#stavro's dream log
alalumin · 1 month
ΟΚΚ I am posting this before I go back to asleep and forget everything about it, but my dream today was so coool.
My dream was about this old 70s-80s sci-fi/fantasy franchise called "Stab Caesar" (lol amazing) because that was the name of the institution involved in most of the movies and series. The plot either followed a bunch of scientists or the children of some of them depending on the movie. It reminded me a bit of Star Trek the original series I think?
There were a lot of paranormal things that had to be dealt with, I think one the "movies" was called "Stab Caesar: The whale incident" and followed the kids as they escaped a practical effects whale as it made its way ON LAND eating pedestrians. One thing about this franchise was I think that there was a big kill count in every plot? And it got really grim and depressing at times but it was still played like it was all wacky. Like lol the lieutenant's father got possessed by an alien and after multiple failed experiments they realised he couldn't be brought back and had to be sent to the Empty Realm? Lol hilarious.
There were some recurring monsters too like an old witch the stole books from the children. Also just because I remember multiple plots doesn't mean I was in my dream watching entire movies and series, it was all kind of jumbled together but sometimes a title card played.
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alalumin · 9 months
Οκ χθες είδα όνειρο σχετικό με το παρά πέντε και δυστυχώς δε θυμάμαι τα περισσότερα άρθρα αλλά έχω ένα rundown:
Πρώτα από όλα τα περισσότερα γεγονότα έγιναν στο σπίτι των παππούδων μου το βράδυ (είναι μεγάλος ανοιχτός χώρος οπότε κριπι σετττινγκ). Η οικογένεια μου δεν ήταν εκεί, νομίζω όλα έγιναν όσο λείπαμε. Σε κάποια φάση ο Ανδρέας κάνει break in στη σπίτι γιατί οι πέντε ήταν μέσα και νομίζω καταφέρνει να τους απαγάγει όλους εκτός από τον Σπύρο (και τη Μαριλένα νομίζω;)
Νομίζω τους φέρνει στο γραφείο του Παυρινού αλλά από εκεί και πέρα δε θυμάμαι πολλά, κάποια στιγμή το σκάνε πάντως και σε κάποια φάση έγινε κάτι που εμπόδιζε από να τους ξαναπιάσουν, είτε οι πέντε απήγαγαν πάλι τον Νίκο είτε κάτι με την αστυνομία.
Το καλύτερο σημείο είναι όταν η Αγγέλα μαθαίνει ότι δε μπορούν να της κάνουν τίποτα και επιστρέφει στο γραφείο για να δώσει στον Ανδρέα ένα χαστούκι και φεύγει 😭
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alalumin · 11 months
My dreams are wild, why did I dream my family got a sea home and it was attacked by zombies 😭 There was a whole plot and everything.
In the end I think we ended up vibing with the zombies though. We are not giving up that sea home that easily
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alalumin · 7 months
Wait I was about to go to sleep but I finally remembered my dream from last night! We are returning to my grandparents village to meet with a relative we haven't seen in a while and they came out as a trans woman (which did happen but not with the relative the dream was about??). They said they felt more comfortable to do it because of me, and they implied I was transmasc which confused my parents but I was happy about.
This is the second dream I've had where I am transmasc what does this mean???
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alalumin · 11 months
Grandparent divorce is wild, I dreamt I was trying to keep them from seeing each other while on the same house for a family event.
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