#stefania turkewich
valkyries-things · 4 months
“She was a Ukrainian composer, pianist, and musicologist. She is recognised as Ukraine’s first woman composer. She studied under multiple composers and musicians from 1914 til 1933. In 1933, she taught piano and became an accompanist at the Prague Conservatory and the year after, she defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic of Ukrainian folklore in Russian operas. She received her doctorate in musicology in 1934 and became the first woman from Galicia to receive a Doctor of Philosophy degree. She worked as a teacher of musical theory and piano at the Lviv Conservatory and became a member of the Union of Ukrainian Professional Musicians. She fled from the Soviets after the war, moving to southern Austria and then Italy, and then the UK (where she returned to composing).”
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annebrontesrequiem · 2 years
Found a new composer today! Stefania Turkewich-Lukianovych, a Ukranian composer from the 20th century - supposedly Ukraine’s first woman composer but that’s from Wikipedia so don’t quote me. I’ve only listened to her Symphony no. 1 so far, but it’s really beautiful and haunting. She wrote an opera, which I want to listen to next
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