#status. there’s no banquet in the world that doesn’t come to an end   /   :   queue.
karmicbound · 2 years
For the longest of time, Liyue had been the only land he wished to tread upon. It felt most natural, most at home. Not to mention - it kept him available at all times when needed. Except, he no longer harbors such responsibility ; and comes to the eventual decision that he can leave. Temporarily, of course. Regardless of his status or what he may proclaim, Liyue will always be his home. Still, he must admit that the change in scenery is quite lovely. The temperature is different, the colors of the surrounding nature, the way that individuals carry themselves. 
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Above all, he is curious about the food. There are many different dishes, a couple ingredients similar to the ones used back in Liyue. While he expected to run into some individuals the Traveler might have mentioned, he had not expected to run into such a familiar face so soon. “I did not expect to see you here,” mostly since he had heard a while ago that the Raiden Shogun hadn’t been one for public appearances so . . . mundane. Still, it is nice to see that he is not the only one rethinking their path. Going out of their way to explore, to learn and experience something new, no matter how mundane it may seem in the eyes of those who this daily. 
STARTER /   :   ft: Ei & Zhongli   :   /   @thunderous-shogun​​ !
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karmicbound · 2 years
Liyue is exceptionally quiet. Breathtaking, nonetheless. With a gentle breeze that brings a bit of relief from the tolerable heat as the sun begins to set. Vendors are beginning to clean up their stalls, tucking away what hasn’t sold - prepping it for the next day, if they had anything left at all. Zhongli watches idly as he makes his way home ; having decided to skip over the meal, and story telling portion of his night. 
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Especially since he has stayed much longer than usual in the Funeral Parlor.
And the initial plans were to go home. Make something simple, and get a bit of rest with a book in his hand. Quite a mundane night, perfect for someone that is attempting to mold their lives anew and live as the mortals do. Or at least, those were the plans he had lined out until golden eyes caught onto a familiar figure. One that he quietly approaches, and stops by while maintaining a respectable distance. Zhongli assumes that his presence is known, but he still keeps his voice rather gentle in order to avoid startling him. “You wouldn’t happen to have dinner plans tonight, would you?”
STARTER CALL /   :   ft: Caelum & Zhongli   :   /   @stygixlis​ !
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karmicbound · 3 years
The Kamisato siblings were left to carry the burden of their family name, and responsibilities. As the oldest brother, he wanted nothing more than to shoulder most of the weight in an attempt to keep the pressure off of his younger sister. Unfortunately, it has not been the most ideal of situation. In his attempts to shield her, he has created a temporary rift. Every so often, he can see the loneliness taking over - how her smile has lost its integrity with time. It is one thing to lose one’s mother and father, and another to lose a sibling that is still living, and breathing. Changes must be made, an acknowledgement and promise he made. Time heals, especially when the distance closes. Enough so, that he has begun to notice some... interesting signs. 
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Lips become pursed, chopsticks put down in favor of his drink. Eyes narrow in her direction, and he feels a pang at the pit of his stomach. Ah, he must admit that he has dreaded the day - but knew it was inevitable. Sometimes, he forgets that she has grown into a young lady. As opposed to the child he used to treat so delicately. “You’ve hardly touched your food,” comment is passive. Ayato has always been observant, and there have been times in the past where he has made the same statement. Mostly during winter, when one’s body falls to ailments more often, and easily. And one would think that he would stop there, as he always does. Until the corner of his mouth twitches into a smirk, concealed by the cup that lingers by his mouth. “In fact, you’ve hardly eaten at all this week.” Shifting in his seat, he leans back a bit ; head slightly tilted. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say my little sister has a crush.”
CLOSED STARTER /   :   ft: Ayaka & Ayato   :   /   @wcvensouls​​​​​​ !
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karmicbound · 2 years
“ maybe we can cuddle? you know, seeing as we’re already here… “ / from natsuki
Most people might not find this situation to be ideal. Cramped in a small room that only offers a bed that seems hardly enough for one person. And yet - he finds it to be perfect. Most of his clothes has already been removed, and is drying near the open window so that a gentle, cool breeze can flow into the room. It feels rather nice against his skin, especially since it is still a little bit damp due to little droplets of water still clinging to his hair long after their bath. The time to sleep has come, especially since they are expected to leave early in the morning. Their journey here had been a long one ; there is no doubt they are tired, with weeping bones that deserve a much bigger, and softer bed to spread their limbs on. 
