
         “baby..” he called you again this time with the endearment that both of you knew it’s your favorite.
         “don't baby me— we broke up.” You cut his sentence, not giving chance for him to show his affection towards you or else you would give in so easily.
         You clutched your fluffy pillow even tighter when he reached your spot and sat beside you. His eyes were looking at you and your soul as he speak, “we are not, I didn't say yes on your one side decision.” His voice so calm and not demanding, there’s no hint of anger or displeased tone.
         “Then I'm the one who want to break up with you, accept that.” You shot him a death glare before stood leaving your spot, but Simon quickly grabbed your wrist.
         He gently spun you to face him and held your shoulder, “NO. We got together by our agreement, we share mutual feeling, and we'd break up when both of us agree to do so, not when you want it by yourself. You're still my girlfriend.” Now he back to his authoritative voice, sending you shiver under his spell.
         “Don't be ridiculous.” You discarded your shoulder from his hands, taking few steps backwards. Simon’s expression looked hurt by your response but he didn’t want to give up on you.
         “It's because I love you.” He said loud and clear, making your heart jolty.
         He noticed you froze on where you stand then approached you, you stood still when he reached your hands and held them firm but in gentle way so you wouldn’t feel hurt. His eyes were searching yours, and once you caught his eyes he began to say, “Listen, baby.. I can't do anything with my past even if I want to. Everything just a past, I'm no longer get affected by them, that's me.. That's what happened with me in the past when I was not your boyfriend. But the most matter from now is us, the present.. you and me. If I want you then it means you, all of you.. I don't want anyone else. It's only you from the beginning and I don't need to choose you than anyone. I need you and I’m nothing without you..”
          He pulled you closer and put his arms around your waist, “I swear I didn’t do anything with her, and I already warn her to leave us alone. I told her I love you so she will stop bothering you, I’m sorry for hurting you but I won’t do it again. Give me chance and I’ll prove it to you, baby come on..”
          You didn’t say anything but staring at his eyes, there were a lot of emotion hidden there. Part of you wanted to believe him and give him another chance but the other part got scared what if he wouldn’t fulfill his promise and hurt you again. Was he worth for you to fight for?
          You put your hands on his forearms and shook your head. No.
         Simon’s face change into sour when you pulled yourself away from him, he felt your rejection.
        “Tell me how to change your mind?” he murmured when you glimpsed his tears welled up.
         “No.” your voice croaked. You wanted to sound firm and cold but your voice betraying you.
          He nodded weakly, trying to understand your choice, he knew he hurt you so bad and there’s no room for him in your life. “I know I made a mistake since I’m not perfect.. I can’t promise that I won’t hurt you, it will hurt either you or me, love always one package with tears and pain. But I can promise I’ll make it worth, your tears, our pain.. it’s worth it because no matter what will happen, I’ll be there on your side. I can promise you that we’ll make it because I love you. It’s worth it because we have each other.” He paused for a moment before continue, “but I know, not everyone deserve second chance. And I guess that’s me.” He gave you bitter smile then slowly cutting the gap between you and him, now he stood in front of you, “Please be happy, I know I don’t deserve anything from you but please be happy. I wish there’s no more tears on your sparkling eyes.” He slowly raised his hand to touch your face but he stopped when it almost touch your cheek, “I’m so sorry.”
         He dropped his hand and walked out from your room, leaving you alone. Once you heard the door clicked as he closed your door from outside, you cried out your sadness from your lungs. Sobbing hard while you hug your knees tightly. You hate him for hurting you, yes you did. But realizing he wouldn’t push you to accept him was really painful. That’s what you wanted but why when he gave it you still feel not happy? It felt thousand times more painful than before.
        Simon gave up on you.         He let you go.         He walked away because you told him so.         No. No way! No!
        You got up and ran out from your room, climbed down stairs in hurry to chase Simon, “Oppa!” you called him, but when you reach living room you find nothing, except your mom.
        “Kiseok already left, honey.” Your mom said in apologetic face, she must feel bad because she saw you cry.
         He left?
         You nodded in defeated then went back upstairs to your room, you didn’t want your mom watching you cry. He left, Simon left because you didn’t want him back. Your tears won’t stop when you drag yourself to your room, you bit your inner mouth to stop your sobbing.
         What you’re going to do now? You cried again and sobbing hard in your way to your room, but then your sob stop when you saw, “Miss me already?” there he was, leaning on the wall beside your door with his warmest smile.
         You sniffled lightly while processing what really happened right now, he’s here. Simon was still there, he didn’t leave you. “Oppa—” you looked at him confuse, then you realized your mom lied to you and Simon probably heard you cry like a baby, wailing like crazy.
         Simon walked to you with his big grin, he literally couldn’t stop grinning like an idiot, “It’s need fifteen minutes to let you figure it out what you really wanted.” He opened his arms when he stood right in front of you, “And I’m really happy you want me back.” With that, he shared the warmth from his body with a bear hug for you. He hugged you really tight as if you would disappear while you said nothing but buried your face on his chest, enjoying his warmth and his heartbeat. His heart beat so fast and you felt he kissed the top of your head over and over while chanting the words, “I'm fucking love you.”
         You felt happy in his embrace, he was right. He might make mistake, you might hurt him too but that’s all relationship about. He’s worth it, so your love for him worth it too. He wants you as much as you want him.
         “I know, you love fucking me too.” You mumbled against his chest, hiding your red face when you said that words.
         He pulled away to look at your face, “Geez— Can you not—“
         “What? You fuck me and you love me. What’s the difference?” you looked at him, challenging.
         He shook his head in disapproval then chuckled, “That's not what I mean, you bad girl. Since when you become a pervert like this?”
         “But that’s true, you fuck me so many times.” You didn’t care your face was still damp from your tears, screw the drama and the tears, you missed your playful Simon, your Simon.
         “Can you just let me be a romantic gentleman instead of imagining dirty things?” he asked you with his horny eyebrows, his face looked annoyed but you knew he’s not upset, he was in his best to resist something from his inside.
         “Can you just kiss me already? I miss you like hell.” And he didn’t need to be told twice.
          “My pleasure, baby.” Then he slammed his lips to yours like there’s no tomorrow.
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heoltrouble · 7 years
Love Call (9)
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         “Don’t act like you care.” You snatched back your phone from him and walked angrily to the bedroom, then Simon rushed to block your way. He can’t let you just walk away like that.
         “I can explain!”
         “I don’t need it, save it for yourself.”
         “Just hear me out!” he held your shoulders, forcing you to stay still.
         “There’s nothing to hear, we’re done. I’m breaking up with you, that’s it.” You spat out, glaring at Simon who looked guilty but mostly confused handle the situation.
         He swallowed hard before continued to talk in softer tone, “Why you didn’t tell me?” he looked hurt, he felt so sorry for you at the same time.
