starsheild · 8 months
Forbidden Magic: Risk
Forbidden Magic-Risk
It had been Jackpot’s suggestion to disguise themselves as pilgrims on a journey north to the golden spires, seeking the blessing of the Avatar of Primus, the Prime. The local priests had watched them carefully, but when Jazz had stepped up and presented them with an offering, asking for a blessing on their journey.
The golden figurine and the highgrade had been accepted, and the priest had bid them kneel to accept their blessing. “May your journey be smooth and swift, and may Primus grant that you find that which you seek.” With those glyphs he touched each of their forhealms, leaving a small golden mark .
“Yer a genius Jackpot.” Jaz murmured as they set in a circle in the open public yard of the temple, munching on the part of a solar loaf. The thick loaf wasn’t exactly tasty, but it was filling and nutritious. The mineral loaf and the cube of energon were provided by temple for any in need, and the pilgrims had been offered them after they had been blessed. The blessing marks now only earned them momentary glances and then dismissal compared to the long looks of suspicion from before.
“I’d heard talk o’ it. Never known anyone that’d done it, but ‘pparently they’re true.” Jackpot replied as he nawed on his own loaf. “Got us in.”
Ricohet grunted in agreement as he washed down the last of his own solar loaf with some energon. “So what now.”
“Well, seein’ as how I got us permission ta recharge in the courtyard this dark cycle ta save us a room.” Jazz said as he stretched out on the ground. “I say we be thankful for ours blessin’s ‘n rest ‘fore we go lookin’ fer what we seek.”
Understanding nods passed between the group as they copied Jazz’s actions, arranging themselves to spend the dark cycle.
Prowl was pulled from a restless recharge by a firm servo on his chin forcing his helm up. His optics came online to look, and he wished that he could return to that recharge, as poor as it had been. The cold optics looking into his froze him to spark. They were not empty as he first thought, but sharp and full of cunning.
“Fresh power. Excellent.” Lifespark comment, though the glyphs were uttered in almost a detached fashion as he studied Prowl. “Your kind are becoming harder to find. I will have to start looking into alternatives. Or possibly new… arrangements. But for now…” He stepped back and turned to the workbench, digits dancing over the tools now arranged on the smooth work surface.
Prowl risked tilting his helm far enough to be able to see Soaring out of the corner of his optic. His origin was restrained in her cage, and his spark constricted in his chassis. She looked so small compared the creator he remembered. She had faced everything that life had thrown at her and survived it. Conquered it. Yet the sad green optics that rose to meet his were dim, the light of life leached from them.
“That one is fading. You all do, eventually. Despite all my efforts to the contrary.” Lifesparks glyphs drew Prowl’s attention back to the mech standing before him once more. Prowl had neither heard nor sensed his approach, the realization chilling his spark even more. Even in his current state he should have noticed something. It was all he could do to keep from flinching as his chest plate was removed and tossed aside. Light from the spark lamps on the wall reflected off the razor edge of a blade, ad before Prowl could process what was happening pain exploded above his spark.
When he could focus again he found himself looking at a small vial of his own inner energon, glowing in the light. He shuddered, though if it was from pain or ths sight he wasn’t sure. His focus shifted to Lifespark, and the small cold smile of pleasure he wore. “Fresh, and very bright. You are young. You will last a long time. Not like some of the others recently.”
His expression shifted to one of contemplation and he lifted the knife, glossa flicking out to clean Prowl’s energon from the blade.”
While the temple itself was never completely still, once the darkness fell the public departed. A little to their surprise, they were not the only group of travelers that had sought refuge in the temple. Jazz was thankful though. It gave all more credence to their cover, and would provide additional coverage for their actions. Jazz watched the comings and goings of the temple inhabitants, Richochet at his side. In the deep of the dark cycle he looked to his twin, and in silent agreement they slipped from their berthpads into the shadows.
Behind them was the sounds of mecha shifting around, and Jazz knew that the other were arranging the now vacant pads to appear as though they were still occupied. While the location might be a new one, this was a familiar path, one they had trod together many times before.
“Which way?” Rico asked so softly that only another Poly, and one standing right next to another, would hear once they had slipped in the temple proper. Jazz looked around, listening, searching for any clue. For all of their careful looking and watching, the only thing they had heard or seen pertaining to the witchmecha had been what felt like a standing litany on how corrupt and evil they were.
Ricochet looked at him in the shadows, concern clearly written on his features and washing over the the bond between their sparks. Almost Jazz waivered in his belief, but something still drew him deeper. It was the same feeling in his tanks that told him that Prowl was still alive. With a firmer nod he moved further into the temple. It was easy to slip through the temple, around the priests and the temple acolytes and servants going about their functionings. These mecha had no reason to fear anything in the heart of their home.
A lack of fear that made the nervousness of one stand out. Jazz touched his twins shoulder and tipped his helm in the direction of the agitated mech. Painted as a temple servant, the small mech had a tray carefully balanced in his servos, his entire focus on this one task as he hurried through the halls. He stopped in front of an imposing set of double doors, set the tray down, knocked once, and then scurried away.
Jazz hung in the shadows, Ricochet at his side, and waited. Almost a klik later the one of the doors opened wide enough for a mech to retrieve the tray and close it again. Jazz and Rico looked at each, silently planning. They had worked together for far to long to need glyphs to the plan something like this out. The doors, for all their size, moved silently, but they had no idea what lay on the other side. This temple was old though, and many of the ancient ventliation shafts were still in place, shielded from the optic by guilded covers.
It was though one of these that the pair slipped silently, the broad shaft providing easy passes for the slender Polhexian frames. They slipped up to each grate they passed, glancing out just long enough to assess the space beyond before moving on until they reached one that was covered from the outside. They exchanged glances before Rico slipped a digit through one of the grate holes, testing the cover. It gave slightly, a noise damper.
Jazz pulled out a slender blade and nicked the cover, widening the opening enough that he could see out before passing the blade to his twin so that Ricochet could do the same where he crouched. The slight that sight before them was at the same time both sparkchilling and enraging, with Ricochet unable to completely suppresse the soft growl of his system,
Two Praxians were restrained in small cages, bound and stripped down to their protoforms. As they watched both prisoners were force fed fuel, their mouths forced open and energon poured down their throats. They resisted, Prowl with far more strength though no less determination than the other captive. Neither of the priests tending them uttered a sound as they fed and wiped down the Praxians and departed.
