#started with the matsuda goof and then i couldnt shut up
b0n3m33l · 2 years
thinking about beyond birthday breaking out of prison (probably by faking his death or something of the sort) and then he shows up at taskforce HQ dressed as L
i dont normally make longish posts but i brain dumped so im putting a cut
this post is very disorganized O_O
why hasn’t B been thrown back in jail?
career criminal ?? hes a wammy kid maybe L keeps him around for the kira case as another brain to use on the contingency he cant leave the HQ building and if he doesn't help he goes back to the supermax (i just want my blorbos to blorb yknow) and i dont think L would intrinsically dislike B, an excuse to keep him close and rehabilitatable might make L feel better about the entire situation with his first two succsessors.
B would be both a major suck ass and a complete nuisance to L, anything to keep his attention and not necessarily because he likes L but because he likes bothering him incessantly. He’s still fascinated with L but working alongside him might make him less fantastical and untouchable as B’s upbringing would have made him out to be and that in it of itself is fascinating. There’s new previously unseen buttons to push. L would likely not engage or engage just enough to get Beyond back to working and give in when the workday is over.
he’d still want to one up L in some way though, maybe not to the extremes he used to but they’d get in spats sometimes trying to untangle the case so they end up cutting the string to pieces.
I think they’d also speak in languages besides english and japanese to talk about anything that could be related back to wammy’s. 
L would also be perturbed by B’s instance on dressing like him but would be satisfied with at least a change in shirt color for practicality in telling them apart.
 Matsuda wouldn't be able to tell the difference between L and B and B would get a kick out of lulling him into the false sense of security before doing something deranged
B: hello matsuda
Matsuda, clocking in: oh hello ryuzaki!
Matsuda: so whats on the agenda for today?
B: :)
Matsuda: ryuzaki? wait a second youre not-
B: gets on all fours and runs full speed at Matsuda
Matsuda: horrified yelling. his fate is sealed.
memory-less Light would be quite disturbed at the fact this serial killer just gets to hang around. I know Light seemed pretty ok with Wedy and Aiber but their crimes are aren’t on the same scale as murdering a whole child and two adults. I debate on whether he’d make a fuss about it but in the end Beyond is better under surveillance there at HQ than in a prison he’s proven to be escape-able.
 B might grow on him a little but there would be some distance put on by Light. Light also gets annoyed with B’s antics to bug L and therefore distracting from the case. They definitely get in a tussle once or twice because of it but Light stops picking physical fights when Beyond threatens to bite him. Which ends up in B provoking Light more as he’s also quite fascinating. 
Kira Light though would probably piece together that he has the shinigami eyes and try to kill him alongside L or snatch this feller up as a pawn for the new world.
I much prefer the latter option because of how evile they'd be together but that is another post.
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