         “You were busy meeting your ex when I’m not around!” you hit his chest repeatedly, pouring out your anger, your disappointment.
         “Babe—” he was about to pull you into his embrace but you freaked out.
         “Don’t even call me like that! I’m not your baby!” you yelled, full of hate. You hate yourself for wanting to trust him, you hate yourself for being weak when he touches you. But on top of that, you hate yourself for falling in love with him. You held back your tears and faced him, “Glad to know sooner, I thought you loved me but the truth is I was only substitute.”
          “What are you talking about?” he looked at you quizzically as if you accused him groundless.
          You snorted in mocking tone, “Do you think I’m stupid? I saw you met her, you even hug each other! And when I asked you what happened on that night you chose to say nothing? Well, that’s really funny. Thank you for reminding me that this past six months was nothing for you.”
           His eyes widened when you expelled your reasons, “You came? But why you didn’t tell me—”
          “Surprised?” you sneered, “You two looked good together, congrats!” it was hurt for saying that but you didn’t want Simon how hurt you were, you won’t let him see you crying. You didn’t want to look weak in front of him, it would only gave him more power to win you back.
          “Babe, I’m sorry for not telling you that she came. But it was just a friendly hug, we haven’t seen each other since we broke up and she came, wishing me a good life. I swear I didn’t do anything with her! Why would I cheat on you?” he ran his fingers on his hair, frustrated. He was desperately to make you trust him.
          “Because you still love her.” you whispered faintly. The thoughts of Simon make out with her, touching her like he touch you was really disgust you. And it made your anger boiled even more.
          “Did everything I do for you were never proving you that I actually love you?!” he shouted, this time Simon was mad. “I can accept that you’re mad because I didn’t tell you, but it’s nothing special that’s why I didn’t tell you. It’s not like I invited her to come over—“ he groaned and pulled his head back then groaned, he cupped your face as he back to look at you, “And about the pictures, they were all taken when I was dating her. I admit it, it was happened in the past.. None of them taken recently, I swear.”
          “Do you think I will change my mind?” you removed his hands from your face, ignoring his words.
         “Babe, you can notice the difference of my hair cut on that pictures! I’m telling you the truth!” he was pleading you, his voice sounded sad and desperate. His leaked photos of his past relationship and your idea for breaking up with him were too much to handle.
          You shook your head, “No.” then you pushed him to move from blocking you.
         “I only love you!”  he yelled, “I love you, goddamit! Why won’t you believe me?!”
           “Don’t come here for a while, y/n needs time.” You stopped by the stairs when you heard your dad talking with someone in his office room, his voice sounded deep and serious. You walked quietly, curious on his interlocutors.
           “But, Mr. Han—” a familiar raspy voice replied.
           “I know, Kiseok. She told me everything, just let her calm and reserved.”
           Simon is here and talking with dad? Is he out of his mind?
           It’s been a week since you moved out from his apartment and went back to your parents’ house. You also ignored his call and his text but he wasn’t give up, he went to your home, meeting you dad and admitting his fault. It made your mind erratic when you listening his conversation with your dad.
          “Is she alright? I mean, she’s not sick or something, right?”
          “She’s fine, my daughter is fine. I’ll take care of her, don’t worry.”
          “Mr. Han, I’m so sorry—”
          “Jung Kiseok, It’s true that you’re disappointing me. But it’s not my right to intervene, this is between you and y/n.. solve the problem with her later. I’ll let you know if she’s ready to talk to you.”
          “You can go home now.”
           Your mind wandered when you played back the conversation between Simon and your dad. Was he really serious with you? As far as you knew, he never met his girlfriend’s parents before and met your parents was his first.
          Could it be Simon was really in love with you?
           From : Yeonhee
          It’s true she came that night but nothing happen. I was with Sunghwa and Kiseok oppa as well, Sunghwa oppa told me that Lady Jane went out from the room while crying. Y/n I’m worry about you, if you need friends to talk, just call me.
         You read message from Gray’s girlfriend who was your friend as well, you read her message over and over. Yeonhee wouldn’t dare lying to you, she’s your bestfriend although she dated Gray, Simon’s boyfriend. She wouldn’t have any idea to make up things just for covering Simon’s mistake.
           “Honey?” your dad’s head popped in after he knocked your door calling you. You looked up from your phone and smiled at him, patting the empty spot on your bed, asking your dad to join you. He let himself in and closed the door before made his way approach you then sat on the edge of your bed.
         “Feel better?” he ruffled your hair playfully and you giggled.
         “Yepp, I took a leave for a week and it was fun.” Half lying, you were not completely fun with your days off. You were stressed out, crying and busy taking a nap all day long, refusing to leave your house. You hate the world, moreover the one who broke your heart; Jung Kiseok.
          And your dad let a light chuckle on your answer, “but for me, you look like 15 years old teenager who want to die because heart broken. Funny and cute...”
          You rolled your eyes playfully at your dad then decided to tell your dad the truth that you heard him talking with Simon in his office, “I heard your conversation with him.” you said in low voice.
          Your dad turned at you and pretended to get shock by your confession. “Did you?”
         “Yepp, but I’m not going to ask anything.” You waved your hands in front of his face, signaling that you didn’t want to continue talking about Simon.
         “Then I’ll be the one who ask you, what are you thinking about him? From the whole situation, can you come out with conclusion?” his voice sounded calm, no judgmental. He didn’t defend on you either Simon, he loves you but he wanted you solve your problem with your own will. That’s why he positioned himself to be neutral, though he really wanted to beat Simon for making you cry. He can’t stand anyone hurting his precious daughter but he have to let you grow up through the pains.
         “I’m pretty sure me and him were never meant to be.“ you replied, trying to sound calm and not get affected by your own words. It was your way to convince yourself, you will be alright without Simon.
          Your dad carefully looked at you, “do you want my honest opinion?”
          You only nodded as response.                                      
          "Both of you are made for each other." Your dad said merely whispered.
          "How do you know?" You asked him in defeated tone.
          "Because you guys don't look each other with butterflies and happiness, you look at each other with reality but at the same time, there's a fairytale waiting you."
          You reflected what your dad said, both of you knew that this relationship were going to be tough, hard, hurt but still you wanted to give a try. You remembered how Simon convinced you to trust him, to prove that both of you would made it, no matter how hard it'd be. He will always there, same goes for you, you will always there. Both of you will always have each other back.
          Your tears streamed down in silent.
          "Honey, I know it's hurt. But for now, think about any possibility that will happen whether you break up with him or back together." Your dad turned at you, finding you cried. He wiped your tears on your cheek with his thumb, "Can you live without him? Can you bear the fact that he will belongs to other, not yours anymore? If you could see the possibility you'll be alright, then do it."
