#ssbisbibus I'm sorry if I ruin the image of your cubs!
Caramia and the Kiddos!
Special gift/art trade for @lavendel080! Happy Birthday Yomi!
Word Count: 1,904
Trigger Warning: None mostly fluff!
Characters: Caramia Oz, Axel Oz, Arion Oz, and Elodie Oz
Being the son of a Don was no easy task, Arion learned this at a young age. There were times that his father wouldn't come home after midnight because of work related issues, there were times when he come home covered in bruises and beaten up. It was terrifying for a child to see so much at a young age, and even though his parents desperately wanted the best for him and his siblings, Arion understood that it couldn't be helped; work was work, after all. The times that Caramia did in fact have a moment to rest, he always spend it with his beloved family: those were cherished memories and Arion wouldn't have it any other way.
So when Caramia declared that he was taking him and Elodie a trip around town, it certainly surprised him. His father was always a hard worker and with limited free time he had, he used that time to take care of his pregnant wife. However even though his children were so understanding about his job and whatnot, even their patience could sometimes wear thin, some more than others and even though Arion desperately tried to keep his composure together as the eldest son, he couldn't help but feel just a bit frustrated... the same could be said for Elodie, who was struggling far worse than Arion. And though the kids tried to not let it show, they knew nothing could escape the all knowing lion's eye.
"W-we're really taking a trip! But what about your work!?" Arion questioned, unlike his younger sister who was practically jumping in joy, he felt uncertain of the whole ordeal after all he didn't want his father to feel like he was doing a bad job at being there for them, being a don is hard after all.
"It's fine really, if anything did happen, Kyrie can handle it!" The lion casually brushed off his concerns, his signature smile never leaving his face, though Arion had his reasons to worry, Caramia knew very well that both of his children greatly missed spending time with their father and so what better way to spend time with them then a stroll around the town? He has been meaning to find a way to avoid Kyrie's ridiculous request that "could benefit the famiglia" and spend time with his family as well, so it's a win-win situation for all!
"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go already…!!" Elodie cheerful yet impatient voice, broke the tense questioning between her older brother and her father. Pulling on Arion hand, she dragged him toward the oz entrance, giggling the whole time as her older brother frantically tried to get her to stop, yelling and screaming and whatnot. As the two cubs were getting close to the entrance, Caramia trailed behind them, chuckling at the scene ahead of wearing a smile of pure happiness, it felt like centuries since the last time he could settle down with just him and his kids and he couldn't have it any other way.
"Now Elodie let your brother go please- wait Elodie put him down! Elodie-!"
Usually the sound of his people lively cheers were like music to the don's ears, however his attention was elsewhere than the shrieking sound of his fangirls that were near.
"Hey dad do you think that mom would like it if we buy something for her and the baby?" Elodie asked curiously. Caramia smiled at her, always delighted to answer her questions no matter how ridiculous they seemed. On the other side of the spectacle there was Arion, from the moment he was born, he became a nervous wreck and today was no different: he constantly turned around as if someone there was going after them, he kept glancing over the same spot as if a dog was going to jump from behind the bushes and attack him.
"Would you stop that already?! It's getting really annoying, just enjoy the moment for once!" Elodie snapped at her older brother. She just didn't know why he couldn't let loose for once and even though she knew it was just him being ridiculous, his paranoid attitude  was starting to rub off her just a bit….
"S-sorry…!" Arion squeaked out an apology, putting his head down in shame. The last thing he wanted was for his little sister to feel unsafe because of him, not only that but with his dad so close, he couldn't afford to look so wimpy and cowardly in front of him. Taking Elodie advice, Arion decided to put on his big boy pants and just enjoy the moment for a while.
"Hmm it looks like there's a new sweet shop in town, I have never been there before, let's go check it out" Caramia casually changes the subject. His father instincts were kicking in and he could feel the tension between his two cubs, and didn't want an argument to stir up in the middle of town square, so he brought up a topic that would demolish all the bad vibes.
"So that was what uncle Axel was talking about!! We definitely have to go there so we can grab to him about it!" Elodie said excitedly, quickly forgetting the fact that she was supposed to act cross toward Arion.
"T-that could be fun…!" Arion agreed, a small smile quickly replacing his frown. Caramia shot them a grin in their direction, as he swung the door open, greeted by a fresh wave of air and a stuffed man.
"Axel is that you…?"
Never in a million years would Caramia imagine to see his caporegime -of all people-, stuffing their face with cake, that looked to be his 50th one as the waitress was handing him another one. Slowly crunching on the chocolate covered strawberries, Axel embarrassingly wipes off the frosting from his face and looked down on his table, trying to hide his colored cheeks from the don. Never would Axel have thought, he would get caught pigging out while on duty especially from Caramia no less.
