#still no luck but ive asked a mate to pop round and take a look and he knows this kinda stuff inside out. so im hopeful :)
spiteweaver · 6 years
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“Penitence is going to be pissed.”
Juneau cracked an eye open. He was drowsy from magic and medication--and from the sweet reprieve from pain, which had been a constant in his life for the past week. Much of that time had been spent in a Southern Icefield healer’s hut, waiting until he was well enough to be moved to the Sunbeam Ruins.
Now he was home, snuggled deep beneath hospital blankets, watching Isaiah run through charts and check his IV every few minutes, but he felt more restless than ever. The prospect of facing his mate was a daunting one; he almost felt he would have rather fought the Dominus a second time. He supposed Isaiah was trying to comfort him, in that funny way doctors did, and Juneau didn’t have the heart to tell him that it wasn’t working.
“I know,” he said instead. “Has he been informed?”
“Dreamweaver has gone to Aphaster lands to inform him personally,” Isaiah replied. Juneau groaned. “You were gone for a week, and no one knew what had happened until you dragged yourself back from the Icefield. I think some level of formality is called for.”
“He’s going to think I’ve died,” Juneau moaned. “Oh, he’s going to get so many awful ideas in his head.”
“To be fair,” Isaiah said, “you broke just about every damn bone in your torso and punctured a lung. If that healer had been any less skilled, you probably would be dead now.”
Juneau had received the same lecture a dozen times already, but Isaiah would likely never let him live it down. “It wasn’t my intention to end up in critical condition,” he mumbled. “I knew I wouldn’t escape the confrontation unscathed, but this was a bit...”
“You could have avoided it by bringing Dreamweaver along,” Isaiah said.
“There wasn’t time,” Juneau insisted, “and they might have killed Winter if I hadn’t gone alone. Isaiah, you know me; I was ready to lay down my life for my pupil.”
“Is that what you’re going to tell Penitence when he gets here?”
Juneau burrowed deeper under the blankets, trying to hide his sheepish expression from view. This must have been how Tau had felt not so long ago. Truthfully, he had no earthly idea what he was going to tell Penitence. He knew what his mate would say: “Why didn’t you take me with you? Why didn’t you tell me?” He didn’t have satisfactory answers to those questions yet.
“I just hope he can forgive me,” he murmured. “I wanted to tell him, after I told the founders, but--but then everything spiraled out of control.”
The sight of tears glistening in Juneau’s eyes made Isaiah’s entire body stiffen uncomfortably. He busied himself with Juneau’s IV again. “Well,” he said, “he loves you, so I’m sure he’ll just be glad to see you in one piece.”
“I know he does,” Juneau sniffled, “and I--I love him too. I love him so much...”
Juneau had always been the emotional sort, but Isaiah reckoned the meds were getting to him well and proper now. He’d be a weepy mess when Penitence arrived, and perhaps that would temper the old codger’s foul mood a bit. After all, no one could resist their mate tearfully professing their love for them.
He wondered if he ought to tell Juneau he’d bumped his dosage up just the slightest bit...
A knock came at the door, and the thought was dismissed. “Enter,” Isaiah called, “but not if you’re here to cause any mischief.”
“That’s my brother’s forte,” Winter said as he stepped into the room, closing the door softly behind him, “not mine. He’ll be along shortly to pay his respects, though, so don’t worry.”
“I hate your brother,” Isaiah said, “and I want you to know that.”
“I do,” Winter assured, “and so does he. It’s his crowning achievement.”
“If he weren’t the founders’ son, I’d...”
Winter took up residence in the chair at Juneau’s bedside while Isaiah grumbled under his breath about the clan’s up-and-coming young heir. “How are you feeling?” he asked. “You’re crying; did Isaiah bully you?”
“A little,” Juneau confessed.
“I’ll tell Phantasos,” Winter said. “He’ll give Isaiah a bit of extra hell.”
“No, no,” Juneau said, “don’t. He’s taken such good care of me, and, really, he has every right. I was reckless.”