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starsheild · 8 months
Forbidden Magic: Reflections
It was the softest whisper of his designation, though it did not sound like his originator's voice.
It was not the voice of the monster in the guise of a Voice of Primus either.
He onlined his optics, and wondered if both of his senses were conspiring to trick him.
“My lord?”
“Jazz.” The Polhexian countered as he reached to free Prowl. The cage door wasn’t even really locked, merely bolted securely on several levels down the front. The restraints themselves were more thorough, and as Jazz studied he quickly reached the conclusion that they had not been meant to come off ever. He hesitated door only a klik before he produced a tool, snapping the links at the cuffs and the ankle bindings. 
Prowl sagged into his arms, doorwings flaring, and the Praxian hissed as they struck the edge of the cage. Jazz held him steady, waiting until he got his pedes under him. “Can you move?”
“Yes.” Prowl gathered himself. “Though I do not know if Soaring can.”
“Her?” Jazz repeated, looking over at the Praxian Ricochet had freed and was still supporting. She was weaker, leaning heavily on the dark Poyhexian. This one was not known to Prowl. He had never seen him in the market, but as he looked closer he could take a guess. This must be the brother that Jazz had mentioned, the one whose mate was suffering from the difficult carrying.
“Jazz.” Ricochet hissed, eyeing the single door to the room they were in, to the vent, and then to the femme leaning heavily on him. His entire frame spoke the question- take her or leave her?
“Prowl.” The femme raised her helm and she attempted to pull away from Ricochet. “Go. Just grant me peace before you do.”
“Yes.” She argued. “Find your brother. Live for me.”
“‘is brother?” Ricochet repeated. “Barricade?”
“How?” Prowl and Soaring stared at Ricochet as he knelt by Soaring.
“Yer Cade’s origin?” Ricochet asked, looking into her optics.
“She is.” Prowl moved to his creator, Jazz on his heels.
“Then ya ain’t stayin’ here.” Jazz declared, moving around the three and springing easily into the vent. Turning, he stretched down and offered his servos to Prowl.
The Praxian wasn’t sure that Jazz was going to be able to lift him on his own, and Prowl himself had no strength to help him at the moment. He needn’t have worried as he found himself boosted from behind and helped into the vent. Jazz moved him further into the shaft before turning again, and lifting Soaring into the vent, handling her with gentle ease. Ricochet hopped up behind her, and the Praxians watched as Jazz lowered his twin by the ankles.
Ricochet snagged the grate from the floor and pulled into place Jazz hauled him back up. The paused only long enough to make sure that the sound buffer fell back into place. There was nothing really to be done for the peep holes that the pair had punched through the weave, they were small enough that they would likely not draw attention.
Jazz set off in the lead, sliding easily through the vent. Prowl followed him, almost as silent if slower. It was Soaring that worried him. While she was clearly doing her best, in her visibly weakened state it was going to be a challenge to get her out.
“How’re yer wings?” He murmured to Prowl when they reached the outlet he wanted.
“Sore, but functioning.” Prowl replied as he stopped behind Jazz, lifting them to get a sense of the two mecha behind him. He could tell that his origin still wanted to protest being brought along, but she remained quiet.
“Well ‘nough ta give warnin’ of anyone comin’ from b’hind?” Jazz asked, and Prowl nodded an affirmative.
The why that had Prowl curious was answered when Jazz helped Soaring on to Ricochet’s back before taking the lead through the temple, leaving Prowl to bring up the rear and watch their backs. Both Poly’s let out silent sighs of relief when they exited the temple proper and made their way around the edge of the inner yard to a side gate.
Picking the lock was a nanokliks work for Jazz and he pushed it open, ushering the other though before him, A figure materialized out of shadows, and Prowl relaxed as he recognized Frontrunner. The captain of the guard had become a regular at his stall even when he was not accompanying his lord through the market.
“Prowl.” The captain greeted him with a nod, taking in his bare frame and offering him a cloak before he caught sight of Soaring as Jazz helped her from Ricochets back. “Who?”
“Soaring, my origin.” Prowl informed as he took the cloak he had been handed and wrapped it around her instead. 
“Leave me.” She urged again, optics brightening as she diverted the energy she had been using to hang on to Ricochet to looking around.
“Nah a chance, M’lady.” Frontrunner informed her as he removed his own cloak and offered it to Prowl before scooping her into his arms and looking to Jazz.
“Get’m out.” Jazz said, confirming that the plan from earlier was still in motion.
The captain nodded, directing Prowl with a nod of his helm as he turned away. The Praxian arranged the cloak so that he could still see relatively well behind him without it being obvious that he had no armor on his frame. Prowl risked a single look over his shoulder as they set off, just long enough to see the gate close.
Soaring sat in the chair, knees drawn up to her chin as she looked out the window where the cover was pushed aside  just enough in one corner to allow her a sliver of the outside world and it’s shining sun beyond, lost deep in her own thoughts. Around her the room was silent, the Polyhexians arranged on their travel berths on the floor, Prowl among their number.
Her creations were alive. Both of them. Alive and with creations of their own, or soon to be if they could get back to Barricade in time. Her optics drifted to the dark Polyhexians on the floor recharging by his twin. His concern for his mate and his unemerged creation had been clear as he had explained the conclusions of the medic that had sent him after his twin to rescue Prowl.
And Jazz, his twin, had come because of a promise to her creation’s creations to return their origin to them, and because it was right. As he had said, Prowl was one of his mecha, living under his care, and he had failed to protect them.
Prowl, bless him, had protested that it had not been the Polyhexians lords fault at all, but Prowl’s for being what he was, and hiding it. Ricochet had shook his helm, a half smile crossing his lips at the protest. 
“If I’d doubt’d b’fore, I wouldn’ be now.” He had explained as he had offered more fuel to Soaring, the energon glowing with as much as of the potent energy additives that she could handle in an attempt to build her strength against the haste of their departure. “‘Cade tried ta apologize sayin’ sometin’ like that when Ratchet called ‘im out on it.”