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But how can he even consider sleeping, now? When all he can think about is wrapping his arms around Natsuki, and nestling his face against the back of his head. 
Soft laughter slips from his lips, and the Wanderer finally takes his spot behind him. Turned onto his side to make the most of the space - an arm sliding around Natsuki’s waist. “If you wish to cuddle, you can simply say so . . .” He is never going to deny him of any physical contact. Especially before they’re meant to sleep. Kazuha rather likes to feel and hold him close against himself. With a hum, he presses up against him. The warmth of their skin, and the breeze . . . he has reached cloud nine. Every bone, and muscle in his body is relaxed, and his mind is at ease as his eyelids flutter shut, his face nestling into the back of Natsuki’s head in order to breathe in his scent. “I love you.”  He could fall asleep just like this. /   /   @wcvensouls !
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karmicbound · 2 years
" i'm sorry i couldn't do more to protect you. " / from tomo to kazuha
Grief was fresh in his heart. Often times making it difficult to inhale - to keep himself from shaking, and his eyes from burning red as tears began to weld. 
Kazuha’s eyes would go distant. And in his mind, he would replay his failures over . . . and over again. Kazuha was a young master, and yet he acted like a spoiled child that knew nothing - one that could do nothing to help change and shape the fate of their depleting clan. Goodbyes were uttered before he was ready, and he would often times spare himself the humiliation of his voice cracking by soundlessly walking away. But what would have happened . . .? If he chose a different path . . . if he fought for them longer, harder . . . if he hadn’t run. Far too many times - he would recount the last conversations he had with his father and would find himself wanting nothing more than to go back in the past and apologize to him for his childish ignorance. 
As fate would have it, those burdens became lighter over time. No longer carrying enough weight to make Kazuha’s knees buckle. It is mostly because he found comfort in Tomo’s voice . . . his laughter. It never failed to make the wandering Samurai smile. For crystalflies to flutter in the pit of his stomach. Each time this happened, he would feel heat rise to his cheeks - and his heart would beat a bit faster. But it is when he would hear his name rolling off of his tongue while they invaded each other’s space and kept their hands upon one another, that it truly grounded him. As though they were the only two living souls existing in this world, entangled and burning brighter that a flame that has been stoked. 
Kazuha is familiar with death. No matter how much one loves another soul, the mind will forget overtime. It is their voice that is first forgotten. 
Desperation forced him to catch a dying vision that was expelling the last of it’s electro energy. Clutching it tight because he knew it would be the last of Tomo’s life he would feel close to his skin. No matter how much it burned, no matter how much he bled . . . he did not let go. It ached and often times left him weeping - mingling with tears of sorrow, grief and devastation that swore to break him. Countless nights were spent clutching the vision, going over his memories of Tomo over, and over again so that he could replay his voice as many times as he possibly could. Kazuha refused to forget this one - to lose the sound of his voice, of his laughter. 
Time does not forgive, nor does it show any mercy. Each time Kazuha wakes, he finds himself wondering if he had filled in the gaps and dreamed up something close to what Tomo sounded. Kazuha would lay there, and attempt to recall it even if he knew it wasn’t quite right. Tonight is not the same . . . tonight his eyelids flutter open, and for the first time - he doesn’t feel painfully alone. 
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There is a white bundle curled up against his thigh, purring as she sleeps. Purple Crystalflies cast a bit of light in the darkness that surrounds him. When had he even fallen asleep . . .? Ah. He must be much more exhausted than he had imagined. 
“I’m sorry I couldn’t do more to protect you.” 
No warning comes as the flood of emotions rush forward. Leaving him to choke down a sob that threatens to rip his heart out if he allows it to escape. 
Physical trauma is often times easy to decipher. Depending on the extent of an injury, it is easy to foresee what complications will come before death looms like a shadow. But a pain that derives from the heart and soul . . . how can anyone medicate, or foresee how the body and mind would react? Kazuha feels himself freeze. Pain lodged in his throat as his eyes remain shut tight to keep the tears from falling. He can’t even bring himself to breathe - feeling his lungs burning, and aching for a breath. His body reacts before he can process with his mind ; forcing him to finally exhale and gasp in a breath. In that same breath, a pathetic sob breaks the silence. An ache so deep, a wanderer might assume the echo is an injured animal seeking salvation. 
