#stevie and rose || 001
its-just-luci · 1 year
Chapter 23: Learning to Walk, Part I: Trial by Fire. 
(Stevie Nicks, Edge of Seventeen)
Following the successful splashdown of Apollo 31-R, and the recovery of her crew, preparations began for the rollout of Apollo’s successor program’s maiden voyage. The officially-unnamed RS-IC Lifter rocket, alongside its dummy upper stage began the slow trip out to the pad. While the first fully-functional lifter, RS-IC-001 Liberty, had been rolled out to fanfare earlier that year this booster was different. Lacking a cockpit, as well as landing gear, parachutes, and reuse hardware, this booster was destined for but a single use, demonstrating the aerodynamic stability of the Space Transportation System. It was with this mission in mind that a group of engineers, possibly working alongside Boeing, or North American, or Marietta, broke into the VAB and spray painted the unnamed boosters wing. Trial By Fire it read, and it would be one hell of a trial indeed.
Somewhat unamused, NASA continued their plans to roll out the booster for its january 1978 launch window. By new years, the rocket was on the pad, illuminated by the fluorescent lights surrounding the stack. Over the years, LC-39A and LC-39B had received a series of upgrades. These upgrades prepared the two pads to withstand the full thrust of the lifter’s 6 F-1A main engines, as well as  integrate more readily with the new crawler-transporters. These changes coincided with the wind-down of Project Apollo, happening silently in its wake, and preparing the cape for a new monolithic rocket to loom on its horizons.
STS-1 was to demonstrate the lifter’s aerodynamics and thermal protection system on a suborbital hop, proving the system ready for Liberty’s maiden voyage. As December became January, and days turned to weeks, the system was facing a number of problems. First, the boosters computers were refusing to cooperate, then the engines were misbehaving. As engineers solved one issue, it seemed two took their place. The launch slipped into February, but before long, pad technicians claimed to have gotten all the gremlins. The rocket began fueling up that morning, preparing for its first and final chance at glory. As it finished fueling its tanks, the countdown entered its final phase, and within minutes the rocket lifted off the pad with a thunderous roar even louder than that of the Soviet’s N1.
Public Affairs Officer: Liftoff, we have a liftoff, 45 minutes past the hour, STS-1 has cleared the tower!
The rocket rose into the heavens, slowly spinning to face its back towards the ground. Once the rocket had performed its roll maneuver, it began slowly pitching over, sending the nearly 500 ton mass simulator up and out over the Atlantic. Just over two minutes after liftoff, the rocket cut its main engines, separating the mass simulator and beginning a slow, pre-programmed, flip over maneuver. The rocket then acted as it would in a real flight, holding this attitude for the duration of its boostback burn, before nosing down towards the Earth below. The lifter was now in space, drifting nearly ninety miles overhead; Before long though it began its descent, punching through the Earth’s atmosphere and beginning its plunge towards the sea.
The heatshield held, and the booster sent back the oh so critical data it had been designed to collect. Without a pilot, however, the vehicle entered an uncontrolled spin at an altitude of 150,000 feet, breaking up before impacting the atlantic below. The vehicle had survived hellfire, but not its own aerodynamics; This however, was more than enough to convince NASA: The design was safe, and all subsequent STS flights would carry crew along to bring the booster back in one piece.
By year's end, STS would see yet another flight. This would be the first of two piloted missions carrying the same mass-simulator upper stage, and demonstrating flawlessly that piloted recovery could be performed. These flights also gave NASA their first look at what a booster coming back from space looked like, and to no one at the agency’s surprise, Liberty held up flawlessly. The booster would perform a second demonstration flight 4 months later, marking its first turnaround, and its second flight to space. Joe Engle, Fred Haise, Richard Truly and Charles Fullerton would all take their turn flying Liberty, gaining them the experience needed to eventually pilot a spacecraft down from orbit.
By 1979, the STS was ready for its first operational testflight. The first S-IIB, consisting of an External Tank and ERD was mated to the launcher, and Liberty began her next rollout to the pad. Her titanium skin was holding up well, easily handling the heat generated by the mach 6 entry she faced, and the supersonic mach 1.3 flight she sustained on her trips back to the KSC. Her jet engines were performing nominally, and as engineers had expected, her F-1A engines were holding up to repeated use flawlessly. Before long Liberty would need an engine refit, however this was still a few flights away; For now, the rocket sat alone on the launchpad, awaiting her crew to deliver the STS’s first orbital mission to space.