“Ratchet?” Soaring had repeated, pausing with the energon halfway to her mouth.
“‘Bes’ medic we know.” Jazz had said with a nod as he pushed energon at Prowl.
Soaring had merely nodded, but the odd expression that had flitted across her features at the designation had not been lost on Prowl, and he tilted his helm in question at his creator. “I once knew a mech by that designation, a healer.” She had explained at his unspoken question.
“He said Prowl wasn’ the first witch he’d met.” Ricochet said, his expression bordering on disbelief. “Said one ‘ad saved ‘is life once. Ya can’t tell me that was you?”
Memories flooded her processor, and for a moment Soaring was lost in them, in a time long ago in the village of her emergence high in the mountains. “It is… possible. Many things have come to pass that I never thought I would live to see, Why not one more?”
“Origin? You should be resting. There is still far to go.”
Soaring looked up into the crystal blue optics of her younger creation and smiled, reaching up to cup his cheek gently and assure herself once more that she was not dreaming. Her creation stood before, holding a steaming cube of tinsane.
Prowl touched her servos with his own, then reached out to lift her free and servo and place the cube in it. Soaring huffed softly, lifting it and catching the scent of garnet and jade, She took a sip and sighed, then frowned.
“What creator?” Prowl questioned, leaning closer. “Is it wrong?”
“You shouldn’t be using your power for me.” Soaring sighed as she looked up at him, then down at the steaming energon. “You need it.”
Prowl had smiled, the little look that was his alone, and lowered his helm until she had looked up at him once more and their crests brushed together.
“”I have enough to share. I was taught by the best.” He informed her. “Drink, creator. Then to your berth. The darkcycle we need travel though now will be here soon enough.”
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starsheild · 4 months
Chapters: 15/15 Fandom: Transformers - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Jazz/Prowl (Transformers), Barricade/Ricochet (Transformers) Characters: Jazz (Transformers), Prowl (Transformers), Ricochet (Transformers), Barricade (Transformers) Summary:
Prowl goes to visit his cousin and celebrate the emergence of his nephew. He never intended for the truths that are revealed to come to light or the chain of events they set in motion...
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starsheild · 8 months
Partner: Part 10
Sierra looked around cautiously at her new home. This place had obviously not been built with humans in mind, but she had been assured that it had been altered to accommodate them. She hesitated, looking at the mechs that towered over her and still marveling a little at the sight of Prowl in root form.
"You don't have to do this, you know. The government will foot the bill for my care. And after that…"
Well, honestly after that she wasn't sure what she was going to do. There were many people in life that had moved on after suffering injuries like hers. It would just take starting over. Again.
"No." Prowl and Jazz spoke together, in complete sync. That was going some getting used to, and Sierra still wanted a comprehensive explanation on how this whole bonding thing worked. At the moment all she knew was that Prowl and Jazz were somehow linked now, permanently, and that their actions were often amusing or disconcerting by turn.
They had both argued for her being allowed to come live among the Autobots, at least until she was well enough to be on her own. Gathering her courage and swallowing her pride she looked at them. "Well, are you going to show me around then?"
This was not how it was supposed to end. Prowl stood back, at the edge of the gathered humans. Many more had shown up that he would have expected. But then, Sierra had changed during the time that they had worked together. Changed to the point that even if her colleagues did not seek out her company they respected her.
As an officer she had also had a far greater impact on the community then even Prowl had guessed. The children she would wave at, the adults she would speak to, they all remembered. They came.
Some of them had seemed surprised to learn that her partner had been an Autobot, but Prowl hadn't been willing to let anyone else be the honor guard on the procession. Now he stood, surrounding by his brothers and sisters in arms to honor the human that had ended up touching so many of them. With her humor and her laughter. With her strength and stubbornness. With her courage and dedication present right up to the very end.
Prowl bowed his head and leaned into the momentary comfort that Jazz offered when the service was over. He was not alone. He was not the last. But once again an important part of his life was missing.
"So explain to me what we are doing again Prowler?" Jazz questioned, more confused about visiting an outdoor human location in the rain than bothered by the idea.
Prowl had done something he never did- he took a day off. Two days off, in fact. One because, as he told Prime, there was something important he needed to do for a friend. And no, the date was not negotiable. The other day was because the Decepticons had managed to cause a rather thorough upset on the anniversary of their bonding, and who was Jazz to complain is Prowl felt the need to make it up to him?
Still, Prowl was acting very odd, and if Jazz couldn't see into his spark so well he would have contemplated having Ratchet run a scan on the mech's processor. The small bag the human at the station had given him hadn't cleared matters up at all, especially since she seemed just as confused as to why Prowl would want whatever was in it.
"Here." Prowl said, transforming quietly deep in the park. Jazz wasn't even going to point out the fact that they had gone around a sign saying that the park was currently closed to visitors. Law breaking Prowl was a new one too.
He followed Prowl across a small clearing, skirting the empty shelter, to a large rock. He watched quietly as Prowl opened the bag and laid out five candles, arranging them carefully.
"What are those for?" He asked softly as Prowl lit the first one, recognizing it as some sort of human ritual, even if he didn't understand the point quite yet.
"Sierra's creators." Prowl explained softly as he lit the white pair. "Her brother." The red one. "Her first partner." The blue.
The lighter hovered over the green for a moment, and Jazz understood as the flame came into life. "Sierra."
Jazz moved closer, hearing but even more deeply feeling the prayer that his bonded intoned to Primus, the only deity known to their kind. When Prowl was finished Jazz wrapped his arms around the Praxian, and together they watched the candle flames flicker softly as the sky above them cleared and the stars shone overhead, reflecting the lights below.
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starsheild · 8 months
Partner: Part 8
Noise. Funny, Prowl had thought that things would be peaceful and quiet in the Well. This sounded suspiciously like his memories of being in the med bay of the Ark after being badly injured. Right down to Ratchet grumbling in the background.
"There- he's come around enough. But I swear if he messes anything up because of you you'll find yourself banished and nothing's going to get you back in."'
"My word- I won' do anythin' to get 'em worked up."
