wilddeoren-blog · 7 years
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paled fingers reach for the other as if reaching for a distant star, the woman before her so BRIGHT, worthy of admiration. far more than herself. touch falls upon a gentle curl of dark locks, scarred digits combing through ebony threads, smile lifting at each corner of her lips.    ‘  when i was a young girl -- i always wanted hair like yours.  ’    amber green eyes glisten with interest, silky strands falling from her palm.     ‘  soft with a little curl -- is this how it is when you wake up? it doesn’t stand up in every direction? not like you’ve walked through a viscous wind?  ’ // @stellaluminis​  ♡’d
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@stellaluminis cont. from x
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Janna gave the woman an understanding nod. The Wardens were a dying bunch and Nimia has given much for the world - she already did her duty bravely when she led the Fereldans to stop the fifth blight before it could spread out to other nations. For a moment, Janna even felt tempted to withdraw her proposition.
“ Nothing obliges you to accept my offer - you are a hero of great renown and reputation, one who might be accepted in this role… Though it will be a position of a limitted time. Ferelden would see the Inquisition dismantled today rather than tomorrow. It served its purpose, now it’s time to withdraw our forces, help our soldiers and agents start in life away from the Inquisition. Until then, until we would leave no power vacuum upon dismantlement, someone will have to represent it.”
Of course, it was an awful pity to dismantle the miracle of power and cooperation they built within months, though Janna knew that she would not be able to keep it forever. Besides, a large bulk of the Inquisition returned to the Chantry upon her election as Divine, including the majority of templars.
"I ask you to consider my request, though I would hate to ask you to give even more than you already did for the world.“
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historywalk-blog1 · 7 years
@stellaluminis. ragnar psc.
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        ‘ little warden! ’ she may yet be nimia to him one day. for now, she has to put up with that awful name. ‘ we were just drinking. to our latest victory! ’ 
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northgrit · 7 years
@stellaluminis. call.
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        ‘ d’you want these sweets or something? ’ he shakes the bowl in her general direction and a packet of skittles and a mars bar make a break for it. at this point in the day-- post-party, post-caring, post-everything-- balfour can’t muster the energy to pick either of them up. ‘ reckon the trick-or-treaters just skipped this year or something. ’ 
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historywalk-a-blog · 7 years
@stellaluminis. call (yann).
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        ‘ ... ’ it takes him a second to realise what she’s doing, and then, as if she hasn’t realised herself: ‘ warden-commander, that is my hair. ’ 
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balfourarchive · 7 years
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      ‘ promise me something, yeah? just, whatever goes down-- don’t get out of the car? ’ 
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sauveteeur-blog · 7 years
@stellaluminis​  starter call
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 he  shouldn’t  have  come  to  amaranthine.  he  knows,  it  was  a  stupid  idea;  nimia  had  every  reason,  would  have  every  right  to  call  the  guards  on  him  then  &&  there,  to  cut  him  down.  but  a  part  of  him  hoped,  or  dared  to.  perhaps  it  was  just  anxiety  which  made  him  believe  that  he  was  being  watched  as  he  waited  for  the  soldier  to  return  with  the  woman  he  once  had  the  privilege  to  call  a  friend.  the  woman  he  betrayed,  deceived,  manipulated.  maker,  was  this  a  stupid  idea.  he  felt  the  urge  to  turn  &&  run  as  fast  as  he  could,  he  very  nearly  acted  upon  it.  nervously  pacing  until  he  found  himself  facing  the  gates.  she  deserved  better  than  this.  she  didn’t  need  to  see  him  again.  eyes  close,  a  deep  breath  taken  in  &&  expelled  from  his  lungs.  was  that  not  why  he  was  there?  he  turns  on  his  heel  to  the  statue  of  andraste.  had  he  not  come  to  make  up  for  his  past  cowardice?  to  become  a  better  man  by  facing  the  consequences  of  his  actions?  jowan  knelt  down  before  the  statue,  a  thin  finger  raised  above  an  unlit  candle  at  the  prophet’s  feet  until  the  arcane  energy  flowing  from  him  lit  the  wick.  a  glance  hastily  cast  up  to  andraste’s  stony  visage,  fearing  that  might  be  sacrilege.  nimia’s  was  the  only  justice  which  jowan  had  any  faith  in.  her’s  the  only  forgiveness  he  sought  now,  though  that  seemed  wishful  thinking.  he  could  not  even  hope  to  earn  that.  pushing  himself  to  his  feet,  jowan’s  eyes  close,  his  hands  clasped  before  his  chest,  and  for  the  first  time  in  many  days,  months,  really,  he  begins  to  pray.
