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Steve trying to teach Eddie how to cook, yet Steve hasn't arrived yet so they're communicating over the walkies, they forgot to switch the channel so everyone is hearing they're conversation, Eddie groans " how the fuck am I suppose to know when the water is boiling or when the stove is even on baby girl " he watches the pot filled with water, it standing still an the stove being off, Steve sighs " well you watching it will take longer, an when the burner is red or the sound of sizzling a little bit, you've gotta make sure the stove is on also " he quickly gets in the car to head over, hoping Eddie won't burn himself or the place down, he fumbles with his keys a bit, but eventually gets them in an starts driving home, Eddie looks at the stove, noticing that it's neither red or on, he turns it on as he chuckles nervously " well for starters I should of checked if I turned the stove on, my bad baby girl " he laughs again as he hears a loud dramatic sigh from the walkie, Dustin and the others exchange weird looks, he coughs " uh Steve, why does Eddie call you baby girl " he ponders a he waits for a response, Steve goes wide eyed " shit Ed's we forgot to switch channels, an Henderson you little shithead, that's none of your business now go back to your research or something " he rolls his eyes as his face is bright red as he walks through the door an over to Eddie, Eddie laughs " oops my bad baby girl, I guess they know now, better now then never " he smiles at Steve as he hugs him, Steve rolls his eyes " your lucky I actually love you, otherwise I would of just kicked your ass " he mumbles but snuggles into Eddie, Eddie laughs harder " the only ass getting kicked here is yours, cuz last time I checked I'm the one who pinned you against that wall " he smirks proudly as he kisses the top of Steve's head and cheek, Steve blushes an shakes his head, mumbling a true as he finishes the cooking, they then eat while discussing on what Dustin will interrogate them with later, probably with loads of questions that Steve won't answer, cuz he knows damn well he's not going to explain why Eddie calls him baby girl, an Eddie of course will tease Steve with a bunch of nicknames that he calls Steve, such as Princess,Baby girl,sweetheart, sweetcheeks, puppy an many more to come, Steve of course will probably be so red that he'll need to rinse his face with cold water but he won't admit it right away, he in fact likes the nicknames, especially Stevie, he's a sucker for that one an baby girl, Eddie never fails to make him smile with those ones or at all, happy to make the only Harrington that's his happy and the only one he loves, Steve of course lives Eddie, he's his freak and he's proud of it, he will be forever.
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rogerzsteven · 2 years
This week!!! Sickfic with a twist
"You got a nasty cold, don't you?" Eddie smiles softly and rubs tiny circles on Buck's back.
Buck's lips move but a weak, undistinguishable mumble comes out, and his eyes roll back as they flutter close.
Eddie's seen Buck sick many times, but none of them were like this, he was never this weak. But now it's almost like he's…out of it. Not there.
He swallows down the worry sitting in his throat and shakes Buck one more time, firmer this time. "Hey, what's going on?"
Buck's eyelids raise halfway, revealing his tranced eyes, and Eddie hardly hears his slurred words. "H'rts."
So much for trying to keep a rein on his overflowing worry.
He brings his hand to comb Buck's loose curls, earning a whimper from him.
"Where does it hurt?" Eddie asks, his heart racing.
Buck tries to say something but he only manages a weak slur and his eyes flutter close again.
Something's wrong.
"Buck." Eddie raises his voice a notch to wake him up, lowering his hand and shaking Buck awake. "Where does it hurt?"
