wildzo · 6 years
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For sasusaku day 21 : Cloaks
Look at these two cuties in cloaks 
Drawn by me (wildzo) 
Please credit if posted anywhere else. Thank you !!
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amitds · 6 years
Sasusaku Month
Day 21
Prompt: Cloaks
Summary: Sasuke is a vampire from a noble clan while Sakura is a powerful witch. The two cloaked creatures of the night are in a taboo romance and they soon realise that their love comes with consequences. 
Notes: Idk... the prompt ‘cloaks’ just made me think of Halloween. I also prefer writing an AU as opposed to inserting my own filler in Kishi’s story. Btw ‘kohl’ is an Indian eye liner like thing that we use to ward off the evil eye and it also is supposed to improve sight. I thought it would be cool for a witch to have it.  I also added some of my ‘Indian culture’ by using a bindi as opposed to the yin seal and my Caribbean culture by using plants/plant names we use here in Trinidad. I think people might think this is more Sakura than SS but my vision demands this. Oh btw ITALICS ALONE are thoughts and “ITALICS WITH QUOTATION MARKS” are statements. 
I know you’ll forgive me because... because I’m beautiful.
 ; )
“I wonder why Sasuke wanted to see me so suddenly,” Sakura whispered to herself as she sailed across the moonlit sky. Sakura, perched elegantly on her besom broom, couldn’t help but feel a sense of foreboding chilling her bones as she flew over Konoha City. Her only company on this cold night was her tiny slug familiar, Katsuyu, seated at the tip of the broom. “I hope nothing is wrong, Katsuyu,” Sakura continued as she anxiously awaited the meeting with her lover. 
Sasuke and Sakura have only been dating for three months but needless to say they were in love. Sakura could feel it. She didn’t care if he was a vampire, the sworn enemy of her race and neither did he. To Sakura, he was just Sasuke and she was just Sakura. Of course they fought when they discovered each other’s identity but after occasionally meeting and fighting at a stalemate for months, the two students at Senju University decided to call a truce. From their enmity was born friendship and from this friendship love had blossomed. Sakura was always attracted to the young Uchiha, even before knowing that he was a creature of the night and she had always caught his attention. Now, three months into their love, Sakura could feel a murky cloud looming over her happiness. 
Mokuton Park was deadened by loneliness at this hour. The only signs of life, the croaking of frogs and the stridulating of crickets. Seated on the fine teak park bench among the freshly manicured grass and shrubbery was Sakura, now sheltered by drapes of African tulip, myrtle and pink and red poui trees which dotted the park.  Draped in her ivory satin cloak dotted with fuchsia satin stitched sakura blossoms, her protection; the symbol of her covenant with nature, life and her mastery of the pure arts, the young ‘white witch’ seemed out of place in this dreary setting. As usual for her journeys in the night, Sakura was in full witch garb: her characteristic hooded cloak was married with her rose gold chain waist belt, bone white thigh highs guarded her legs and rose quartz crystals, for success in love, dangled gracefully from each ear. Kohl lined her eyes, enhancing her vision while warding off whatever evil could come her way, and an amethyst rhombus, her bindi, adorned her forehead, for strength in concentration and retention of her magical energies. 
Sasuke kun, please come quickly! 
“Sasuke kun you’re here!” she joyously exclaimed, as the vampire arrived moments later, bringing with him an icy night wind which danced through the surrounding, formerly silent, trees. “Hmm.”
 Sakura could see it as the young man emerged from the refuge of the shadows. Something was awry; Sasuke was not himself. As he strode towards the witch, the ice and uncertainty deepened, nearly devouring Sakura herself.  Sasuke Uchiha, one of the sons of the famed noble vampire clan, The Uchiha Clan, was extraordinarily handsome. No human could compare and no man could radiate the level of power, class, and allure as an Uchiha, as Sasuke Uchiha. His spiky black hair looked at home in the darkness of the night, tinted slightly by shades of blue formed by the moon’s light. As customary for men of the Uchiha Clan, he traveled the night wrapped in an onyx brocade cloak, decorated with hand stitched ‘uchiwa’ fans of an even darker hue. Covered by his majestic charcoal cloak were deep crimson rubies, an heirloom of the Uchiha and his protection from the sun, draped around his neck, resting on his pearly Japanese silk shirt. The cloak, as with the witches, was a symbol of his supernatural origins and power. It was an article of protection and as an Uchiha, a symbol of his kingship. Now, standing before her, Sasuke’s expression stiffened even further. Gloom covered his handsome features and arresting allure.
“Sakura... it’s over.” 
Three words... three words were all it took that night. The white witch of the illustrious Shikkotsu Coven was silenced by these three simple words. Sakura now felt as if the night wind entered her body and chilled her from the inside out. She didn’t know what to think. For the first time the fiery, passionate witch was mute. Sasuke had enough power over her as the man she loved, as the man she loves to do this much. How could Sasuke do this? Were these past three months nothing? Was she wrong in believing that this man loved her as she loved him? No, she felt it. She felt their connection. What did she do?  All these dark thoughts jammed her mind and for moments she couldn’t speak. 
After what seemed like an eternity Sakura, tears flowing down her face,managed to force out a response past the lump in her throat, a response to the straight faced Uchiha who impassively stood before her. Sasuke’s face was rigid and radiated nothing.. almost. 
“Sasuke, what are you saying?” she finally spoke. “You can’t mean... what’s with this all of a sudden?” She went on, “ Why won’t you tell me anything? I know that you love me. I felt it. I still feel it.” Desperation laced her voice. 
“I’m not like you.” The stone face vampire retorted. “I walk a different path. I am a vampire of the noblest clan and you’re a witch. We cannot be together. I realise that now.” Sakura’s heart sank. She couldn’t believe the words leaving those lips. Those lips that once kissed her with such fire and passion. Those same lips that promised to love her forever, for their entire immortal lives. Sasuke was breaking his promise now... and for what? Since when did he care about what others thought? Since when did that clan politics and the feud between their people interest him? 
“ I am not like you. I walk a different path...” 
“Sasuke...” Sakura interrupted, her voice spiked with her usual passion and surety. “I know the deal with your clan, with our clans. Stop it.” 
Sakura could see. Behind his stoic facade Sakura could see the chinks in his armor, the deception in his deep onyx eyes. “You’re lying. What’s the real reason for all of this?” On this utterance Sakura could have sworn that Sasuke mildly shuddered. 
“Sasuke if I still hold a place in your heart... if you really love me...” she continued now boldly advancing to Sasuke, her resonant green eyes staring into the charcoal of his own. “Look me in the eye and tell me that you don’t love me. Tell me that you lied and that we shared nothing. Sasuke tell me it’s really over...”
“I don’t love you. I never have. It is over.” Sasuke solemnly and calmly announced as he trekked towards the shadows once more.
“Sasuke...” was all Sakura could manage.