Salvation does not come, but in agony there is relief. Many years were spent attempting to stitch together something akin to what Tomo sounded. To the way he used to call out for him - the way he used to whisper his name when they were tangled in each other’s arms underneath the moonlight. Kazuha’s dream is fleeting, and the presence has disappeared as quickly and as suddenly as it had appeared, but he knows that what he heard was his voice. And Kazuha swears to treasure it, to hold it in his memory and in his heart in the same manner he held a dying vision that nearly burned a hole into his very bones. / / @wcvensouls
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karmicbound · 2 years
In reality, he shouldn’t have been so overly concerned . . . 
This was Barbatos, after all. Though he lives in the mortal realm under a new name and title, there is no denying nor disputing the level of power and potential that still exists underneath such a carefree demeanor.  Such playfulness has irked the Yaksha. 
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With a simple turn, the Primordial Jade Winged Spear turns in his hand - flicked in the next second in order to shed off some of the blood that tainted the weapon. “You should be more comfortable.” Tone has an audible bite, his eyes sharp and unwavering as he stares at the Anemo Archon. “They’re unpredictable.” As they both know, of course. Albeit, he really shouldn’t expect that anything would have happened to him. Really, it’s just that he can be a bit of a paranoid individual, especially since those who were once around him had dropped like flies . . . maybe he still holds some worries that more will follow. Sigh escapes his lips, shoulders finally relaxing. 
Honey gold eyes avert, a bit embarrassed that he had scolded the Anemo Archon. Clearing his throat, he allows the weapon in his hand to disappear. “I . . .” Well, perhaps he should apologize for being a but much - but, he swallows it down. “Am glad to see you are still well, after all this time.”
STARTER CALL /   :   ft: Xiao & Venti   :   /   @skyblcsscd​ !
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karmicbound · 2 years
Once in a while, he allows himself to be a bit selfish. Distancing himself away from Liyue for a short, and temporary time in order to seek out his own temptations, and relief. Albeit, he always stays close enough to sense whether he was needed or not - and thus far ; he is not needed. Hopefully, no one does anytime soon. 
Dragon Spine always has what he needs. Fresh fallen snow that is akin to the dreams he used to be forced to devour. When the craving becomes too strong, he might sometimes find himself here. Gloved fingers scooping up the snow, practically shoveled into his mouth. And as it melts ; so does the craving he once had. Slowly, but surely - it leaves his system . . . and it completely leaves his system when his attention turns. Movements are sharp, which means there was a split second where he had left his guard down and he had suddenly picked up on something. 
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Xiao knows the history of this mountain. Knows the monsters that are scattered all across, and those Agents that invade in an attempt to seek something out. 
Fingers fasten around his polearm, but he notes that the footsteps aren’t hurried, or clumsy. Nor are they heavy enough to indicate something larger. Which of course, helps to calm him down, until he notes that the other person is that - a person. While they have a vision that helps them fend for themselves a bit more, it confuses the Yaksha as to why anyone would want to be here. After all, the cold is brutal. Hypothermia kicks in incredibly quick, and is more likely to kill someone than anything that has taken this place to be their habitat. With a click of his tongue, the polearm is lowered. “Don’t you know it’s dangerous up here?”
PLOTTED STARTER. /   :   ft: Albedo & Xiao   :   /   @alchemicalbalance​​​ !
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karmicbound · 2 years
���This is going to hurt, but I need to clean that.” (for giyuu!)
Kanzaburou is slow. To no fault of its own - it’s older, forgetful - Giyuu worries, but often times doesn’t expect for aid to come in time. By then, he has already patched himself up to the best of his abilities. And while he wouldn’t have minded doing it on his own again ; he can’t deny that he’s grateful. It’s one thing bandage a gash to slow down or stop the bleeding, or to cauterize what won’t stop bleeding quick enough. 
