#star wars hunger games
maryellencarter · 5 years
And finally, Night 6:
* Dorset cannot handle the circumstances and commits suicide.
* Tetengo throws a knife into Luke's chest.
and fucking Tetengo Noor, who I'm pretty sure died in (Legends) canon when the "Second Death" blew up, is the winner of the Hunger Games! Jesus fucking macaroni. That was a trip and a half.
Other than Jesmin, Dorset was the only one who got more than one kill, but her second kill was herself, so I'm not remotely sure that should count.
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maryellencarter · 5 years
Day five:
* Jesmin shoots a poisonous blow dart into Target's neck, slowly killing him. Dude, Jesmin is kicking a lot of ass here.
* Tal'dira accidently steps on a landmine. Whoops!
Survivors at this point: Luke, Han, Xarcce, Pash, Dorset, Jesmin, Snap, and Tetengo. Jesmin is the only person, alive or dead, with more than one kill; she has 4, making her the deadliest person in this game besides the swarm of carnivorous squirrels.
Night five: nobody dies, but Xarcce tries to sing herself to sleep and Tetengo screams for help (which seems incredibly dumb in this kind of a setting where everyone is your enemy).
Day six: nobody dies until -- Arena Event! A swarm of tracker jackers, whatever the fuck those are, invades the arena.
* Dorset knocks Xarcce unconscious and leaves her there as bait.
* Pash slowly dies from the tracker jacker toxins.
* Han and Snap run out of places to run and are stung to death.
* Jesmin is stung to death. Aww, poor Jesmin, she came so close to winning.
Survivors at this point: Luke, Dorset, and Tetengo.
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maryellencarter · 5 years
Day four:
* Dorset ambushes Chewie and kills him. Dude. That's pretty badass.
* Biggs attempts to climb a tree, but falls to his death. Aww, poor Biggs.
Night four:
* Tycho and Han hold hands. Awww! This is oddly adorable.
* Ton falls into a pit and dies. ...you poor dingus.
* Dia dies of dysentery. Oops.
The Feast: The cornucopia is replenished with food, supplies, weapons, and memoirs from the tributes' families.
* Tycho, Nawara, and Jesmin get into a fight. Jesmin triumphantly kills them both. Shee-it, girl! O_O
* Xarcce, Target, Luke, and Tal'dira track down and kill Jek. ...big guy took some killing.
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maryellencarter · 5 years
Night two:
* Snap convinces Nawara to snuggle with him. Jesmin convinces Dorset to snuggle with her. Chewie convinces Biggs to snuggle with him. I am here for all of these.
* Bro dies of dysentery. Awww! XD
Day three: several people try to spear fish with tridents. I don’t think anyone dies, unless “Xarcce is pricked by thorns while picking berries” means she died, but I doubt it.
Night three: 
* Tycho looks at the night sky.
* Ton questions his sanity. Buddy, you never had any.
* Biggs begs for Chewie to kill him. He refuses, keeping Biggs alive. uhhhh okay?
* Jesmin tries to treat her infection. The weirdest thing about this generator, to me, is how the randomization means that people get wounds and infections without any explanation, and get supplies they never show any sign of using. Obviously trying to maintain a continuity would be too much, but still.
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maryellencarter · 5 years
Arena Event: Carnivorous squirrels start attacking the tributes.
* Koyi, Mara, Myn, Wes, Kirney, Piggy, and Shalla are each "brutally attacked by a scurry of squirrels". I'm not sure if this means they die or not? I guess if we had to wait for everyone to kill each other we'd be here all night.
* Ton, in agony, kills Castin so he does not have to be attacked by the squirrels. YAY CASTIN DIED! :P Nothing in life became him like the leaving it...
* Jesmin, in agony, kills Elassar so he does not have to be attacked by the squirrels. Uh. Wow. That... is a thing that happened.
* Plourr tries to kills as many squirrels as she can, but there are too many. Does that mean Plourr died or not? In any case, that's very Plourr.
* Chewie uses the squirrels to his advantage, shoving Sharr into them. Yikes!
* Jek uses the squirrels to his advantage, shoving Leia into them. Uh wowwwww...
* Han uses the squirrels to his advantage, shoving Poe into them. Jesus cockwaffles. For some reason these particular combinations are really throwing me off kilter.
* The squirrels separate and kill Lujayne and Runt. Okayyyy...
* Yeah, according to the summary of deaths, it looks like everyone who was "brutally attacked" by the squirrels died. Survivors right now are: Tycho, Luke, Han, Chewie, Ton, Xarcce, Dia, Nawara, Pash, Dorset, Jesmin, Snap, Jek, Biggs, Bro, Tetengo, Target, and Tal'dira. Aww, Wes and Piggy both got eaten by squirrels. How undignified.
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maryellencarter · 5 years
Day two:
* Chewie attacks Kirney, but she manages to escape. Yay Kirney!
* Ton and Castin hunt for other tributes. Bad life choices, Ton. There are better people to team up with.