“You were,” Winter agreed, “but you rushed headlong into danger for my sake, so I can’t be too cross about it. Father is still trying to come up with ways to thank you.”
“Tell him not to worry,” Juneau requested. “I did what I did because I love you.”
Winter’s face flushed; he popped his collar, but it did nothing to mask the bright red of his cheeks. “I know that,” he said. “You’ve always been like an older brother to me, so of course I know that. Still, what you did--it deserves some recognition. It’s not every day you save someone’s life and dismantle a dictatorship.”
“I suppose not,” Juneau conceded modestly.
Winter glanced around the room, and, noting the absence of another very particular visitor, crinkled his nose. “Penitence isn’t here yet?”
“Don’t get him started on that again,” Isaiah chided.
“Is that why you were crying?” Winter asked. “I’ll drag him here myself.”
“I’m not crying because he isn’t here yet,” Juneau was quick to clarify. He knew his student very well, well enough to know that he held a nasty grudge. Winter had always gotten on well with Penitence, but that could change at the drop of a hat. “Dreamweaver’s gone to fetch him,” he added, “so please don’t get yourself all riled up over nothing.”
“Well,” Winter said, “I didn’t think he was the type not to visit his mate in the hospital, but you never know.”
“He’s just worried about how Penitence will react to this mess,” Isaiah informed. “Partially my fault; I brought it up.”
“So that’s what you bullied him about.”
“I wasn’t bullying him!”
“It’ll be fine,” Winter said. As usual, his confident tone put Juneau at ease. It was hard not to believe whatever he said, when he said it with such certainty. “Penitence would fight the Eleven for you. I’m sure he’ll be miffed for the same reasons I was, but I got over it, and so will he. Honestly, you’re lying in the hospital smashed all to pieces, and that’s what you’re crying about?”
“I just love him so much,” Juneau defended weakly.
“We know,” Isaiah said. “Gods, we know. We know you love Penitence, everyone within a hundred mile radius of the territories knows you love Penitence. You love Penitence, we know.”
“Do...do I go on about it that much...?”
“Yes,” Isaiah and Winter responded in unison.
“Oh, enough about that,” Juneau said irritably. His expression softened the next moment. “How are Vadim and the others getting on?” he asked. “I assured them they would be welcome here, but that was presumptuous of me.”
“Of course they’re welcome,” Winter replied, and Juneau visibly relaxed. “Father’s helping them get settled. I think they’re all a bit culture shocked; they kept looking ‘round the square like they’d seen a ghost.”
“None of us...” Juneau chewed his lip. It was infuriating, that the memories still pained him so, that even in death, the Dominus’ iron grip on him had not lessened. “None of us could have ever even imagined a place like this one,” he said bitterly. “That--that hell was all we’d ever known. The Dominus wanted us to believe that clans like Feldspar didn’t exist. It made us easier to control.”
Winter’s fingers closed around his, and he felt the anger seep from him all at once. “They’ll be happy here,” Winter promised, “and safe.”
“I know,” Juneau said, “I just worry.”
“Slow down! I told you he’s all right, didn’t I?! Excuse us, sorry, please excuse us--you’re making a scene!”
“Sounds like Penitence is here,” Isaiah said, and promptly stood. “Good luck. I’ve other patients to see to. Winter, Banrai could probably use your help with the newcomers, so why don’t you...?”
“Oh.” Winter stood as well, but was stopped by Juneau, who clung desperately to his wrist. “What do you expect me to do about it?” Winter asked, tapping his foot impatiently. “He’s your mate. I’d only make things worse by taking up for you. I’m trying to be the responsible one here.”
“I-I don’t know what to say!” Juneau cried.
“That you love him,” Winter said, “and that you’re sorry you worried him.”
“Hello, Penitence,” Isaiah said, slipping out the door and into the hall. “We were just on our way out. He’s all yours.”
“Isaiah,” Dreamweaver groaned, “don’t encourage him. Keeping up with this drake is a nightmare; I don’t know how Juneau does it, let alone poor Artha. I had to chase him all the way from Aphaster, and...”
