tastylemonbread · 2 years
THE a FR3SH taste of [dripping down your chin] !111
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Towards international statistical guidelines on the prevalence of trafficking in persons.
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This side event to the 55th Session of the United Nations Statistical Commission will support the agenda item on "data and indicators for the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development", notably SDG Indicator 16.2.2, by providing a first opportunity to discuss the challenges of prevalence estimates at a global level.
Every year, more than 50,000 people are identified as victims of trafficking in persons. Among them, many are supported, but little is known about those who remain in trafficking and exploitative situations, beyond the reach of authorities and protection services. SDG Indicator 16.2.2. on "Number of victims of human trafficking per 100,000 population, by sex, age and form of exploitation" aims at tracking the world's progress in reducing the prevalence of trafficking in persons, but no universal statistical standard yet exists to collect robust and comparable data on the actual scale of the phenomenon. The new #STATIP (Standard Tools for Analysis of Trafficking in Persons) project, conducted jointly, at the UN level, by the International Labour Organization (ILO), the UNODC - United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and the IOM - UN Migration aims to close that gap, by creating a #statisticalframework to define #traffickinginpersons for prevalence surveys, with submission to the United Nations Statistical Commission expected in 2026. This framework will facilitate the measurement of prevalence by improving the quality and consistency of local, national, regional and global Statistical estimates, and thereby providing reliable evidence to devise more effective and refined anti-trafficking policies.
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444names · 2 years
common names for flowers, herbs and plants
Acitom Ackchite Ackharn Aldoak Allenne Allia Alspbelus Alynia Aniket Anlenos Aplacket Aplagwoot Aplemulla Apped Ardfer Arice Arlilforia Arrops Arsewoose Asard Ashock Asilloweed Asiole Asson Astleyte Avevine Azole Babagweek Babirch Ballac Bambscres Baneedany Barlistmen Basanne Basticress Bayelidaf Bayllbet Beckier Beldelic Berchriver Beroseed Berroserry Berryle Birbirow Birds Biselloot Bitemoril Bitone Bitorn Blacamber Bladne Blagerns Blammon Blandaf Blandsnole Blaneed Blanikine Blanip Blanisop Blanne Blareek Blaver Bleaf Bleafria Bloweed Blowwoos Bluempart Blumelland Blumhamerb Bluxroak Bolemoomme Boxelum Boxwoom Brestisy Broastric Brotte Bruiterne Brumblum Burpleber Busankch Butterse Cabballber Cabitredge Caccaple Cackrash Candch Cangary Canuttlens Carch Cardtash Carickel Carseebper Catily Caton Celumpanes Cepaple Cepped Chald Chanowatia Chead Chimbinge Chitres Chivenak Cinnirb Clearrood Cluacart Coaket Cocket Coldhod Colybudzu Comahousaf Corad Cores Cormegon Corneflue Corry Corse Cosaf Coserry Cosmom Coweed Creat Credbinet Creed Creek Crootted Crosed Culanne Curipephit Curmaterb Curry Curvycle Custle Daliverry Damoseeber Daninette Derber Derch Derry Devinglace Drueaff Ducus Dyermworry Dynic Dythemoo Epint Falde Feavock Felebe Felworess Ferry Fevil Figgerch Fightsh Finde Fingglary Flowakudzu Foess Gallower Garadenot Garmairch Gilder Ginde Ginod Gloodia Glowerry Glowthevil Goldbull Goldilde Golkyth Golls Golue Gonfloweed Gonia Gonwood Graized Granistle Grash Greed Grestro Haddyhoak Hadoak Hadoldoak Hadwer Halmorash Handa Hartlet Hawamyrtle Healde Heapled Hedmump Hempeass Herbirch Herge Herlice Hoarlives Hogalderb Hogwer Hogwortle Holdtash Honderbea Honiane Hored Hostle Housh Hubered Hyampane Hydallanak Imerbea Inepper Ingarlium Ingeaf Ircildthis Irdens Isoary Istle Istleado Istnutly Isyrt Itergre Ivess Ketfly Ketrose Ketush Kierry Koastle Kosil Kunks Langcron Lanter Leber Ledbindal Leedgea Lemorry Lemostle Lequito Lewee Leweed Lilloot Limel Lionwoodil Liped Lipes Lonbecarks Loved Loweed Mahorn Maildhored Mapellil Maplea Mappeado Meflowst Milloweed Mindrose Minet Miset Mistrockly Momild Momme Mongeoak Monia