thunderbone · 5 months
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Hi guys, I came to share with you a very old character that I created. In 2016, I had drawn a random character. At that time, I was still starting to draw, that is, my very old drawings are very ugly, poorly drawn and have horrible painting lol
This character was supposed to be a white tiger, but everything went wrong XD He looked more like a cat than a tiger. Last year I discovered the Lackadaisy comic, in which I fell in love with the art style, characters, story, etc. So recently I was thinking about creating an OC for this comic, until I remembered that "tiger".
So I went looking for someone who could redesign my OC. I could have done the redesign, but at that moment I ran out of pages in my notebook, meaning I couldn't make new drawings since I used up all the paper making several drawings XD
Then I met @stargazer365, a super nice artist who makes incredible drawings. The redesign she did for my OC was amazing, I really loved it ❤️✨ It was thanks to this drawing that I was able to develop my OC and his story. In addition to this drawing, today I got a new drawing of my OC, made by the kind and super talented artist called @bungiri. Thank you very much for drawing him for me, he was so cute and the drawing is very beautiful 😍🥰
He has no name, but he is nicknamed Einstein by everyone due to his intelligence and the fact that he's an inventor. Despite having a foreign nickname, he's Brazilian. In addition to being an inventor, he is also a mechanic and even managed to invent the first and only time machine, which, oddly enough, is a wristwatch.
In fact, Einstein is Ari's cousin (@ladybugkisses OC), that beautiful woman who fell in love with an elegant and charming but very crazy guy called Rocky hahaha
When Einstein went to live with his aunt for a year in Portugal as a child because his parents died in a tragic car accident, he met Ari and they soon became very close friends. But this lasted a year, as Einstein had to return to Brazil as his grandparents became his legal guardians.
Since childhood he has loved science and little by little he became a great inventor, in which he made several inventions. However, he lives in a kind of underwater mansion, where he makes his inventions in secret, because for him it is safer because if any of those inventions end up in the wrong hands, something very bad will happen.
Furthermore, he decided to live on the ocean because he prefers to live in a more peaceful and quiet place with fresh air than to live in a city that has a lot of noise and polluted air. Despite being a genius inventor, he makes his inventions in his spare time, as he works as a science professor at a university. Einstein dreams of having a family, but unfortunately he is very unlucky in love, as he has not yet managed to find an ideal woman for him.
And as for his wristwatch/time machine, he has already traveled to the future, visiting various eras such as the 50s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 2000s and 2010s, seeing various good and bad things that the future awaits. Anyway, I hope you liked my OC and his story ^^ I will soon share with you some more drawings of my OC, so wait 👀
Português (Brasil)
Olá pessoal, vim compartilhar com vocês um personagem bem antigo que criei. Em 2016, desenhei um personagem aleatório. Naquela época eu ainda estava começando a desenhar, ou seja, meus desenhos muito antigos são muito feios, mal desenhados e tem uma pintura horrível rsrs
Esse personagem era pra ser um tigre branco, mas deu tudo errado XD Ele parecia mais um gato do que um tigre. Ano passado descobri a HQ Lackadaisy, na qual me apaixonei pelo estilo de arte, personagens, história, etc. Então recentemente estive pensando em criar uma OC para essa HQ, até que me lembrei daquele "tigre".
Então fui procurar por alguém que pudesse fazer um redesign do meu OC. Eu bem poderia fazer o redesign, mas naquele momento acabaram as folhas do meu caderno, ou seja, não dava pra eu fazer novos desenhos já que acabei com todo o papel fazendo vários desenhos XD
Daí conheci a @stargazer365, uma artista super simpática que faz desenhos incríveis. O redesign que ela fez para o meu OC ficou incrível, eu amei demais ❤️✨ Foi graças a esse desenho que eu pude desenvolver o meu OC e sua história. Além desse desenho, hoje eu ganhei um novo desenho do meu OC, feito pela artista gentil e super talentosa chamada @bungiri. Muito obrigado por desenhá-lo pra mim, ele ficou tão fofo e o desenho está muito lindo 😍🥰
Ele não tem nome, mas é apelidado de Einstein por todos devido à sua inteligência e do fato de ser um inventor. Apesar de ter um apelido gringo, ele é brasileiro. Além de inventor, ele também é mecânico e ainda conseguiu inventar a primeira e única máquina do tempo, que, curiosamente, é um relógio de pulso.