Winter seized his chance. While Juneau was distracted, staring wide-eyed at the door, he wrenched free of his mentor’s grasp and darted across the room. Then, grinning, he joined Isaiah in the hall with one final, teasing, “Have fun.”
Juneau threw the blankets over his head.
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tauman942 · 7 years
PART III: A Hot Cup of Tanna
'Wait sir, where's our Imperial fleet? Don't we have the high-ground sir? I mean shouldn't our fleet be swatting the tau dropships out of the sky?'
'Uh?' said Cumberland doing a double take, but thinking said, 'Damn good point Private Deely! That's what I'd like to know. Exactly where the hell is our fleet?'
The Lieutenant and Kegit now came up and stood beside the Commissar and Deely. Crispin still was a little groggy, but Kegit was looking pale and wan, her bandages soaked red with blood.
'Benidicto, I don't think Billie can go on much further. What do we do now?'
'Well, Divisional HQ is south-east from here. Umm, and General Toragawa and the main force are in the city; which may be surrounded shortly?' replied Cumberland as the pain from the burns on his face began to throb. 'Ugh, that hurts.'
'Begging your pardon sir, but the Tau will take a surrender won't they? I mean you were once a P.O.W. of theirs yourself weren't you? I mean to say they're humane aren't they sir?' Crispin looked worried as she was helping Kegit to sit down on the ground. 'Oh damn Billie almost fainted! What do we do now?'
'Deely, stay with Kegit,' ordered Cumberland.
'Yes, sir.'
Taking the Lieutenant to the other side of a commode Cumberland turned and said, 'Marta, I don't think we can surrender to these tau?'
'There are ten or twelve...maybe fifteen bodies up top that were beheaded. They were all on their knees with their hands bound or tied behind them. Whoever these Tau are, they sure as hell don't like us gue'la,' said Cumberland.
'Bloody-hell Bendicto!'
'Roland, you can call me Roland,' said Cumberland wiping his face with the one dry corner of his red sash, not covered in sewage. 'Marta all my friends call me Roland.
'Oh, thank you...I'm Marta by the way. My mother calls me Marta. So does my sister and my dad...'
The Commissar shook his head and slapped the Lieutenant on the shoulder, 'Alright Marta...Didn't know that was your name?' Now looking over at the other two guardsmen he asked, 'What do we do with Kegit?'
'Look sir the bluey's helmet turned black,' said Deely looking intently at the long curved Pathfinder helmet. He was now sitting between two of the latrines with Kegit's head in his lap.
'What?' asked Cumberland taking helmet.
'All their armour has turned black. Do all bluey armour do that sir? I mean, turn colours after they're dead?'
'No. This must be that tau version of a cameleoline camouflage again,' replied the Commissar. 'Hmm, black's most likely just the armour's base colour,' he said tossing away the helmet.
'They're-not-going-to-drop-on-top-of-us-are-they-Com-commis-sar?' asked Kegit pointing weakly at the sky.
'You mean the tau battle suits? No Kegit, they'll all land west of here. Probably close to the river. How are you doing?' asked Cumberland checking her pulse.
'Not-good...feel like a pile of squig sh-t.'
'She's sweaty and pale. Rolan- I mean sir, she's going into shock!' said Crispin wiping the soldier's face.
'Correct, and her pulse is high too. We've got to find a safe place where we can get an IV into her.' Then looking around Cumberland said, 'Alright lets head back down the north-west trench. There's a dugout where we can find a large aid kit...well there should be one there any way. Here Deely help get Kegit on my back...'
And with Deely's help Cumberland hoisted Private Kegit on to his back.
'Bibbitty-pop and off we go Billie!' and with that Cumberland carried Kegit pig-a-back down trenchline from whence they had just come.