          His words slapped you, hard.
          You pictured Simon's expression when he said he loves you, there's pain, anger and devastation. You could see how desperate he was, screaming his love for you, yet you still chose to leave him.
          "You need time and he deserves a punishment but don't let it destroy you, be honest with yourself, okay?" Your dad caressed your head gently, which made you cry into his embrace. You cried and sobbed until you choked.
          "You really love him, don't you?"
          You nodded slowly, still sobbing on your dad’s chest. "It's hurt, dad."
          "I know, honey. Cry harder, it's fine. Daddy is here.."
          “I can make sure that she loves you, she just needs time. Also, I honestly not surprised that you actually such a hardcore fucker in your past relationship.”
          “I’m terribly sorry, Sir.”
          “But it’s relief that you’re here, admitting your fault and be a gentleman. I admire that.”
            A bitter smile appeared on his lips when Simon retraced your dad’s words. He was so thankful that your dad gave him a chance to explain, to straighten misconception. Though your dad wasn’t on his side, at least he tried to understand Simon’s position and it’s enough for him. It means he still had a chance to win you back and he promised he won’t mess again. Your dad’s deathly glared were giving him shiver all over his body, he looked ready to kill him anytime. But it didn’t make his will to win your heart faded, he wanted to prove you and your dad that he loves you, he deserved a second chance.
          Simon was still in his wandering mind when a loud ring call called him back to reality, it was his phone which ring uncontrollably wanting his attention.
          "What?" Simon coldly answered a call from his phone, there’s no emotion in his tone. He had no interest with this call but he had to answer it because he could catch what exactly the reason she did that.
          "Is that how you greet me?" a girly voice can be heard over the phone, she was Lady Jane.
          "What do you want?" Simon asked, still in his coldness. He tried his best to not snap out his anger on her, she isn’t worth it. He knew all she wants was only to make you hate him, she wants to ruin your relationship with Simon and he would make sure that’s not going to happen. She succeed ruin it once and there’s no chance for the second time.
          “Why are you so cold? We agreed to be civil and act friendly.” She argued but Simon only rolled his eyes in annoyance.
          “I know what you did, so stop act innocent.” Simon snorted, he almost lost his patience.
           “What did I do?” she asked back in her casual tone but irritating for Simon.
           Simon shut his eyes tightly, trying to hold his anger, he wanted to hear the reason. He wanted to face it as mature man, threatening his ex-girlfriend wasn’t a wise choice. “Why did you do that?”
           "I'm just curious who's the girl who make you act like fool then I found out she just a kid, well.. I'm not sure she still wants to be with you. Or maybe you two already broke up?" she chuckled in more like mocking tone which made Simon lost his temper.
           "Jeon Jihye." Simon warned her in his stern voice.
           "I used to take care of you when we were dating and you never show your mature side then you date her! You really change—“
           "Jeon Jihye, stop saying nonsense. We both agreed to break up and it was your idea, leave y/n alone. And remember we're done!" Simon cut her off. He traced back the night that Lady Jane came to his performance, she suddenly appeared in his waiting room. At first she said she only wanted to be friends again with Simon, which he agreed because it was so childish when both of them treat each other like stranger, considering the six years that they had together in bad and a good way. He wanted to remember her as a good memory, because he already had you, and you were his center of attention. He didn’t need and want anyone else, it’s you and always been you.
            “What happened between you and me it’s all in the past, I have girlfriend and I love her. So stay away from us, I warn you!”  he waited for her answer but she quickly ended the call after hear Simon’s last warn. 
            Simon would take it seriously if Lady Jane disregard his warn, you suffered enough and Simon won’t let it happen again. He knew he screw big time and he would do anything to make it up to you.
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heoltrouble · 8 years
Love Call (8)
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         "What will happen when we break up?“ You mumbled against his chest, but you were sure your voice was audible enough for Simon to hear you.
         There was silent after you uttered, you felt Simon’s heart beat increasing in irregular beat. His hand reached your cheek and brought your face closer to his. His sleepy eyes changed into worry and confused gaze, wondering why did you suddenly brought break up idea when in fact there’s nothing wrong between your relationship. His gaze was demanding your explanation behind your sudden question, “what’s with that break up thing, out of blue?” He asked you groggily.
          His eyes were shaking, there’s fear on his eyes which hurt you to see it. For this past six months he felt nothing wrong, he felt happy, both of you did fight but there’s always way to solve and reconcile. Then at a peaceful night, you asked him what will happen when you break up and it was shocking for him.
          You felt his gaze like excorticating you, “Just..” you swallowed hard, “just asking, ummm.. everything could happen, right? I’m just wondering what will happen when we break up..” you formed a fake smile, that moment you really wanted to beat yourself for always fail at lying. There were so many questions in your mind. If you break up with him, would he still be friend with you? Will he treasure his memory with you?
          “Is there something bothering you?” his gaze soften as he caressed your cheek, “you know we always can talk about everything, baby.. communication is the key.” He cupped your cheek and pulled your face closer so he can kiss your lips.
          You shut your eyes when Simon’s met your lips, it was a soft and warm kiss which you needed as if he knew you need it. You needed to be reassured that he loves you and he testified it. Once he parted his lips from yours, he looked you on the eyes, “I love you, and break up is never crossed in my mind. So don’t say something weird ever again, silly.”
           After that night, you and Simon were still in good term. He acted like he used to be, so you did the same but the terror wasn’t stop at all. It went crazy, each day the unknown number kept sending you a picture of Simon and Lady Jane which was really bothered you, you wanted to talk to Simon but it always ended you say nothing. It was only his past and he’s yours so you told yourself to ignore them.
           You stormed into a new club at Itaewon, taking your step with excitement because you were going to surprise your boyfriend. AOMG had performed on the club and Simon invited you to come, you said you couldn’t make it due your work when he asked you again to come this morning when you two had breakfast. You couldn’t wait to see your boyfriend’s reaction.
           There were two entry gate, one was for public and the other was for performers and staffs. You glanced at sign ‘Artist only’, thinking who could help you to make your entrance. Then you saw Gray and waved to him, he waved at you and you approached him. You followed him but security stopped you, he thought you were one of Gray’s fans. The big bodyguard firmly blocked your way then Gray noticed that you’re blocked by the security so he walked back to the security and told him, “she’s coming with me, she’s my friend.” and the big guy let you pass.
           "Thank you, oppa!“ You smiled at Gray who walked beside you, he looked nice though sweats was dripping from his temple. The show must be lit and hot, you thought.
           "No problem.” A playful smug smile appeared on his lips. “Samdi hyung is over there.” He pointed at VIP room which only few meters from where you were, then he suddenly stopped walking, “mind if I’m going back to the gate?” He turned at you and showed that he got call from his girlfriend.