Launch Commentator: We are at T-minus ten minutes to flight. We can see Liberty’s six main engines performing their pre-planned gimbal check.
Capcom: Good Gimbal, Four-
Haise: Roger that.
Launch Commentator: We have a good gimbal check here at T-minus  eight minutes to liftoff.
If you turned off the mundane chatter of mission controllers, astronauts and commentators you would be hard pressed to determine that the vehicle was a new system. STS was performing near-flawlessly, and had been for multiple flights. Liberty proved to be a much less temperable beast than many had feared; This leaving few with doubts that this Saturn-derived lifter could perform its design-minimum of 8 flights per year. If all went well, the lifters were to be capable of nearly a dozen flights a year, if not more. This goal was still many years out, but NASA was quickly learning which repairs and refurbishments were necessary, and how often they would be needed.
The F-1A’s were appearing to have a much longer lifespan than previously anticipated. With each booster getting an annual checkup, or once per 8 flights, whichever came first, the engines were originally expected to be removed and refitted. While NASA intended to keep to this schedule early on, it appeared the engines may be able to fly nearly a dozen times without major refurbishments being needed; This would doubtless bring down operational and maintenance costs as the system matured, but even in its infancy, the Space Transportation System was showing major cost benefits over the Saturn V that preceded it.
Launch Commentator: As we approach the six minute mark, the crew access arm has retracted. Liberty’s ejection capsule has now been armed- and, in the case of an emergency, crews would be able to escape the rocket following an accident. We are inside the T-minus 5 minute window.
Capcom: Alright, vehicle’s fully pressurized, the External Tank is doing her job dang well.
Young: Roger good press, Houston-
Haise: And we’re glad to hear our payload upstairs is behaving-
Capcom: Good Aerodynamic Surfaces, Liberty.
Haise: Roger.
Launch Commentator: Spacecraft Communicator Dan Bradenstein has confirmed that the Lifter’s control surfaces are moving as intended, allowing the spacecraft to glide back to the launch site after deploying the external tank and engine capsule.
Launch Commentator: As we approach the one and a half minute mark, Crew members have closed and locked their helmet visors, allowing their personal oxygen supplies to activate in the case of a depressurization event-
Capcom: T-minus Sixty
Launch Commentator: Crews have switched the Lifter to internal guidance, allowing the vehicle to guide the astronauts onto their orbital track-
Capcom: 30.
Launch Commentator: The launch sequencer has now switched to allow auto sequence start, allowing Liberty to call the shots here-
Capcom: 12… 11… 10-
Launch Commentator: T-minus ten-
Capcom: 9… 8
Launch Commentator: 7… 6-
Capcom: Main engine startup-
Haise: Full throttle, darlin-
Launch Commentator: 4… 3… 2… 1-
Capcom: Bolt-fire
Launch Commentator: Liftoff, Liftoff of STS-4 on her way to orbit!
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(Liftoff of STS-4)
Launch Commentator: Liberty has cleared the tower!
Liberty continued her climb upwards, rolling over into a belly-up position as she pitched towards the rising sun. Fading into the clouds over the Floridian coast, all spectators could hear was the deafening crackle of her 6 main engines.
Haise: Okay Houston, we have shutdown of the center engines (unintelligible) ready to go.
Capcom: Roger, Liberty
Young: J-2 Ignition- Main engine shutdown-
Haise: Stage sep, and… … … yep, we got a good interstage separation-
Capcom: Roger that, 4.
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(S-IIB interstage. July 14, 1979.)
Young: Alright, easy does it, mark- nose up.
Haise: Ignition-
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(STS Lifter Liberty performs a boostback maneuver.)
Capcom: Roger, solid ignition Liberty, enjoy the view up there-
Haise: Don’t have to tell us twice- engines are healthy, T-minus 20 to MECO.
Young: MECO. On our way home, baby!
Launch Commentator: Space Lifter Liberty has performed its boostback maneuver and is now heading back to the launch site.
Lasting just under a minute, Liberty’s twin center engines throttled up once more and arrested the majority of her horizontal velocity, placing her on a course to just barely undershoot the Kennedy space center’s Shuttle and Lifter Landing Facilities (SLLF). Before long she had encountered the atmosphere, entering a brutal 2.7G entry corridor. Reaction control thrusters located on her nose and engine shrouds allowed the booster to remain in a steady, nose up attitude. This maximized her drag, whilst distributing the load evenly across the wing, ultimately minimizing stress on the lifter’s airframe.
