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Testing a new chibi style with my softest girl(*´▽`*)♡
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For Soh!!: How often does Lillian come to visit you at the food stall? What do you usually talk about/do while you two are together?
Soh: Lillian is always busy so she rarely has time to visit me, but on the rare occasion she does come, she always ends up helping me with the shop. She says it's because "I can't do it well myself, and I need someone to look after me if I do something that could hurt the sales", which I think is her way of telling me, she loves the shop as much as I do and doesn't want it to get close down any time soon! There are times where I surprise her; usually that means naming a new sweet/food after her, I still can remember her flustered face when she found out the cupcake I named after her was actually on the menu haha...!
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For Lillian!!: What kind of books do you like to read? (Asking for a certain nightingale... >:3c)
Lillian: Ah finally a question that I'm actually interested in! I really really like mystery novels and thrillers, though a lot of the times if I figure out the mystery or a cloo before the main character, it is very frustrating to get through at times hehe. I also really like historical fiction! I know it gets shat on for being boring but I really like going back in time and learning more about different cultures and what not!
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To Lynette: How do you know it's love? Do you try to get closer to that person, or do you wait for them to come to you? Also, have you ever fallen for someone fo the ruling class or is it usually just civilians?
Lynette: It’s usually just a feeling, y’know?! Like a warm, fuzzy feeling whenever you talk to them or just see them from across the room! When it’s love, you wanna do anything just to see them happy, even if it means making a sacrifice you don’t really want to make! *laughs nervously* Ahahaha... No matter how much I just love love, I can never find the right words to describe it, so I usually just go off of my intuition at that point.
Lynette: I try to actively get closer to the person I have a crush on, but sometimes I come on too strong, and they end up running away. I deal with rejection well though!
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Lynette: I normally fall for civilians since it’s less awkward to be around them after they reject me. I outlive all of them too because I’m a part of the ruling class, so I don’t have to worry about them for that long anyway... There was one person in the past who I thought I had fallen in love with, but...
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Lynette: I didn’t-no- I couldn’t get any closer to him back then. He’s dead now, according to that old bastard anyway, but I think about him from time to time. What I wouldn’t give to see him again...
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Happy Birthday Lillian!
Happy Birthday to my sweet girl Lillian! Her birthday was November 10 however I couldn't do anything for her birthday because I was sick but now that I'm a bit better, I still don't have the motivation for a full fic so have a skit instead!
Lillian: "Soh, I have a lot of work that needs to get done, can't this wait a little longer?"
Soh: "But that won't be fun Lil-Lil~! It's your birthday after all, can't you spare a few minutes~"
Lillian: "I really don't think-"
Soh: "Excellent! It's all settled then, we'll go now then, shall we!
Lillian: *sigh* "I suppose..."
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*a few hours later*
Soh: "Well that wasn't so bad now wasn't it, Lil-Lil"
Lillian: "I-i guess you were right for once, I didn't think you would take me somewhere I actually will want to go, especially not a bookstore...!"
Soh: Tsk tsk, you really underestimated me didn't you Lil-Lil!"
Lillian: "I-im sorry, I didn't mean too..."
Soh: "Haha your really are easy to tease, no wonder why Miss Lynette was so keen on letting you stay."
Lillian: *blushes* "S-she was...!!"
Soh: "Nevermind that, I have another gift for you~"
Lillian: "Another one? Oh you don't have to-"
Soh: "You right I don't but I want to so let's go~"
Lillian: "K-kay...!"
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*back at the shop*
Soh: "And here we have...huh where is tge decor-?"
Caesar: "The hell are you doing Soh! We're not ready, get her out of here!"
Soh: "Oops my bad, sorry!"
Lillian: *mumbles* "Why's Caesar here..."
Caesar: "Hah what did ya say, don't think that I didn't hear you! Tch, now that the jig is up, guess there's no point in hiding it, we were planning a surprise party for you, shortcake"
Lillian: "H-huh a party for me...!"
Soh: "You ruined the surprise, Mr. Caesar!"
Caesar: "Eh! You ruined it first when you brought her here an hour earlier, idiot!"
Lillian: "I still don't understand..."
Soh: *tilts head* "Eh? What's not to understand Lil-Lil?"
Lillian: "I don't understand on why you're going to the trouble to throw a party for me..."
Soh: "You don't? I thought it would be pretty obvious...it's because we care about you Lillian!"
Lillian: *blushes* "E-eh really!"
Caesar: *snickers* "Tch, always the last one to catch on...
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Heidi: "That munchkin of yours was constantly talking about it, like it was his own birthday!"
Lillian: "Even you too Miss Heidi!"