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It’s another when the wound has shrapnel that is sticking to the blood, stinging much more than he’d like to admit. Before being bandaged, it needs to be cleaned. Giyuu understands this, and he merely nods. “Mm.” Bit of tension appears, his back straightening and his shoulders squaring as he braces for the inevitable. However, there’s a pause - dark eyes flitting towards the other. “Thank you,” he’s not so sure that he would have been able to get the entire thing himself, admittedly. And, well - he appreciates that Haru is taking their time to lend him a hand. Maybe when the dust clears, Giyuu will show his gratitude by gifting them a sewing kit. @slayersaided !
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karmicbound · 2 years
Guilt . . . it replaces the adrenaline that had been pumping through his veins moments ago. Lips parted, chest heaving as he attempts to catch his breath, and regain his composure with wide eyes. Control had been lost, temper flaring out of control as he allowed grief, anger, injustice and failure to rear their ugly heads.
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Someone had been taken from him, and the only thing he walked away with . . . an empty vision, and a hand marred with the scars of gripping an electro vision that was going haywire. Everything had gone back to normal. The archon of their nation is revered, her soldiers resuming their lives. But what about those, who lost something during an unnecessary time of war? Those who survived had their visions returned, yet it doesn’t change anything. Kazuha remembers those who gave away their lives by wielding a delusion that was far too much for their bodies to handle. Withering away, in hopes that they would turn the tides in their favor. 
Even now, with his heart drumming within his ears, and his blood rushing . . . he can hear the snap of a bow, and the whistle of an arrow cutting through the air before it lodged into someone’s back. The wind carried the scent of blood, and through it ; he could hear the fading heartbeats that bled out onto the sand. 
A sharp breath is inhaled, as tears sting and threaten to spill. What good would tears do? It brings back no one, it doesn’t heal the life long injuries they’ve been damned with, it doesn’t reverse the harrowing effects a delusion has on someone’s body and soul. “I’m sorry,” it’s a genuine apology. Crimson eyes raise, and focus on Lumine ; clearly looking her over to ensure he didn’t land a blow that left behind an injury. Of everyone to take out his emotions on, why Lumine? Kazuha knows she’s strong. Stronger than he could have ever imagined, but it gave him no right. Except - it hadn’t been intentional. Kazuha would never intentionally raise his sword against her, except when they spar. “I . . .” a heavy sigh falls from his lips, and his shoulders drop as his eyes flit away, seemingly defeated. “I’m sorry, Lumine.”
PLOTTED STARTER. /   :   ft: Lumine & Kazuha   :   /   @lunaetis​ !
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karmicbound · 2 years
 Slumber that he had slipped into, should have been a permanent one. Encased in Noctilucous Jade so that his body could repair the damages that were undeniably fatal. And yet - there is a surge of energy that finally allows the Yaksha to regain some semblance of consciousness. It took a while to fully awaken. 
Even then, his senses remained dull. Bleary eyes repeatedly blinked in an attempt to bring the world around him into focus, but the darkness does not help in the slightest. Instead, he follows the energy that is buzzing through the air. A subtle, fleeting energy that he had sensed once more before . . . it had ricocheted - sent a vibration of energy through his body that stirred him awake. Menogias can feel that it will soon fade, lest the Geo energy is used once more within this very proximity.  Except, it is not needed. 
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“Bosacius,” he should not be surprised with how hoarse his voice sounds. How long has it been since his vocal cords had been of any use? Once more, he blinks in an attempt to make the other Yaksha’s image appear much clearer before him. It is mostly the stature that he goes by, as well as the glow of golden, except . . . no, everything is wrong. Their height is similar enough, but even he can make out the lack of limbs. The hair is longer, much longer. The realization sinks in, and the reality dawns on him. He, Menogias - General Kapisas is the Geo Yaksha. What he is following is a power similar to his own, resting within the same category. He was not following Electro, he was not feeling the static electricity tingling that would make his finger tips tingle and his hair defy gravity . . . 
Memories that are blurred together, identities that he has lost with time, start to reveal themselves to him. Guilt claws at his chest, scratching the burdened soul that resides underneath. “Where . . .?” Had he strayed far from home - had his own confusion and momentary error caused him to wander away from Liyue?
STARTER /   :   ft: Itto & Menogias   :   /   @kanedoji​ !