Haise: 2.5… 2.6, leveling out
Young: Alright, 120,000 feet, leveling out.
Haise: Descending-
Haise: Thirty thousand, get em open for me
Young: Engine intake opened-
Capcom: Roger good intake open,
Haise: All engines running-
Launch Commentator: As we approach T-Plus three and a half minutes after separation, Lifter-Commander Fred Haise and Lifter-Pilot John Young have started Liberties 8 turbojet engines, allowing her to extend her range and return safely to the launch site.
Capcom: Go for return.
Young: Roger, engine out capability attained
Haise: We’re on glide slope now, babe.
The S-IIB continued upwards, pushing its trajectory higher and further out and across the atlantic. As the booster came into view from the space center crowds cheered as a triple sonic boom rang out; Liberty announced her presence, and with her came another announcement over the intercom.
Launch Commentator: We have a report of fairing deploy-
Haise: Gooooood Morning Florida!
Young: Woo-Hoo!
Capcom: Handing you off to L-Com, 4.
Landing Communicator: We see you on approach to the SLLF, Liberty.
Haise: Roger Visual, L-Com.
Young: Alignment cone start-
Liberty entered the heading alignment cone, allowing her to begin descending and adjusting to the correct heading for landing. Before long she had exited the alignment cone and commander Fred Haise took over manual control. John Young guided him down as he approached the runway-
Young: Alright looking good, 500.
Haise: Gonna get the gear-
Young: Good, 400.
Haise: Gettin down-
Young: Gear deployed- 250.
Young: Little high, little high
Haise: Roger-
Young: 100
Haise: Nosing down a hair-
Young: 60 feet
Young: 30 Feet
Young: 10… 9… 8… 7… 6… 5… 4- Touch.
Haise: Rear gear down.
Young: Keep her steady, nose down, nose down-
Haise: Down-
Young: 4, 3, 2-
Haise: Touch, chute deploy-
Landing Communicator: Congrats on a beautiful landing, Liberty. Your ERD made orbit just a few minutes ago-
Haise: Thanks a bunch!
As 1979 came to a close, Liberty would perform a fourth flight, demonstrating the capabilities of the system to deliver some 80 tons of ballast to orbit. While still shy of the system's potential payload, this demonstrated the capabilities necessary to fly the next mission, STS-6. The Kennedy and Marshall Space Flight Centers had their work cut out for them preparing the shuttle for its maiden voyage. Meanwhile across the globe, An N-1 rocket sat poised for launch at Baikonur, Kazakhstan. Sitting atop this rocket was a wholly new payload, Salyut 6. Salyut 6 was to depart dramatically from the designs of previous stations, being grown and adapted to the N1’s gargantuan capabilities.
The N1F leapt off the pad, roaring to life as its lunar bound predecessors had years before. The rocket rolled to its flight attitude, and soon dropped its first stage. The massive fairings would deploy to reveal a station module similar in shape to those before it, yet dramatically larger in size. The new station rivaled America’s Skylab, and would soon host crews of soviet cosmonauts conducting Earth and Space studies from within its hull.
The vehicle successfully reached orbit, deploying the nearly 70 ton Salyut 6 into orbit before flipping about face, and reentering Earth’s atmosphere. Baikonur had once again been filled with the deafening sound of thunder, and once more the silence returned. The dust settled and the USSR soon began preparations for the station's first crew, all the while in the United States, the KSC and MSFC prepared to debut the next element of the Space Transportation System: Kitty Hawk.
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abdicatedarchive · 4 years
Rose was up in her garage working on some old songs between her and Caleb when Stevie came by. She was wearing her glasses, and writing away making edits. “Hey babes” she said with a smile looking up, quickly packing the music sheets away, hoping the girl wouldn’t ask. “If you think I’m mystery girl, I hate to tell you that I just got a call from my doctor and I’ll still terminally straight” the girl teased. She took her uke out of her lap and put it down. “What brings you to my humble abode?” asked Rose.
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cardest · 3 years
Solar System playlist
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Look up!  It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s....the Solar System playlist.  Click play here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-iHPcxymC18LD_V5saMr7QzWS1Q3VAU6 
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What’s out there beyond our own planet? A mystery at every turn. Mercury to Pluto. The Sun and the Moon, even Phobos gets a mention here. So come by the Neptune Towers and enjoy this Solar System playlist.