Heidi: "Why of course I would! I will never pass an opportunity to see that hunk of a lion, once your little friend shows up with him, fufu~"
Lillian: (Poor Nana...)
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Caesar: "So the talking meat finally showed up after all, what about all that talk about it being "too hard" hmm?"
Heidi: "Why you little...!"
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Soh: "Lil-Lil can you come here for a second"
Lillian: *nods*
Soh: "Are you enjoying yourself? I'm sorry that this wasn't the traditional birthday part you wished for, but I hope this is good enough"
Lillian: "This is everything I ever dreamed of and more, I really can't thank you enough for this Soh, this is exactly what I wanted" *blushes*
Soh: "No need to thank me, I'm just happy that you're happy, happy birthday Lillian and a million more to come....!"
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can lillian dance well???
Lillian: No, not really. I want to learn but I still really suck at it. I much rather prefer, learning the arts of sitting down than moving your legs. Which is ironic since all I do all day is move my legs....
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To Lillian: Would you join the mom book club (+Lynette)?
Lillian: Of course I will! The triplets are so hard to handle at times that I barely able to read anymore, much less leave the house, so it would be nice to go out once in a while with the girls and doing something I love as well fufu~
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To Flora: Did you participate in the meeting when Fuka was introduced or were you filled in afterward? What was your reaction? Do you always come to visit Pashet's performances and what's your favorite thing to get at the food stands? What is your opinion on the Wolf gang? Do you also think they need to be eliminated? Also, thoughts on Kyrie? Are these common enemies of you and Pashet?
Florentia: I came, of course. They did request all members to appear, after all. A girl with no memories, no marking, and no name... Sounds like something straight of a fantasy novel. There wasn’t really anything suspicious about her, and she was pretty cute, so~ There were no objections from me.
Florentia: I’ll go watch when I can- I may seem like a lady with a lot of free time, but I’m pretty busy sometimes~ There’s these sugar-coated flower crystal candies being sold at one of the stands! They’re so pretty, I almost regret eating them~ 
Florentia: As for Wolf Gang and Kyrie, I’m pretty neutral. Neither interests me particularly, although I recognise Kyrie as being a consigliere.
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Fake Hansel x Fuka Cg (?)
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I just went through Old Ozmafia stuff and jdjdj. Anyways, to Soh: What was going through your head when you found out about Lillian having triplets? Same question to Lillian and also what do you think about Arthur hanging out and causing mischief with the Daughter of the Don of Oz?
Future Ask
Soh: Ah unfortunately some things came up so I wasn't there when the triplets were born, actually I didn't know Lillian was pregnant till I came back and they were already there...
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Soh: It was shocking to come back and found out I was a father but I didn't mind! In fact, I always wanted a family so it all worked out perfectly...!
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Lillian: When I first found I was pregnant, I was scared, nervous and confused. Soh didn't know and by the time I was ready to tell him, he already left...not to mention I was still young when I found out and didn't even know if I wanted kids. It's gotten better since then but I still don't think, I'm a good mother, I still wonder if the kids were born in normal circumstances, would they be much happier? Probably...
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Lillian: I think it's wonderful that Arthur has a friend, when he was younger, he never hang around people that weren't his siblings, it got to a point where I was actually considering of buying him friends haha. Glad that wasn't the case, I don't really mind that Arthur is hanging around with Elodie, she's a sweet girl and the daughter of my great friend, Nana, so I know she can't be that bad. Besides if they do end up destroying the town, that's on Caramia's wallet-
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The One That Got Away (Arion x Oralie)
Oneshot for @lavendel080! Congrats on 250 followers <33 !
Word Count: 2,176
Paring(s): Arion (Belongs to @lavendel080) and Oralie
Genre: Romance/Angst
Prompt(s): "What do you really think of me?"
Staring at the starry night, she faintly recalled the myths that she was told as a child and couldn't help but let out a sour laugh. Would wishing upon a shooting star really do anything? Would anything change? Would he return her feelings out of love or was it because a pitiful star forced him to? If she put it like that, it sounded desperate and wrong, and yet she still wasn't fully opposed to the idea…
'God...what's wrong with me? This isn't how I should -or want to- be spending the night…' Oralie thought to herself bitterly. The Meteor Shower only came once a year, and yet all she really wanted was to spend the night with him and him alone...so why was she still not satisfy? She successfully asked him out and he agreed but before she could even jump in joy, he of course he had to bring his girlfriend with him. Oh, who was she kidding, she was a fool to believe such fantasies could exist...but even if that was the case, why did he kissed her? Even if it was just on the cheek, even if it did mean nothing to him, even if he did it to please her, it meant everything to her but the fact that he did so without hesitation and then decide to introduce his girlfriend to her on the Meteor Shower, -the one fucking day she just wanted to...just wanted to stay with him- and then play it off as nothing happened, just pissed her off. 
