#still deciding how deep into my delusions/rewrites their story is
creativly-anxious · 1 year
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Just some Shitty Teens getting into some Mischief
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ainelane · 3 years
Ianite in season 2 is so dynamic and interesting. The way I see her is a bit different from how she is presented in the story but I need it to be like that to feel right. Season 2 ianite was born to parents who assume they are normal mortals. Botan always had high aspirations and delusions but never managed to achieve much. A trait he shared with his eldest son Mianite which leads them both down their paths of domination(but that's a topic for another day.) As we later find out he does at least have some godly powers (why exactly he can absorb the powers of other gods even though gods shouldn't be able to kill each other is also another post) and Akemi who at first glance doesn't seem to have any divine powers just weaves magic into her blacksmithing. Either way to two mostly human parents, one pretty human eldest brother and a a vaguely demonic older brother, ianite was the most godly child in her home. Despite this ianite lived among mortals loved them protected them and ruled as queen not as god. She was the god that had the most humanity. So imagine you're ianite broken hearted and left behind by the love of your life. You retreat deep in the end and try to sleep but the constant calls of your followers abandonment of your son and the slaughter of your unprotected people during the blood moon. Endless suffering ianite the god with the most insight dreams are turned to endless nightmares and is forced to watch as a mosnterous form of yourself destroys your City. Dagrun as a city was built as a profession of Sparks love for Ianite. Its people were hard working loving and happy. Her children inherited the land and started their own family. Even if she left them alone she would never mean to hurt them. One day in the endless nightmares she wakes up to a ruckus outside her door. And the first thing she sees is Spark he's back and just as lovely as the day they met. In my head ianite doesn't just see the person in front of her she has to shift her way of seeing. Like narrowing your eyes to focus on something a bit closer. She wakes up after years of sleeping and is seeing all of the heroes not just as they are but with the shadows of the heroes she knows. What breaks her out of this is sparklez calling her 'my lady.' Spark always called her 'my love' she doesn't see sparklez as spark after that but, unlike the other alternate heroes sparklez is remarkably similar to sparkplug, a few more wrinkles and a bit of grey hair and he'd be just the man she lost. sometimes she can't help herself and loses herself in a moment a flirt that didn't land a gift that the voices in the captain's head pushed for but the captain pushed back. In her dreams the other her. The captain's ianite would frown and shake her head in disappointment. She could see into her heart and they both knew it couldn't go anywhere but Ianite still wanted something. That something that spark gave her. She's probably the one creature on this plane that understood everything's place in the grand scheme but here she was stuck craving love from someone out of reach, and trying to get the next best thing but hitting a wall at every chance. And in that turmoil ianite eventually shifts of the mortal coil and sorta kind dies but not really.
I'm a bit tired so this got too wordy so if I get some sleep and delete this its because I've decided to rewrite it all but with less.. well everything
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nerdbonerbarry · 7 years
The Red Spectacles (1987)
Having only seen Jin-Roh, I had a expectation that first film of the trilogy would have the same serious tone, and not be its polar opposite. I never been more entertained and dumbfounded by a film. I was in shock when the film decided to break the forth wall by having the main character escape from his movie set, but their decision to have the villain begin dancing afterwords made my mouth open. There were so many stupid moments in the film. Two separate moments had the main character needs to diarrhea. At the end of every serious moment of the film the film decides to put an dumb gag. The actors were such amateurs yet they put they’re all into it, like the annunciation of all the main villain’s line. This was a spectacle of creativity. 
The most brilliant part of this film was the fact that the story lead up to certain point, before it began unwinding to the beginning again, scene by scene. Revisiting each moment with different information is great. We learn that his comrades betrayed him and themselves, but then we realize this is all his delusions. In his last moments, he explores his deep fears of the loss of your morals and disobedience. How the rebellious attitudes towards the system loses over the time. I don’t know if he’s resentful for his friends, or is worried for them by his contradiction portrayals of them in his head.
Many unanswered questions still. Why did the director decide to film the actors running in place instead of actually running. I still don’t understand who the girl that is plastered on the walls of this dystopic world is. Why is the bag filled with red spectacles? But I have no qualm in watching this again to find out, and I’m looking forward to the second film Stray Dogs real soon.
(I had a lot of things to say about this great film, however I wrote it all in the draft that I accidentally deleted. To lazy to rewrite it all.)
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The fanfic I started writing today.