Tagging @prettyboybuckley @the-likesofus @spotsandsocks @ajunerose @lostinabuddiehaze @buddierights @swiftiediaz @monsterrae1 @swiftiebuckleys @elvensorceress @paranoidbean @jobairdxx @jacksadventuresinwriting @loveyourownsmiilee @kananjarus @megslovesbooks @steddieloves @fleurdebeton
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queenofheartz6 · 2 years
#steddielove #jancy
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writerbri-archive · 2 years
steddieloves >> writerbri
I experimented and I didn���t like it so I’m back to me
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Steve and Eddie goofing off and having some drinks, this is before they knew that the other liked them, Eddie, pretty goofy but not entirely drunk, Steve on the other hand, old party habits die slowly, so he's kinda out of it but something is a bit different, he's more clingy, touchy and always asking for a kiss, Eddie thinks that's just how he is with the girls, so he thinks Steve's just mistaken him as one, he sighs " I'm not a girl Harrington " an looks at the pretty boy in front of him, drunk off his ass but is still kinda knowing, Steve squints at Eddie an scoffs " I never s-said * hiccup * you were M-Munson " he grabs Eddie an kisses him " I said I wanted a kiss " , Eddie in shock, blinking but finally kisses back, that's they're very first " kinda " date that they constantly tease each other about but wouldn't change for the world, cuz they're in love and dorks but lovable dorks
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Eddie taking an adorable picture of his Princess, then tryna wake him up to eat breakfast or something, Steve groans " mm don't want to get up right now, shoo " he snuggles further under the blanket, you'd usually think he's a morning person but sometimes he just wants to stay in bed and say fuck it to everything else for awhile, Eddie always supports him on days when he's like this, he usually misses work, " alright Princess we can stay but I think you'd die if I left you " Eddie laughs as he gets back under the covers after sipping Steve's coffee he made, which will get cold, he wraps his arms around Steve and holds him close, " your right, leave me and my world will end Munson " Steve giggles but it's true, his world would crumble faster than a cookie, he loves Eddie and glad Eddie supports him when he's like this, he enjoys it, he gets more snuggles and sweets, not that he already gets a ton, Eddie says he's spoiled, which he is, but the good kind, the kind Steve deserves after what happened with his parents, Eddie will never forgive them, he'll keep Steve safe just as much as Steve protects him, husbands that are happy and in love, an maybe sometimes Steve admits that he like being more the wife than husband, an Eddie loves it and finds it adorable
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Steve an Eddie constantly talking to each other, Steve with sappy pickup lines an cheesy little cute words, spilling his heart out to his favorite person he's hopelessly in love with, which is Eddie, then there's Eddie smirking an telling Steve how much he loves him but it's all dirty remarks, like Steve would say " those doughnuts with the cream filled center are so delicious " an Eddie's remark would be " ya but you'd be more delicious with my cream filled into your center " a ridiculous smirk on his face as he watches Steve turn bright red an choke on the drink he took a sip of, along the lines of that Steve loves Eddie's dirty remarks and sweet nicknames, an Eddie loves Steve's ridiculous cheesy an sappy, yet romantic pickup lines an words but most of all he loves that Steve shares how much he truly loves him, he thought he'd never have someone that he truly loves but Steve is the one for him, he never fails to let Steve know that either, he loves his baby girl
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Steve being the little bratty shit he is, playing with a lighter as Eddie glares at him the entire time, making it hard for him to focus on his DnD game, which causes Dustin to get frustrated, Kas just sighs, Gareth tries to get Eddie to focus but ends up making Eddie say " not my fault that little shits a fucking tease an a brat when it comes to waiting for awhile, he knows how to get what he wants " he growls loudly for Steve to hear, which just causes Steve to smirk smugly, he even lays on his stomach an does downward dog just to show his ass off to Eddie, Eddie scratches his table, leaving more marks in it than usual, he's not gonna explain where the rest came from, the only person who knows is Steve, cuz well there from him, Steve groans an whines " mm bored, can't you play with me, instead " as he crawls between Eddie's legs an lays his head in his lap, Eddie threads his fingers through Steve's hair, pulling it harshly, causing Steve to moan into Eddie's leg muffledly, he smirks as he then let's go an continues playing his game, Steve whining loudly as he puckers his lips and pouts sadly, he wants Eddie's attention so badly, he continues to be a brat and whine, Eddie is still trying to focus on playing, he doesn't wanna stop an bend Steve over his lap an spank his ass for being such a whiney brat, but he absolutely wants nothing more than to do it but not in front of everyone, Steve doesn't do anything with Eddie in front of people but he swears Steve wants him to have people know that Harrington here likes dick, specifically his curly haired freak self, but he's not letting Steve get his way, nope not now an probably never, he wants Steve all to himself, nobody else can touch him, he gets jealous easily over that, an he swears Steve does it on purpose, which he's correct, Steve loves making Eddie jealous, so he goes over to Gareth and whines like a puppy, Gareth smiles " I think the puppy here is getting restless " he laughs as he pets Steve like you would a dog, Steve leans into it a bit, happy to get some attention, Eddie growls lowly as he stares " Gareth if you wanna keep that hand, I suggest you stop touching him " he'd be foaming if he could, Dustin gasps " woah Eddie calm down, we're in the middle of the game " trying to calm him down, Gareth removes his hand, he doesn't wanna lose his hand or get on Eddie's bad side, Steve whimpers as he whines, he crawls to Eddie, if he's not gonna get attention then he'll just stay by Eddie, he gets on to Eddie's lap an curls up, he whines sadly as he stares at Eddie, Eddie looks at Steve, it nearly breaks his heart seeing his baby girl so upset, seeing his eyes water an Steve's doe face, he gives in, he pets Steve as he sits him up an holds him close, making Steve straddle him, he sighs " I'm sorry Princess we can take a break and I can give you cuddles and kisses, I promise " he kisses Steve's cheek, Steve smiles as he whines happily this time, he leans into Eddie's touch and kisses as he snuggles into him, Eddie staying true to his promise, gives Steve kisses and cuddles throughout the game while he plays, he hates losing but he hates seeing his Stevie upset more than anything, so he tries to keep that from happening, so Steve being upset is pretty much rare, Eddie kisses the top of Steve's head an holds him close, whispering quite loudly " I love you my little puppy, even tho your a little shit, I swear " he smiles widely as he growls but chuckles, Steve smiling widely as well " I love you too Eddie Bear, not my fault, I know exactly how to get what I want " he smirks while kissing Eddie's cheek, he then snuggles into him, they snuggle each other and are extremely happy with each other.