Prowl couldn't focus his optics fast enough as a visored face swam into view. He tried to set up only to be hindered by strong hands on his shoulders holding him down.
"I'm dead then. Good."
Jazz flinched, staring down at him. "I'm thinkin' I need ta have Ratchet check yer processor if yer thinkin' dead is good mech."
"It is good because you are here." Prowl said, reaching out. "And since you are dead but you are here then logically I am now in the Well also." He flinched, hand flying to his chest as he moved and pain shot through him. "Though I have to confess I did not think it would hurt so much."
"Pain is bad, and that kind don' exist over there. So ya better stop 'fore Ratchet makes good on 'is threat and throws me outta his med bay."
Jazz watched as the wheels turned, and he couldn't help but smile as Prowl started putting all the pieces together. He watched as Prowl looked around, registering that it wasn't just SOME old med bay he was in, but Ratchet's med bay on the Ark. His grin went full spread as those shocked optics landed back on him.
"You're alive." Prowl whispered, voice revealing that his processor was still at war with what his optics and the rest of his senses were telling him.
"Spark and all mech. Primus sent me back ta ya, for some reason." Jazz took his free hand, leaning his face into it and allowing Prowl to feel. He was still as the hand slid down his chest, feeling the warmth of the spark underneath the plating. "Sent a bunch of us back when he threw Optimus back, Ratchet included, in case you were wondering who put you back together."
Prowls hand fell back to his own half repaired protoform and armor, memories slowly rising to the top of his processor. "The call. The Decepticons. Sierra."
"The officer that was with ya?"
"Yes. She was-." Prowl flinched, the sound of energon on human skin coming back to him sharply. "She-."
"Ratchet said if she hadn' done what she did ya wouldn' made it." Jazz expression was strained. "Kinda woulda sucked for me, comin' back jus' to find out we passed each other along the way."
Prowl shuddered at the idea of arriving in the Well only to find that Jazz was not there, wherever there was. There would have been no peace waiting for him in that case. But the mech he had loved and lost was here now- he squeezed the mech's hand in his own to remind himself of that fact.
Jazz was here, but someone else was not. "Sierra?"
Jazz's visor flashed, but his tone was full of affection as he pulled up a chair.. "Stubborn mech. 'ere is what I know, and if ya promise ta be good I'll see what I can find out."
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starsheild · 7 months
Firstborn: Chapter 1, Venture
Here is the link to the story that I had hinted at a while back. Still haven't reached 100 subscribers, but decided to go ahead and offer it. We're at 98 :).
Firstborn (2121 words) by StarRise Chapters: 1/15 Fandom: Transformers - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Jazz/Prowl (Transformers), Barricade/Ricochet (Transformers) Characters: Jazz (Transformers), Prowl (Transformers), Ricochet (Transformers), Barricade (Transformers) Summary: Prowl goes to visit his cousin and celebrate the emergence of his nephew. He never intended for the truths are revealed or the chain of events they set in motion to come to light…
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starsheild · 8 months
Partner: Part 9
It was an interesting thing, getting things arranged so that he could come visit the human in the hospital. While Prowl was looking at a considerable recovery time, it was nothing compared to what the human in the bed before him faced.
Jazz took a minute to study the human in front of him. Physically she looked…awful. The thick bandages running from her shoulders down the entire length of both arms only added to the impression of 'damaged'. But looking into her eyes Jazz could see what Prowl was saying when he spoke of her.
And spoke of her he had, often and at great length when he was conscious. He spoke of her courage and compassion, of her strength and her intelligence. He spoke too of her shortcomings, of how she was often easily frustrated, and her addiction to the human beverage known as coffee.
Jazz had actually become slightly jealous of the small organic. Three years of working side by side with Prowl, closer to him than Jazz had ever allowed himself to appear in the millions of years they had worked together. Three years where Jazz had been completely missing from the picture.
But it was that relationship that had driven her to save Prowl's life, and the price of Prowl's life was finally hitting home as ran a scan on her. He would have to be careful when he reported to Prowl of the human's condition and the doctor's predictions for her recovery.
She would never regain the full use of her hands, and there was extreme damage all the way up her arms. There was scarring in random places on her body where the energon had burned her, blemishes. And organics were subject to so many other damages as they healed, infections and re-injury.
Green eyes met blue visor, and the human spoke first. "So you are Jazz."
The mech moved closer and smiled as the human did not shrink away from his presence. "Yea, that'd be me. Which would make ya Sierra."
She smirked. "Sierra Hunter. And forgive me if I do not offer to shake your hand."
For a moment all Jazz could do was stare, mouth hanging open. Then he laughed. "Well, at least Prowl found himself someone with a sense o' humor."
"Quite possibly the only thing that saved us during our time working together." Sierra agreed, and Jazz found himself fighting down another laugh.
As they talked Jazz could see what Prowl saw in this human. He started looking closer. Could tell how the pain multiplied when she moved, and how a mere fifteen minutes later she was already fading. He signaled her caregivers, but before they arrived Jazz grew serious. "Thank you."
"For what? I should be thanking you for reminding me that there is life outside of this dungeon."
"For saving Prowl."
Sierra smiled at that. "Well I wasn't about to let my partner bleed to death."
"Not for that, though while we are on the subject, thank you for that as well."
Sierra settled back on the bed. "You're welcome, even though I am not sure if I save him, or if he rescued me. And Jazz-." She called after him, waiting until the mech turned to look at her again. "He never stopped missing you."
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starsheild · 8 months
Forbidden Magic: Reflections
It was the softest whisper of his designation, though it did not sound like his originator's voice.
It was not the voice of the monster in the guise of a Voice of Primus either.
He onlined his optics, and wondered if both of his senses were conspiring to trick him.
“My lord?”
“Jazz.” The Polhexian countered as he reached to free Prowl. The cage door wasn’t even really locked, merely bolted securely on several levels down the front. The restraints themselves were more thorough, and as Jazz studied he quickly reached the conclusion that they had not been meant to come off ever. He hesitated door only a klik before he produced a tool, snapping the links at the cuffs and the ankle bindings. 