           You chuckled at response, “sure, tell Yeonhee to join in!” You winked then gave him your thumb up. “See ya, oppa!”
           You couldn’t wait to surprise Simon, he probably thought that you couldn’t make it this night. Your smile faded away as soon as you were about to call him but you found a scene that you didn’t want to believe; there were only Simon and Lady Jane in the room and they were hugging each other. Your mind went blank and your eyes became hot then tears welled on your eyes. This wasn’t thing that you expecting from Simon, you wanted to see his big grin when you showed up, you expected that he would open his arms welcoming you. Not the show that told you he was okay even if you weren’t around.  Seemed like six months dating was nothing compared to their six years.
           So that was happen whenever you couldn’t accompany him? Well his ‘sorry, I’m busy’ for the past days probably the other way of saying that he was busy with his ex, not his work.. you started to question every his behavior, he probably didn’t spend his night at the studio like what he said. And all the photos that sent to you probably taken few days ago, not long time ago.
           You doubted Simon.
          “break up is never crossed in my mind.” His voice lingered on your ears.
           Yeah, breaking up with you was never crossed in his mind, but cheating on you probably was. Not wanting to let another tears drop, you quickly turned around and walked away from that damn hurtful scene between your boyfriend and his ex.
           You sighed deeply as your eyes slowly opened, you didn’t even drink last night but your head already felt like getting beaten by baseball bat. A major headache attacked you since this early morning. Your eyes finally full opened when you felt you were not alone in the bed, a familiar breath tickled your nape, following by the touch of warm lips on your neck as you felt a strong arm wrapped your waist.
            It was Simon.
            Good. You glanced at his arms which warmly secured you in his embrace. Last night those arms were hugging another girl and today they hugged you as if nothing happened. You shut your eyes, inhaled deeply as you remembered what happened last night. You drove your car in speed and went back to apartment, decided to forget what you saw with one cure; sleep. Since you weren’t fan of alcohol, you chose sleep thab being wasted. And as soon as you fell on the bed, your exhausted body took over everything and drifted you into deep sleep. You were stressed because your job and thanks to Simon, he added another reason to keep you stress.
            “I miss you.” He mumbled against your nape, causing you shiver.
            You still miss me? So she didn’t satisfy you last night? Or you said you miss me because you feel guilty?
            “How was last night?” you asked in flat tone, more like referring on how he spent his night than curious about how his performance went.
            He sighed lazily, “Just so so, nothing special. We had few drinks after performance, I wished you could make it last night.” He murmured. He didn’t tell you he met Lady Jane, well who would be stupid enough to tell his girlfriend that he spent the night with another woman? Of course he lied to you, pretending that nothing special happened because you weren’t around. Though you expected Simon would be honest to you, you expected him to admit that he met his ex-girlfriend last night and you would let it slip off because he was being honest. All you needed is his honesty.
            He kissed your shoulder gently, brushing his lips on your bare skin. Normally you would turn around and provided him a sweet morning make out session. But you felt disgusted by the thought that he probably already making out last night with that bitch, that’s why he touched you to redeem his guiltiness.
            You quickly get off from the bed before Simon could prevent you, he was puzzled by your unusual respond. “Baby?” He looked at you questioning.
           "I’m late, I have meeting this morning.“ You lied then hurried to the bathroom.
           Thus from that day, you started to make any excuse whenever he asked you to come with him to the party. You said you were busy, purposely sleep early so you didn’t need to do a pillow talk with him like what you used to, the frequency skin ship between both of you also decreased. Both of you lived under the same roof but you felt so distant and act like stranger. Whenever he had a chance to talk with you it was always ended by bickering and arguing. At first you tried to ignore it but time passed and finally you felt exhausted, you wanted to end it. Your relationship felt superficial and empty while Simon seemed okay, he didn’t even complain for not being able to talk to you, he used to be so touchy with you but recently he didn’t even lay his finger on you. There was no point for you to stay, Simon didn’t need you. He needed someone else and it’s obviously not you.
           "You’re home.” Simon’s voice greeted you as soon as you entered your apartment. He was sitting on the couch, back facing the main door. What did he do here at this hour? He always come late and busy lately, though you didn’t even know if it was ‘really busy’ or ‘busy’ anymore.
           "Hi..“ You greeted him back but not really excited because it felt like years since your last chat with your boyfriend and you didn’t know how to respond him properly, the atmosphere was awkward and it killing you slowly.
           Then there was deadly silent between you two and you felt stale to face this situation.
           “Let’s break up.” You said in determined voice across the room. There was no respond from Simon except you saw him slowly get up from the couch, turned his body to face you, giving you look ‘don’t be stupid’ as he kept staring at you with his dark expression.
           You clenched your fist in anger which you weren’t sure it was for him, for his ex or for your weak and pathetic heart for wishing everything would be alright and back to be normal. All you wanted to do were lashing out your anger but you decided to remain silent as you composed yourself, taking your steps closer to where Simon stood.
          “I want us to break up.” You said slowly and clearly, making sure he heard you enough.
          “Why?” finally he opened his mouth but there was no expression, he didn’t even blink or moved.
          You weren’t going to tell him the truth, you wanted to blame on how insensitive Simon was for not noticing that you had been stressed out because his damn ex always annoy you, sending you tons of their picture in the past or probably their new picture because you caught them met that night. You didn’t want to let him knew your stupid yet painful reason to break up with him.
          “I don’t see we’re going to be good.” You stated, you were sure Simon wouldn’t buy your lie but you chose to ignore it. You dated him for only six months for God sake, then broke up wouldn’t be too harm for you. You told yourself which was all lie, because you love him more than you love anyone beside your parents.
          “What good?” he asked in sarcastic tone, “I know we fought a lot for these past days, but it doesn’t mean we stop loving each other. Consider it as learning to know each other for more.” He was right, now he probably thought that you were so childish.
          “If you don’t want to break up, then I’m the one who break up with you.” You hissed, ignoring his argument. You made your way to the bedroom, planning to pack your things then move out from his apartment.
          But his hand found your wrist and he stopped you, “who’s he?” he asked, suppressing his anger. He asked you who he was, as if he assumed you were cheating behind his back.
          “Don’t be ridiculous.” You muttered, trying to free your hand but his grip was too strong for you to fight back. The ‘who is she’ question was more suitable thrown to him than you.
          “Then why you insist to leave me?” his grip getting stronger and it was hurting you, “who is he? Is he better than me? You love him more than you love me?”
         “Let me go.” You pulled your hand but it was useless to put your power there, Simon was stronger than you.
         “Answer me. Is he the main reason why you avoid me? What did I do wrong?! You barely let me touch you!” His said sternly, you could see he was boiling inside and his eyes became fiery.