“You’re annoying...”
With that the Uchiha briskly turned, his eyes, now vibrant scarlet eyes, set ablaze with compulsion, the power of the vampire. That was all it took as Sakura was spelled into a lull of sleep. Such a hypnotic suggestion would normally fail on a witch of Sakura’s strength but the shock of this night and her heartbreak weakened her.  Her last memory, at least she thought it was, was of someone gently holding her from behind, whispering ‘thank you’.
It was now over. After months of building a relationship with Sasuke, after months of nurturing this love, and them sharing their lives this was the end. Sakura, rose quartz adorning her ears, lay vulnerable, her fragile arm delicately resting across her heart, now without her love.
“Sasuke!!” Sakura exclaimed as she roused from her slumber on the park bench. Sasuke vanished. According to her watch she’d been asleep for about fifteen minutes. “He’s gone...” she sighed to Katsuyu. The familiar was her only company. “Sasuke wasn’t telling the truth, I know it. I know something is amiss. But what can I do? I can’t force him back to me.” 
Defeated and mentally and emotionally drained, Sakura held her face in her palms, now catching tears and she cried on her bench with Katsuyu snuggling her from her lap while a new gale of ice and cold whipped the night. Something untoward approached Sakura felt, her face still buried within her palms. Even stricken with grief, her senses ached. Moments later her doubts were cleared. 
What’s that?! 
Moments later Sakura’s thoughts were now concentrated on the mysterious power she felt emanating from beyond her. A flood of dark power was drowning her spirit now. The frosty night wind howled unnaturally through the trees, tearing off leaves of myrtle and poui flowers and raining them down upon her. Something evil was here, of this she was sure. 
“Who’s there?!” the witch demanded, her kohl lined eyes focusing at her anterior. 
“Ha, poor little white witch, all alone...” a strange voice snickered moments later, sending ice down Sakura’s spine. “Want us to keep you company?” the voice continued, each word dripping with malice. 
On this Sakura stood up, her hand gripping her broom with Katsuyu on her shoulder hissing at the unseen enemy. The witch was ready. No sooner than she arose, figures shimmered into the silvery moonlight that lit the park. 
“What the?...” Sakura blurted seconds later while the undead predators took form before her. Six stood before her, each donning gloomy black cloaks stippled with blood red clouds. “The Akatsuki...” she realised. The ironically named personal mercenaries of the esteemed Uchiha Clan, elite warriors serving vampire royalty. They stood before her, each radiating torrents of miasma, of darkness and of hate. Such imposing figures. No one had ever seen them and escaped their hunt and now the majority of their ten man squad was here for Sakura. 
Had they known about her meeting with Sasuke? No way. Uchiha Clan vampires avoided this less populated area in their feedings. Sasuke ensured it and despite his words, Sasuke would never hurt her. Of this she was certain. Had they been tracking Sasuke? And if so, on whose orders? Alas, Sakura’s busy mind hadn’t the time to continue dwelling on the reason behind this attack as the predators, at home in the darkness of night, stood before her, aching to feed. Maybe a binding spe...
Before Sakura would complete her thought process, one of the vampires, the red haired Sasori as she heard another call him, pounced in a blur of crimson fury and sent her hurling towards the teak bench. 
“Ugh!” she winced as all of the vampire’s weight and force crashed into her slim frame.The Akatsuki were surely not your run of the mill vampires, the witch discovered. He’s almost as strong as Sasuke! Had she not in the last minute imbued some of her magic into her now steel-like cloak she would have no doubt been dead already. Still, Sakura was in danger. Sasori snapped his jaws at her, intimidating her as he readied himself for his prey. Now her only protection was her broom, cracking, guarding her from the creature’s maw. 
Sakura was stuck and she was overpowered with Sasori’s acute curved fangs reaching for her frail neck. Sakura had no time to invoke any enchantment potent enough to save herself and Katsuyu couldn’t do anything. Is this the end?Fear and desperation lined her spirit while Sasori’s fangs were tasting her milky white skin. The others, she glanced, didn’t join Sasori and seemed to prefer to look on in sick amusement. Vampires of such power and in such numbers obviously didn’t think much of her, even if she was a witch of the Shikkotsu, Sakura concluded. Even in such a predicament the proud witch could feel a glimmer vexation on witnessing this. How dare they?
 “Get off!” she threatened as Sasori’s saliva warmed her neck and two points pecked her skin, almost breaching.  “Hmm, you’re blood is mine now, witch!” Sasori mumbled, mouth now occupied, and with that... Sakura gave in. 
The attack had been a success. and for a moment silence once more conquered the park as Sasori fed on Sakura. Moments later, it changed.
“Aaaaaarrrgh!!!!” a voice wailed into the night. There lying on top of Sakura was the now truly dead Sasori, slowly deteriorating into ash. It worked! Shannaro! Sakura was barely able to get away from that attack but thanks to her quick thinking she pulled it off. Sakura intentionally relaxed to draw Sasori in and at the very moment that Sasori’s teeth brushed her neck, Sakura pierced his heart with a wooden stake, half of her broken broom she managed to imbue with magic to arrow completely through him. 
“Now, who’s next?” Sakura grinned, her once pristine cloak covered in vampire cinders. She rose, breathless as beads of sweat cascaded down her, ready for a fight. 
“Get her!” Pein, the cinnamon haired vampire bellowed, enraged, as a shorter blond and another grey haired vampire both shot towards the white witch. Pein was their leader, Sakura realized, but decided that he wasn’t the most immediate threat yet. In order to survive she needed to act quickly. Now was time for Sakura to act and rid herself firstly of her most immediate attackers.
Hastily, Sakura wove her seal, her left thumb on top and her hands clasped together vertically, commanding the fragments of teak, remnants of the last attack, to scatter. In the wake of her exertion of power, her bindi radiated a powerful violet light as her shoulder length hair and, most notably,her cloak billowed in the night wind. “Shannaro!” the white witch cried, fragments of teak now dancing in the wind and meeting her attackers. 
  “Deidara! Hidan! You fools!” Pein screamed heatedly as Sakura’s most immediate assailants fell, their corpses punctuated with teak wood and white magical power. They were too close to escape Sakura’s adeptly timed firing. Now, with the Akatsuki three members short, a flicker of hope sparked in Sakura’s chest. “I can do this,” Sakura assured herself but she knew the real fight was yet to meet her. Pein and his remaining soldiers still composed her main threat. Sakura could feel it. The real fight was just commencing.
 Sakura knew from the way Pein, the lanky masked man beside him and the woman with precise navy strands gracefully evaded every single stake with no real effort that these three were the most powerful members of the Akatsuki. The miasma they each propagated dwarfed the fallen soldiers before her and they emitted an air of power, experience and skill that even Sakura could feel herself buckling before.  