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Steve admiring more of Eddie's hands and his rings, he always touches them or holds them, he just loves Eddie and the way he holds his hand, he fiddles with his rings whenever they hold hands, it's honestly a habit bit it relaxes him as well, an to top it off Eddie doesn't mind, which is a win win situation for him, he's not only fond of Eddie's many rings, he's also found of a new one Eddie wears, it's not extremely new but it's close, it's a decently sized silver band that has red and pink specs in certain light, it's his wedding ring, Steve's is the same, he wears it all the time, just like Eddie wears his all the time, even when he takes off his others, to show people, he keeps it on, an when they ask, he smiles so widely and proudly says " it's my wedding ring to my lovely husband/wife cuz he's basically the mom of our group " an he talks awhile about Steve, Steve usually sits there smiling, admiring how much Eddie thinks about him and how much he loves him, which is honestly amazing, he's never been so lucky to have someone like Eddie, he'll be honest an say he's never thought about this but he's happy this is how everything worked out, he'd never change it ever, he often stares at his own ring, with pure love and joy, he knows that even without the rings, he'd still feel the same and still adore Eddie regardless, he knows Eddie feels the same way cuz he's asked about, what if they didn't have the rings, an he smiled so much that day from Eddie's answer, happy and in love with him forever.
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Steve and Eddie just chilling and holding hands as they're taking a break from they're kids, they're kids are all at Robin's house for a few weeks, cuz they insisted, all because Robin got a new puppy, Steve and Eddie don't mind cuz they get a few days to relax an do what they want with each other, even if it's just being in each other's presence, which they enjoy a lot, they talk about memories and stuff they've done together, an stuff they want to do, like go on more dates, go places, walk they're dogs everywhere, they're absolutely happy with the free time to do that stuff, they break out into a pillow fight and laugh, arguing about stupid shit but it's all just playing, they'd never say anything hurtful on purpose, they've had serious fights but in the end they always make up an love each other, it's never serious to where they'll split or break up, never in Steve's words and I'll kill you in Eddie's words but it's simply just cuz they don't wanna lose one another, they're each other's soul mates, love of they're lives, now they're tangled up in bed, snuggling, holding hands an resting in matching pajamas, Steve snuggles into Eddie's side, as Eddie has his arm wrapped around Steve pulling him up closer an kissing his cheek as he sighs happily, they cats an dogs laying at they're feet, sleeping peacefully as they relax, turning on a movie to watch but they just chat an laugh more then watching it.