I’m rewriting season 4 of Sherlock, cause I was unsatisfied. To me all of season 4 was like Sherlocks memories and subconscious mixed. *By the way super sorry for any misspellings and grammar mistakes* “Snap out of it.. Sherlock, do you hear me?” John hovering over Sherlocks bed. “What on earth are you talking about John?” John looks at his watch, “you’ve been talking nonsense for about 3 hours straight!” Mycroft standing by the door, “It felt like 3 weeks.” Ms. Hudson wiping the sweat off Sherlocks forehead, “That poison really did a number on you Sherlock, John are you sure the antidote is working?” John was about to speak , but Mycroft interrupts, “My brother is merely experiencing some delusions from the antidote, he’ll be better in a day or two.” Sherlock try’s to sit up, but collapses back onto the bed, “What delusions?” Mycroft looks down at his umbrella, “when I asked you what happened. Tell me everything. You went on these stories that don’t even make sense.” John helped Sherlock sit up, Sherlock, “why does it even matter, you already know everything that actually happened, why should I tell you the truth?” Mycroft looked at Sherlock with a tilted head, “I need to know what happened so we can work together. To stop Jim.” John laughed, “Work together? You’ve been helping Jim Moriarty for the past 4 years. And when you finally admitted to it, Mary, who you didn’t warn us about, poisons Sherlock and he almost dies.” Sherlock smiles, staring at John, “So Mycroft, you really don’t know what happened? Do you?” Mycroft looking very annoyed, “all I know is what you told me.” John and Sherlock share a look and start laughing. John, “what he told you was so stupid!” Sherlock still giggling, “I didn’t think it was that bad.” John patting his shoulder, “your very out of it.” Ms. Hutson, “it really made nonsense, to be perfectly honest it think you should leave the storytelling to John.” Sherlock drinks the water John gives him, “What all was wrong with it?” Sherlock started to lean up against John.
“Well for one, Rosie?” As soon as John said the name Rosie, a red bloodhound comes running in and jumped onto the bed. Sherlock scratching behind her ears, “what about Rosie?” John started petting her, “you said she was our daughter, I mean Mary and I’s daughter…” Johns smile went away, “Sherlock you do know that when Mary gave birth.. she gave birth to a still born.” Ms. Hutson rubs Johns back, “it’s okay.” Rosie started licking his face. “Yes, John I remember,” Sherlock says as he stops Rosie from licking John. John sits down onto the bed and Sherlock leans even more into John, “John, to be perfectly honest, I don’t really know all that I said. I think my subconscious and my memories started mixing.” Ms. Hutson sits down into the chair Johns been sitting, “that makes more sense than all the things you said actually happened.” John chuckles, “Also, somehow come across this case, that ends up being about Mary’s flash drive. And Mary betrayed her team or something..” Ms. Hutson, “oh I thought, she thought of them like family. Why would she betray them?” John, “Well apparently Sherlock and I went to..um.. Samara? To confront Mary and then Ajay shows up talking about how Mary betrayed them. Then Mary says she didn’t know he was alive and all that stuff then she threatened to shoot him.” Mr. Hutson, “wait a minute were did the flash drive come from.” Mycroft, “it was inside a statue. Ajay put it there before the guards caught them. The whole thing seems like nonsense.” John, “Ajay went all around the city breaking them to find the flash drive. Which was a copy of my write up of TST.” Mycroft starts rubbing his forehead, “and let’s not forget, how completely fake, how impossible Mary’s death was. It was impossible for Mary to jump in front of the bullet in time, for her to get shot in the chest. Also with a bullet in the chest how on earth could she say that whole speech. It makes me angry, why would you try to make me believe that Sherlock.” Sherlock smiled and still drinking the water John gave him.