"I swear it's not what it looks like…!" Axel yelped in embarrassment, trying his best to recollect himself and save face before the don starts losing all trust in him. Caramia could only stare, not sure whether he should be assumed or annoyed, after all Axel was supposed to be taking care of his pregnant wife instead of pigging out here in the sweet shop. The fact that Kyrie was the only one at the mansion with Nana, made Caramia skin shiver no less but he didn't have the energy or the time to stay mad at Axel for long, after all his little cubs were here as well.
"Aw man, great Uncle Axel already came here before! Welp now that all my bragging rights went out the window, now what!" Elodie pouted, completely ignoring what was going around her.
"Maybe we could sit with Uncle Axel since he's already here and we can share some of his cake!" Arion offered a suggestion, not wanting an argument to break out in the middle of a sweet shop.
"That's a great idea Arion, hey Axel you won't mind, won't you?" Caramia shot a grin at Axel direction, which did little to calm his nerves. Before Axel could respond, the cubs and Caramia were already taking a seat.
"Do you come here often Uncle Axel?" Elodie asked.
"Does Dad and Kyrie know about this?"
"W-well I-"
"Do you usually stuff your face like this on duty?"
"That's enough of that Elodie" Caramia said. Elodie let out a pout, not pleased with her father words. Caramia let out a soft sigh as he noticed her pout, she was clearly doing this to push Axel buttons and make him even more embarrassed. That was a known fact and he even he had to admit, it was amusing to watch, ultimately he didn't want their day wasted by teasing Axel all day.
"Thank you sir…" Axel mumbled under his breath, glad that the don put an end to his misery, as he had no idea how far this would have gone if he didn't.
"W-what do you usually get here Uncle Axel?" Arion asked politely, something that not even his sister could ever do properly.
"You know other than eating cake" Elodie chimed in, wearing her all knowing smirk.
"Elodie!" Arion squeaked out, not wanting to cause problems. Thankfully Axel didn't questioned it and just ignored it.
"I recommended the chocolate raspberry  parfait but if you're not into the fruity kind of sweets than I also recommended the chocolate dip cannoli!" Axel suggested, getting more and more ecstatic as he talked about the sweets. Arion quietly chuckled to himself, it was kind of amusing that the same "cold and reserved" Axel was the same person in front of them, who was geeking out about sweets.
"Haha you've always been the sweet tooth kind of guy, huh Axel" Caramia teased his caporegime. Axel flushed at the don's teasing but didn't confirm not deny his accusations.
"Oooh I want a cannoli too! Can I please get that Dad?!" Elodie asked but it sounded more like a demand.
"Sure sweetie, buy anything you like, Axel is paying after all!" Caramia cheerfully replied, though the same couldn't be said for Axel as he gloomy slouched over the chair, damn you Caramia, all he wanted was to get some cake!
"Ooooh~ If that's the case then I want this one, this one and ooh this looks good…!" Elodie looked over the menu, purposely picking every single expensive sweet she could find. Caramia chuckled at her little girl, happy she was enjoying herself.
"I swear sir, sometimes I feel like Kyrie is rubbing off on you..." Axel mumbled under his breath. Arion looked at him in pity as he gently patted his uncle's back.
"There there Uncle Axel, maybe next time won't be so bad!" Arion tried his best to comfort him, and though he felt like his efforts were in vain, but unknown to him he did manage to get a slight smile on Axel's face.
As the cubs were busy stuffing their face with sweets or what Axel likes to call it "pigging out", both he and the don stepped out for a minute or two.
"Sir are you sure this is a good idea? Because I'm not sure Elodie could eat all that by herself" Axel expressed his concern as he watched Elodie stuffing a whole piece of chocolate pie down her throat, while Arion was desperately trying to get her to stop.
"It's fine really! If she doesn't want it, I can always give it to Nana" Caramia replied, not the least bit worried, though that didn't stop him from looking back every time, he thought could go wrong.
"I just hope that I didn't spend half of my allowance on nothing…"
"Oh relax Axel it's fine, besides it wasn't like you were the one who paid for it anyways" Caramia said a bit smugly, as he winked at him.
"W-wait sir what do you mean by that...do you mean that..?!" Coming to the realization that the don could have placed the order under his name, Axel stood there stunned not knowing how to react.
"I think you know what I mean, now lets go back inside before Elodie destroys the shop"
"Y-yes sir!"
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