  “This is where the real fight starts.” Sakura whispered, hands clasped, the witch still immersed in her enchantment. “Now we fight!” Sakura concluded. Without catching her breath Sakura, her bindi glowing as a lone star in the night, continued her assault. “Shannaro!”
They steeled their stances as the three hunters of the night prepared to pounce. “We’ll drain you dry, witch!” the masked man yelled in rage as the three of them sped off swiftly to their prey. Minutes sailed by while Sakura, deep in enchantment radiated a beam of radiant white magic, her mind willing the fragments of teak into a forceful dance. 
However, it mattered not the extent of her focus and power since these three vampires were of another class altogether. Splinters of teak littered the kept lawn of the park as the blue haired woman, with only the blur of her whirling cloak, disintegrated pieces as they flew past her. Pein stealthily evaded every attack and together with the masked vampire simply grabbed them up as teak pieces brushed past them, demolishing them into wooden ash with bare arms. “Enough!” Pein finally bellowed as if heralding the end of the confrontation. 
Sakura’s heart sank in anguish. Instantly her teak stakes were disposed of despite all of her focus and power being expended. “What are they?” she whimpered to herself, slowly receding into the comfort of a poui tree behind her, her luxurious alabaster cloak enveloping her. “Each one of them could fight on par with Sasuke!” 
Sasuke... Sasuke would never have let this happen. Even now she couldn't help but think about her love. Her love who abandoned her. She knew that together his dark power and her white magic would have ensured their victory.  As the young witch contemplated her next move she was alarmed by the hazard of Pein’s booming proclamation. His voice was like violent bursts of thunder echoing into the night and when he shrieked Sakura was bombarded by a blast of dark power, a force of psionic energy, Pein’s compulsion.
“Ah!” she exclaimed, her head bashing into the trunk of the poui tree with flowers raining upon her. Not only was Pein chipping away at her mind and spirit but the force of his outburst generated enough negative psychic energy to physically hurl her along with it. “I can’t believe it!” she screeched, hands clasped at her temples. 
“What a delicate little witch,” the cerulean haired vampire snickered while accompanied by the masked man, she approached the girl twitching at the trunk of the tree. “Her blood must be sweet!” the masked vampire added, glee and excitement lacing his high pitched voice. Sakura was now helpless. Pein’s power was devouring her mind, blocking her ability to cast any spells while he and his compatriots, now enclosed her, there blackness blotting out the light of the moon before her. 
“She’s pretty.” the woman noted. “We’re going to have to do something about that aren’t we?” she went on, her bony fingers leaving the safety of her cloak, revealing titian claw like nails, perfect for gauging. 
“I think I’m going to start with your e.....”
Before completing her announcement the woman lay on the ground several feet away. The attack came out of nowhere and soon after both Pein and the masked man joined her several meters away from the young witch. The force of the thrust was enough, Sakura witnessed, to send them all flying. Alas it wasn’t enough to finish them and now Sakura and her savior, the one before her had to finish the job. 
Sakura looked on in awe and appreciation as standing before her was her savior, her dear Katsuyu. “Katsuyu you gathered enough nature power I see?” Sakura noted as she gently patted the slug, now grown to the size of an SUV. “Let’s finish them off shall we?” Once more, a hiss was all the slug could respond. 
“Get them Katsuyu!” the white witch called.  “Tongue Tooth Sticky Acid!” What happened next was beyond what any of those vampires could have anticipated. From its mouth, the great slug spewed a thick prasine acidic paste in the form of a thawing rain, onto the three vampires who were notably caught off guard. Alas the Akatsuki members still managed to avoid certain death, all three of them, barely evading and escaping the complete fading of the acid. However the woman and the masked man couldn’t completely escape untouched with acidic burns, signs of the paste dissolving through their undead flesh and bone, stippling portions of their legs, arms and chests. 
Before the writhing duo could complete their cursing, Sakura’s enchantment took effect. While acid was rained upon her enemy Sakura, once more invoked her magical power: she wove her seal, her left thumb on top and her hands clasped together vertically. The witch’s violet bindi radiated a light more luminous, more powerful than before as her pearly cloak spread like wings of a great eagle. She was now calling forth her most treasured and powerful nature spell. “Sakura Petal Storm!” she commanded as shimmering sakura petals shone about the embroidery of her cloak, as if coming alive at her willing. A white and clean wind twisted around her frame as pink and rose stars of energy, in the form of sakura blossoms, burst forth from her cape, blooming into existence and piercing the darkness of the night. Then instantly they exploded in all directions, homing in on the three vampires before her. 
Despite the blinding speed of the three, petals of magic and heat instantaneously caught them, encircling and exploding mana and driving white magic into their undead flesh. Wails from the woman and her masked partner livened the silent night as chunks of flesh were completely blown off from their limbs. Pein was silent though, he grit his teeth and endured the onslaught of sakura blossoms, eyes fixed on Sakura, eyes fixed on his prey.
“Impressive, witch!” Pein, forced, eyes alight with power in Sakura’s direction. “ But not enough to defeat the strongest of the Akatsuki.” Cloak raised, he countered. 
Almost there. Just a bit longer. I can defeat them with this. 
Blooming in Sakura was now a feeling of triumph and of pride. The young witch, with Katsuyu’s help, was able to deflect and injure the vampires before her. Just as she thought, her white magic was potent enough to penetrate their steel like flesh and even with the moon’s regenerative effect on the undead, Sakura knew she could at least render them helpless long enough to make her escape. She pressed on.
Something is wrong. 
Moments passed and thoughts of doubt and fear crept up on her. She could see that, despite his partners’ suffering, Pein was enduring her power enough to inject her with fright. Moments have flown by since she started her attack and gradually Pein’s resistance has been rising. His eyes... they gleamed with rage and power the likes of which Sakura had never seen. Could he be using his psionic power as a cloak to resist my enchantment? Such control of his power! Before completing her thoughts, Sakura received the answer to her doubts. Pein was freed.
“How dare you!” Pein boomed, now exerting the extreme force and pressure of his psychic power. His cloak of vampiric energy thrived in the darkness of the night at this point, completely whipping away all traces of white magic from his vicinity. Sakura’s bright rose coloured petals dispersed and their lights was snuffed out completely, engulfed in the darkness of Pein’s power, now enhanced with his partner’s psychic power. 
“Aaah!” Sakura screamed in the presence of the vampires’ might. They were now completely cloaked in dark power. Sakura’s spell was nullified and he was once more hurled metres away by the sheer force of their psionic convergence. Even Katsuyu was affected and transformed back into its original form. 
While they were suffering, she concluded, those two were able to marry their power with Pein’s and create enough vampiric power to eradicate even her most powerful spell and clear away all forms of magic in the surrounding area. What skill!
Defeated, Sakura wretched on the ground, gripping her ribs.”Are they broken?!” she screamed, the lancing pain too much to bear. As the three drew closer Sakura could see that their regeneration, a common vampire ability, was already taking effect, heightened by the light full moon shimmering over them. 