Prowl sagged into his arms, doorwings flaring, and the Praxian hissed as they struck the edge of the cage. Jazz held him steady, waiting until he got his pedes under him. “Can you move?”
“Yes.” Prowl gathered himself. “Though I do not know if Soaring can.”
“Her?” Jazz repeated, looking over at the Praxian Ricochet had freed and was still supporting. She was weaker, leaning heavily on the dark Poyhexian. This one was not known to Prowl. He had never seen him in the market, but as he looked closer he could take a guess. This must be the brother that Jazz had mentioned, the one whose mate was suffering from the difficult carrying.
“Jazz.” Ricochet hissed, eyeing the single door to the room they were in, to the vent, and then to the femme leaning heavily on him. His entire frame spoke the question- take her or leave her?
“Prowl.” The femme raised her helm and she attempted to pull away from Ricochet. “Go. Just grant me peace before you do.”
“Yes.” She argued. “Find your brother. Live for me.”
“‘is brother?” Ricochet repeated. “Barricade?”
“How?” Prowl and Soaring stared at Ricochet as he knelt by Soaring.
“Yer Cade’s origin?” Ricochet asked, looking into her optics.
“She is.” Prowl moved to his creator, Jazz on his heels.
“Then ya ain’t stayin’ here.” Jazz declared, moving around the three and springing easily into the vent. Turning, he stretched down and offered his servos to Prowl.
The Praxian wasn’t sure that Jazz was going to be able to lift him on his own, and Prowl himself had no strength to help him at the moment. He needn’t have worried as he found himself boosted from behind and helped into the vent. Jazz moved him further into the shaft before turning again, and lifting Soaring into the vent, handling her with gentle ease. Ricochet hopped up behind her, and the Praxians watched as Jazz lowered his twin by the ankles.
Ricochet snagged the grate from the floor and pulled into place Jazz hauled him back up. The paused only long enough to make sure that the sound buffer fell back into place. There was nothing really to be done for the peep holes that the pair had punched through the weave, they were small enough that they would likely not draw attention.
Jazz set off in the lead, sliding easily through the vent. Prowl followed him, almost as silent if slower. It was Soaring that worried him. While she was clearly doing her best, in her visibly weakened state it was going to be a challenge to get her out.
“How’re yer wings?” He murmured to Prowl when they reached the outlet he wanted.
“Sore, but functioning.” Prowl replied as he stopped behind Jazz, lifting them to get a sense of the two mecha behind him. He could tell that his origin still wanted to protest being brought along, but she remained quiet.
“Well ‘nough ta give warnin’ of anyone comin’ from b’hind?” Jazz asked, and Prowl nodded an affirmative.
The why that had Prowl curious was answered when Jazz helped Soaring on to Ricochet’s back before taking the lead through the temple, leaving Prowl to bring up the rear and watch their backs. Both Poly’s let out silent sighs of relief when they exited the temple proper and made their way around the edge of the inner yard to a side gate.
Picking the lock was a nanokliks work for Jazz and he pushed it open, ushering the other though before him, A figure materialized out of shadows, and Prowl relaxed as he recognized Frontrunner. The captain of the guard had become a regular at his stall even when he was not accompanying his lord through the market.
“Prowl.” The captain greeted him with a nod, taking in his bare frame and offering him a cloak before he caught sight of Soaring as Jazz helped her from Ricochets back. “Who?”
“Soaring, my origin.” Prowl informed as he took the cloak he had been handed and wrapped it around her instead. 
“Leave me.” She urged again, optics brightening as she diverted the energy she had been using to hang on to Ricochet to looking around.
“Nah a chance, M’lady.” Frontrunner informed her as he removed his own cloak and offered it to Prowl before scooping her into his arms and looking to Jazz.
“Get’m out.” Jazz said, confirming that the plan from earlier was still in motion.
The captain nodded, directing Prowl with a nod of his helm as he turned away. The Praxian arranged the cloak so that he could still see relatively well behind him without it being obvious that he had no armor on his frame. Prowl risked a single look over his shoulder as they set off, just long enough to see the gate close.
Soaring sat in the chair, knees drawn up to her chin as she looked out the window where the cover was pushed aside  just enough in one corner to allow her a sliver of the outside world and it’s shining sun beyond, lost deep in her own thoughts. Around her the room was silent, the Polyhexians arranged on their travel berths on the floor, Prowl among their number.
Her creations were alive. Both of them. Alive and with creations of their own, or soon to be if they could get back to Barricade in time. Her optics drifted to the dark Polyhexians on the floor recharging by his twin.His concern for his mate and his unemerged creation had been clear as he had explained the conclusions of the medic that had sent him after his twin to rescue Prowl.
And Jazz, his twin, had come because of a promise to her creation’s creations to return their origin to them, and because it was right. As he had said, Prowl was one of his mecha, living under his care, and he had failed to protect them.
Prowl, bless him, had protested that it had not been the Polyhexians lords fault at all, but Prowl’s for being what he was, and hiding it. Ricochet had shook his helm, a half smile crossing his lips at the protest. 
“If I’d doubt’d b’fore, I wouldn’ be now.” He had explained as he had offered more fuel to Soaring, the energon glowing with as much as of the potent energy additives that she could handle in an attempt to build her strength against the haste of their departure. “‘Cade tried ta apologize sayin’ sometin’ like that when Ratchet called ‘im out on it.”
“Ratchet?” Soaring had repeated, pausing with the energon halfway to her mouth.
“‘Bes’ medic we know.” Jazz had said with a nod as he pushed energon at Prowl.
Soaring had merely nodded, but the odd expression that had flitted across her features at the designation had not been lost on Prowl, and he tilted his helm in question at his creator. “I once knew a mech by that designation, a healer.” She had explained at his unspoken question.
“He said Prowl wasn’ the first witch he’d met.” Ricochet said, his expression bordering on disbelief. “Said one ‘ad saved ‘is life once. Ya can’t tell me that was you?”
Memories flooded her processor, and for a moment Soaring was lost in them, in a time long ago in the village of her emergence high in the mountains. “It is… possible. Many things have come to pass that I never thought I would live to see, Why not one more?”
“Origin? You should be resting. There is still far to go.”