John looking at Sherlocks sweaty body says,“Wait a minute, didn’t you say that my therapist was also the girl I flirted with on the bus? How did I not notice they were the same person?” Ms. Hutson, “she was also one of Sherlocks clients and his sister. I’m shocked Sherlock didn’t notice that they looked so similar, he usually looks through everyone.” Rosie gets off Sherlock and Johns lap and goes to Mycroft to beg for the sandwich he’s eating. Sherlock looking disappointed that the dog left and says, “she was the master of disguise. Also I was very high.” Mycroft mumbles through the sandwich, “this is ballocks, how on earth could I not see her? Apparently I have a bunch of people watching you at all times, so how did I not see her once through my many camera and eyes throughout the city. By the way Sherlock, I don’t constantly watch you. I have better things todo, you know.” John looks up at Mycroft and signals Rosie to get back on the bed, “says the man who try to pay me to keep an eye on his brother.” Ms. Hutson looking at Mycroft with disgust, “you are rather creepy, And a rubbish big brother.” Mycroft dramatically brushes away Ms. Hutson, “well not all of us can be as amazing as you. You know like over powering a crazy crack head, do a high speed chase throughout London, and understanding Sherlock Homes better that his own brother.” Sherlock looks at Ms. Hutson, “Mycroft all of that is true.” Mycroft putting his hands on his hips, “excuse me?” John nodding in agreement, “She did all of that, I didn’t know she had it in her.” Sherlock takes some sips of the water, “Especially the understanding me part.” Ms. Hutson putting her hands on her hips to match Mycroft, “don’t take it personally love, your just a little unobservant when it comes to your brother.” Ms. Hutson leaves the bedroom to get some tea. Mycroft folds his arms and says in a mocking voice, “I though John understood you?” Sherlock looks up at John, he was resting on Johns shoulder, “John misinterprets many things.” John surprising to Mycroft didn’t seem to be insulted, he seemed amused. John chuckled, “also I have my own problems, for some reason I’m hallucinating Mary. Were there two of her?” Sherlock does a sassy wave, “I’m not certain. It doesn’t matter anyways, you stop seeing her once you confess that you wanted to cheat on her.” Ms. Hutson comes in with hot tea, “I remember that part, didn’t he start confessing once he heard that moan on Sherlocks phone.” John face turned into a mixture of jealousy and confusion, “yeah so you actually saved her?” Both Mycroft and Sherlock nod. John continues, “she texted you on your birthday, so do you and her actually keep in contact.. like often?” Sherlock shakes his head, “no I don’t keep in contact with her. The reason I saved her was because I don’t think I could deal with the guilt of knowing I could help someone and choose not to. I haven’t seen nor talked to her for the past 4 years.” Ms. Hutson starts passing tea out.
With everyone drinking there tea. John holding the tea, “also did you sister shoot me or..” Sherlock trying to remember, “it was a tranquilizer gun.. I think.” John taking some sips, “so your sister did all of this….” Mycroft interrupts, “lets not even try to understand the rest of Sherlocks ramblings at the end of his story.” Sherlock shrugs, “I started to fall asleep halfway through and it turned into a nightmare.” Everyone nodded and took a sip of there tea. John looks to Mycroft, “so do you guys really have a sister name Euros or was that also nonsense.” Mycroft and Sherlock share a look and agree to tell John. Mycroft, “yes we did.” John look scared, “did, was there any kinda of truth to Sherlocks story?” Mycroft starts telling John, “When we were all kids Euros and I were always more intelligent than Sherlock. We used to say he had the IQ of our dog, red beard.” John chimes in, “so he wasn’t a human.” Mycroft shakes his head, “No he was a dog, but he was Sherlocks best friend. Sherlock would always be out with that dog playing pirates. Then one day Euros decided to join them. She threw rocks at red bread, until the dog finally snapped. The dog attacked Euros and red bread had to be put down.” John looks down at the sad Sherlock, “did Euros die from the attack?” Mycroft continues, “no, but it left a pretty nasty scar. Our parents told Sherlock that red bread had to be put on to a farm up town. Sherlock believed them for a couple years, until him and Euros got into a fight and she told him what actually happened.” John finishing up his tea, “so what actually happened to her?” Mycroft takes a deep breath in, “Euros was a field agent, that’s one thing to call it, we were both on a mission. I was at base giving Euros orders, and telling her what to do. Euros always loved the adventure and the danger of being out on the field, there was no way stopping her from being doing that. I won’t go into the details of the mission, what happen was that it went wrong. Are enemies were threatened our base that contained thousands of people. They wanted us to abandon our mission and kill our field agents, so that we wouldn’t find anything. So we sent in one of our helicopters to the area, Euros didn’t expect anything. We told them that something went wrong and that we sent the helicopter to get them out of there. Euros and the rest of them lined up.. and they all died.” John with a disgusted look on his face, “you kill your sister.” Mycroft with tearful eyes, “it was either a group of 3 people and my sister or thousands of lives. My choice was clear. When I told Sherlock and our parents what happened Sherlock knew exactly what really happened. Went off, left the um.. agency and became a junky and solved crimes for Scotland yard. Well you know the rest. So I might have failed one of the siblings, but I don’t want to fail this one.” Sherlock who was apparently staring at John the entire time Mycroft was talking, “told you he was a rubbish brother.”
Sherlock who was starting to fade in and out again got tucked back into bed. Mycroft sits on the edge of the bed next to John, “hopefully he won’t start telling stories again.” John smiles looking at Sherlock, “yeah, but you have to give him credit for being very creative.” Mycroft, “I really need to know the actual story.” John finally looks Mycroft in the eyes, “why should I trust you?” Mycroft look John up and down, “what do you have to lose.” John moles it over for a little bit, but then stares at Sherlock and looks Mycroft in the eyes again. “Okay I’ll tell you what I know.”
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