Sakura’s shrieks peppered the night and she wretched, clasping her hands at her temples in the wake of Pein’s psychic bursts. Pein’s lavender eyes shone a pale light while the team of vampires all stared at Sakura, each no doubt bombarding her with psionic force.  
“We’ll drive you mad before we torture and drain you dry, witch!” boasted the woman.
 “Yeah but before we drain you dry I might want to play with you a bit.” the masked man echoed. “I wonder how much fun we can have once these blasts loosen you up a bit. Ha!”
With that the woman lunged forward, her talon like claws once more branching out and pointed at the lone witch suffering on the ground. 
“You’re mine, witch!” 
The confrontation was now over. Here on this night, Sakura was defeated. Despite her best efforts Sakura failed to stop the vampire woman’s attack.
Or was it?  As Sakura gradually opened her eyes, expecting to see the environs of the afterlife the young witch couldn’t process what lay before her. “Sasuke!” she yelled, shock and awe decorating her bruised face. Sakura couldn’t believe it. She couldn’t fathom what she was seeing. There, standing between her and her attackers was Sasuke. 
He came for her. Sasuke came to save her. She knew it. Sasuke did care about her and whatever force was ripping them apart, whatever conspiracy impacting on him, nothing could change the fact that Sasuke, her Sasuke would never let anyone harm her. Warmth and light filled Sakura as she looked on in her safety, protected by the love of her life. Together Sakura knew they could weather any storm and fell any enemy. “Sasuke...” the words stuck at her lips, what Sakura saw beyond Sasuke, shook her completely.
Sasuke stood silent, his back facing hers, and exerted a torrent of shadowy compulsion, the likes of which Sakura had never seen from him or from any vampire. His power was so awesome that Sakura realized that she was actually seeing it clearly surrounding him, a cloak of swirling ice-like energy and darkness.
 “Sakura, you’re not hurt are you?” were the only words he uttered, back facing the witch, looking over at her from his left. 
“No Sasuke. Not badly, I’m alright.”
That was his only response but Sakura could see the fire in his eyes, the rage he felt for those who hurt her. Before she could continue Sakura was alerted to the masked vampire’s screams. She hadn’t noticed before but Sasuke’s psychic power was especially focused on her attacker, the female vampire. Instead of Sakura, her claws were now buried into the chest of the mask man. 
“Konan you bitch!” the man coughed. “Snap out of it!”
Alas, his words were powerless. In this place and at this time, Sasuke’s compulsion was absolute. He imbued enough dark power into the woman’s mind that she saw, heard and felt the masked man as her enemy, as Sakura.
“Die witch!” Konan screeched while stabbing her partner. At this point they were skirmishing on the lawn, kicking up blades of grass, dirt and mulch as they brawled. As Sakura looked on she saw Pein, kneeling, trying to rise up from the ground, no doubt battling Sasuke’s power aimed at his. “How dare you lay a hand on Sakura!” Sasuke blared, “Who sent you, Pein?!” Silence followed. Since Pein refused to answer, Sasuke continued his assault.
Indeed, she could sense power, no, at this point Sakura could feel it and see it herself! Meeting Sasuke’s darkness was Pein’s own aura of compulsion and psionic energy, emanating from the lavender stars that were now his eyes and cloaking him as well in a cloak of vampiric power, a cloak of a pale, violet aurora.
Moments flew by and Sakura, helpless, looked on as she saw Sasuke take on Pein. Despite hailing from the noble Uchiha clan and being more powerful than Pein, Sakura could see how the Akatsuki member’s centuries of experience shone through and allowed him to match Sasuke’s own power. The force thrust upon Pein, the compulsion of the Uchiha cloaking his own aura was ineffective; Pein was able to counter every psionic blast of power from Sasuke and, unlike his partners, he was in full control of his senses. Pein matched Sasuke’s attacks perfectly as both auras clashed for dominion over the park.  
Sasuke... Sakura could feel it. If nothing was done soon, even with Sasuke here, they’d both be finished. Sasuke couldn’t keep up the spell on Konan while he bombarded Pein with hypnotic force and she herself hadn’t much power left. With whips like black lacquer from Sasuke’s aura beating against Pein’s cocoon-like whirls of lavender power, sparks of energy glittered the park. This went on for minutes with both Pein and Sasuke’s auras of psychic power gradually dimming as Konan and the masked man remained on the ground, Sakura noticed, now still. Their fight had ended leaving only Sasuke versus Pein.
No this isn’t right! Did he release her? Oh no they’re...
Too late. By the time Sakura and even Sasuke realized what had occurred Pein exuded a plume of psionic power so large and so magnificent that it dwarfed Sasuke’s power and produced enough energy to launch him into Sakura’s direction, hurling them both into the base of the trees behind. All Sakura could do was attempt to catch Sasuke before they both met the bark, Sakura for the second time tonight.
“Sakura...” Sasuke breathed, now locked in her arms, his head gently supported by her chest, petals of rich pink poui flowers drizzling them both as they lay defeated at the trunk. “Sasuke, shh. You’re alright.” Her her embrace tightened as she spoke and Sasuke could feel her through her grasp and her words wrapping him in warmth. “Sakura.. ugh... about before...”  That was all he could get out before the couple were alerted to what lay in their wake. The massive plume of energy was dimming in size, stabilizing and now it was clear.
Sakura could see Pein, his power, originally characterised by whirls of lavender whirls now mingled with wisps of cerulean and black magenta. Konan and the masked man at this point rose and it was apparent what had happened. As was the case before, the two of them performed a convergence of psionic power with Pein and forced his power to bloom into the beacon of compulsion that overtook the entire park. Sakura couldn’t breathe. What she saw was beyond comprehension. That same power was now concentrating itself into a cloak of force and darkness around the vampires, centering most of its intensity on Pein.
“This isn’t like the last time...” she muttered, her arms still holding Sasuke. “Those two...”
“Ugh. Indeed...” Sasuke breathed, completing her thought, now quietly arising from her embrace. “They used the moonlight as a conduit to extract and funnel their psionic power... They gave him all of their power.”
“Indeed they did, Sasuke.” A robust raspy voice echoed in response. Pein and his squad were drawing nearer to the couple, still cloaked in curtains of psychic power, power now crackling with each step drawn. Pein continued, “As sanctioned by Lord Madara, head of the Uchiha clan, we hereby execute this witch and Sasuke Uchiha, even as a son of the Uchiha, get in our way again and we will kill even you as our Lord has ordered. Now move aside.”
“How dare you! How dare that geezer and that Uchiha council attack Sakura!” Sasuke’s rage boomed through in his voice alarming even Sakura as he rose to face her attackers. “I’ve abandoned this witch. That is more than enough. Let her go! Leave Sa... aaargh!”
