#stanely uris x reader angsty
sleepyimpala · 4 years
love letters
luciferlxve asked:
Hello! May I request a Stan x fem!Reader where Stan tries to cheer the reader up and anonymously writes her a love letter but accidentally puts his name on it and yeah, well…fluff? Only if you’ve got the time and want to, xoxo 🙂
Stanley watched her from across the table as she sighed some more, sniffing, stabbing her food with her fork quite violently as the others argued over the rules of time traveling.
Y/N’s hand slips and her fork, along with the rest of her food (just a bit, not a lot), clatter to the ground.
She groans frustratedly, her eyes already tinted red.
Only Stanley seemed to notice.
Of course, he did.
Y/N had been his crush ever since he met her.
She sighs again, this time with a louder sniff before bending down to pick up her things.
The bell rang.
All the way through science, Stan couldn’t help but think about how miserable his crush looked.
Normally, he liked subjects like science and math, because he found them interesting, but today, something seemed to be nagging away at his mind.
He kept on picturing her… crying.
Getting upset about things.
Bottling things up inside.
“S - Stan?” Stanley was so caught up in his own thoughts he’d even forgotten Bill was with him. “Are you OK?”
“What?” snap out of it, he told himself. “Uh, yeah. I’m fine.”
“Are you worried about N - N/N? I thought it was only me.”
“Yeah, actually,” Stan scratches his head. “What’s wrong? Do you know?”
Bill bit the inside of his cheek.
“Crap,” Stan says. “Wait, what did I do?”
“I don’t think you m - meant it,” Bill starts gently. “But remember Saturday, at the Quarry?”
“I spent the whole time there with her,” Stan recalls.
“No, not the w - whole time,” the stuttering boy shakes his head.
“What do you mean?”
“Stan, we literally saw y - you f - flirting with B - Beverly.”
“Yeah, but - ”
“Oh my God!” Bill explodes. “She likes y - you! OK, listen, Stan, how would you like it if I flirted with Y/N?”
“Well, I would probably beat - wait, what? Are you saying what I think you’re saying? She likes me back?”
“IT’S BEEN ALMOST TEN YEARS!” Bill crows. “How did you n - not - ”
I have to make it up to her, Stan’s mind was already racing. Write. Because… because I’m kind of good at it. Write a… I’ll write a letter.
“Mr. Denbrough! Mr. Uris! Would you like a detention?”
“No, thank you, Miss,” Stan quips. Bill nods.
Stanley zoned off once again, this time coming up of what to write.
// later //
Stanley sat at his desk, armed and ready with a pen and paper, eyes drooping shut, but he forced himself to stay awake.
I’m sorry if I made you feel unimportant that day at the Quarry. I was honestly just taking one of our friends’ advice. But, if it makes you feel better, I love being with you. You’re practically the reason why I get out of bed and the reason why I deal with all of these idiots rather than just finding new friends. I know you try so hard to be perfect, although in my eyes, you already are. I love you just the way you are, and I’ll never look at another girl the way I look at you.
He was pretty sure he didn’t sign it off, and he was pretty sure he never wrote poetry like that.
But, again, he was pretty tired, so he could have been mistaken.
// the next day //
Y/N found the letter at around noon on a Sunday morning.
She was grumpy and tired, and still upset from the Quarry when the envelope made its’ way into her postbox.
Curiously, she took it inside to her bed, where she carefully tore the blue paper open.
These were the closing lines:
I love you just the way you are, and I’ll never look at another girl the way I look at you.
- Stanley
She gasped as she read the name, over and over again.
“I’ve got to tell him,” she exclaims to herself.
Grabbing the letter, she rode a few houses down, ringing the doorbell of the Uris household.
His mom opened the door.
“Is Stanley here?” She says quickly.
“I think so. He’s upstairs, probably.” His mom affirms.
“Thanks,” Y/N smiles before running upstairs.
“Teenagers,” his mother mutters.
Stanley was in his room, reading.
“Stan?” Y/N whispers.
He looks up, surprised, before noticing the letter in her hand.
He groans and shoves his head into his palm.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” he mutters. “No! I did - god.”
“Stan, did you write this?”
He nods miserably.
She smiles, a blush creeping onto her face.
“Bill told me…” he admits. She rolls her eyes. Of course, he did. “And I’m sorry. I didn’t know I was flirting with her, I thought I was just being friendly, honest!” He puts his hands up in surrender.
“Stan,” she cuts in. “It’s not your fault. Well… mostly. I’ve been having a really shitty week, and I guess… you and Bev… that was the final blow for me,” Stan gets up and closes the door.
“Well,” he takes the letter out of her hands, placing it on the bed. “I think I know how to improve your week,” he smiles.
“Do you?”
He pulls her close before planting his lips on hers.
They both breathe before pulling away.
“Holy shit, you do.”
MASTERLIST (requests for stan are open)
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