001 Amorphis - Far From The Sun 002 The Beatles - here comes the sun   003 Swans - Song For The Sun 004 Mastodon - Once More 'Round The SunStiff Little Fingers 005 Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun 006 Isaac Hayes - Driving In The Sun 007 Tom Petty - dark of the sun 008 DREAMTIME - Sun 009 Circus Diablo - Red Sun Rising 010 Tiamat - The Sun Also Rises 011 Covenant - Bringer of the sixth sun 012 Agoraphobic Nosebleed - hung from the rising sun 013 Alice in Chains - When the Sun Rose Again 014 Lindemann - Children Of The Sun 015 Paradise Lost - Return to the Sun 016 Popol Vuh - Morning Sun 017 Spiritual Beggars - Blood Of The Sun 018 Queens Of The Stone Age - My God Is The Sun 019 TREMENTINA - Kisses in your eyes (Almost Reach The Sun ) 020 Voivod - Divine Sun 021 Blues Pills - Little Sun 022 Neurosis - Enemy of the Sun 023 Extol - Behold The Sun 024 Septic Flesh - Infernal Sun 025 Lamb of God - Straight For The Sun 026 Ensemble Economique - Red For The Sun 027 Black Sabbath - Under The Sun 028 Jesu - Opiate Sun 029 Orchid - Into the Sun 030 The Young Gods - Kissing The Sun 031 Iron Maiden - brighter than a thousand suns 032 Swans - I Am the Sun 033 Therion - Son Of The Sun 034 Sun Ra - Sun song 035 Pink Floyd - eclipse 036 Mike Patton - Eclipse Of The Sun 037 Bonnie Tyler - Total eclipse of the heart 038 God Is An Astronaut - First Day Of Sun 039 Elton John - Don’t let the sun go down on me 040 Eddie Fisher - Sunrise, Sunset 041 Hopscotch Songs - The Planets of our Solar System Song 042 Michael Schenker Group - Blood Of The Sun 043 Iron Maiden - total eclipse 044 Solefald - Sun I Call 045 Man or Astro-Man? - Antimatter Man 046 Kreator - when the sun burns 047 Creedence Clearwater Revival - bad moon rising 048 George Harrison - beware the darkness 049 Heretoir - To Follow The Sun 050 Cat Stevens - Moonshadow 051 Hypocrisy - Adjusting the Sun 052 Rush - Between Sun & Moon 053 Manfred Mann - blinded by the light 054 Sevendust - Black Out The Sun 055 Sunbeam Sound Machine - Real Life 056 Bill Withers - Ain’t no sunshine 057  Gwar - They Swallowed the Sun 058 Katatonia - Ghost Of The Sun 059 The Beatles - I’ll follow the sun 060 Sammy Hagar - little eclipse/sunshine 061 Stevie Wonder - you are the sunshine of my life 062 Pink Floyd - fat old sun 063 Sun Ra - Sunology 064 Mystic Sunship - out there 065 Cream - sunshine of my love 066 Diesto - High As The Sun 067 Sunwølf -  SOlar 068 Kyuss - Molten Universe 069 Moonspell - Shadow sun 070 Neurosis - A Sun That Never Sets 071 Therion - An Arrow From The Sun 072 Candlemass - The Killing Of The Sun 073 Xandria - Kill The Sun 074 Morgoth - Drowning Sun 075 Primordial - Wield Lightning to Split the Sun 076 Lake of Tears -When My Sun Comes Down 077 Jackie DeShannon - Where Does The Sun Go 078 Peter Criss - Down With The Sun 079 Walker Brothers - The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine Anymore 080 Devin Townsend - Midnight Sun 081 Sigh - Midnight Sun 082 Black Label Society -  Dark Side of the Sun 083 AMORPHIS - Moon and sun 084 Cynic - Moon Heart Sun Head 085 Sun Ra - Planet Earth 086 David Lynch - Sun Can't Be Seen No More Sarah No More 087 Opeth - Moon Above, Sun Below 088 The Eternal - A Quiet Death of The Sun 089 High On Fire - The Sunless Years 090 The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Third Stone From The Sun 091 Bruce Dickinson - Navigate The Seas of The Sun 092 Voivod - Mercury 093 Melechesh - Of Mercury And Mercury 094 Gustav Holst - Mercury, the Winged Messenger 095 Clutch - Mercury 096 Soilwork - Mercury shadow 097 Satyricon - Mental Mercury 098 Moonspell - Moon in mercury 