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Steve loves horses, he literally makes any excuse just to walk down an say hi to all the ones in the pasture a few blocks down from they're house, the lady there doesn't mind either, she enjoys the company since her kids rarely visit and her husband left, so Steve's been checking on her an the horses, helping out, the horses all love him as well, in they're own way, the youngest horse is Snickers, he's a bit grown but he's still considered a foal, he always messes with Steve whenever he's tryna feed him or brush him, always moving with energy, but Steve's come to realize that Snickers likes to be scratched and to have someone to take the time to help him calm down some, another horse that has fancied Steve is Petal, a beautiful white mare, sweet as can be, she doesn't like it whenever Steve leaves, she follows him all the time, she's never had anyone ride her, cuz they simply assume that she just won't let them, except she let's Steve ride her, an only him, like they have a kind of bond that would most likely make Petal sad if she didn't at least know Steve was there, Eddie sighs " where are you going this time? " he looks at Steve as he watches him put his shoes on, wondering where he goes everytime he goes out, besides getting groceries an etc, which they already went, so what would it be now, Steve smiles " just out, your free to come with, in fact I'd love for you to come " he looks over at Eddie, eventually walking to him, grabbing his hand an walks out the door, Eddie grunts as he's kinda dragged by Steve, wondering where they're going, finally Steve stops and walks into the pasture with Eddie, Eddie looks confused " a pasture is what you like to go see, what's so special here, well besides me " he smirks as he questions Steve, Steve laughs " well your not wrong but the horses here are amazing especially Petal, she's the sweetest " he explains as he looks around, eventually a white horse canters over an stops, snorting into Steve's sweater, she then snorts at Eddie as she stands there, Steve pets her muzzle gently " it's her, this is Petal " he says as he carefully grabs Eddie's hand an sets it on Petal's muzzle, which she snorts an neighs happily, Eddie smiles " wow so this is why you come, she's so pretty, not as much as you but she's up there " he pets her softly as he looks at Steve and then Petal, Steve laughs as he nods, they stay petting her for awhile, untilled she walks around, they hop onto the fence and watch the clouds as the slowly move by, Steve leaning into Eddie as he smiles and sighs happily and is relaxed, they also watch the other horses, such majestic cheaters that are also breathtakingly beautiful to admire, just like Eddie does with Steve and vice versa.
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Steve and Eddie in matching Stitch pajamas, Steve is Angel cuz he loves pink and Eddie calls him Angel a lot, which Steve replies with Stitch sometimes and it makes Eddie smile, as its ridiculously romantic to Steve and he's glad that he gets to be the only one that witnesses it, they do ridiculously cheesy stuff when it's just them, matching pajamas, nicknames, romantic gestures, they always exchange kisses throughout the day, Eddie knows Steve can't go more than almost an hour without a kiss, like whenever Steve goes to work, he has to have a kiss from Eddie before he leaves, otherwise he feels incomplete an won't focus on anything really, he almost got fired once cuz Eddie forgot bit it's fine now cuz Eddie never forgets, Steve always kisses Eddie as well, regardless if it's for anything, they just enjoy the others presence, enough to express it to each other, they even hug and hold hands, it's honestly the cutest thing ever when you see them, it literally melts your heart, seeing them happy, makes them happy as well.
I know it's short but I'm currently working on a story that might just be the best one I've made, so bare with me, an I don't wanna forget to post cuz I try daily, also my inspiration is a little dry but I'm going to at least try until I get my inspiration back to normal ~ Stevie
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Steve whenever the others are talking about Eddie, he always has to get in on it, sure he acts uninterested bit h actually is, because well he's got a major crush on him, Robin knows this and so does Eddie but Eddie teases him all the time, sometimes even kisses Steve's cheek but he just thinks it's friendly and a thank you, Robin gets on him all the time with that, like " that's not friendly, he likes you Dingus " she looks at him, Steve huffs " he does not, he just does it to thank me, that's all " he furrows his eyebrows, Eddie shakes his head " she's right Stevie, I like you, like a lot " he walks over to Steve and kisses him, this time on the lips, Steve squeaks into the kiss, as he's surprised, he eventually kisses back tho an he's so happy, Eddie smirks NM into the kiss, picking Steve up an setting him on the counter, continuing to kiss him, Steve squeaks again as he wraps his arms around Eddie's shoulders, Robin clears her throat " as much as I'm happy that Steve has finally admitted, I don't wanna be a witness to what happens next, plus there's customers and children dingus " she walks off, Eddie pulls away as he laughs, Steve whimpers as he pouts, Eddie kisses his cheek " wr can continue later, pretty girl, or NB should I say Princess " he smirks as he notices Steve's face turning red, he walks off, Steve blushes as he gets back to work, trying not to think about Eddie but it's failed since he can only think about what happened.
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Whenever Steve and Eddie cuddle, they always end up in weird positions, tangled up into each other, they don't know how it happens bit it does, an it happens quite a lot, cuz they love to snuggle and cuddle most of the time, it's one of they're many favorite things to do, they literally cannot be seperated unless needed to, which even then they still wonder how the others doing, its honestly sweet, except whenever Eddie's with Dustin, all he asks or talks about mostly is Steve, Dustin kinda finds it funny to be honest, Steve's a complete puppy, his brown eyes always having puppy eyes whenever he's without Eddie, he follows him like a lost puppy as well, he even gets excited about the smallest things that Eddie does, it's so fucking adorable, Robin's words of course, the kids agree sometimes, other times they say ewwwwww or come on, an it's honestly funny but every kid does that Steve's come to realize that, but he purposely kisses Eddie in front of them every little bit, just to get that reaction and he finds it funny, Eddie laughs whenever it happens cuz he knows Steve does it on purpose but he also knows it's Steve's excuse to just kiss him, Steve loves Eddie's kisses, he lives for them just as much as he does for Eddie in general, Eddie's the same way, literally cannot stop giving what Steve wants, what can he say really? He's a sucker for his boy Stevie, he absolutely loves him to bits, an it's adorable.