Soaring looked up into the crystal blue optics of her younger creation and smiled, reaching up to cup his cheek gently and assure herself once more that she was not dreaming. Her creation stood before, holding a steaming cube of tinsane.
Prowl touched her servos with his own, then reached out to lift her free and servo and place the cube in it. Soaring huffed softly, lifting it and catching the scent of garnet and jade, She took a sip and sighed, then frowned.
“What creator?” Prowl questioned, leaning closer. “Is it wrong?”
“You shouldn’t be using your power for me.” Soaring sighed as she looked up at him, then down at the steaming energon. “You need it.”
Prowl had smiled, the little look that was his alone, and lowered his helm until she had looked up at him once more and their crests brushed together.
“”I have enough to share. I was taught by the best.” He informed her. “Drink, creator. Then to your berth. The darkcycle we need travel though now will be here soon enough.”
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starsheild · 8 months
Partner: Part 4
"I hate cars."
Prowl froze at that declaration, then slowly transformed. He had not assumed his root mood since the day he driven away from the Ark for the last time, and the few seconds it took for his systems to adjust was disturbing. Regaining his equilibrium, Prowl moved to take a surprisingly silent and graceful seat by the human.
Sierra didn't even look over. "My father was killed when his truck slid off an icy road one night. The only reason he was out was because he promised us he would be home for Christmas. Thomas was killed when a drunk street racer ran a red light. T-boned the old convertible he was restoring. 'Lindy was hit in a drive by shooting. She wasn't even on duty. I hate cars."
Her head fell forward to rest on her knees, and so quiet that Prowl suspected he was really meant to 'not hear' she murmured. "I hate cars, and it's days like today that make wish I drank."
Prowl checked the date, and understood. Apparently she had chosen the date of her brothers death to memorialize the loss of all those who meant something to her. "Melinda was your first partner."
Sierra nodded, rocking back and forth a bit. "Oh the irony. After one transfer, three partners, and two very confused shrinks, I end up working successfully with a car."
She shivered in the cool night air, and without really thinking about it Prowl reached out and picked her up, bringing her close to his still warm plating. After a moment Sierra gave in, and Prowl made a note to make sure that she ate something before he dropped her off at her place later.
"It's not easy, being the last."
Prowl looked down at her, thinking. "No." He rumbled in return. "It is not." He had lost many friends that day, leaving him essentially the last one standing.
He considered, and then simply began to speak, everything that he had kept bottled up inside spilling out to someone who might finally understand. Someone who might be able to look at the pain in his spark and not be turned away by it. "I had always considered the possibility that I might not survive the war. I believed I was fully prepared to meet that fate. I never considered that I might survive my Prime."
And Optimus would always be his Prime. It was true that he had been sparked when Sentinal was still Prime. It was true that Rodimus was now Prime. But Prowl had given his word and his service to Optimus, and it was Optimus who would always be his Prime.
But it was not even the loss of his Prime that cut him deepest. "My friends are gone. My leader is gone. And my... friend is gone. There was nothing left for me among the Autobots. Yes, it is hard to be the last."
Sierra relaxed, taking shameless advantage of the warmth Prowl was offering. "Your 'friend' have a name?"
Sierra nodded and went silent, both sharing in the others pain under the clear night sky.
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starsheild · 8 months
Partner: Part 3
"Officer Prowl?"
The woman voice was hesitant, and she maintained a very healthy distance from the silent police cruiser parked at the end of the line-up.
Prowl scanned her instantly. "'Good evening ma'am. Is there something I can do for you?"
The woman shifted from foot to foot, clearly uncomfortable with speaking to someone that she didn't know was and to her mind coudn't really see as person. "The chief said not to bother you with this, but I know this isn't usual. Well, as much as anyone can know anything about Officer Hunter, I guess."
Prowl waited quietly, not wanting to scare the woman off. Prowl knew that Sierra didn't have a lot of friends. She refused to get involved with any of her coworkers on anything more than a professional level, and they as a whole seemed to know very little about her personal life. He listened, when they talked around him, since so many of them forgot that he was more than he appeared.
"Today is her day off. She takes the same day every year. It's the only day she insists on having off." The woman was rambling, but Prowl wasn't about to stop her. He was learning things that he should know about his partner. "They wanted to call her in today to cover someone else shift and she's not answering her phones. The chief said she's fine but…"
"Thank you. I will go check on her."
The woman nodded, and Prowl called after her, by name. She jumped in place, turning to eye him very warily. "Thank you. Officer Hunter needs far more help than she is willing to admit."
Relaxing, the woman nodded in agreement, hitching her bag higher on her shoulder and making her way quickly out of the garage.
Prowl waited until she was far enough that he would not disturb her by following her out. The woman had obviously stepped very far out of her comfort zone, and ignored an implication, if not an order, to not share this. There was no reason to make her more uncomfortable.
Prowl rolled from the garage and headed along the familiar route to Sierra's apartment. He would check there first.
The apartment was dark and empty, Prowl didn't even need to scan very thoroughly. So he sat quietly outside of the building, working through what he knew of Sierra. She rarely spoke of doing anything outside of work. He knew where she usually got her groceries- more than once Prowl had stopped at a small local supermarket on the way to drop her off at night, but there was no way she would have spent a whole day there.
Coffee. There was a coffee shop where she liked to stop when they were working on a difficult case or she just felt like they were going to have a difficult shift ahead of them.
The first time she had predicted a difficult shift Prowl had told her that it was illogical. There was no way that she could know when one shift was going to be any more busy then the other, not when there was no constant, defining pattern to her feelings.
After the third time she was correct Prowl had just started pulling into the parking lot, ignoring the small, familiar laugh in the back of his processor that he could never hear again. The friendly laugh of a mech long gone.
Prowl cruised the parking lot, but there was no sign of his human partner anywhere, and as he turned back out on the main street he considered other possibilities. He knew where the other officers went when they were off duty. None of those places were places he could imagine Sierra frequenting. Except…
Making a smooth and completely legal u-turn Prowl headed for the other side of town.
The sun was setting by the time Prowl pulled into the largest local metro park. Families were packing, preparing to be gone by closing time, and Prowl slowed down carefully, aware of the unpredictability of human younglings. His spark hummed happily as the some of the children waved at him, and for a moment he felt slightly empty.