099 Poisonblack - Mercury Falling 100 Alejandro Jodorowsky, Ronald Frangipane & Don Cherry - Venus (Vond) 101 Boney M - Nightflight to Venus 102 Red Hot Chili Peppers - Subway To Venus Nihal Chahdi 103 The Nefilim - Venus Decomposing 104 Electric Wizard -Venus In Furs 105 Popol Vuh -  Venus Principle 106 Bananarama - Venus Venus Mosquera 107  Apocalyptica -  The Shadow of Venus 108 Archgoat - Sodomator Of The Doomed Venus 109 Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio - Phosphorus Ascending Anthem of Venus 110 Gustav Holst - Venus, the Bringer of Peace 111 Billy Idol - Venus 112 Boyd Rice - Between Venus and Mars 113  Dee D. Jackson - Venus, the goddess of love 114 Therion - Dark Venus Persephone 115 T-Rex - Venus loons 116 Television - Venus 117 Paul McCartney and Wings - Venus and Mars & Rock Show - 118  Theatre of Tragedy - Venus 119 David Bowie - Space oddity 120 The Byrds - Spaceman 121 To-Mera - Earthbound 122 Borknagar -  Inherit the Earth 123 Devin Townsend - Earth 124 William Shatner - Planet Earth 125 Clutch -  Earth Rocker  Jen Rocker 126 DEVO - Planet Earth 127 Misfits - Earth AD 128 Les Baxter - Earth light 129 Louis and Bebe Barron - Come Back to Earth with Me 130 Tristania - Tender Trip on Earth 131  Joseph Arthur & The Lonely Astronauts -  Lonely Astronaut 132 Voivod - Target Earth 133 Samael -  Son of Earth 134 Billy Preston - Space race 135 Alice Cooper - Last Man On Earth 136 Agalloch -  ...and the Great Cold Death of the Earth 137 Deep Purple - space truckin 138 Steve Miller Band  - space cowboy 139 Crowbar -  Liquid Sky And Cold Black Earth 140 Jesu - Mother Earth 141 Devin Townsend - Earth Day 142 Animals as Leaders -  Earth Departure 143 Amorphis -  Enchanted by the Moon 144 Goatsnake -  House of the Moon 145 Elton John - Rocket man 146 Cramps -  Rock On The Moon 147 The Stranglers - Rok It To The Moon (Bonus Track) 148 Frank Sinitra - fly me to the moon 149 Blood Ceremony - Drawing Down the Moon 150 Elvis Presley - flaming star 151 Les Baxter - The other side of the moon 152 In Flames -  Moonshield 153 Ozzy Ozbourne - bark at the moon 154 Fields Of The Nephilim - Moonchild 155 Iron Maiden - Moonchild 156 Blue Oyster Cult - stairway to the stars 157 Voivod -Moonbeam Rider 158 The Black Crowes -Black Moon Creeping 159 Grand Magus - Silver Moon 160 AC DC - next to the moon Craig Norman 161 Manilla Road - fires on Mars James Daniel danke 162 Alejandro Jodorowsky, Ronald Frangipane & Don Cherry - Marz (Esla) 163 Entombed A.D. - Down To Mars To Ride 164 Grateful Daed - dark star 165 Orange Goblin -  Return To Mars 166 Ascension of the Watchers - Mars becoming 167 Styx - come sail away 168 Faith No More - Woodpecker From Mars 169 Kreator -  Mars Mantra 170 The Misfits -  Mars Attacks 171 Gustav Holst - Mars, the Bringer of War 172 Judas Priest - invader 173 Electric Wizard - Priestess Of Mars 174 Queen - Flash Gordon 175 Stone Temple Pilots - First Kiss On Mars 176 Hoodoo Gurus - mars needs guitars 177 War Of The Worlds ~  The Eve of the War 179 Noble Jackals, Penny Dreadfuls and the Systematic Dehumanization of Cool -  Mars Needs Women 180 Alice Cooper - Might As Well Be On Mars 181 Total Recall Jerry Goldsmith - First Dream (Total Recall) 182 Laibach -Mars On River Drina 183 Lantlôs - Neige de Mars 184 The Misfits -  Teenagers From Mars 185 Voivod -  Phobos 186  2001_ A Space Odyssey Theme Song (Also sprach Zarathustra) 187 Covenant -  Planetary black elements 188 Killing Joke -  Asteroid 189 Kyuss - Asteroid 190 Alejandro Jodorowsky, Ronald Frangipane & Don Cherry - Jupiter (Clen) 191 Blues Pills -  Jupiter 192 Samael -  Jupiterian Vibe 193 Earth