Monose Morterwee Mortipeed Mosander Mulila Mustroon Napperry Nilleash Nisoweetur Nugart Nugraplen Nuttle Olead Olitte Onwood Orash Orchcaple Ordsbiter Oreek Ormaple Pallbeed Pandweek Parisminel Pater Paterry Pattle Pazalm Pazoter Pealowdaly Peaplere Peetherry Pefer Peflood Pepatwerns Pepionwoon Peple Pepperweet Picored Pightshar Pinthionsy Plackch Plaort Pleasilkat Pleed Plemush Pletter Pokamps Pokelife Pollic Popsial Posea Poseed Poseek Poser Price Priflue Priperne Purneed Radbush Radia Ragery Ragetty Rasia Renbernsy Renge Rennip Rhemerb Rhockress Rhucurne Ricket Rigorn Riscloweed Rivygreech Rosem Rosess Rowhibace Rufferb Rumpary Safmap Safricwer Sager Sagnower Saldbluaw Saldenna Sanot Sanria Sardse Sardsnod Scackred Scaple Scarlil Scoly Scory Screek Scress Scured Shouckly Sianleaf Sillow Smildo Snatwer Snefenple Snetberry Sofevinil Sowak Spans Spbeckweed Spberry Speparks Sperockoak Spigarlia Spint Splary Spoke Spurne Squeal Squitruft Statip Stionia Stleme Streed Stroad Stuberber Suckewelic Sucush Sugress Susharse Swater Swato Sweeca Sweed Sweedge Sweet Swellilber Swern Swine Swoot Sworn Tarry Thenoses Thice Thine Thiso Thivy Tonwood Tress Tubecabbar Tubox Tubric Tundery Vandle Vantathon Vinicoak Wallane Wamon Water Watoetroak Watorry Wattoe Wheaff Whickreed Whinnyher Whoreed Wilbudisy Wilder Wilkwerna Willobanle Windsnar Wingrap Winkchrive Winks Wooder Woosangloe Woote Worry Wortenist Yackwer Yacockler Yellnuttle Yelparry Yelweek Yerood Zinkwer
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bigrichreviews-blog · 6 years
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indosurta-blog · 7 years
Kami Melayani : Penjualan dan Service Kalibrasi
Produk Kami Seperti : Total Station, Digital Theodolite, Automatic Level, Prisma Polygon, Prisma Single, Pole Stick Prisma, Rambu Ukur, Alumunium Tripod, GPS, Kompas, Palu Geology, Pita Survey, Meteran, USB Cable, Battery & Charger, Mini Prisma, dll.
Service Kalibrasi : Melayani Kalibrasi Total Station, Digital Theodolite, Automatic Level Dengan Kualitas Dan Kalibrasi Terbaik Serta Ditangani Langsung Oleh Ahlinya Dan Di Berikan Sertifikat Kalibarsi. Mutu Dan Kualitas Terjamin Plus Biaya Terjangkau.
Detil Produk dan Spesifikasi Digital Theodolite Topcon DT-205L
  Digital Theodolite Topcon dengan daya pengamatan teknologi canggih dan sistem pengukuran sudut yang memukau serta dilengkapi perlindungan terhadap debu & air, Topcon Digital Theodolites yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya menawarkan kehandalan dan fleksibilitas dalam konstruksi dan rekayasa aplikasi Spesfikasi : Digital Theodolite Topcon DT-205 / DT-205L ( Laser) • Pembacaan : 1��� / 5 ” • Ketelitian : 5 ” • Pembesaran Lensa : 30x • Display : 2 Muka Digital Theodolite Topcon DT-209 / DT-209L ( Laser) • Pembacaan : 10” • Ketelitian : 9” • Pembesaran Lensa : 26x • Display : 1 Muka
Paket Termasuk : • 1 x Aluminium Tripod • 1 x Rambu Ukur 3 M
  Produk – Produk yang kami tawarkan seperti : Total Station, Digital Theodolite, Waterpass, GPS, Statip, Prisma Reflektor, Tribrach, Compass, Clinometer, Tandem, Palu Geologi, Meteran, Pita Survey, Rambu Ukur, Jalo / Pole Stick Prisma, dan berbagai alat survey lainnya.
Segeralah anda mengubungi kami yang senantiasa siap dalam memberikan pelayanan terbaik dan produk yang bermutu guna menunjang kebutuhan dan keberhasilan pekerjaan pengukuran anda. Kami tidak hanya sekedar menjual produk tetapi dukungan teknis untuk setiap produk yang kami jual. Dengan dukungan tim teknisi kami, kami berusaha memberikan pelayanan terbaik untuk customer.
Nama        : Endang Surya Rismana
Alamat      : (Manado) Perumahan Griya Paniki Indah
Jl. Dahlia Raya III No.5, Sulawesi Utara
Fax            : (0431)7242176
Telepon     : 0823 8939 1402
Pin BBM   : D41E05CB
Email         : [email protected]
DIGITAL THEODOLITE TOPCON DT-205L INDOSURTA MANADO Kami Melayani : Penjualan dan Service Kalibrasi Produk Kami Seperti : Total Station, Digital Theodolite, Automatic Level, Prisma Polygon, Prisma Single, Pole Stick Prisma, Rambu Ukur, Alumunium Tripod, GPS, Kompas, Palu Geology, Pita Survey, Meteran, USB Cable, Battery & Charger, Mini Prisma, dll.
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