Sierra always waved back to the children, sometimes even stopping to talk to them for a few minutes when they were not busy. This park was one of their usual patrols, and he had almost forgotten her comments about how pretty it was and how nice of a place it was to go for a run.
There was a small lot and a shelter deep in the park. They had stopped there one day for Sierra to take her lunch break, and even Prowl had to admit that the view in early spring, with all of the flowering trees in bloom, was worthy of study.
He pulled into the lot, and on the surface the place looked just as abandoned as it was supposed to be. But even if they didn't know much about each other beyond a professional level, they knew each other very well on a professional level.
"You always know that it is me." Prowl commented, slightly amused and very relieved to have found her.
"Sorry to disappoint, but you still don't have the engine sound down right."
Prowl stopped behind the boulder she was sitting on, going quiet. "That is good to know."
"I hate cars."
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starsheild · 8 months
Partner: Part 2
A half an earth year working together and Prowl still knew little about the human he worked with beyond what had been revealed in her personal file. The file itself was very complete. Sierra Hunter had no family left- her parents had died when she was young and her brother had been killed when his vehicle was struck by a drunk driver.
She never spoke of her friends or of what she did after work hours. As far he knew the only change in her routine had been when Prowl discovered that she utilized public transportation to and from the station on a daily basis.
It had been a simple matter to retrieve her file and discover the address of the apartment she rented. And even though she had offered a token protest the first morning she had walked out the door and found Prowl waiting out front for her, when he dropped her off that night she had stepped away so he could close his door and paused.
"So is this a regular thing and I can stop worrying about my bus fare, or was it a one time thing to celebrate the fact that we've been able to stand each other for two months?"
"I will be here in the morning at 0900."
She'd nodded. "See you then."
Prowl had not understood initially why the two months were so significant, except that it was an even number, and humans did seem to like their even numbers. But that night when was sitting in the garage and did a little more digging, he discovered something that had originally escaped his notice.
Sierra Hunter had not kept a partner for more that two months since her first one was shot off duty and later passed away from the injuries. The date was a rather significant marker for both of them, and just maybe an indication of a new direction in both of their lives.
The same human was now pacing circles around Prowl, cup of coffee in hand and more than half empty, to judge the speed of her circling. "So because they had hit targets in that area consistently they want us to start patrolling it. But it's not going to make a difference."
"You seem very convinced of this fact." Prowl commented, finally giving in and allowing his passive sensors to track her movement. It wasn't worth the energy to keep his active sensors on her the whole time.
The hand that wasn't holding the all important coffee waved expressively. "I've seen this pattern before. There are enough high-end neighborhoods in that area they can take their pick. At the first sign of an actual police- not rent-a-cop- presence they will move on to another neighborhood. Fresh victims. We'll investigate. Reach the same conclusion as we did with this set of crimes, and then we'll start all over again from square one."
Prowl hummed thoughtfully. "Would it not make more sense to schedule a patrol in all of the locations deemed to be at risk as a preventative measure?"
"Lack of man power. I suggested that a long time ago and they keep insisting that there is not enough man power."
Prowl crunched the numbers and he had to admit that at least this time they were not lying. At least when the only available officers were the local ones there were too many neighborhoods to cover them without a large number of officers performing a number of over time shifts.
"Random patrols then, if it what you fear does occur."
"That could work, so long as there are no leaks." Sierra mused, stopping in front of him and finishing the last of her coffee.
Prowl opened the door for her. "We should be on our way, if you are going to get another coffee before we start our patrol for the evening."
Sierra slid gracefully into the drivers seat, hands coming to rest lightly on the wheel. Initially she had taken a completely hands off approach to riding along with the former Autobot, but the department had grown tired of the reports of a cop going down the road not holding on to the wheel. She had been ordered to find a compromise.
"How do you know I even want another cup of coffee?"
"Your caffeine intake has not reached it's normal level yet. I understand that this fact in general can be detrimental to normal function."
Sierra had started to laugh. "How did you know I hadn't had as much coffee as usual? Can you scan that or something?"
Actually, Prowl couldn't. His scanners were not tuned to reading the chemical make-up of a human on that level. But he still had an answer. "No. You were not circling me as fast as you normally do at your current level of agitation."
"That gave me away?" She sat back in the drivers seat, considering her partners powers of observation in a new light. Adjusting his systems so that they were all tuned to the local police bands Prowl set of down the road, and finally decided to voice a question that had been bothering him.
"Why do you do that?"
Sierra blinked, straightening in her seat carefully. No matter how many times Prowl assured her that normal motion in his passenger compartment did not disturb him in the slightest she was always so conscientious of where and what she was doing. "Why do I do what?"
"Pace around my vehicle mode while you think."
Sierra just raised an eyebrow at him. " Because I think better when my feet are moving and when I circle you I can still have a conversation with you?"
Prowl rumbled thoughtfully. "So different."
"Come again?"
"You are very different from all of the other officers they assigned to work with me."
"And you're very different from every other moron they've assigned me to work with. Probably the reason we are actually getting stuff done six months into this arrangement." Sierra commented, mind already shifting into work mode as they reached their route for the night.
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starsheild · 8 months
Partner: Part 5
Sirens blaring and lights flashing Prowl navigated the congested streets far faster and smoother than any other unit would have been able to manage. With Sierra listening to the bands he had selected, running them against current traffic conditions since there was no reason for her to keep her eyes on the road and he was able to concentrate fully on what he was doing- dodging stupid human drivers.
Tomorrow would mark three years of a successful partnership, a miracle. They had discussed taking the day off and celebrating somehow. After this run it was looking far more appealing that Prowl had originally considered. Everything about this report disturbed him, because it sounded nothing like anything he had dealt with over the last three years.
For three years he had been dealing with humans, one hundred percent predictable only in the fact that they were unpredictable. Granted he could run odds and possibility percentages, but even when he did that there were times when Sierra would point to the one of the possibilities that he had listed as unlikely and that would be the one that would turn out to be right.