“Sasuke!” Sakura wailed holding Sasuke, now writhing on the floor before her, his hands clasped into hers. “Sasuke please!”  Before them Pein, now a few meters away, looked on, his eyes, eyes twinkling an aurora of lavender, black magenta and azure, fixed on the groaning vampire on the ground like a hawk. He was like a starved wolf fixating on his prey. “Stop it!” Sakura begged, her pride withering when faced with Sasuke’s probable death. “He’s an Uchiha! You can’t! Please!”
“Silence witch!” Now the masked vampire joined in. “Even a son of the Uchiha cannot override the orders of Lord Madara and his council. He interfered and sealed his fate.”  
“If you hadn’t seduced our Lord Sasuke this wouldn’t have been an issue in the first place, you filthy witch!” boomed Konan, the cerulean haired woman, her claws once again growing.
“Sakura...” Sasuke now hissed. “Sakura, please... run.” Sasuke’s condition was worsening as he was stabbed by Pein’s psychic power. Sakura could hardly breathe seeing him like this, drenched in cold sweat, his body convulsing inside her embrace. “Get away from here. I cannot lose someone precious to me like this. Sakura live.”
“Sasuke no! Sasuke I love you. I can’t.” Sakura responded, smiling, her words dripping with misery uncharacteristically delivered in a smile. She knew. Living at the expense of Sasuke’s life was worse than death and dying with her love would be a death she could at least find solace in. This type of death is one she could welcome if it meant being with Sasuke. Sakura’s only yearning was that they both be sent to the same plane in the afterlife. Resigned, cradling her lover, the white witch grabbed Katsuyu near and looked her executioners dead in the eye, awaiting her fate. Good bye Sasuke.
“How sweet.” Konan teased. “It’s the end for you both. Poor Lord Sasuke...” She was ranting on now, drunk on the prospect of their success and her revenge on the witch.
“Even if he drained ten humans and came at us, Master Pein with our power as Akatsuki, and the blessing of the moon, would not fall. Ha, not even to Sasuke Uchiha!”
“I, Pein of The Akatsuki, servant of Lord Madara and The Uchiha Clan...” Pein sternly proclaimed, readying the delivery of his judgement, spinning the ribbons of his power into an orb of aurora-like fire into his palm. “Now execute Lord Sasuke Uchiha and this witch as Lord Madara has ordered!” the vampire boomed, arms outstretched as he launched forth an eruption of flame-like psychic power which would moments later obliterate them.
That’s it!
Swiftly Sakura dug into her cloak and brought forth a smooth, obsidian palm sized crystal of black tourmaline and before the white hot blaze met her she forcefully smashed it into the ground.
“Power of nature
Purity of the Shikkotsu
I beseech thee
Pein and his compatriots stared in disbelief as alabaster wisps and whirls of pure mist weaved around the couple, robustly blooming from the park lawn and cocooning them in a cloak of protection. In the face of the bone-white dome Pein’s psychic power though bolstered by the power of his Akatsuki, silently died away.  
“Sakura...” Sasuke whispered. “It stopped right? You’re alright?” she breathed in response, beads of sweat stippling her face.
“But how?” Sasuke inquired, his tone strengthening in the wake of his pain leaving him.
“I used the black tourmaline crystal, Mistress Tsunade gave to me.” Sakura informed him, her breathing now steady after her display of witchery. I can’t believe I pulled it off! She thought to herself. Sakura, in the last minute, through combining the remnants of her white magic with the power her black tourmaline crystal, drew from the earth was able to create a barrier of light power for protection; an energy field to repel all negative forces. “It protects from evil.. but Sasuke, it’s not going to last more than a few minutes. Please... Take some of my blood!”
“Sakura...I can’t do that.” Sasuke responded, shocked that she would even mention such a thing. “You’re not a human feeder, you’re a witch! Your blood is too much.  I haven’t drunk blood in a while.. all the power I used... I might...”
“Lose control? Kill me?!” Sakura interrupted, strangely giggling. “Sasuke. I love you with all my heart and I know you can do it. I trust you. Please.”
“Sasuke please. It’s the only way,” Sakura pleaded. My witch’s blood might be powerful enough to boost your power beyond Pein’s right now. Konan said even ten humans. M blood should be way more!”
“Boom!” blasts of thunderous psionic force bombarded against the solid white of the barrier. Sakura grimaced, arms tightening around Sasuke. “It’s Pein. Sasuke, he’s breaking it. The barrier is fading. Sasuke... I’m not strong...”
Sakura was halted. Her lips now brushing against Sasuke’s. “Sakura.. you’re so strong, stronger than anyone..” Sasuke breathed into her ear after his kiss. “I know...”
Gently Sasuke held her in his arms, his charcoal cloak engulfing her frame, as the young witch swung her salmon hair back, leaving her porcelain neck bare and its rich blue veins exposed. It was time. As the assault on the barrier raged on Sasuke gently rested his lips upon her neck. Sakura almost jumped feeling Sasuke’s hot breath warming her neck, readying her for what was to come. Then it happened.
It wasn’t like what Sasori tried. No, what Sakura was experiencing now was totally different. While sheltered in Sasuke’s strong arms Sakura felt a slight pain, the pang of two acute fang penetrating her bare, white neck. “Sasukeeeh...” she moaned as Sasuke’s fangs entered her vein, his lips covering her and his body pressing against her own. Soon the slight stinging of the fangs gave way to something different, something more. As Sasuke drank from her, Sakura was overwhelmed, her knees weakened and her eyes blinded by a torrent of euphoria; pure unbridled bliss. Sasuke, her Sasuke, was drawing strength from her. Such a feeling of happiness in giving, in sharing, in nourishing her love with her body. It totally enamored her. Sakura wanted to give Sasuke everything. As blood passed between them Sakura felt warmth, vibrations and emotions she never knew. “Sasuke.. oh Sasuke... Sasuke I love you..” she repeated, her eyes closed as one of her arms reached under his cloak and caressed his strong, sinewy frame. The other ran through his spiky ebony strands, bringing each to life in the glittering of the moonlight as she gripped and ran her delicate fingers through, over and over again.” 
“Sakuraa...” Sasuke briefly whispered, before continuing. Sakura could feel his mouth tighten on her neck as she whispered into his ear and their bodies drew closer. Her broken ribs were insignificant now. In this space and in this time nothing existed except her and Sasuke. 
“Sakura..” Sasuke was entranced. Without magic Sakura had mystified, had enslaved him in her love. Such power, such hearth. Sakura... I love you too. He thought to himself. Sasuke was totally overwhelmed by this experience. The crimson elixir springing from Sakura’s veins sweetened on his lips, warming them and electrified him as he breathed in her scent. Sasuke reached new heights of pleasure never before felt and could feel Sakura’s love, a cloak of safety, a cloak of ecstasy, a cloak of love wrapping around him as she drew him closer and closer into her embrace. Whatever he was feeling, Sasuke concluded, Sakura was feeling something similar. He sensed it. Sasuke was chained in her love, chained in the blood passing into him and he relished it. 
