#starla dobbs
plumbogs · 7 months
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a new family in brookton... time to investigate
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This is Nick Dobbs and his wife, Tracy. He works in the medical career as a resident. Their house isn't fully decorated yet, but they take some time to play a few rounds of chess anyway. They aren't as piss-poor as the other families, but they're not quite rich by any means.
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They're both pretty serious people, but Tracy actually cares about doing things like making friends. As you can probably tell, they have children.
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Celeste is their eldest daughter. She's going through her emo phase and spends every morning frying her hair to a crisp. Starla is the second daughter. She hasn't tried that yet.
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The girls aren't very similar to each other. Celeste is a very curious and energetic shy girl while Starla is a lot more friendly like their mother. She doesn't really care much for popularity despite that.
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They go back and forth on whether they get along, but that's how sisters go. Celeste thinks that any job that involves working in an office sounds like a bore. Starla argues that office jobs have their own interesting culture with many chances to get ahead.
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And this is Derek. He's about halfway through childhood.
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He's a bit of a grumpy kid, but he takes closely after their father otherwise.
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The very first thing that happens is the entire neighborhood showing up to shove their noses into their business. Tracy has to quit the chess game early to meet them.
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Michael Tyler beelines for their violin, which he absolutely sucks shit at playing. Camila argues with a townie behind him. Tracy immediately wants to start befriending these people.
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The kids come home from school and get to meeting the neighbors as well. Michael tells Derek about how he can fix basically any coffee machine, which gets him some real perks at work. Tracy pulls the lame "how was school?" conversation out on Starla. Celeste ignores them all in favor of painting.
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Derek is a fan of chess. He plays it by himself after Michael confesses that he doesn't actually know how chess works and chooses to sit at their computer instead.
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Tracy corners him to tell him jokes about jewelry. He reacts in a similar way to a stinkbug and then goes home. Nick has to go to work in the evenings, which cuts into the family time he generally wants.
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plumbogs · 6 months
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at the dobbs household. Nick needs to learn a bunch of random junk before they'll let him have a promotion, and he's pretty tired of working night shift, so he hits the books.
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Meanwhile, Tracy heads out to the deck to look out through the telescope.
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No clue what she thinks she's seeing, because it''s pine woods for miles around.
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The bills arrive and pull her from her delusions of joshua trees.
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She greets this tacky townie that walks by while she checks the mail and forces her inside to watch her play the violin poorly.
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The teens come home. Celeste puts her homework down so she can ignore it. Starla does hers right away.
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they have some sibling bonding :) celeste thinks cities are probably dumb and stupid. it isn't her real opinion even she just wants to piss her sister off. it works wonders.
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Derek comes home and asks his father to help with his homework. He manages to squeeze that in before work. They were about to play some chess together but it was too late.
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Tracy does her evening phone calls. She tells Michael about a pet goldfish she had as a kid. She killed it by trying to replace the water in its tank with orange juice under the belief that it would become even more orange that way. Michael wasn't thrilled by that story, and then ended the call because his girlfriend was offering him a wonderful nap on one of her weird devices.
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Starla enjoys the stars once the sun sets. She's trying to find out what saturn is really hiding behind all those rings. She's pretty sure it's aliens, but she's skeptical about their existence and the locals that ramble on about them usually seem a bit out of their minds.
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