No, what troubled him about this whole scenario was the fact that he had heard nothing of the like for three years. Not since he had left the Autobots. This entire thing sounded of Decepticon activity, and he was taking his partner into the middle of it with no back-up.
A solid thump on his dash finally got his attention. "Prowl?"
"What's wrong?"
The mech contemplated his answer. There was no point in lying or trying to avoid the question. Sierra had gotten very good at reading him and would recognize either attempt in the span of a human heart beat.
"I do not like this call. And I do not like the fact that you are with me this time."
Tension and irritation. He had been expecting both, and was just thankful as he made another sharp turn that no ordinary car and driver could have managed that so far he seemed to have avoided her anger. "This does not sound like the doing of humans, and I would not want you in danger you are unable to face."
Another thump on his dash. "When are you going to learn that I am full of surprises? Just drive- I can handle myself."
Yes, she could handle herself, Prowls failing processor mused. But it would seem that he no longer had the talent for predicting what his enemy was going to do. The fact that it had been some time since he had gone head to head with this particular set of foes was irrelevant.
He had a matter of human minutes before he lost enough energon to be critical, then not much longer after that he would finish fading, perhaps into the peace that he had been seeking all this time.
Sierra would be all right. He had gotten the emergency call in, and the Decepticons were long gone by now. The energy he had spared on a scan granted him the peace he now felt. She was merely unconscious, slightly battered and bruised, and when she woke she would be sore. But she would live.
Prowl allowed himself to slide toward oblivion. He was not completely satisfied- he had not been able to discover what the Decepticons had been doing here. But for the moment they were gone, and an alert had been sent to Autobots. An alert he hoped they would heed, or at least look into. Much beyond that was beyond his ability, and he found himself content with that.
Discomfort and pain assaulted his senses, drawing him back to the world around him as he forced his processor to focus again. Sierra was up and she was doing something to him, touching him-
"No." The protest came out soft, weak as she worked.
"You're bleeding out, whatever it is."
"Hurt yourself."
"Too late." That flippant humor mingled with steely determination. "I'm not about to stand around and let you die or offline or whatever it is you do. I went through three partners to find someone I could work with, and I don't think they are about to give me another chance."
"Not worth it." Prowl protested. His audios were still functioning just fine and he could hear the burning of her skin as the refined energon struck it, burning away at her worse than any acid known to humans.
A derisive snort was the last thing he would recall.
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starsheild · 8 months
Partner: Part 5
Prowl waited quietly in front of Sierra's apartment. He knew she would not be expecting him, but he needed to do this. He had learned much of his partner over the past year, and there was no logical reason for her to spend this entire day alone like she had so many times before.
"You don't have to do this."
"I know." Prowl pulled into the same small parking lot of the same shelter where he had found her the year before. He waited as she climbed out and retrieved the bag, then transformed. Sierra paused, looking up at him.
"Why don't you transform any other time?"
Prowl looked up at the sky as his systems adjusted to the shift again. "There has been no need for me to transform into my root form while working with you. The belief that I am a police vehicle and nothing more has served us well in multiple situations."
"You know you are driving the chief nuts with that, refusing to do public appearances."
Prowl flicked his doorwings dismissively, momentarily capturing the humans complete attention as she studied the appendages. "He agreed to my terms when he accepted my services, and I have no desire to serve in any other capacity."
Sierra shook her head, making her way to the large rock at the edge of the clearing. It had been raining non-stop for over a week, and the large Transformers feet left deep impressions in the soggy earth as he followed. Someone was going to have a field day.
"Why did you choose here?"
Prowl considered his answer, knowing where the question sprang from. He was working a small, relatively backwater district, at a small station. If his goal was really to serve he could do so on a much broader scale in a larger district. In a bigger city. Prowl was sure that governments would be all over themselves to have his services at their disposal.
And the truth was, his answer was a selfish one. "I was tired."
Sierra nodded but didn't push any harder as she opened the bag and lined up the candles one by one. Prowl stood behind her, watching and counting quietly to himself.
Two white ones- one for each of her parents. A red one for her brother, Thomas. A blue one, for Melinda. Matches to light them all. The human studied the assembled candles. "Do you have a lighter?"
Prowl looked at the matches. His audios had picked up the sound of matchsticks inside. "I have something that will suffice…" He froze as a she pulled another candle from the bag and placed it with the others, this one black and white.
She said nothing else as she opened the matches and lit first candle, bowing her head in prayer before moving on to the next one. Prowl watched, as she prayed for the souls of those who were gone. She paused when she reached the end, looking at the last unlit candle.
Slowly Prowl reached out, the candle springing to life. For a moment he studied the flame, then bowed his head, offering his own soft prayer to Primus for the spark of the mech he'd loved.
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starsheild · 7 months
Firstborn: Chapter 2: True Friendship
Firstborn (3944 words) by StarRise Chapters: 2/15 Fandom: Transformers - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Jazz/Prowl (Transformers), Barricade/Ricochet (Transformers) Characters: Jazz (Transformers), Prowl (Transformers), Ricochet (Transformers), Barricade (Transformers) Summary: Prowl goes to visit his cousin and celebrate the emergence of his nephew. He never intended for the truths are revealed or the chain of events they set in motion to come to light…
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starsheild · 7 months
Firstborn: Chapter 6: Announcement
Firstborn (8961 words) by StarRise Chapters: 6/15 Fandom: Transformers - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Jazz/Prowl (Transformers), Barricade/Ricochet (Transformers) Characters: Jazz (Transformers), Prowl (Transformers), Ricochet (Transformers), Barricade (Transformers) Summary: Prowl goes to visit his cousin and celebrate the emergence of his nephew. He never intended for the truths are revealed or the chain of events they set in motion to come to light…
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starsheild · 7 months
Firstborn: Chapter 5: Gifts of the Moon
Firstborn (8025 words) by StarRise Chapters: 5/15 Fandom: Transformers - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Jazz/Prowl (Transformers), Barricade/Ricochet (Transformers) Characters: Jazz (Transformers), Prowl (Transformers), Ricochet (Transformers), Barricade (Transformers) Summary: Prowl goes to visit his cousin and celebrate the emergence of his nephew. He never intended for the truths are revealed or the chain of events they set in motion to come to light…
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