#starting a HWR reader/phinks agenda
ddarker-dreams · 1 year
There’s an AU somewhere in which Anastasia’s type is dumb ppl and she falls for Phinks instead of Chrollo. Just. Imagine. She’s so dense and he’s so star struck it would take forever for them initially to get together. Phinks probably puts on Adam Sandler movie marathons for her—to which she doesn’t get nor like but hey. She probably makes him inedible food on the regular and he scarfs it down cause SHE made it for him. My favorite relationship dynamic is pretty strong GirlBoss with a himbo
you caught my attention in the first sentence alone ,, god this would be such a good dynamic. your mind is huge. omg. chrollo would be so sad too because wym him quoting shakespeare didn't effectively cause HWR reader to fall in love with him 😔 how could this BE...
i imagine it'd look something like this:
phinks, clenching his fists tight enough that his veins are almost popping out: will you... i mean... do you want to go out? with me?
HWR reader: that sounds agreeable.
phinks: :D !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HWR reader: what's our intended destination? i want to be adequately prepared for whatever job you have in mind.
phinks: D:
you're so right about phinks willingly endangering himself by eating HWR reader's cooking though. he's so brave. he'd probably just internally shrug and figure he's had worse, growing up in meteor city and all. the stars shining in HWR reader's eyes when he praises her 'creativity' makes the subsequent suffering worth it.
this made me think about one of the drafts from bloodlines, the scene where phinks meets HWR reader for the first time. his curse of always being a Silly Guy around her originates here.
You bowed your head and introduced yourself as well. 
“... Uh, are we s’posed to call you your highness?” Phinks was the next to speak up. Pakunoda shot him an unimpressed look whereas Shalnark fought back laughter. 
“I don’t think that’s necessary,” you responded after a moment’s silence. “Can I ask why you’d need to do that?” 
He jutted his thumb in Shalnark’s direction. “Shal said you’re royalty or something.” 
“Hey, I said akin to royalty, big difference,” This so-called ‘Shalnark’ corrected. Phinks flushed a shade of red that rivaled the blood staining his outfit. 
“You fucking— you set me up, didn’t you?” 
“If you properly used your ears, maybe this wouldn’t have happened—” 
They bickered at each other while Pakunoda got up and sat down next to you.
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