However, in the far reaches of his mind a darkness was stirring. Sasuke could feel his hunger and blood lust lurking, vying for control. Such rich blood! Then it finally happened.
As Sasuke’s hunger overcame him a spark of intense emotion burned and shone brightly in his mind, chasing away the darkness. It was felt in his mind, in Sakura’s mind. In both their minds. Sasuke. Sakura. In that moment their bliss reached its zenith and both the witch and the vampire formed a bond stronger than any power they’ve ever witnessed. 
Sakura could feel it. She could feel everything. Their minds became one, forming unity, marrying in a fashion that bodies never allowed. Sakura never felt so close to someone and could feel, see, hear Sasuke. She now completely knew him and this was the same for Sasuke with her. 
She saw it all, felt it all: Sasuke’s brother threatening him,  demanding that he leave her before the clan dealt with Sakura for him; the pure terror and despair that tore through his soul as he forced himself to sever ties with her; Sasuke hating himself and hurting himself and anything around him after leaving her on the bench and finally, Sasuke’s fear, love and anger swirled into one when he sensed her fighting and met her once more with the Akatsuki. Sasuke... She couldn’t help but shed tears. 
It’s gone. Sasuke was calm.... well calm as in not ripping out Sakura’s throat but still high on her blood calm as he described it to himself. Whatever bond they formed, whatever feeling they shared negated the adverse effects of feeding, of feeding on a witch, another creature of the night. Her magic, he concluded, the magic of an all powerful Shikkotsu witch, spiced her blood with power. No that wasn’t all. Their love birthed this. He was sure of it. The magic only carried the love. Now Sakura’s mind, heart and soul lay bare to him and Sasuke couldn’t help but smirk in his mind at the love, passion and yearning he felt emerging from her consciousness. He now knew what he had to do to end this. Slowly he forced himself away and readied himself to protect his love. 
“Sakura... I’m fine” he breathed into her neck, setting it ablaze with goose flesh as he did. He could feel her quiver and hear the squeak of a small whimper as his fangs retracted. “Sasuke... yes....” she meekly whispered as Sasuke, lithe and strong, lifted her into his arms and nestled her delicately against the trunk of a tree, placing Katsuyu in her arms.
“I’ll be back shortly.” was his only utterance. Then, he faced his anterior and steeled his nerves as the snowy boundary erected by Sakura, finally dissipated, smoke and vapor at last dancing into the night. “Pein! Konan! Obito!” the young vampire thundered as his enemies’ forms materialized before him. “How dare you?!”
“Sasuke Uchiha!” Pein bellowed into the night, with Konan and Obito sheltered behind him. Before him stood Sasuke, now more akin to a pure mass of compulsion, of psionic force. Sasuke stood rigid and radiated a star, a sun of vampiric energy and as he stood, the power seeping from his pores, from his eyes, from his very existence devoured the park. Sasuke’s usual black and ice blue aura which manifested when his powers were at their peak was now infinitely more brilliant, more dominating and more wild, sweeping his pure black cloak about in the night around him. Cyclone-like flares of psychic energy shot forth, forming revolutions of onyx, cool blue and outlines of dust rose, Sakura’s power, that wrapped Sasuke and everything else within them. The power formed streams that sewed through what seemed to be the night itself. With Konan and Obito at his back, prostrating before Sasuke’s aura, Pein, still independent, retaliated. “Die!”
While within the cloak that was Sasuke’s near divine aura, Pein clasping his hands, shot his star-like eyes through the aura and directly at Sasuke’s, now alight with power and radiating flames of crimson and charcoal. The lone Akatsuki member began his assault. Bending the power to his will, Pein compressed the now visible flare of power cloaking him into a sphere, aurora like in color as all his enchantments were after taking from his brethren. In one fell motion Pein, now naked in psychic strength lasered his power, their power, into the core of Sasuke’s nest of aura. 
Moments later it was as if a ferocious storm had settled in the park, ripping apart sound, light, space and existence in its rage as Pein’s laser of psychic power burst into Sasuke. When the booming, and luminous explosion of energy died reality was finally coming into view. 
Sasuke stood, untainted and without scar nor wound, following Pein’s last attack. Streams of his aura, which bloomed in the light of Sakura’s blood, remained, the core of which tinged Sasuke’s frame with outlines of pinkish-white. Pein on the other hand was defeated. There laying before Sasuke, his cloak of crimson and black gently lifted, billowing in the now settled, light, night breeze, was Pein. Vanquished, he was barely able to raise his head to face his foe. Sasuke rushed to hold Sakura and lifted her bridal style, her arms clasped at his neck with her face buried into his chest, beneath his cloak before approaching Pein. As the young vampire strode towards his adversaries, remnants of his now dimming aura burned the grass before Pein. A metre before Pein, he spoke. 
“Give a message to Madara, to Itachi and to the entire clan.” Sasuke ordered, his face devoid of emotion barring his eyes which were still scarlet and black. “No one shall harm Sakura. No one shall follow us. Ever.” After ensuring that Pein received his message, Sasuke hurled one last needle of compulsion into his mind, searing into him his warning once more and drowning him in a cloak of slumber.  With that he set off, Sakura, and Katsuyu in arm.
“Master Itachi!” a gaunt vampire shrieked, blasting apart the doors of the conference room. “Master Itachi! Lord Madara! The elders! We must tell them at once!” 
“What is it?!” the lone vampire clansman demanded, briskly turning to the intruder, his onyx eyes burning with fury between his centre-parted bangs. “What are you going on about?”
“Master Sasuke!”
”He’s escaped with the witch! Pein and the Akatsuki are defeated, only Pein, Konan and Obito came back!”
”Leave me and gather the council at once, I’ll reach Lord Madara.” Itachi commanded, his face hardening as he spoke.
“Yes master!” he blurted out slamming the doors as he ran off.
“So the little kid did it?” Itachi mused to himself, his stiff expression now melting away, giving way to a faint smile. “Good, Sasuke. ”
“Sasuke?” Sakura repeated, staring up at his strong chin as she searched his inky black eyes with her own faint green glare.
“Hmm?” Sasuke lazily responded, arms still wrapped around the witch as he covered her bare body with his cloak extended.
“Well my cloak can fly us out of here for hours still” she informed him, eyes looking downward at her improvised magic carpet, her now enchanted cloak. “But... Where should we go anyway?”
“Hmm... We haven’t planned.”
“How about Suna?” Sakura cheerfully suggested, breaking the silence once more.
“Anything you want.” was his final response before he smiled and lovingly tapped her forehead, directly on her bindi.
“I love you.” 
