#still got RSI (and im on hols!) so no new doodles this time either RIP
darqx · 5 years
It ain’t no big thing
(just show them a little swing). In which there’s a Lady Rire cosplay 101 and how to pronounce Lucien.
❗️For commonly asked qs please see my BTD FAQ
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I pronounce it as “loo-shyen” with a soft “sh”, though “loo-syen” is also acceptable.
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(❁´▽`❁)*✲゚* Ah i’m so happy to hear that! And it would be really cool to see that cosplayed if you could manage it (she’s...a bit more difficult lol)! I can’t draw a 101 currently but here’s a photoset of what basic elements her design is made up of:
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Lady Rire actually has medium/long hair, it’s just in an updo
Black sunglasses
Dark grey shoulderless long sleeve top (the sleeve cuffs are same as original demon Rire design) with subtle lace patterning at neck area
Yellow brooch from original design, but with added thin chains
Black and gold damask underbust corset (pattern is same as Rire’s vest)
Black and gold bustle skirt - the inner layer/skirt is gold, outer is black
Black sheer knee high socks/stockings with damask pattern
Black ankle boots, high heel
You might also want some black lipstick and eyeliner
Oh ye tumblr in their infinite wisdom decided that you cant see ANY extra pages of a “”sensitive”” blog because you can’t open those pages in dashboard. So, unfortunately that affects the music credit page on EP’s tumblr :/ I have however rebuilt the credit page on mine: https://darqx.tumblr.com/btdmusic
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If Cain isn’t all out with the wings and halo, Rire would still feel from the onset that Cain is “off” (he wouldn’t give a vibe of being a Royal or a demon, nor a human) and so would be subtly sizing him up and calculating odds through any interactions being had.
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-squints at-
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Drink up friend :>
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1) Rire doesn’t gulp tea down willy nilly like a savage (lol) so he’d be able to tell if tea was made from holy water :d He can sense these kind of things - and even if he did somehow manage to miss it he’d definitely know once the tea touches his lips. Most likely would commend person for creativity, leave them sweating in uncertainty as he mildly directs them to make a second untampered cup under close supervision, and then torture them as soon as they finish or let their guard down (whichever comes last)
2) Oh he’d be annoyed! He’d make an educated guess that was no accident and wow, rude, human! Would stab person “accidentally”, maybe after some very pointed “oh little human you are so uniquely clumsy it’s ok i know you didnt mean it” if he’d been feeling “”genial”” beforehand.
3) Rire can bite, not every bite is a special marking bite haha.
4) This would actually surprise him a bit and would initially take him aback until his mind thinks up a way to use this to his advantage (either for his own entertainment purposes or for a deal)
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There isnt going to be a BTD3 as everyone is working on their own projects at the moment! Gato and EP are both in the process of making their own separate games that are in a similar vein to BTD though - i’m p sure they’ve both got Patreons which detail them so you can go and check those out for updates and stuff :)
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Usually several months - though less if his prior entertainment victim was disappointing. I say entertainment victim because there’s like different categories of victim and entertainment ones generally get 1:1 time and he doesn’t tend to have more than one of those at the same time.
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I do it to torment all of you
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He doesn’t because i figured i’d leave that as more of a Cain thing! I’ve entertained the idea that Angel!Rire’s feathers can turn really sharp, so he could either envelope someone in his wings like some horrifying living iron maiden-esque thing or pluck and throw them at people like daggers to “stigmata” them (they grow back really quickly). If you notice the doodles i’ve done too you’ll see blackness dripping from the bottoms of his feathers and halo, so there’s a possibility that underneath all the feathers there’s something ichor-esque.
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Haha summoning Rire is not canon mind you, but in the case of that headcanon he would pretty much put the second person “on hold”. So it would seem like the summoning would fail/be fake, and then at some random time when least expected Rire just appears in their house or something lol.
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I did! It’s on a post on Tumblr somewhere but i’ll just put it here too
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He MIGHT if a victim has one (like a handgun, not like an assault rifle or something ridic) but that’s more because he enjoys using peoples own things against them rather than him actually liking guns (he doesn’t really see the use of them personally).
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Hullo i’m doing well thanks! ^^
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I’ve only ever drawn him with pointy sharp teeth so “realistically” i’d say that his dentition is more like a carnivore’s and so his back teeth which we don’t usually see would be molars but in a specific pointy shape as well (kinda like carnassial teeth).
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I think that pets would react to him really depending on their personality. So, say if someone has a cat that always seems to stare at nothing (or something supernatural) that’s what they’d do to Rire. Or for pets that have had intuition before that someone’s partner was bad for them they would react accordingly and like growl/hiss/try and bite him. Or if a pet is like my aunty’s dog who is a friendly absolute dumbass and would likely roll over and let an intruder pet him...same thing haha.
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This is what his hairstyle looked like when he was younger:
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But only if he’s dominating otherwise he’d heavily critique the characterisations happening.
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(I havent seen that webseries to answer this lol. I do like how bouncy and fluid the trailer song was though)
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