         “Oppa, it’s hurt—” your voice cracked which made Simon taken a back, he didn’t want to hurt you intentionally. He consented your pleading then he loosen up his grip from you. Just then your phone chimed, it was a message notification which both of you noticed the familiar tone.
          Simon noticed you were holding your phone in your left hand, “let me see — ” He was about to snatch your phone but you moved your hand quickly, he caught of his guard so you could escape from his grip and turned around back facing him. Glancing at the popped out screen notification, it was from that damn unknown number again. Could it be another picture of Simon and her? You pressed the view button then something disgusting showed on your phone screen.
          It was picture of Simon and Lady Jane half naked on the bed. Your heart stung like hell, you were never ready for this.
          “Who’s that?!” Simon called you from your shoulder, and you quickly locked your phone.
          “that’s a message from him?” he spun you around to face him while you immediately secured your phone behind your back, keeping your phone tightly on your grip.
          “It’s not him, there’s no him or another guy.” You glared at him, feeling offended as he kept accuse you for cheating.
          “Then let me check it!” he spat, this time he succeeded to take your phone.
         “No, oppa—” you tried to resist him but it’s too late, your phone was already in his hand.
         “What's this bastard sent to you?!” he unlocked your phone and he froze as he saw what you saw earlier. His expression changed into terrified mixed with shock and embarrassment.
         You remained silent as he scrolled up your message, checking all the pictures that sent to you.
         Simon looked at you full of worry, “Since when you received this pictures?”          
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heoltrouble · 8 years
Simon Dominic's Drabble (No. 2)
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        “Who’s your boyfriend?!” He grunted in anger before sucking your neck, leaving a noticeable mark on it as if he wanted to show to everyone that you’re his. Simon purposely gave you love mark on your neck because he knew that you couldn’t hide them even if you want to.
         "Y-y-you..“ You shivered under his touch, moved your head slightly, giving him access to leave another love mark on you.
         "Can’t hear you.” He whispered on your ear before seductively licked your ear lobe, he knew exactly your weak spot.
          You shut your eyes, pressing your lips together to hold your moan. Simon was so angry when he found out new article about you and the other singer, it was written that you’re dating a new R&B singer on the headlines which made your boyfriend, Simon Dominic so upset.
          “Tell me what are you going to do with that news.” He pulled down the straps of your dress from your shoulder, this time he nibbled on your bare shoulder.
          You couldn’t handle his teasing anymore and finally gave in, “fuck the rumors, I’m Simon Dominic’s girlfriend.” You said between your breathe, “I’m yours.” You claimed, feeding his ego.
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heoltrouble · 8 years
Love Call
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            "Mom, that's too much!" You whined, feeling so annoyed. It was a peaceful dinner time until your mom brought your love life topic as dinner talk.
       "I like him, and he's nice. Just try to go on date with him, you're not going to lose anything." Demanding, forcing and unarguably, that's the perfect words to describe how your mom is.
       "I will date when I feel I want to date, not because you want me to." You argued back, but still chewed your meals. You were hungry and the food was too delicious to be left just because you want to avoid a war with your mom.
      "Then how long I have to wait, y/n? These past three years no-one you brought home to meet me, I'm worried!" She was right, you were struggling to move on from your ex-boyfriend for almost three years. After took a long time to heal the pain and make peace with your past, you were no longer longing his presence or stalking his social media, you were done with everything about him. But you still found that dating someone isn't the right time for you right now, it's because you're scared to get hurt again. You’ll find someone and date but not now.
       Your mom took your love life as her priority concern, it's because she loves and cares with you, but her concern was out for you to handle. She started to make you go on some blind dates, dragged you around to meet her friends who has son and potential to be your boyfriend. And it's her six times attempts, she's stubborn just like you.
       "Mom, I'm barely reaching my 25. My life just begin, seriously.." you shook your head disbelief and turned to your dad, "Dad, say something.. I'm too young to get married, right?" You needed your dad as your back up, he's so chill and laid back, you trust him that he wouldn't take your mom's side. He's your last savior, your black horse.
       "My little girl should get married, I'm bored watching you hang out with your girl friends.. you should dating someone, baby.." He said with his calm and nice tone, savoring the delicious dinner that your mom made.
       Even your dad betrayed you.
       "Oh my god, both of you—" you couldn't finished your words, there's no one on your side. As an only child in your family, you felt so frustrated when your parents teamed up to against you.
       Your dad smiled widely and reached out his palms to your mom, offering a high five as if he won a big match, "We'll get our son in law and grandchild as well~"
       And you knew it's going to be tough for you.
         "I can't believe they're so old skool!" You were nonstop ranting about your parents to Hana, your best friend, and her response so far only laughed hardly. "This is ridiculous! I strongly against their idea!" You shouted before took another sip of your drink. You and Hana were hanging out at one of the hottest club these days, Madholic Club. The club was pretty packed, but not with the ordinary visitors. You found a lot of familiar faces in this club, there were a lot of celebrity that's why you could see they were a lot of security as well.
        "Why there’s so many celebrity?" You asked, watching some female idols who known as their innocent images were dancing like crazy. Well, idols are human too. They're not that innocent and perfect like their image in media.
        "I guess one of them throwing party here." Hana shrugged nonchalantly, she’s not interested with them, just like you. Both of you worked as photographer and editor at one of well known magazine company, it made both of you interact with various artists and celebrity but still, the spotlight and their glamour look isn’t your thing.
        "Is that means we're as common people should be step aside? Hell nah, I pay for my own drink and I can afford VIP room just like them. There's no way they can force us to leave and take over this place just for their people." You were babbling, it's because you were controlled by the alcohol and Hana started to notice that you were not your own sanity, you were drunk.
       "You're drink too much, stop and let's go home." Hana took the glass from your hand and placed it on the table, persuading you to stop drinking. You're known as cheap drinker and trouble maker whenever you're drunk, dealing with you in sober state already hard for Hana. So drunken you must be three times exhausting for her.
        "I don't want to!" You swat your hand, refused to leave. And Hana muttering some curse words, she tried to understand that you’re not on your right mind.
        “You— seriously.”  She sighed before added, "Fine, then do everything as you want!" She dared you, "I'm going to the toilet, please behave y/n." Hana rushed making her way to go to the toilet before you even replied her.
       After she left, you kept pouring yourself for more drink, thinking about your parents and their ridiculous idea to hook you up with the guy who they think suit for you while the fact is far from that. Mostly of them are absurdly rich and demanding, one of them even worse, so possessive on you even though both of you weren't in relationship or stuff, you really hate that kind of guy, you hate being controlled.
       You chuckled on yourself, trying to get rid of those things. It's your time to have fun and leaving behind anything which got on your nerve, as it was a coincidence, the dj asked the audience for song request or anyone who wanted to sing. "Is there anyone wants to join in?" The dj spoke through microphone, while the audience eyeing each other.