Did she really mean nothing to him? Was it all just a game for him? What did-
A distant voice tore her away from her thoughts, and honestly she really wished they hadn't. She didn't even need to turn around to know who it was, his concerning almost dad-like soft tone gave himself away instantly and as much as she loved hearing his voice on a daily, at this moment, she just wished he'll just stay quiet. And to no one's surprise the owner of said voice was none other than the man himself, Arion. 
"There you are, I was looking everywhere for you! Come on, Rika is waiting for us with everyone else!" Arion said, his cheerful tone didn't once falter as he spoke. It seemed like he didn't even notice how teary eye or upset she was, or he probably did and just didn't care, she wouldn't be surprised if it was the ladder. Still she had to admit that her heart fluttered at the thought of Arion looking for her but did he really have to mention his girlfriend's name in the mix of it? She knew she was being petty and overly dramatic about it, after all she was his girlfriend, why wouldn't he mention her?
"A-ah I'm sorry to make you and Rika worry about me but I'll think I just sit this one out…" Oralie mumbled under breath, refusing to look him in the eye, she knows if she does there would be no telling on what she'll do. 
"Are you sure? I remember how excited you were, do you really not want to see the grand final? Did something happen?" Arion looked like a concerned dad as he bombarded her with questions. He didn't drop it like she hoped, dense as he might be, he knew how much the Meteor Shower Gathering meant to her so he won't let it go anytime soon and she hated it. She hated how a simple change of expression could affect her in ways she couldn't even explain. She hated how now of all times he seemed to actually care. She hated how he just won't drop it. She hates how even now, he didn't get the memo. And what  she truly hates is how even after their kiss, he still treats her as a little sister. It's as if everything they have been through together, was one-sided all along, it's as if he knew how she's feeling but doesn't care enough to acknowledge it. 
"I said I'm fine so just leave!" Oralie snapped. Looking at him dead in the eye, as she continued to glare up at him. Taken aback by her sudden snarkiness, Arion responded more gentle and calmer this time, figuring it was just his poor choice of words that made her snap.
"I can't just let you stay here by yourself, what happens if something happens you, I would never forgive myself if that ever happens…" Arion responded calmly though he was still shaken up by her initial response. Oralie made a 'tch' noise under her breath, clearly not buying his whole act, as she continued to glare daggers at him.
"Would you shut up already, I don't care what you think! Because I know that you don't care, I know that you don't see me as a woman so stop giving me the slightest bit of hope that you'll love me back, because I know it's not going to happen...and yet every time you give me that damn smile, I can't help but think that maybe I have a chance and the worst part of it all, is you don't seem to notice the things you do to me…!" Oralie snapped at him again, ignoring the tears that were threatening to leave her eyelids. Arion just stood there stunned, not knowing how he should respond to her. 
A moment of silence between the two of them fell, neither of them knew what to say after her outburst. Moments turned into minutes and minutes turned into what felt like years, and at that point, Oralie wondered if he was going to at least acknowledge her feelings or would he just sweep it under the rug and pretend this never happened? After everything they have been through, is this really it? After finally working up the courage to confess her feelings, was it really all for nothing? 
"...Is this at? You're not even going to acknowledge what I said? Are you content with just ignoring everything I said and moving on like nothing happened…? I guess if that's the case then you really proved my point." Oralie questioned. A part of her wanted to ignore it as well, pretend like nothing happened, like she didn't embarrassed herself in front of a crush, and continue to be his supportive friend that's always there for him if he ever needed something or someone. But that's not what she wanted to do, what she wanted was to know the truth, find out what he really thinks of her, even if that means curiosity will kill the cat so be it.
"I'm sorry...I just don't know what to say, this is really hard to take it all in" Arion softly replied, it was so quiet that she could barely hear it but she did. Truthfully, she was surprised that he even did say something in the first place but that still wasn't enough.
"Neither do I, but that still isn't an excuse for avoiding it all together…." Oralie replied, looking anywhere but him. Her anger and witty remarks left faster than they arrived, at this point she was just tired. But tired of what exactly? Of him? Of herself? Probably both.
"You just seem so happy with Aster that I thought you'll eventually forget your feelings for me.." 