Inclusive Einstein é primo de Ari (OC da @ladybugkisses), aquela linda mulher que se apaixonou por um cara elegante e charmoso porém louco desvairado chamado Rocky ksksksksksks
Quando Einstein foi morar com a sua tia por um ano em Portugal na infância pois seus pais morreram em um trágico acidente de carro, ele conheceu Ari e logo se tornaram amigos muito próximos. Mas isso durou um ano, pois Einstein teve que voltar para o Brasil já que seus avós se tornaram seus guardiões legais.
Desde a infância ele adora ciência e aos poucos se tornou um grande inventor, no qual fez várias invenções. No entanto, ele vive em uma espécie de mansão submarina, onde é lá que ele faz suas invenções em segredo, pois pra ele é mais seguro pois se qualquer uma daquelas invenções pararem em mãos erradas, algo muito ruim irá acontecer.
Além disso, ele resolveu morar no oceano pois prefere viver em um lugar mais tranquilo e sossegado com ar puro do que viver na cidade que tem muito barulho e o ar poluído. Apesar de ser um gênio inventor, ele faz suas invenções nas horas vagas, pois ele trabalha como professor de ciências em uma universidade. Einstein sonha em ter família, mas infelizmente ele tem muito azar no amor, pois ele ainda não conseguiu achar uma mulher ideal pra ele.
E quanto ao seu relógio de pulso/máquina do tempo, ele já viajou para o futuro, visitando várias épocas como os anos 50, 70, 80, 90, 2000 e 2010, vendo várias coisas boas e ruins que o futuro aguarda. Enfim, espero que tenham gostado do meu OC e de sua história ^^ Em breve irei compartilhar com vocês mais alguns desenhos do meu OC, então aguardem 👀
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stargazer365-blog · 4 years
We all want to feel love and wanted. What makes that attraction even greater, is when you are able to find that connection with someone who shares the same views and interest as you do.  How do we find these connections on social media? Through algorithm and homophily. Take a look at my previous post title “How We Stay Connected” at https://stargazer365.tumblr.com/.
One of the things that I like most about YouTube is ability to recommend content on my feed that I am most interested in. As stated in my previous blog, selection of contents is selected by algorithms, which is defined “as a set of rules used to rank, filter and organize the content for users within certain media platforms”, (What Is an Algorithm in Social Media?). Well, that does not always work how we would like.  Sometimes we get recommendation, that we are not interested in nor enjoy the content that is being presented. You not may have known that the video you watched regarding a political disagreement, actually was content with opinions that were opposite of yours. As you read the comments, you wonder should your response with how you feel on the issue? Or not weight in at all.  What if they a right? “Cognitive bias is a systematic bias error in thinking that affects the decisions and judgments that people make”, (What Is Cognitive Bias). These bias’, can often make you second guess what you know and believe to be true. When you are on the social media platform you can found yourself feeling trapped and lonely in your views. Now your social media connection is with people who don’t share your views and opinions. As noted from my previous blog, “How We Are Connected”, it discusses how homophily connects us to those that we do have something in common with, whether through content or people,
YouTube has a feature that allows you to “adjust” what is being recommended to you. If there is something you don’t like you can click on the settings of the video content and select Not Interest or Don’t Recommend. Eventually, you will see that unwanted content disappear from your feed. This feature highlights another cognitive bias, confirmation bias. “This is favoring information that conforms to your existing beliefs and discounting evidence that does not conform”, (What is Cognitive Bias).  We find comfort in knowing that what we believe is right, whether it is or not. But to make a sound decision, we need to ensure we know of all the options that available.
You don’t know what you don’t know. Sometime is helpful to listen to the perspectives of others and to view topics and content that is opposite of what you normally view. Expressing your opinion respectively and openly is a way to ease out of feeling alone and helping in providing that content to help you make the right decisions. To help overcome cognitive bias, you first have to be willing to recognized that you have them.  The author of What is Cognitive Bias provided the following tips:
·         BE AWARE OF BIAS – What is influencing you?
·         CHALLENGE YOUR BIAS – What have you missed?
For further content in the article. Click on the link below.
 What Is an Algorithm in Social Media? Retrieved from the Internet at: https://promorepublic.com/en/blog/glossary/what-is-social-media-algorithm/
What Is Cognitive Bias? Retrieved from the Internet at: https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-a-cognitive-bias-2794963
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