       "I'd love to!" You raised your hand excitedly, your voice was so clear to be heard by the people. Everyone's eyes fall on your presence as they wait for kind of song that you were going to request.
      The light shone on you as the dj called you, "okay, for the pretty girl over there, what's your request?"
       Your spot wasn't far enough from the dj booth, you smiled with your noticeable red cheeks as you made your way to walk closer, "please play E-Sens' song, I'm good.. and I'd like to sing along~"
       Then in a short time you were on your own world, sing along wholeheartedly, gave your all out singing your favorite parts of the lyric.
         I’m living good, I’m living right        Wish you could come see this sight        Just do as you see        This is comfortable for me
         You’re living your live in a good term, shit happened but you still managed your best to deal with it. Growing stronger in each problem which you successfully passed, as they said, growing old is a trap but instead of ranting and grumbling doing nothing, you decided to move on. Rearranged your life, do better and stop people who tried to control you.
        You didn’t care there were a lot of people staring at you with their judging eyes, you didn’t know them and you weren’t in need to know them. Without you even could notice, there were pairs of eyes watching you painstakingly as a small smirk appeared in his face. You and your song touched his feeling, leaving him in amusement and curiosity.
          "You're really trouble maker! Sit here, I will ask the guard to help me drag you!" Hana scolded you, though she got annoyed by your drunken behavior, she still takes care of you. You were in the middle of singing then you start crying when Hana found you forcibly took the stage for your crying performance, and Hana without single hesitation walked to you and dragged you to get off from the stage before you ruined the club vibe any worse.
        You didn't complain when she nagged you to sit back on your seat and quietly waiting for her, your eyes were completely blurred and you felt the floor started to spin around. Everything you saw were triples and it made you dizzy.
       "That was a nice song." Someone greeted when you were in the middle battle with the rough spinning world.
       You looked up at the voice owner and knitted your eyebrows, tried to get a better sight. It was a guy who seemed taller than you, but instead of recognizing him, the only view you got is his blurred and triple faces. So you started to get annoyed and assumed the unknown guy figure as pervert. You don’t really like stranger, especially when you’re at the club, most of them were only try to flirt and mess with you. "Thank you, but I don't feel I want to talk to you, so please leave me alone." You shooed him and fished out your phone from your purse, trying to call Hana.
       Despite your harsh attitude, he let out a light chuckle at you, "this is interesting." He commented and it made you roll your eyes as respond.
       So stubborn and shameless guy.
       You were about to take another shot of your drink but he stopped you, "I think you already drink too much, Miss."
       And that was your limit. Instead of taking a sip from your drink, you splashed your drink right on his face. "I said leave me alone!" You were raging, he barely know you and he already invade your private live, beside he has no right to tell you what should you do with your own life. You weren't needed another people like your mom and dad who always act like they know everything.
       Just then when the unknown guy could even react, Hana cried out in shock. "Oh my God, y/n!" She immediately took the empty glass from your hand and turned to the poor unknown guy who already wet because your generous whiskey. "Did something happen between you and my friend?" Hana asked in concern then offered some piles of tissue for him.
        He took the tissue and tapped his face lightly with it, very calm and composed, "I just talked with her and told her to not drink too much, but I guess this pretty girl already too drunk to give me a nice respond." He surprisingly not feel offended, he again, only chuckled and pointed on you who still frowned in annoyance.
        "I'm so sorry for her behalf, please don't make a scene. Let just keep this down." Hana tried to negotiate, she had no idea why you did that. After countless time you get drunk, this is your very first time throwing you drink at someone. Well she didn't mind when it was an ordinary guy but in fact, he wasn't and you would get in trouble if this guy won't agree to keep this thing down.
        "It's fine, I knew she's drunk but yet I still insist to talk to her." He smiled at you, “maybe we can talk next time when you’re sober, Miss?” and he turned to Hana, "do you want me to help you bring her to the cab?"
        And you at the other side scoffed at his considerable act as good manner.
        "Oh, thank you so much. But I already get a help to do it." Hana politely rejected his offer and motioned the body guard to help you out. When you and Hana were ready to leave, the unknown guy called Hana,
        “Hey, your friend left her phone.. here.” He gave Hana your phone.
        “Thank you so much.”
          "Wake up, bitch. It's noon." You felt someone rock your body, forcing you to open your eyes. You yawned lazily before composed your consciousness, letting your brain processed better before you fully awake.
        "Where am I?" You mumbled, finally opened your heavy eyelids, this room was familiar for you but it's not your own bedroom and you fully certain of that.
        "You’re in hell.” A rough pitch came from a very familiar person, it was Hana and you realized it was at her bedroom.
        "Oh, I'm here~" you smiled innocently at her who sat on the dressing table, crossing her arms and her eyes judging you. Instead of feel offended, you comfortably stretched your body before finally woke up and sat on the edge of the bed. Just then you remembered something; your parents. They would kill you if they didn’t know where you are.
        “Oh, crap! I forgot to tell my mom!” You sighed in dramatic tone and looked for your phone, you spotted your purse on the night stand beside the bed and quickly rummage your purse when Hana casually added, “I called them last night that you’re sleep over at my place, they said okay.”
        You stopped rummaging your purse when you heard Hana’s statement and took your phone, then you sat back on the edge of the bed.
        “Hey, did you remember about last night?” Hana asked.
        “What’s that? As I remember we were clubbing, had a good time then I was drunk and you brought me here—”
        “No, the other part. You were singing on the dj booth and crying at the same time…”
        “…..” you wished you misheard her explanation but Hana kept talking.
        “I don’t want to go there ever again! Last night is the last time for entire my life!! Moreover you messed up with Simon Dominic—”
        “What?!” you interrupted her when you heard words messed up and your heart beat faster in words Simon Dominic as in addition.
        Hana looked at you with a weird look on her face, “you didn’t even remember that part? Like, seriously?!”
        Your tried to remember but nothing came up on your mind, “n-no, I don’t remember anything except I heard someone offered me to request my favorite song— Oh shit!” you groaned in frustration, “What did exactly happen last night?” your eyes searched a hope in Hana’s face, you know how bad you’d be when you’re drunk but still you wished nothing bad happened when you’re drunk.
         You held your phone tightly on your fist, obviously nervous, “okay, I can accept the fact that I might— no, I mean, I sang and cried like a fool on the stage—”
         “And you threw your drink right on Simon’s face.” She cut off your sentence with another night mare.
         She must be joking. Hana must be fool around, talking nonsense. You and your mind weren’t completely agree to accept the reality that Hana just spilled out.
