#still need some feedback on all my heacannons and fanfic and all so please roast me :)
soullessseraphim · 5 months
Valdemar - Touch headcanons
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-Valdemar isn't very touchy, but it is only because they don't see the point. Not that they don't like it, it just doesn't come to their mind : you'll ask them for a hug and they will respond something like "what for ?". I think it's mainly because they've lived for so long. When you keep living for centuries and the people around you wither away, you kind of learn how to detach yourself from them and avoid getting attached as to not suffer unnecessarily in the end. So imagine the shock when you're starting to get attached to them and they realize they're also kind of attached to you.
-once persuaded you need it however, they will give small affectionate touches here and there (a hand on small of the back, a kiss on the forehead, resting their head on your shoulder while they watch you do something, holding your hand) ; they have to remember what physical affection is like, because they gave it so little importance since they've turned into a demon. A little awkward at first but they get the hang of it eventually.
-What about intimacy? You will have to prove to be the most trustworthy and respectful person in the world for them to even show their hands. But once you do gain their trust, something like (the bath scene) will happen. But if you try initiating anything too drastic they're more likely to back off. They need their own pace and will allow you very progressively (and I mean very progressively) to initiate anything serious. However it'll never go further than a make-out session. Never.
-Don't expect them to be affectionate in public, no no. Valerius commented on how they'd gotten softer once and the poor man found himself strapped to a chair and forced to watch them dissect someone. If you try : will nudge you or tap your hand away. Not to be mean, they just don't want to.
-Overall, where they're most affectionate is in bed. They'll hold you while you sleep, as you'll hold them. But that's really it.
-However there is one exceptional instance where their behavior will shift completely : It is if you make a deal to live as long as they will. They'll- they'll break down. You've never seen them cry before but this sure is going to bring tears to their eyes. They won't break out sobbing but will hug you for two hours straight, occasionally sniffling. Because it means that now they can get attached. Now they don't have to worry about you being mortal anymore. Now they can allow themselves to love you. It'll take them some time to fully come to terms with the fact that they are having feelings again, since it's a very human thing, but with your support and patience, they'll manage to let themselves feel fully. They're still a little reserved, especially in public, though now that you're immortal too, they've considered making your relationship public.
Then they will be much more affectionate with you. Expect more hugs, more hand holding, more kisses, a bit more frequent make-out sessions, some dancing even.
-Congrats you two are alive forever now. You'll make a legendary duo in scientific history.
________!_Bonus Headcanons_!________ @lunumochi :D
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-So I've already explored cat-like behavior with them ('so why is it that when I-', am I right?) and I headcanon they stand in rays of sunlight with their eyes half closed like our beloved furballs do. Or like reptiles. I don't know. I'm pretty sure they have vertical translucid eyelids underneath the normal ones. It's warm. It's nice. You can almost hear them purring (they don't, you're just imagining it). But they don't actively think about it you know, they just be walking and suddenly there's a warm ray of sunlight hitting them and they freeze in their tracks like 'huh. That's nice.' and then will stay close to the window half asleep for... A while.
-Speaking of sleep, I think they actually sleep. Just... They do it for three days straight every seven months. 
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