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Steve mixing up his clothing style, trying new things, along with Eddie's help, Eddie suggested the fishnets, which Steve denied at first but Eddie made him cave in an at least try them, so he stands in the mirror and looks at himself, he smiles as he actually likes how they look, he then puts on a baggy yellow sweater, along with his shoes, Eddie smiles as he nods " looking good sweetheart, like always " getting up an wrapping his arms around Steve's waist from behind an kissing his cheek, taking in the sight of his beautiful boyfriend, I mean who wouldn't wanna piece of Steve, but Eddie won't let anyone but him have a piece, he gets to jealous and protective over it, he usually helps out with Steve's outfit whenever Steve would like to wear something more his style, an it's also an excuse for Steve to wear Eddie's clothes, which he steals and Eddie knows that, Steve walks downstairs an sits on the couch, he snuggles into Eddie as he hums softly, Eddie raises an eyebrow " are you wearing my red sweater sweetheart " looking at him, Steve blushes " mm m-maybe ya, w-why " he stutters shyly, he always does whenever he's shy or nervous. Eddie chuckles " thought so, it looks adorable on you, an I see someone's a bit shy sweetheart " he pulls Steve closer to him an give him a passionate kiss on the lips, Steve blushes as he smiles " mm j-just love your clothes, there so comfy, way more than some of mine " he blushes more ffrom the kiss, an it's true, his clothes aren't that comfy, he only has like a few that's considered comfortable, Eddie rubs Steve's back softly " that's cuz you always wear such tight clothes, I swear you do it, just to show off that ass of yours and you should be banned from it " he rambles on, he'd be lying if he said he didn't like the view when Steve does, but he knows that Steve doesn't wear them for that, Steve giggles " someone's jealous, but I like that " he smiles and snuggles Eddie, giving him kisses, they snuggle and chat for awhile before falling asleep, smiles on they're faces, dreaming about happy things, which is each other, all snuggled and tangled into each other.
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Steve standing on his tipy toes to kiss Eddie, cuz face it he's a bit taller than him bit he doesn't care, he'll do anything to get a kiss from Eddie, at first it was a joke, made by Eddie and Robin that Steve would do anything for a kiss and Eddie didn't believe her, so she smiled " Steve, would you do anything for a kiss from Eddie " she looks at him, waiting for an answer, Steve's face becomes pink as he stutters a bit " uh y-ya what d-do you need " he looks at Eddie as he stands up an waits, Eddie shakes his head, Robin smiles " he needs you to get a box of cookies " as she stands there, clearly there for her an not him, Steve nods " right okay, I'm on it " he turns around an jogs away to get said cookies, he returns with chocolate chip, an hands them to Eddie, he then stands kinda close an puckers his lips at Eddie, Eddie blinks as he then grabs a cookie and puts it in Steve's mouth, as he laughs, Steve pouts as he eats the cookie slowly, Robin steals the box an eats them, Eddie then smiles and kisses Steve deeply and passionately on his lips, pulling away a bit after, Steve whimpers at the loss as he stands there shocked, with cookie crumbs falling from his mouth an is on his lip, he blinks, his cheeks extremely red as he stares at Eddie, Eddie chuckles " you okay there sweetheart " as he looks at him, Steve swallows as he nods " yes I'm okay, what else do you need " he asks so quickly it's almost inaudible, Eddie laughs " listen sweetheart you don't need to do anything to get a kiss, Robin's just messing with you, you can have my kisses anytime and anywhere, I promise " he smiles, genuinely happy, Steve squeaks as he smiles, he quickly kisses Eddie repeatedly, mumbling " thank god, I can't stand waiting for one " he pulls away after, Eddie smirks " oh really bit I like your cute pouty puppy face Princess, it's so adorable " he pokes Steve's cheeks, Steve blushes brightly as he mumbles " shut it " he giggles after as he smiles and hugs Eddie, Eddie smiles and laughs as he holds him close, his adorable pouty puppy Stevie.
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