With that Sasuke bent, brushing his hungry lips against hers, delicate lips like pink rose petals, initiating a spark that would soon intensify and blaze further.
I love you too, Sakura. A thought blossomed, warming her mind and body mid kiss.
Moments later another thought pinged. 
See? I told you those rose quartz crystals grants success in love! .
Not now Katsuyu! Sakura mentally shot back, managing to work a smile mid kiss as the flew off, Sasuke and Sakura wrapped up in each other’s hearth and embrace, their cloaks quivering in the milky twilight.
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maci-brainrot · 6 years
When He Returned
Day 20: CLOAKS
It has been more than two years since the day he crossed those gates and left his village looking for redemption and a new view of the world. Now he was standing a few meters away from Konoha gates, and he wasn’t sure of how to feel. It’s been a long time, full of learning and diverse experiences but above all, full of reflections. He’d carried in his heart so much hate and desire for revenge that he’d had to make a side other feelings. And now that his soul was clear of those dark tribulations, he felt charged with many different emotions. Feelings that he couldn’t really unscramble.
It had been two months since he decided to go back to Konoha. He made that decision after having helped so many people and more importantly, after losing part of the guilt he felt for the offences he committed before the war. On the last village he’d stopped by, things had been really calmed, so calmed that he’d had a lot of time to relax and to think. This spare time filled his mind with thoughts of one pink haired kunoichi. He could remember the warmth of her smile, the kindness in her eyes and the connection they had shared when he gently poked her forehead with his fingers, passing her the sign of affection he tenderly stored in his heart and reminded him of his beloved brother. It was time to come back. His burden was lighter, and he was missing her too much. It was time. So, now he was there, in those gates that had seen him leave more than just one time. He felt a knot in his guts, looked up to the sky, felt a fresh breeze in his face, took a deep breath and walked in.
He felt the urge to look for her, but he wasn’t sure of her location. So he decided to follow the protocol and walked towards the Hokage’s office. He had to inform Kakashi of many of his missions. He didn’t take the shorter direct route though. He went through the streets that were close to Sakura’s family house and then to the ones facing the Hospital. Maybe, just maybe he could meet her in the way. Additionally, by walking through those secondary streets, the probability of encounter Naruto was lower. He had missed his wedding six months ago, and he knew Naruto would harshly remind him of that. He did wanted to go and would have gone to if it weren’t for the bandits he was following to aid a small village. He sighed at that; he could have Naruto yelling for later.
He walked slowly, scanning all the surroundings, feeling a kind of nostalgia and still a hint of sadness. Even though almost all the village was completely remodelled after the Pain attack, the atmosphere was the same, some streets and house remained untouched, and a lot of the new buildings kept the same style. Tons of memories flew back to his mind. He remembered happy moments with his family, dark, sad images and the turmoil he felt for many years. But this time, those hateful feelings were in the past. Somehow returning to Konoha was easy and harshly difficult at the same time.  He passed next to Ichiraku Ramen, and the memories of team 7 invaded his soul with warmth, and then he remembered eating there with Sakura two days before leaving into his redemption path. He remembered how comfortable he felt in her presence and how calming her gaze was. He was possessed with mix feelings. He sighed again and kept walking. He finally reached the Hokage building and luckily and unluckily for him, he didn’t run into any familiar face in the way.
He found the Hokage’s office open and walked in. Kakashi in surprise at his presence opened his eyes widely. Sasuke hadn’t informed anyone about his comeback, so certainly his former sensei wasn’t expecting to see him in his office. Sasuke reported some of the most important details of his missions and other relevant information he had gathered. There were some important things that were worth discussing further, but Kakashi was buried in paperwork, and none of those matters were urgent, so they agreed to address them in another day. Sasuke was ready to leave when Kakashi interrupted him. He mentioned that both Naruto and Sakura were outside of the village in separated missions. Sasuke couldn’t help to feel disappointed at this. He was expecting to see her emerald eyes soon. Kakashi noticed the expression that Sasuke couldn’t wholly conceal. And teasing him, he recommended Sasuke a fine Inn and told him that it was one block away from Sakura’s new apartment, suspiciously giving him many details about the latter location. Sasuke noticed his sensei’s tone and gave him a hard look while he turned back and left the office.
Yes, he needed a place to stay.  His previous apartment was destroyed years ago. And after his trial was over and he was set free, he didn’t really look for a new place. He knew he would be leaving soon so didn’t worry about that. That time he stayed some nights at Kakashi’s, Naruto’s, two different Inns (which he disliked) and even some nights at Sakura’s family house. Although he didn’t appreciate the teasing tone of Kakashi, the information he gave him was valuable. He left the Hokage building and decided to go to that Inn. He could see were Sakura’s apartment was and visit her some other day.
It was quite far and when he was in the middle of his way he felt how droplets of water hit his head. A sudden heavy spring rain started. Fortunately for him, he was still wearing his cloak, so he just pulled up his hood and kept walking.
Then the unexpected happened. He was five blocks away from the Inn when a something resonated in his ears.
That was so familiar. He turned just to meet her gaze some meters away. Sakura’s big green eyes met his onyx ones. She had returned earlier from her mission. The rain was pouring hard. And for a moment, for them, it seemed to have stopped. They looked intensely into each other eyes. For Sakura, everything froze, and she couldn’t believe that he was there in front of her after all that time. After an instant that felt like hours, Sakura smiled at him, moved and started walking towards him. She was wearing an utterly soaked cloak with the hood up. Her eyes were tearful. She no longer had bangs falling on her forehead. Soaked streaks of pink haired were to one side of her face. While he was still digesting that view, and his heart was skipping some beats, Sakura hugged him firmly.
She wasn’t thinking. She just followed her feelings. And now that she was hugging him so tightly she felt self-conscious and worried about what Sasuke could think. But while she was getting ready to let him go and say sorry, he hugged her back. She had her arms around his neck, and by doing so, she had pulled down the hood of his cloak. He had placed his arm around her waist. And although the hug lasted for just a few seconds, for them it felt like forever. And there they were for a brief period of time embracing each other, while their cloaks kept soaking from the pouring rain of a spring afternoon.
He separated, just to look at her kind eyes, and calmly told her, the exact words she had been wanting to hear from a long time.
“Tadaima Sakura”
Her heart skipped a beat. She felt happy and so many more things. She pulled her hood back and grinned at him.
“Okaeri Sasuke-kun”
He felt calm, her smile made him feel at home, and his heart was filled with affection. He had made a good choice by coming back to Konoha, by coming back to her.
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lavendersmiles · 6 years
Fate's Weaving
SasuSaku Month 2018
Day 21: Cloaks
Author’s Note: I’m just hoping I can finish on time the eight prompts I have to write to finish SS Month 2018... 
