#stigitsune brainrot
nogitsune-is-a-simp · 2 years
Stigitsune headcanons pt. 1
This is such a silly little thing. Basically just little brain babies I have had about stigitsune. *very ooc Void (Nogitsune)*
Stiles is extremely affectionate (especially physical touch) and clings to Void/Nogitsune like a koala and demands attention from them like a really persistent ginger cat.
Void gives suuuuuuper soft forehead kisses to Stiles and looks at him with the warmest-and-gooeyest heart eyes ever (but he is most definitely certainly absolutely not in love with Stiles thank you very much.) (Void is a liar and is definitely in love with Stiles.)
Void is a SIMP. Like he is such a massive softie with Stiles that Stiles' entire pack genuinely forgets how crazy dangerous he is (until he says or does something that gives them all an abrupt reality check) and he dotes on Stiles like he's got holy light shining out of his ass.
PET NAMESSSSS omg they definitely have the most amazing pet names for each other. Like either really sweet and cute and mushy or downright filthy.
Stiles loves hugging Void's tails. Cuddling, snuggling into them at every opportunity. He loves hugging Void himself as well, but his tails are just ✨special✨. It probably has to do with how much trust Stiles knows it must take for Void to not only show them to him but also let him touch. Stiles understands just how significant and intimate this action is and so he always makes sure that Void is fully comfortable with it before he goes ahead. Void just chuckles affectionately and nudges him with his tails as a go-ahead (but he's secretly falling even more in love with Stiles because that's just so sweet and adorable and considerate of him) and then settles down with Stiles and watches him fondly as Stiles practically burrows himself into his tails. Stiles' awe and appreciation of Void's tails never fades and he always makes sure to compliment him.
Void always looks at Stiles with the fondest and warmest look in his eyes and at first everyone else around the pair was super weirded out because like, that is a 1000-year-old demon fox, and, isn't Void evil? Wasn't he supposed to be glaring? Shouldn't he be plotting all their collective imminent demises? That didn't look like the face of someone planning death and destruction. But then Void like looks at them and they're all just like "oh yeah no my bad you carry on your day good sir haha..." Because yeah Void is smitten for Stiles, but he is also still very much a threat. Just kept on a convenient collar and leash named Stiles. (sometimes literally😉😏) Though the "leash" in question was significantly less tight and morally and mentally stable than anyone would have liked.
Stiles looks at Void like he personally hung the moon and the stars and he absolutely adores him. The pack was also super weirded out about this because "Stiles he's evil" but then they saw how upset he got when they said that and combined with how good Void and Stiles were together, they collectively decided "fuck it" and left them be. I mean really what would they have done though??? because both Stiles and Void are insanely BAMF in their own right and together??? they would absolutely decimate anyone in their path.
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Stiles is Done™ (but ✨stigitsune✨)
The rest of it / the actual post: Stiles is Done™
Stiles: I don't need you casually presenting me with a DEAD BODY as a gift. Because you know what it seems like to me? It seems like "HERE'S A NEW DEAD BODY FOR YOU TO SPEND YOUR PRECIOUS AND EXTREMELY RARE FREE TIME TODAY HIDING FOR ABSOLUTELY NO CONCEIVABLE SANE REASON STILES" However, I really do love everything else you do though, and you help me a lot on everything and anything I could ask for, and I know you would do anything for me. And you do always help me hide the bodies afterwards, which is fun, so I won't lecture you. Just make sure you don't bring any more dead bodies inside okay? I love them, and your presentations are beautiful but the blood stains are so hard to remove and they stink up the place... Everyone except for Stiles and Void: *horrified looks* Void: *sighs in relief* I will refrain from presenting you with the gifts in our home then. Though, may I still leave them in other "indoor places", love? Stiles: Yes, of course darling, that has nothing to do with me. As long as I don't have to clean it up afterwards, I am always delighted by your gifts. Void: *makes pleased little rumbles* Everyone else: *horrified looks intensify*
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