#st flclet
Okay this idea has been rotting my brain all night and i need to get it out; i may turn this into a full fic (there’s so much more to eddie and how he died), but here’s some paranormal romance steddie! (with a nod to the @azrielgreen -verse at the end 😉)
edit: i've started posting the full fic! on tumblr | on AO3
imagine ghost!eddie haunting the estate that was built overtop where his trailer had been
ghost!eddie becoming corporeal(ish) every halloween, letting his rage fuel the poltergeist rumors at the old estate.
the forest hills estate sits empty since being completed, until Steve Harrington moves in from Indianapolis.
Steve Harrington who uses the inheritance from his grandfather to fix up the old place, not knowing the rumors, the stories, that have been floating around the last nearly 40 years.
Steve, who ends up learning about them from a pack of young teens riding by the front gate on their bikes.
“You know that place is haunted as fuck, right?” says the red head.
“Language!” he scowls at her, only to get an eye roll from her and the gangly, greasy looking one. “And no, I didn’t know that. Is that why all my cabinets are open every morning when I wake up?” he asks. And they really had been, he kinda figured that there was something going on in that house but hadn’t felt threatened by whatever presence was there.
He relishes in their spooked faces.
“A girl died there and her boyfriend killed the guy who did it soon after.” the one with the high top fade said earnestly.
“Allegedly, Lucas! Allegedly!” this time it’s the one with the curly hair and cap. “He always thought it was him but there was literally a letter.”
“He could’ve faked it, Dustin!” the gangly one snarks at his friend.
“It’s not likely, handwriting forensics concluded it to be her handwriting.” oof, this kid desperately needs a haircut.
“POINT IS.” the red head yells over the boys. It must’ve been a regular occurrence though, as they all fall silent (or silent enough while still bickering). She turns back to an amused Steve, “He likes metal music. If you play it, I’m sure he’ll leave your cabinets alone.”
“He who? The ghost?”
She nods, “Yep!”
So he does, picks up some retro vinyl to play (along with playing some tracks from his phone over his speaker while he works on the house), figuring if the guy died in the 80s, he’d probably like the sound of them better.
He plays the music, finds he likes some of it, talks to this mystery ghost as he goes about the house finishing projects. Throws some classic rock on sometimes too, saying “Hey ghost man, I’m sorry but I can’t listen to this much metal at a time. Hope Zepplin is okay.”
ghost!eddie who will always use some of his ghostly persuasion over things to spin the vinyl backwards on the turntable during ‘Stairway to Heaven’.
Steve, who does some research and learns about his supposed ghost, yells in greeting as soon as he’s back from the library, “Hi, Eddie!! I’m home!” reveling in the swirls of cold air that spin around him in response along with just a ghost (hah) of a whispered “Hi, Stevie..” in his ear.
Steve and Eddie, who get closer and closer over the months, learning anything and everything about one another. Steve goes through a lot of paper in the first couple weeks, asking a question and waiting for the paper with ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ written on it to flutter in an unseen breeze. Which paper scribbled with a different color marker to fly up into his lap (Eddie’s favorite color is blue, Steve tells him his is yellow).
Steve, beginning to see the shadow of another person in the corner of his eye more often the not as the summer winds into fall and the repairs he needed done are wrapping up.
By September there’s no denying the figure he sees reaching a hand out to flick up the answer to a question, or the laughter he hears coming from it after a particularly bad joke.
The shadow is Eddie; and Steve is starting to make out details about his ghost.
The long fluffy hair, the slim waist, the dark eyes that pierce through shadow against the slowly brightening skin beneath.
Eddie, who realizes Steve must be able to see him and starts staying away more often then not, afraid of what he’d see in that beautiful face when he’s finally his old boring self again. Can’t bear to see that disappointment on the face of this man he’s come to care so much for (read: fully crushing on).
He retreats fully by mid September, sticking to the far less quantifiable shadows in the house and between the walls.
Steve still tries, bless him. Leaves questions all over the place, hoping to see them answered. Eddie does, every night, wanting Steve to know he’s still here.
A week later, “Eddie, I know you can hear me, can you make sure to answer this one as soon as you can? I don’t want to make you uncomfortable, but I figured we maybe show off our house—the house—now that everything’s done.”
‘Our house!! He said our house!!!’
Eddie looks at what his Steve left on the new kitchen counter that night.
“Halloween Party?” is scrawled on an open page of their now worn notebook.
Something hot floods his chest at that. Steve wanting to make sure he’s okay with that many people being here at once. Eddie knows damn well what the feeling is and he’s not about to waste his corporeal time this year, he’s going to do something with it besides wreaking havoc (on the house at least).
Halloween arrives, and many in the small town want a glimpse into the old estate. There are people everywhere, costumes and all.
Steve’s proud of all the hard work he’s done to the place but he still misses Eddie. Wishes he could be here to see what had become of the place he’d hated for so long. See it for real.
Halfway through the night is when it happens.
The party is in full swing, his ballroom full of people and music and food. His playlist changes over to Bowie.
Steve smiles to himself at the memory the song pulls forward. Still soon after learning about Eddie and staring their questions and answers thing, Steve had put on Labyrinth, laughing at how frantically the “i LOVED it!” paper had swirled around in the air after asking Eddie’s opinion.
A new face he hadn’t seen in the crowd before catches his eye. This man coming down the staircase is striking. Long, dark, curly hair is pulled back in a low ponytail, lean legs in off white pants, sparkling dark blue jacket, slim waist… He’s so gorgeous, so ethereal, he can’t be real.
Okay, nope, everyone else in the room is parting for this man. So, definitely real.
Steve stands as the man approaches, a hand extended. Keeping their eyes locked on each other, the man leads Steve by the hand to the center of the room.
The man smirks at Steve, still stunned, and arranges their arms. Then they’re dancing, swirling around the space the crowd created for them.
Steve feels like he’s floating.
He’s dancing to As The World Falls Down with a breathtaking man he now realizes is definitely dressed as the Jareth to his Sarah.
Steve finally finds his voice, “Hi..” It’s barely a whisper.
The man smirks, scoffs a laugh, but whispers back: “Hi Stevie.”
Steve’s brain screeches to a halt, and the man’s eyes sparkle with mischief (and a little bit of apprehension).
He can’t compute the information right away, frantically scrambling for a logical explanation. Some way for someone to know about Eddie enough to imitate him, to know about ‘Stevie’..but comes up with nothing. Nada. Zip. Zilch.
“Eddie…is that really you?”
“Yeah, sweetheart, it’s really me.”
Eddie brings their foreheads together and they sway to the rest of the song, Eddie softly singing along.
The song ends and Steve pulls Eddie through the crowd and out into the garden.
His mind is still swirling, so he clings onto Eddie’s arms just as much as Eddie clings to his.
“Wait, Steve, let me..” Eddie clears his throat and explains everything. How he died, how long he spent his one night of reality trying to keep people away from where he and his best friend had died. “I don’t want to waste tonight, but I’m afraid if I—if I tell you how I feel about you…I will be complete. Done with my unfinished business and all that.”
“How do you know?”
Eddie chuckles. “The Moon.”
Steve now fully, painfully aware of how little remains of the night, how little time he may have with Eddie altogether, decides he doesn’t have time to unpack that. So he says “Kiss me. Eddie, please, kiss m—“
Eddie does, and the Moon smiles down on her beloveds.
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