With Private Deely on point leading and Lieutenant Crispin as rear guard, they picked their way carefully over the fallen firewarrior and guardsmen. Making their way to where the communication trench separated into a two different forks, they turned left scurried up the north trench. The Communications dugout turned out not where Cumberland thought it was on the immediate right after the fork, but instead was much farther up on the left.
The skies had become cluttered with smaller tau aircraft picking off the remaining Imperial fighters.
'What's the identification of tau aircraft Deely? Razorshark or Sunshark?' asked the Commissar.
'Unable to confirm identity sir,' answered Deely.
'Wrong answer private,' yelled Crispin.
'What is the correct answer then Lieutenant,' asked Cumberland turning about to arch an eyebrow at Crispin.
'NFC - "No Frakking Clue", sir!' answered Crispin shouting from behind.
Then somewhere above them a Valkyrie’s luck ran out and exploding in a spectacular fireball threw flaming bits of debris across the sky. The flaming bits then stared coming down like fiery comets all about them. The four scurrying even faster up the trenchline.
Reaching the dugout, Cumberland and the semi-conscious Kegit had to wait a fearsome couple of minutes, while Deely and Crispin removed the bodies of Comm team and Tech Priest. A big chunk of wing slammed onto the top of the dugout, just as Cumberland with Kegit cleared the blast door, then Deely slammed it shut. Shutting the door activated the automatic light source or ALS, which flickered a moment before staying on.
The pre-fab dugout had been hit by a photon grenade, and except for the Tech Priest whose throat had been slashed, there was little of any spilled blood. The large voxcaster unit had taken a direct hit from a pulse pistol and was still smouldering when they entered. Additionally the field voxphone had been smashed and its wires cut.
'Damn blueys sure knew what they were doing,' remarked Cumberland as Crispin helped him put Kegit down on the lower cot of the dugout's single bunk bed.
'Ma'am I located the medi kit,' said Deely.
'Slide it over here and I'll get an IV line started on Billie. Get the blankets and pillows off the top bunk and prop her feet up. But Deadman first get her boots off.'
'Deadman?' said Cumberland emptying out a satchel bag a putting his peaked hat into it. 'Oh, that's my lucky name sir! I'll catch shrapnel, take a round, or twist an ankle, but I don't get killed. I've come through more engagement unscathed than I can remember. Oh I get bruised up, but I always walk away. Sir, I once walked away from an assault by Mega Nobs, the only one left live out of a platoon of fifty. Been called "Deadman" ever since,' said Deely tossing aside Kegit's boots.
'Let me guess someone said, "You should be dead man Deely!” right?' said Cumberland strapping on a carapace chest piece.
‘Yes sir that's it!'
'Here Deely help me hang the IV bag, got the catheter in and the line going,' said Crispin kneeling down next to the bed as she taped down the IV line. 'He does walk away from the worst scraps Roland! What are you doing?' asked Crispin turning to see Cumberland adjust the liner on a plastisteel helmet before putting it on and snapping together the chin strap.
'Getting ready to make a break out to Divisional HQ. So who's going with?' replied Cumberland now re-buckling his sword and pistol belt.
'Well, who do you want to go with you?' asked Crispin.
Hmm, well Kegit can't go…'
'Roland, I just gave Billie an injection of morpha, so I'll stay here with her...' said the Lieutenant.
'No, ma'am I'll stay back. No use in us both sitting here waiting to be picked off by the blueys. And 'sides, the blueys ain't taken prisoners these days are they ma'am? Saw 'em kill those guard what had their hands up…'
'No, well I suppose not Deadman,' said Crispin. 'Are you sure?'
'Yes ma'am.'
'Well, you’re with me then Marta! Now let's see if we can't scare up some hot tanna, eh?'
'Oh, the pot's over there, if the blueys didn't nail it when they shot the voxcaster,' threw in Deely.
'Ah, right you are Private, and it's unscathed too!' said Cumberland starting to scrounge around for cups and condiments.
'How'd you know where it was Deely?' asked Crispin taking a hot cup of tanna from Cumberland. 'Two lumps of sucrose please…'
'Unreconsituted dairy product?'