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karmicbound · 2 years
Heizou knows that Aether has his eyes on him. Whether he’s looking at him in general, or looking at the bare skin that the Detective oh so confidently shows - he knows. This is because Heizou cannot keep his own eyes off of Aether. Heizou had heard tales of the infamous Traveler, but why hadn’t anyone warned him that he was out worldly gorgeous? Hmph, unfair. But Heizou is just as unfair . . . and it makes him stretch his arms up above his head, back slightly arching. More skin is revealed, hardly leaving much to the imagination - not that much has to be imagined, anymore. 
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“Mm . . . We deserve a break.” While the stretch had been done on purpose, to tease and taunt - it ended up making him realize how long they have been out and about for without taking a break to eat, or even sit. “Why don’t we get ourselves something to eat?” Corners of his lips pull up into a smile, one that reaches his eyes and makes them practically sparkle. “Maybe afterwards, we can take a nap under our favorite tree.” Which is quickly becoming his favorite way to take his breaks nowadays. Curled up around one another, protected by the shade as the gentle, cool breeze lulls them off to a deep, but temporary slumber. 
STARTER  /   :   ft: Aether & Heizou   :   /   @ironbloodcd​ !
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karmicbound · 3 years
Once, in a life that seemed ages ago, Kazuha considered it incredibly difficult to separate from Natsuki. However, it now seemed impossible. Teyvat was once an unpredictable place, with dangers that they shouldered, endured and survived together. One could have assumed that after the Vision Decree, life would truly begin to settle down. Truthfully, the wanderer never would have expected that those times would be much easier than their current life. And while he had difficulties volunteering to go and find food for the day, he knew he had to. Kazuha is quick and silent on his feet, able to enter and leave a spot with little to no trouble. An acquired skill from when he had been trained under his deceased Master, and from evading those that had a warrant for his arrest shortly after his friend’s death. 
Separation has proven fruitful, especially because there had been no instance where he had to draw his sword. While he wishes he would have found a bit more supplies than he had, it’s a start. In the following days, it can be revisited with the others.
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While they went through his findings in order to prepare a filling dinner for that night, he snuck away. Politely, he would greet those he would come by, but it’s clear that he is searching for someone in specific, and... well, Natsuki has always stood out. Even in a crowd where it is difficult to decipher anything - he always stands out to Kazuha. Immediately, his demeanor changes. A wife smile spreading across his face, his footsteps suddenly picking up in speed until his arms are wrapped tight around Natsuki’s taller, familiar frame. Seeing him is a relief. Because even if Kazuha had been the one to go out, it doesn’t mean the danger decreases. Every so often, he’d turn in the direction of their camp, hoping to detect if anything was wrong, should their camp ever be attacked while he’s away. “I brought you a gift.” It wasn’t much... but upon seeing it, he knew he had to bring it back for him. 
CLOSED STARTER /   :   ft: Natsuki & Kazuha   :   /   @wcvensouls​​​​​​​ !
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karmicbound · 3 years
This is the furthest they have ever been away from their casa. While it’s strange and even a bit unnerving at times, it’s undeniably freeing not to be under their abuela’s scrutinizing gaze every waking moment. Camilo is curious by nature, highly energetic and theatrical. Having to sit and watch, let Dolores use her gift to see whether their assumptions were correct or not, was difficult. Really, it wouldn’t surprise him if the rumors were true. Strangers running amok, creating chaos in an attempt to throw off la familia Madrigal, in hopes that their gazes would avert from the candle so that they can take it ( and more than likely, claim their individual gifts for themselves ). 
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“Dolores...” Tone is a bit more hushed than usual. Mostly, because Camilo is aware that she’s tapping into her gift, making her hearing all the more sensitive. “Mi hermana favorita...” Corners of his mouth pull into a wide grin, perking up in the makeshift seat that he has made for himself. All this spying around - exhausting. “Why don’t we take a break, get something to eat?” On their little journey, he had seen many food stalls. Fresh chicharrones, lechon con pan... he’s practically salivating at the thought of all the goodies he can stack up on a single plate. “If you don’t want to walk too far, there’s a spot nearby that’s selling papas rellena.” Surely, that ought to win her over. 
CLOSED STARTER /   :   ft: Dolores & Camilo   :   /   @wcvensouls​​​​​ !
