stargirlnyx · 1 year
OKAY, so a little note, if you don’t like any of my ships or opinions that is okay. I don’t really care nor mind if other people think differently. This is just what I personally enjoy.
They’re in a polyamorous relationship, they love each other. Possessive, protective and like actually sickeningly in love with each other. I take no criticism.
I think I really liked this ship when Wooin and Jisuk were fighting each other, espeically when Wooin thought Jisuk was the reason why Jiwoo was in hospital and injured due to malicious intent rather than the two fighting each other lolol.
They’re just adorable i love how much they love each other (platonic or romantic) but yeah, they’re definitely one of my favourite ships/dynamics together.
I love how protective they are over one another, espeically Jiwoo like ugh gets me in my feels. I hc that Jiwoo loves them infinitely more because he was such a lonely child and when he had come to terms with his feelings, that he didn’t like just Wooin but Jisuk he was like oh yeah thats right, all the childhood abandonment is making up for it in terms of having two lovers.
Like what do you mean they aren’t married? They live together and have two cats as their children. The only cats that Seongha isn’t deathly afraid of. The way they bicker with each other, espeically at the beginning was my favourite and then eventually they were forced into spending time together by their adopted siblings (Jiwoo and the troublesome trio)
You know the olive theory? Yeah that’s them. Inhyuk hates olive but Seongha loves them. That’s them. Nothing more I need to add.
(Oh yeah almost forget, they’re both pining over Giwook who they are madly in love with. Giwook knows of course, how couldn’t he when he’s sent bouquets and see’s them from the corner as they watch for his reaction. He’s fond, so fond of them but he wants to make them sweat a little)
Okay, so like I’ve said before, i really cannot see anything more than platonic between these two, absolutely PEAK CHAOTIC SIBLING ENERGY. I say that with everything in me, the way these two fight with each other and argue is absolutely my favourite fucking thing in the manhwa espeically when they know how to get on each other nerves and how they know what motivates the other. I really love that between them😭 im not even kidding, i have a whole album dedicated to those scenes.
But like I said, I honestly don’t care if you ship them romantically, everyone is different. If some ship thats fine, it doesn’t bother me.
But i just love them so much, especially Subin shes so hot and powerful. I love her so much, shes one of my favourite characters. At first i was unsure how she was going to fit into the dynamics but she was exactly what they needed. Best girl of the entire manhwa.
Sorry husbands? Divorced husbands who got back together because they actually complete each other. Chaos x Chaos. Kayden would be in a fight and Kartein is in the back cheering for his husband to beat their ass. Absolutely unhinged in every way possible but some how they found a way to love each other and love their adopted child Jiwoo, because what do you mean? Jiwoo is actually their son, i have written proof from the authors themselves.
Or they could be divorced husbands who secretly still love each other and the only reason why they still hang around one another is because of the custody they share over Jiwoo.
Their biggest enemies are each other, yeah they love one another, but absolutely expect Kartein to be planning Kayden’s murder. His ideas range from poisoning him or just suffocating him in his sleep. Kayden knows this, only makes him love his husband even more.
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