medusapelagia · 7 months
I only see my goals, I don't believe in failure
written for @steddiemicrofic November
(Title from 7 Years by Lukas Graham) Rating: Teen and Up Relationship: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson WT: no one Prompt: Rest WC: 387
“Where is all the rest?” Eddie inquires while looking at the sad little box with Steve’s possessions.
“The rest?” Steve asks, confused.
“Yeah. You know… your trophies, your medals…” Steve was always captain of some team and he won many competitions during the years, Eddie still remembers when he won the swimming competition and almost got into the US swimming team: the entire school celebrated him like a little good.
“Oh, that. I don’t have them anymore.” Steve shrugs, taking a few pairs of jeans and some ironed polos from the box.
“Excuse me, what?! Did you throw them away?” Eddie asks while he keeps searching for them in the box. They might be there, somewhere! Maybe not all of them, maybe just the one that Steve valued the most, but…
“Every couple of years I used to clean up my room from all the junk. Having fewer items helps you be more tied.” he explains with a wry smile and Eddie can tell immediately that, however true they are, those are not Steve’s words and they sound cruel.
Eddie always lived in a space smaller than Steve’s living room, but Wayne never complained about his room, even if it was a fucking mess of old posters, drawings, porno magazines, and dirty clothes!
“Don’t look at me like that!” Steve complains “It’s not like I won the fucking Olympics or something like that. They were cheap plastic medals!”
Eddie nods, not wanting to address the matter that clearly makes Steve uncomfortable, but feeling sad.
When they finally finish organizing their sides of the room they are sharing, Eddie’s wall is covered with posters, while Steve’s has just a little picture from Eddie’s graduation.
“You could hang your High School Diploma.” Eddie proposes, and Steve glares at him “So I’ll have to see every day that I barely graduated?”
Eddie bites his lips, struggling to find a way to make it better, then he sees the Polaroid camera that the kids gave him for his graduation, he grabs it and then hugs Steve, taking a blurry photo of them.
He shakes the picture until it dries and then he sticks it on Steve’s wall.
“I hope you like taking pictures because we are going to cover all the walls!” Eddie declares, Steve lowers his eyes and smiles shyly.
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medusapelagia · 7 months
written for @steddiemicrofic November
Rating: Teen and Up Relationship: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson WT: misunderstandig, anxiety Prompt: Rest WC: 387
Eddie is the kind of person who speaks with his hands, who gets entangled in the phone cable while he talks, who touches you while he speaks to you. In a word? Restless. He is restless even when he sleeps: he kicks the blankets and wakes up with his feet on the pillow and Steve never complains if he elbows him in the stomach during the night, he knows it’s just the way Eddie is. Steve loves the way Eddie’s eyes sparkle when he talks about D&D, or how his fingers mimic the solo of the song he likes the most at that moment: Eddie is electricity and living with him is quite an adventure. “My hero!” Eddie calls him and he blushes at the praise. When Eddie goes to see him at Family Video he moves around the shelf like a crazy butterfly and ends up hitting the candies they have near the checkout. It’s Robin who tells Steve that Eddie’s small behaviors are not just sweet but are hiding something more. “He has anxiety.” “Who?” “Eddie.” “What?” “He gets anxious and he has to move to burn the energy, that’s all I’m saying.” Steve stares at her, how come he never realized? “Don’t beat yourself, dingus, not everyone is used to dealing with monsters. Just be there for him and everything will be fine.” Steve feels like the worst boyfriend ever: how could he not have noticed that Eddie had anxiety? Their equilibrium breaks, and they start to fight for stupid things. “I want to help you! Can you understand that?!” Steve yells at the end of a particularly difficult discussion. “You want to help me with what?” “With your anxiety!” Eddie stills “So is this the point? You want to fix me and if you can’t fix me I’m not good?” “That’s not… Eddie!” The boy runs toward their room “I’m not your charity project!” “None said you were!” “You did it!” Steve hugs him from behind, he knows he shouldn't, Eddie hates to feel constricted, but it’s all he can do to stop him from leaving. “I’m sorry.” “Can you… can you hold me like this when things get… overwhelming?” “Is that what you need?” Eddie nods, and Steve holds him tighter: all he has ever wanted to do is hold him. Forever.
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