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Snow fell at a constant rate, the gush of wind harsher and colder. It is another long and winter for their village, but the people don't mind. It's been like that for centuries and they have adapted to the bitter cold. Lanterns filled the streets with a cheery glow, casting enchantment to both natives and tourists alike. The place was also known for their hot springs, and with winter came a flock of travellers.
Expert hands handled the weaving loom with ease. Emeralds twinkled at the sight of another cloak nearly complete – another handiwork she can be proud of. The Haruno family was well known throughout the village and beyond for their intricate woven clothing all made by hand. For generations, they have mastered and perfected their art, the source of their pride. As the next head, it was only natural for Sakura to weave with as much skill and expertise as those of before her. Learning the craft at the tender age of two and with a dedication unlike any other, she was considered as a prodigy of their clan.
The door opened, revealing her mother carrying a mug of hot chocolate for her. "Don't stay up too late okay, sweetheart?" Mebuki beamed as she kissed the top of her daughter's head.
"Yes, kaa-san. I'm nearly finished, anyway."
After the Haruno matriarch placed the drink down on the table, screams were then heard echoing throughout the village. It was followed by a loud explosion and people running.
"What was that?!"
Sakura dashed out of her room, not minding her mother's cry for her to stay behind. Jade orbs widened at the sight that greeted her when she arrived at the streets. Men twice her size were wielding swords, terrorizing the villagers, destroying the houses, and taking everything they seem valuable.
She saw her father and others fighting them off, but they were in the losing end. Her eyes widened when she saw a little girl crying her heart out and cornered by one of the criminals. Sakura rushed to help her, swinging a metal rod at the man's head with all her strength. Seeing him fall and lose consciousness, the pinkette took the child in her arms and ran back towards her home.
"Nee-chan watch out!"
Jade eyes looked back and widened when she saw a sword directed towards her. She braced herself for the pain that will follow, but there wasn't one. Her would-be attacker was on the ground, and it was his head that was bleeding. Standing beside him was a man she never met, and for a few seconds, their eyes locked.
The moment didn't last long. He quickly left her side, aiding the villagers in fighting of the bandits. The village folk were amazed with the smoothness and accuracy of his actions. The bandits fell one by one around him like flies, and it wasn't long until all the criminals were taken care off. They all cheered for him, but those cheers turned into sounds of worry when they saw him fall on the snowy ground.
They left him in the care of Haruno Kizashi, being the leader of their village and also for the reason that his wife Mebuki was the main healer. Their unknown hero rested for days for the wounds he acquired in battle were deep. All the while, Sakura stayed by his side, waiting for him to wake up.
A blizzard raged one night a week after the bandits attacked. The Haruno heiress stayed in his room to watch over him, practicing on her embroidery skills on a dress she made for her newborn cousin. The filled the room with her soft singing, hoping not to wake up their saviour.
"You have a nice voice."
Sakura stiffened and looked at their visitor, a blush adorning her cheeks. "Y-You're awake."
He tried to sit up, but she was quick to make him lie down again. "Don't. Your wounds might reopen. Wait here, okay?"
She ran out of the room to call her mother who was quick to answer. After checking up his condition, Mebuki declared he was okay but will need to rest for a bit more.
"We didn't get to know your name, young man," Kizashi asked after introducing his family to him.
"Sasuke. Uchiha Sasuke," was the raven haired man's reply. His eyes widened slightly when he saw them kneel in front of him, bowing low.
"Thank you for saving our village," the Haruno patriarch declared. "Also, for saving my one and only daughter."
"There is no need to bow. Raise your heads," Sasuke announced. The three followed and stood up.
"The villagers gave some gifts for you, Uchiha-san," Mebuki added. "Meanwhile, please stay here and recover your strength. You are more than welcome to."
While her parents were in a deep conversation with the village's hero, Sakura ran her eyes to his form. She was startled when he stared back at her, only realizing now that they were the only ones left in the room. He raised an eyebrow at her and the pinkette blushed.
"I… I should let you rest, Uchiha-san. I know that –"
She tilted her head to the side in confusion. "Call me Sasuke. There is no need for formalities," he clarified. Sakura smiled at him, clasping her hands together.
"If that is your wish. I… I want to say thank you, by the way. For saving my life and the entire village as well."
He shrugged. "It was the right thing to do."
"I shouldn't keep you from resting, or my mother will throttle me." Sakura grinned. "Good night… Sasuke-kun."
Sakura found a companion and a friend in their guest. For the two of them, it felt like they've known each other far longer than the time they've spent together. Sasuke was welcomed with open arms in the village and Sakura was there to teach him of their culture. The winter seemed shorter than she remembered it to be, for one day, she found him in his room fixing his things and preparing to set out.
"You're leaving already?"
She handed out a cloak to him but he did not raise his hand to receive it. Making a sound of frustration, she came closer to him, placing the said cape around him, adding warmth to his large figure.
"I made this for you. Though it's nearing the end of winter, it can still get pretty cold. Don't be stubborn and try to stay indoors as much as possible, okay?"
He nodded at her. Suddenly she realized their close proximity, causing her face to heat up. She placed a respectful distance between them, hoping he won't hear her loud heartbeat.
"You'll… you'll come back, right?"
Sasuke saw hope shining in her eyes. "I'll try."
Her happiness deflated a bit, but she still held a smile on her face. "Take care of yourself, okay? We'll be here waiting for you to come again."
He smiled softly at her which only made the pinkette's heart beat faster. "You too. Don't be reckless."
Sakura giggled at that. She accompanied him to the end of the village, where the people had gathered to send him off. Her eyes started to turn glassy as his figure disappeared from her sight but she shook the feeling of sadness away. She'll wait for him, even if it will take years. Something in her heart just told her that he'll come back. Fate decided that their paths will meet, and she knew fate will make them meet again. Hope blossomed in her, and she continued to cultivate it day by day, anticipating his return.
Spring came and went and made way for autumn. Slowly, the reds and oranges of the season changed into pure immaculate white. The villagers tightened the cloaks around them, trying hard not to succumb to the cold.
Sakura walked slowly, the layer of snow beneath her starting to get thicker. She hummed and sang softly on the way back to her home after delivering some cloth to her relatives, her mind thinking back to Sasuke – the man who didn't leave her mind ever since last winter.
'I wonder if he still has his cloak with him,' she mused.
"You really do have a nice voice," she heard someone speak behind her. Sakura's heart quickened its pace, recognizing the owner immediately.
There was no one else who could have a voice as deep and dreamy as him.
The weaver looked around, jade orbs falling on his onyx. The black cloak with the red strings at the bottom that she made for him hugged his form. The pinkette's mind went into overdrive, chanting 'He's here!'
Sasuke shortened the distance between them, eye contact never breaking, and Sakura wasn't sure if the warmth she felt was from her own clothes or from the heat he radiates. The heiress held out a gloved hand and caressed his cheek softly.
"It really is you."
He covered the hand on his cheek with his own, a small smile on his face. "Hisashiburi."
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