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ashenglory · 7 years
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❝    look,   y’  probably  mean  well  bu’                   I’m   jus’   REALLY  TIRED    of   everyone   askin’  me   if   ‘m   okay .     ❞  
@stellaluminis  ♥’d     //     ACCEPTING !    
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siirensung · 7 years
@ @ @
for every ‘@’ sent (anon or not) I WILL mention and post some positivity about a fellow tumblr user
i had to u kno i did
LISTEN TO ME BITCHES i love tage they are my Mother Fuckin Home Dog we’ve been friends for a million and ten years, all the way back to ari’s first start, because we were both eye emoji at each other’s fcs. because we’re sluts for pain. and aesthetic. and we’ve been friends ever since!! i love tage they always make me feel welcomed and desired here and they put up with my muse hopping and always display interest at my slightest ideas of muses, and of course the desire to kiss them, which is 100% extremely important. 15/10 would recommend to Everyone. also i love annoying the shit out of her it’s my favorite thing
did you know that zach is genuinely the kindest, softest, most enthusiastic lil shit on the planet?? like??? we’ve been playing together ever since their first grievous, and we have so many muses for them, including kaleesh qymaen with his squishy human mate obi-wan who he will Protect And Honor, as well as sith boys. who also kiss. shut up i want to kiss all of zach’s characters and i’ll find a way to do it. i left obi-wan for dragon age and mass effect and now i’m back and zach is so EXCITED TO SEE ME as if i never left, and i always feel kinda. awkward returning to my partners after leaving like. what if they feel abandoned? or moved on? or don’t want me back? all valid feelings but NO zach is so happy and they’re just. i need to stop drooling bye.
MIMI IS SO DAMN LOVING LIKE WHAT THE FUCK honestly i feel like a special snowflake whenever i talk to her like? how can that much love be in one (1) person?? where do you store it??? i feel like if i ever met her she would cuddle me up immediately and it would be So Great and you’re just a state away so I COULD DO IT. she’s always super excited to hear about my kids even if she has NO idea what i’m talking about bc it’s mass effect or star wars or something, but she’s so happy to hear about my developing thoughts and very enthusiastic about them. i love mimi fuck meup
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nodarlin-blog · 7 years
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        ‘ you sure you don’t know my friend, here? ’ she cants her head one way, then the other, eyeing the girl up for a moment or so. they’d sure looked pretty friendly when she’s come in. 
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herofate-blog · 7 years
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“    I  love  traveling  with  you,    Nimia,    I  really  do  but  are  you  cursed    ?    Is  there  a  particular  reason  why  we  keep  running  into  dragons  that  aren’t  the  Archdemon    ?    Even  the  little  ones  are  bit  much.    ”    Fire  has  seared  his  armour  and,    for  a  panic-stricken  moment,    he  fears  he  is  still  alight.    How  fitting  that  the  WORST  of  the  darkspawn  was  one  of  the  blighted  creatures    !    “    It  isn’t  a  mage  thing,    is  it    ?    ”
@stellaluminis  starter
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youngragnar-blog · 7 years
@stellaluminis. call.
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         ‘ are you pouting because i called you a lowlander, or because i’ve insulted you some other way? ’ 
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arrowhailed-blog · 7 years
@stellaluminis  /  elf buddies B)
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       “ you’re going to break your neck if you keep trying to make eye contact with me. ”  now, he could spare her the trouble and look down at her but, dareth’s a stubborn soul.  “ or at the very least you’ll grow sore from the effort. ”
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historywalk-a-blog · 7 years
@stellaluminis. call (hawke).
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        ‘ i think it’s funny, don’t you? ’ alyssa pauses for a moment before she explains, inspecting her bow with a small frown. she’s clearly unhappy with something she’s seen, and sets to righting it as she continues speaking. ‘ they all spent so long looking for us both and failed, only for us both to turn up out of our own free will when we felt like it. --how irritated must the lady seeker be with us, do you think? ’ 
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balfourarchive · 7 years
@stellaluminis. shippy sc.
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       ‘ i, ah-- ’ there’s a pause, and balfour passes the package in his hands from one to the other as if he’s anxious of the response he might get. ‘ i got something for you. in denerim. ’ 
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angoiss · 7 years
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      ‘ i can’t imagine you’re too popular around here, doing things like that. ’ 
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