"I did too. I thought that maybe going out with Aster would help me forget about you and that confessing my love for you all those months ago would be unnecessary stress taken off my back. And for a while that worked, but after what happened at the shooting range...I don't think I can ignore my feelings for you any longer...Arion I love you." Oralie confessed, finally making direct eye contact with him. A few months ago, her confession was solely based on letting go of the past, and now a few months later, she ran back to her past. Arion met Oralie eyes, he could see the passion, the need, the admiration, she has for him in her eyes and yet…
"...Does Aster know about this?" Arion asked, looking away from her. Oralie heart sunk as he completely dodged her confession once again for the second time.
"I think he knows that I still have feelings for you so he's been keeping his distance…" Oralie quietly said under her breath. 
"And how long has he known about it?" 
"...I think maybe around the time of the shooting range but even before that, I think he knew…" Oralie answered. Arion nodded, not really saying anything, just silently staring off into space, that in itself already pisses her off.
"So are you going to stand there and avoid me for the next five minutes or are you going to answer me back?" Oralie demanded. She wondered how long will he continue to avoid her and this answer is he won't because she won't allow this to continue.
"W-what do you mean?" After standing there in silence, he finally realized she wasn't going anywhere anytime soon.
"I'm saying when are you going to acknowledge my feelings for you. I love you Arion and I always have so please don't ignore me again, and give me one of your charming smiles and hope this will blow off eventually." Arion rubbed his temple, he really didn't want to get in any more of an argument but at this point it was inevitable. 
"Look Oralie, I really don't know what you want me to say, I really was happy for you and Aster and I don't want to interfere-"
"Just tell me if you love me or not! Please Arion, I need to know, what do you really think of me?" Oralie cut him off, practically begging him for a clear answer or any answer. 
"Ha...if I'm being honest, I don't know what to do or what to say. Oralie, I do love you and I always have but I don't see myself loving you in the way you want me to. To me, you've always been a friend and little sister to me and I don't want to jeopardize that, I hope this doesn't ruin the friendship that we have" Arion heaved a heavy sigh before he spoke, every word that came out of his mouth felt like a knife cutting through her heart more and more, but she had to take it all in and be strong, she knew she can. There was no need for crying when she was the one who asked for all of this.
"...Thank you" Oralie said once he was done talking. Arion looked generally surprised at that, why was she thanking him when he was the cause of her first heartbreak.
"Why are you thanking me for?" 
"For being honest...that's all I ever wanted so thank you" A few tears escaped her eyelids, she inwardly cursed at herself for being so weak in front of him but did nothing to stop the tears from overflowing. Seeing Oralie tears, struck something in him, he didn't like seeing her so upset especially because of something he did, he didn't want his little sister cry over him and that's exactly what happened.
"Don't make girls cry" 
What a joke….
"Oralie im-"
"Arion! Arion are you there!" A high-pitched female voice interrupted him before he could get the words out. 
"Shit" He thought to himself, knowing exactly who the voice belonged to. Arion turned around and was met face to face with his current girlfriend, Rika.
"Rika, I'm over here! Stay over there, I'll be there in a minute!" Arion called out to her, he didn't know how long he's been gone but it was long enough that she came looking for him. Rika stood there for a minute, looking confused till she saw a sobbing Oralie and finally got the memo. She nodded her head in understanding and decided to bounce. 
Arion gave her a curt smile though it was definitely forced, once she was out of sight, his attention turned to Oralie. 
"It's fine Arion, no need to explain yourself, I told you I wanted honesty and I'm glad you gave it to me as it is. Go have fun with Rika while the night is still young!" Oralie encouraged, giving him a small smile, proving to him that she was indeed okay. Arion still wasn't convinced but he knew there was no point in fighting it.
"Alright if that's what you want…"
It isn't what she wanted, not all. A part of her hoped he would realise his mistakes and turn around and confessed that he was madly in love with her. But that's not what happened, and she was okay with that because as a great man once said:
"For the you that show me the rainbow, I will keep on fighting"
You Arion, have me showed what happiness and love truly are and because of that, I will always keep on loving you….
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I’m too tired to draw anything except microorganisms so have some microorganism oz bois
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w-we couldn’t control ourselves and did some more memes with @sosislord
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if you could have a pet what kind would it be?
Lillian: A bear, there's no particular reason for that. Also probably Soh.
Lillian having a pet be like-
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How does Lillian get along with Caesar and the wolf gang?
Lillian: I don't. Just thinking about them, gives me a headache let alone staying in the same room with them. We keep our distance from each other but sometimes that hard to avoid with Soh unfortunately.
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do you miss your old famiglia?
Lillian: I'm indifferent about it and I like to keep it that way. I don't want to think of them as much because I don't want to be all mopey and seem whiney in my everyday life, I go by the motto: 'What is done is done' so there is no reason for me to continue to mourn over it. If I live by that rule, there would be no reason to feel upset.
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