         “You’re lucky he didn’t sue you, dumbass.” She added, not letting you to calm down yourself. You never met him before but you already screwed at your first time meeting him in person. You had no idea what kind of person Simon in real life, but from rumors that you heard among people who worked with him, Simon is moody and has bold personality, it worried you. What if he brought this issue up? You’d get in trouble by his fans and one hundred percent having hard time after that.
        “He didn’t say anything?!” you were also surprised.
         Hana shook her head, “he’s nice and sane enough to deal with cheap drinker like you.”
         And you scoffed at her remarked, “I’ll quit drink and not going to the club anymore, and let’s pray we’re not going to work with him in the future.”
        “You better pray hard.” Hana rolled her eyes.
         You sighed and back to check your phone, you were about to unlock your phone but you couldn’t cause this phone has password, “since when I use password on my phone?” you mumbled at yourself, could it be this is one of your drunk effect? Set a password on your phone when you were drunk and forgot the password right away, but the more you observe your phone the more you realize that wasn’t your own phone, it definitely not yours.
         “Hana— ”
         “What?” Hana’s eyes were glue on her phone, probably checked on her sns.
         “Did something happen with my phone?”
         “Ah, you left it on the table and he gave me back.” She replied nonchalantly, without even bothered look at you.
         “He? Who?”
         “Who else? It’s Simon D.”
         And you knew, what happen next wouldn’t be easy.
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heoltrouble · 8 years
im sorry i love you 3 was so cute i feel like simon would have that action towards a difficult relationship/situation lol and very excited to hear about the next one being based on jealousy good work ly!
I know right XDHe always said he can turn anything into what he wants, that’s why I make his action like that on my story. His cockiness is still cute! (I get inspired after watching SMTM5 where he’s upset but still cute as hell, lol) He’s so funny!
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heoltrouble · 8 years
Im Sorry I Love You (2) was so good! im excited yet nervous to read Simons reaction 🙃
Me too! I need to discus with Simon about it, ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
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heoltrouble · 8 years
I’m Sorry I Love You (2)
one two three four
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    “I hate you, I don’t want to meet you anymore!” that’s the last words you said to Simon before you left his apartment and cried on your own. Well, literally you yelled at him.
     You hate him, because you couldn’t stop loving him.      You hate him, because you can’t take him as yours.      But you hate yourself even more because of that.
     You lied down on your bed, recalled the scene at Simon’s apartment that afternoon. You said you didn’t want to meet him, you hate him. You left his apartment after said that and of course there’s no reason for Simon to hold you. He let you go without saying anything.
     After the love confession incident, you locked off yourself from Simon. You avoided him for this past week, rejected his call, you even made him waited in front of your apartment for three hours, just because he wanted to talk to you, but you chose to ignore him instead.
     While you were on your thinking time, you couldn’t stop missing Simon. He’s the one who you can talk to, even his busy time he would spend his time to respond your message. After all, he’s your best and he loves you, just like you love him. You can’t deny the fact that he takes a lion’s share in your heart, you placed him above your boyfriend. It’s clearly wake you up that Simon is the one and only you need. But you can’t being mean with playing with Tae Woo’s heart, whatever will be happen, you need to talk to Tae Woo and clear everything.
     You stood in front of your boyfriend’s apartment and confidently pressed the password.
     5420. Beep! It’s a sound when you input wrong password.
     No way, that’s Taewoo’s password. You were sure it was the right password, but why did it sound beep? You tried it one more time and it went beep! again. Wrong password.
     Did he change his password? Without even telling you? Out of the blue?
     Recently you always meet him at your apartment or simply you just went out for dinner and movie date. As you could count, it’s almost one month you didn’t visit his apartment and now he changed his password.
     You shrugged it off and pressed the doorbell. 
     “Oh, hi baby!” Tae Woo greeted you from intercom.
     You looked at the camera and said, “Oppa, did you change your password? I can’t go in.”
     “Ah— wa-wait a minute. I’m cleaning my house.”
     “Okay.” You smiled bitterly because you had some thoughts on your mind but you decided to wait Tae Woo.
     After few minutes, he came out from his apartment and gave you an awkward smile, “Why you didn’t tell me that you’re going here?” he looked nervous as if he hiding something, he didn’t even offer you to enter his apartment. That’s not like he used to be.
     “I just want to surprise you.” You gave him flash smile. There’s something strange about Tae Woo but instead of asking, you decided to play along joining his game.
     “Ahh, okay. Let’s talk outside.” He held your hand and led you to walk away from his place, but you stopped him right away.
     “Oppa, I saw it.” Your words made him stopped and turned at you, “I saw you and her a week ago when you canceled our date. You were with her, right?” you didn’t want to waste your time, you wanted to end it as soon as you can.
     “What? Baby, what are you talking about?” he tried to act innocent but you could tell from his eyes, Tae Woo’s eyes were shaking and avoided your gaze.
     “I knew it, she’s in your apartment now.”
      A week ago when you left Simon’s place, you went to Tae Woo’s office to prove that Simon was taking nonsense about your boyfriend. But it’s beyond your doubt, you found Tae Woo with another girl came out from his office building, and they looked so intimate. Despite on your shock feeling, you decided to follow them. You wanted to prove Tae Woo is a good guy, just like what you always give credence on him. But Simon was right. Tae Woo brought that girl to his apartment. And today, you found him acting weird and didn’t want you to enter his apartment, he probably brought that girl here. 
     “I just want to know the reason why you’re cheating on me.”
     “Just tell me the reason so I can understand, that’s all I want.” Of course you felt disappointed and hurts, but your sanity is enough to make you calm rather than freak out and angry, because Tae Woo isn’t worth it. He doesn’t deserve any single tears from you.
    “Can we talk it in other place?”
    “No, I want to hear it here and now.”
    Tae Woo took a deep sigh before he started to say, “It’s because you never love me.”
    “What—” you widened your eyes, you wasn’t expecting this kind of answer.
    “I mean, you’re my girlfriend, you like me. But your heart isn’t for me, never.”
    “I know I’m wrong and made a mistake for cheating on you, but since you’re cool about it.. I will tell you the truth.” He rubbed his nape, feeling uneasy. Tae Woo decided to tell you everything.
    “Okay, tell me.”
    “Don’t you know why you’re so calm right now? In fact you know your boyfriend is cheating on you, if it’s true you love me, you’re going to get mad and jealous.. but you’re not.”
    “It’s because—”
    “It’s because you didn’t love me.”
    “Did you say you’re cheating because my own mistake?” somehow you get offended by his words.
    “No, it’s not your mistake. Cheating is my choice, it’s wrong and I admit it. But there’s something between us, y/n.. you only like me, you only need accompany. I didn’t have meaning that much for you.” He put his hands on your shoulders and added, “I know you love someone else.”
     You were surprised and freeze on your spot.
     Simon, where are you?