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karmicbound · 3 years
lumine & kazuha, " stay on your side or the abyss will help me set this bed on fire." (': you're welcome
If there is anything that Kazuha is exceptional at, it’s minding his own space. When it is ruthlessly pouring, Kazuha seeks out shelter. Other creatures do, too. Finding solace in a cave that is dry, and warm in comparison to the outside. Often times, they huddle up into their own corner. Kazuha wouldn’t run an animal out, lest he had to stand his ground because the animal was more vicious than most he has run into. Or, there are times when he helps the villagers with a daunting task - and they offer him a place to sleep. There, he ensures to take as little space as he physically can. 
Keeping a respectable distance from Lumine is no different. Kazuha has no intentions on invading her space, of making her uncomfortable. Already, he has gotten comfortable where he will sleep for the rest of the night. Limbs curled, arms tucked around him as he nestles his face into the pillow. There is no doubt, that he will be in this exact spot and position when he wakes in the morning. Unless, he had a reason for his hand to extend towards the hilt of his sword. 
Hearing her statement, the wanderer’s eyebrows pull together before one raises. Well, it’s not as if he had any intentions on leaving his side to begin with. To know that she feels so strongly about the slim chance of him rolling onto her side in the midst of his sleep, he decides that perhaps... sharing a bed is not the best plan they have. 
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Luckily, he had not gotten too comfortable. Mostly, because he was still wide awake and would most likely have to lull himself off to sleep. “There is no need,” he figures that she might not rest too well in his company. That perhaps, without his company, she would be able to get a good night of sleep. Something that everyone is deserving of - who is he to take that away? Using his legs, he swings them off as he sits up. Front of his clothes adjusted, a bandaged hand running downwards to help smooth out any invisible wrinkles that might have formed while he laid down. “The bed is too soft for me, anyways. You take it.” Partial truth. Kazuha is used to laying down on a hard surface, but it doesn’t mean that he cannot appreciate the warmth and softness that a bed, pillow and blanket can bring. Something, he can go without for another night. 
Sword is tucked away, and he turns to her with the ghost of a smile present on his lips. “I hope you sleep well.” Truly, he means it. Especially when the world is filled with unexplainable horrors nowadays, ones that haunt anyone’s dreams. “I will be staying nearby.” He won’t wander off too far. “I will see you in the morning, for breakfast.”
INBOX MEME / :   ft: Lumine & Kazuha   :   /   @viiators​​​​​​​ !
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karmicbound · 2 years
When he is questioned by the Traveler and their companion, his presence at the Chasm is denied. Feigning innocence, ignorance - all with a twinge of amusement. However, the truth cannot be hidden between the two, nor lied about. They have spent eons together, fighting with one another and protecting each other. There is no doubt, nor uncertainty in the former archon’s mind that the Conqueror of Demons would have recognized the very essence of his powers. It is why when he arrives, he doesn’t bother to explain his reasonings in the slightest. Zhongli doesn’t ask questions either. 
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“Xiao,” he calls out rather gently - knowing that his mind must be in shambles. Zhongli can only assume that something had been found deep within the Chasm, and he must deal with the situation lightly from the get go. At least, the former Archon knew where he would find the Yaksha. With a gentle smile pulling across his features, he stops - giving them a comfortable distance from one another, not wanting to overwhelm Xiao. After all, he is here to make sure that his state has gotten better, that he can make it better ; not worse. “I hope that you have been resting.” 
STARTER /   :   ft: Xiao & Zhongli   :   /   @kcrmariscn​ !
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karmicbound · 2 years
Here comes a clearly tired god, come to rest his chin on a certain someone's shoulder, letting out a tiny, and faintly grumpy, huff of breath.
//i've come to give you caelum, like you wanted, but you get his genshin god verse this time- It can be for anyone, really! If you'd like me to pick, let me know -3-
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The huff of breath is quite indicative. Enough to make the geo Archon chuckle, his lips curling into a subtle smile as he closes his eyes and tilts his head to the side in order to press their faces together. “I will not state a name . . .” Tone of his voice is a bit playful, the smile practically audible. “But someone sounds as though they are in dire need of some rest.” With a hum, Zhongli turns - arms tucking themselves around the other in order to maintain the closeness between their bodies. “I believe some tea is in order.” If only it were made quick. Zhongli takes quite a while to brew a cup of tea - six hours spent making a cup of absolute perfection. Time truly begins to tick away differently when one is immortal, and time seems all too abundant. At least, his intentions were in the right place.  “And after said tea, some rest.” @stygixlis !
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