* Han makes a slingshot. I don't know, I just find this sort of hilarious when everyone else is using explosives and throwing knives and falling out of trees.
* Wes practices his archery. I guess this is what you wind up with when you don't have blasters.
* Bro throws a knife into Gavin's head. Aw, I'm sorry, baby.
* Elassar bashes Erisi's head against a rock several times. *blinks* I tend to think of Elassar as sort of ineffectual. He's not a bad tailor, but he's not the most Wraithtastic of the Wraiths. Erisi isn't that good at her job either, though.
* Face begs for Runt to kill him. He reluctantly obliges, killing Face. *snorts* This is... ridiculously ironic in context? :D
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maryellencarter · 5 years
Night one:
* Castin throws a knife into Mirax's chest. Jesus fuck, Castin. You better make up for that by dying in a spectacularly hilarious manner.
* Leia, Snap, and Inyri start fighting, but Snap runs away as Leia kills Inyri. Well, I could see that. Leia is a fierce little fucker.
* Tycho throws a knife into Falynn's head. That's... wow. Part of me is just really, really wondering how lucky you have to get to actually kill someone that way. Skulls are pretty... dense.
* Wes quietly hums. Luke cries himself to sleep. Both of these entries seem oddly in character.
* Face ambushes Asyr and kills her. I'm really not surprised. For all that Asyr went to the Bothan spy academy, Face is a Wraith.
* Iella attempts to climb a tree, but falls on Corran, killing them both. *cackles loudly* That is fucking glorious. What a way to go out.
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maryellencarter · 5 years
Day one, properly.
* Gavin picks flowers. Honey, baby, sweet summer child, this is not the time.
* Myn receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor. Well, given that Kell is already dead, Myn is a good choice to make use of that. XD "Pretty. What do we blow up first?"
* Biggs attacks Piggy, but he manages to escape. ...if Biggs Darklighter managed to kill Piggy saBinring I'd be very impressed.
* Poe sets an explosive off, killing Tyria. NOOOOO TYRIA!
* Kirney bashes Rhysati's head against a rock several times. I could definitely see that. Kirney is a badass.
* Tycho discovers a cave. I'm not... especially sure how this generator decides what is worthy of note, whether something has to happen to each survivor each day or what, but I'm just picking the ones that seem especially interesting or striking to me for whatever reason.
* Plourr camouflauges herself in the bushes. Now there's a mental image...
* Koyi steals from Wes while he isn't looking. Koyi is pretty clever.
* Ton, Face, Dia, and Inyri raid Corran's camp while he is hunting. God, this is an *amazing* mental image and I love it. What a team.
* Shalla questions her sanity. I BET SHE DOES.
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maryellencarter · 5 years
star wars hunger games, starting point “The Bloodbath”:
* Aw. Very first death: Mirax kills Kell with a hatchet.
* Second death: Pash kills Wedge for his supplies. Damn, that was quick.
* Wes grabs a backpack, not realizing it is empty. *facepalm*
* Chewie rips a mace out of Tal'dira's hands... I could see that.
* Asyr spears Squeaky in the abdomen. This is why including droids is weird.
* Piggy shoots an arrow into Hobbie's head. Ouch!
Everybody else escapes from the starting point, with or without supplies.
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maryellencarter · 5 years
so @corelliaxdreaming​ put 48 star wars characters into a hunger games simulator, and the results were entertaining (Snap Wexley fell out of a tree onto Hobbie and killed them both! WHY IS THIS SO FUNNY TO ME), so I was like “I will do the thing also!” So here is the link to the generator, and here is my cast list:
Wedge Antilles, Tycho Celchu, Wes Janson, Hobbie Klivian, Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, Han Solo, Chewbacca, Corran Horn, Erisi Dlarit, Mara Jade, Kirney Slane, Myn Donos, Face Loran, Piggy saBinring, Ton Phanan, Asyr Sei’lar, Gavin Darklighter, Mirax Terrik, Iella Wessiri, Kell Tainer, Falynn Sandskimmer, Shalla Nelprin, Tyria Sarkin...
...that’s 24, I’m not sure I *have* 48 characters if I stick to pilots and pilot-adjacent characters? It seems weird to throw in, like, Thrawn or somebody...
...Plourr Ilo, Koyi Komad, Xarcce Huwla, Dia Passik, Nawara Ven, Rhysati Ynr, Lujayne Forge, Inyri Forge, Poe Dameron, Squeaky, Pash Cracken, Castin Donn...
...jesus. This is hard fucking work...
...Elassar Targon, Dorset Konnair, Jesmin Ackbar, Snap Wexley, Jek Porkins, Biggs Darklighter, Bror "Bro" Jace, Tetengo Noor, Target Nu, Tal'dira, Runt Ekwesh, Sharr Latt. HOLY FUCKING MACARONI I DID IT!
Stay tuned for updates? :-) "star wars hunger games" to block/track the tag
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hanorganaas · 7 years
The last two tributes are Rey and Kylo....this should be fucking interesting...
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hanorganaas · 7 years
Tumblr media
Well this should be interesting
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