     “We’re just taking a break, too tired to talk out our feelings, life is too hard to say sorry bec—ca-cause you—AISHHH!” Simon messed up his lyric again.
     “It’s fine, hyung. Let’s try again.” Gray said from his microphone which connected inside the record studio where Simon recorded his new song. Simon wasn’t like that, he used to concentrate and focused when he rap. But there’s something strange about him lately and the AOMG’s boys feel it.
     “Sorry, I’ll start again.” He informed.
     Gray clicked the music button and led Simon to rap his part, “Okay, here we go..”
     “We’re just taking a break, too tired to talk out our feel—lings*&&^&%$$#$%” he effortlessly messed up again.
     Gray couldn’t hold his chuckle, realizing how funny his hyung today. Simon took twenty times to re-take his part and still messed up, that’s not what Simon used to do. Something must happened.
     “Seriously what’s wrong with me today?” he groaned in annoyed, he knew it because it’s because of you but he have to be professional, whatever happens in his life, show must go on. Work is work, and he needed to focus.
     “Hyung, are you hungry?” Gray asked in advance. Simon might hungry that’s why he couldn’t concentrate.
     “I ate two burgers this morning.” Simon replied and showed up his two fingers.
     “Then why are you so soulless?”
     “Ssamdi hyung completely blank today.” Jay added.
     “Hyung, you look like a teenager who just broke up with your girlfriend. So messy and clueless.” Jukyung’s comment made the boys giggling, they had no idea that Simon were suffering because of one side love heart breaking.
     “Ah, this isn’t right.” He said in disappointed tone.
     “Hyung, come out first. You need take a rest..” Gray suggested.
     ”What is this?” Simon looked surprised finding you in front of his apartment when he went home. He looked so exhausted and his eye bags getting noticeable. In other words, Simon looked messy and pathetic.
     “Hi..” you smiled awkwardly, greeting your best friend. You weren’t sure how to break the awkwardness between you two.
     “Dammit, where the hell were you for this past days? I just back from your apartment and waited there for two hours!” he howled in half annoyed tone and quickly soften his tone, “Did you wait too long?” well, after all.. he still care to you.
    “It’s just fifteen minutes.” You replied and gave him your super awkward smile again.
    Simon unlocked his door and called you, “Come in.” his voice was gentle and soft.
     At first you hesitated but followed him anyway, you entered his apartment and closed the door while Simon already took off his shoes. He was about to go to his living room bur you called him, “Simon..”
     He turned at you, “What?”
     “Sorry..” you said, full of guilty.
     He didn’t look surprise at all, Simon acted like there’s nothing happened between you and him, somehow it made you don’t know what to do. He smiled and asked you back,“For what?”
     “Sorry for slapping you and making you wait in front of my apartment, two times.”
     Again, he just chuckled and commented, “It’s almost two weeks ago and you say sorry now?”
    “It’s fine, I deserved that. The important thing is you’re fine now. Ah, I’m hungry.. how about pizza delivery?” he avoided to talk about what happened in the past, he purposely changed the subject.
    Simon turned around and about to make his way back to living room but you called him again, “Simon..”
    He quickly replied,“Whyyyy?”
     “I broke up with Tae Woo this morning.” You confessed. You weren’t sure if it’s important for him to know about it or not, but you wanted to tell him.
     “WHAT?” he shouted in surprise.
     “We decided to break up.”
     You shook your head, “No, we’re completely sober and in a good term.”
     He ran his fingers on his hair, and shook his head in disapproval, “Stop talking nonsense. Listen, forget what I’ve said before. I wasn’t in the right mind back then.”
     “You’re right, the day when I left your apartment, I went to see him but turned out he’s cheating on me.”
     You were waiting his reaction.
     Simon took a deep sigh and gestured you to come closer, “You.. come here..”
    “Just come here, hurry up!” he urged.
    You walked closer, took off your shoes and Simon pulled you into his hug. It surprised you but you can’t deny that his hug made you feel better. You wanted to hug him back but you were too shy to do that, so you just stay still in his warm embrace.
     “You must be suffering right now, you fool..” He patted your back as if he wanted to comfort you, “It’s okay, you can find another guy next time.”
     You escaped from his hug and only looked at him without saying anything. You didn’t like his statement.
    “What?” he asked in confusion.
    “I’m not going to meet another guy.” You said firmly, gaining his confusion.
    “You want him back?”
    “Of course not, you idiot.” You replied in frustration.
    “Okay, sorry. But since we already make up and back being friends, I’ll help you to survive from heart breaking.”
    “Are you stupid or something?” this time you were really upset, Simon is not sensitive.
    “Then what you want me to do? you broke up, don’t want to meet another guy, you hate me anyway. I just want to help you as your friend.” As a grown and mature man, he looked so cute when he grumbled, just like this time.
    You decide to play along, “That’s right, I don’t like you.”
    “Whatever..” He said nonchalantly.
    “But I love you, idiot. That’s why I’m not going to meet another guy.” You hugged him and hide your face because you were embarrassed on your own confession.
     “….” Simon stood in silent.
     “Simon, why aren’t you say anything?”
Somehow, I feel this story going to extend on one more chapter.. lol. We need to know Simon’s reaction, right? do you all agree with me, guys???
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heoltrouble · 8 years
Cheeky Simon
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      “What should I bring from here?” You asked while searching deeply on his walking closet. For next month, Simon would be going on tour and as a clingy girlfriend you insisted to bring something from his closet so you could use it or touch it whenever you miss him.
      “Just bring me already.” He offered himself while opened his arm widely, asking for your hug.
      You turned around to face him and playfully punched his abs, “I don’t want you, tsk.”
      “But I want you.. now~” he stepped closer to you and purposely whispered with his husky voice to seduce you.
      “Go away you pervert!” you hit his chest lightly and back to searching on his closet while he laughed on his own joke. That’s what Simon always be, bold, straight forward and cheeky, but it doesn’t mean he has no romantic side. Simon is helplessly romantic guy, ever. He loves to give you a simple surprise even though there’s no special reason, he just love to see how your eyes sparkling whenever you say you’re thank you for having him.
      Finally you found his white hoodie with Ssamthingspecial written on it. “Oh, I need this one!” You exclaimed as you took it off from hanger and showed to him.
     "You can have anything, baby. It’s all yours..“
     "Then I will sell everything here since all of them are mine.” You said jokingly, testing Simon’s reaction.
     "Try me.“ He said confidently.
     "I will sell your apartment as well, so when you’re back from tour you have nothing except me.” You kissed his cheek and earned a big grin on his face.
     "Then I should bring yours too.“
     "What do you want?”
     He slipped his hand under your skirt and gently pulled of your panties, “This one.”
This one is so short coz I don’t know how to write smut or stuff like that. XD
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