Wind & Fire - Jupiter 194 Tumbleweed - Jupiter  Aje Morris 195  The Cure - Jupiter Crash 196 Devin Townsend -  Jupiter 197 Gustav Holst - Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity 198  Celestial Season - Jupiter 199 KATAKLYSM - EMBRACING EUROPA 200 David Bowie - I Took A Trip On a Gemini Spaceship 201 Isao Tomita - Space Fantasy 202 The Misfits -  Lost in Space 203 Gwar - Lust In Space 204 Alejandro Jodorowsky, Ronald Frangipane & Don Cherry - Saturn (Sal) 205 Älgarnas Trädgård - Rings Of Saturn 206 Electric Wizard - Saturn Dethroned 207 Les Baxter - [ Saturday night on saturn 208 While Heaven Wept -  Saturn And Sacrifice 209 Ash Pool -  On The Rings Of Saturn Adam And Eve Conceive Cain 210 Scott Kelly -  Saturn's Eye 211 Gustav Holst - Saturn, the Bringer of Old Age Ximenenes Y. Zeroth 212 Samael -  Born Under Saturn 213 The Devil's Blood -Everlasting Saturnalia 214 Stevie Wonder - Saturn 215 Circle - Saturnus Reality 216  R.E.M. -  Saturn Return 217  The B-52's - There's A Moon In The Sky (Called The Moon) 218  Fu Manchu - Saturn III 219 National Geographic Space Kit - The Eerie Sounds Of Saturn 220  AYREON - To the Solar System 221 Voivod -  Meteor 222 Alejandro Jodorowsky, Ronald Frangipane & Don Cherry - Uranus (Berg) 223  Klaatu- Anus Of Uranus 224 Arcturus -  Kinetic 225 Gustav Holst -  Uranus, the Magician 226  Cathedral - Suicide Asteroid 227  Movie Moment - Contact (First Contact) OST 228 Alejandro Jodorowsky, Ronald Frangipane & Don Cherry - Neptune (Axon) 229 Lisa Gerrard - Neptune 230 Neptune Towers - To Cold Void Desolation 231 Fu Manchu - Neptune's Convoy 232 Altar of Plagues -  Neptune Is Dead 233 Lenny Breau -  Neptune 234 Gustav Holst - Neptune, the Mystic 235  Darkthrone - Neptune Towers. 236 Neptune Sounds - Celestial Love Songs (NASA Voyager Recordings) 237  Jimi Hendrix - Valleys Of Neptune 238 Vista Chino -  Planets 1 & 2 239  DEATH - Vacant Planets 240 Black Sabbath - Planet Caravan 241 ZZ Top -  Planet of Women 242 Alejandro Jodorowsky, Ronald Frangipane & Don Cherry - Pluto (Lute) 243 Alchemist - Brumal - A View From Pluto 244 B 52s - Hallucinating Pluto 245 Charlie Hunter - Astronaut Love Triangle 246 YES - Arriving by UFO 247 Ramones - Zero Zero UFO 248  Jefferson Airplane - Have you seen the saucers 249 saxon - watching the sky 250 Devin Townsend -  Planet smasher 666 Voivod - Moonbeam Rider Hit play: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-iHPcxymC18LD_V5saMr7QzWS1Q3VAU6
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honevlove · 5 years
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✧・゚:* kenzie johnson a playlist *:・゚✧*
001. in my blood || shawn mendes 002. the cure || little mix 003. thumbs || sabrina carpenter 004. we remain || christina aguilera 005. sweet child o’ mine || guns n’ roses 006. head above water || avril lavigne 007. this is me || keala settle & the greatest showman ensemble 008. fight song || rachel platten 009. edge of seventeen || stevie nicks 010. livin’ on a prayer || bon jovi 011. brave || sara bareilles 012. la di da || lennon stella 013. waterloo || ABBA 014. summer of ‘69 || bryan adams 015. runaway || bon jovi 016. call me || blondie 017. rebel yell || billy idol 018. superwoman || alicia keys 019. unstoppable || sia 020. this one’s for the girls || martina mcbride
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abdicatedarchive · 4 years
Thread Finder C || Rose
Click Link Here
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abdicatedarchive · 4 years
Striking Vipers Show || Rose
I had too many tags to be included. Link Here
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