#start thinking about making the strawhats into vamps and then brain went 'william wiwi wisp is a hecata' and i got hard sidetracked</3
malevolententity · 4 months
broskis i kinda wanna translate PD into vampires. i know in my bones if i cracked open their mm sheets i could fully translate them to vtm sheets. because i already know that william is hecata/giovanni because duh. dakota is gangrel, he keeps collecting pets. no other option fits so perfectly my baby is a gangrel. vyncent might get shoved into malkavian because he would NOT be a fishmalk but boy is coded to all hell, and i dont want to make the greats be a diablerie after effect. hes just plural and got Snatched by a malk. and ashe is a tremere my boy is a fucking WIZARD.
i know these are their clans in my BONES
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