'No, thank you.'
'Um, Wireless Operator Phillips was a mate of mine ma'am. Uh, he and I shared a cup 'fore I went on duty this morning,' said Deely with more than a little sadness in his face. Looking up he said, 'None for me sir. I'm a recaf man myself.'
'You just said you shared a cup with Phillips this morning?' said Cumberland dropping a lump of sucrose and a heaping spoonful of unreconsituted dairy product into his cup of tanna. 'It's a metaphor sir,' answered Deely looking Cumberland in the eye.
'Ah, well yes a metaphor.'
'How about cracking open a box of V-rations then? I know it's well past luncheon,' asked the Lieutenant.
'Well, guess I should remove my plastisteel and make myself comfortable, if I'm staying for luncheon,' said Cumberland grinning.
And with that they broke open the box of standard V-rations and dug into the tins of passed for food in the Astra Militarum. Once they'd eaten, they finished by mashing the empty tins and storing them in the proper waste container. The Lieutenant and the Commissar then got up and readied themselves for the journey.
Cumberland checked all the field maps that were still intact and available; while Crispin loaded herself with as many las clips, grenades, and individual medi kits as she could carry. 'So you’re alright staying then Deely,' asked Cumberland looking over a map.
'Yes, sir. And I know the drill if it looks like the blueys are going get us.'
'And what drill would that be Deadman,' asks Crispin loading up a medi pack.
'You know the usual, "One - put the frag grenade to the chest. Two - pull pin, allowing safety handle to fly clear. Three - lay down on top of the patient so that the denotation kills self and the patient." Right sir?'
'You sound like you're a real pro at this Deely. How many times have you done it, may I ask?' said the Commissar folding up the map.
'Oh, I don't rightly know sir? Um, twenty or twenty-five time maybe?' replied Deely, but then looking embarrassed he added, 'Well, alright sir, maybe it's more like a dozen times, well...at least five or six times for sure.'
The Lieutenant and the Commissar both looked at each other and then back at Private Deely.
'I died each time though. Killed myself and the patient each and every time!' he said confidently.
The Lieutenant and the Commissar both broke out in laughter.
'Why are you laughing? Don't think I killed myself all those five times?' laughed Deely unable to keep a straight face.
'Ready Commissar?' asked Crispin.
'Ready,' replied Cumberland strapping on his plastisteel. 'Take good care of our Private Kegit will you Deadman?' he said shaking Deely's hand.
'Yes, thanks for looking after her Deadman,' said Crispin also shaking the private's hand.
'May the Light of the Emperor be you! ma'am, sir,' said Deely.
'And may the Light of Emperor be with you! Deadman,' said Cumberland and Crispin together.
Deely stood by the door, while Cumberland and the Lieutenant readied their lasrifles, Deely then grabs the handle and flings open the door. The Commissar pops his head out scans the trenchline in both directions. 'Let us then skedaddle forthwith Lieutenant,' says Cumberland with a nod to Crispin, who nods back. They both rush the door, turning left and move fast up the trenchline. Deely slams shut the blast door behind them.
Moving quickly they came to a junction where the trench turned right, they stop at the access ladder in the corner. Taking hold of the access ladder, Cumber turns to Crispin and asks, 'Ready?'
'Ready,' she says and both of them go over the top.
That’s when the munitions dump exploded.
There was an incredible sound, like a hundred steel drums being simultaneously struck at once with a hundred sledge hammers. The shock wave hit Crispin and Cumberland hard, and even though they are low to the ground they're knocked off of their feet. They cowered between a burned out entrenching servitor and the destroyed number two flak battery. A vast column of smoke and flame raced skyward forming an immense mushroom cloud.
'BY-THE-THRONE!' cried Crispin.
'BLOODY DOUBLE DAMN!' shouted Cumberland.
'HEAD BACK TO THE DUGOUT?' yelled Crispin into Cumberland's ear.
'NO POINT! MUNITIONS ARE BLOWN,' yelled back the Commissar. 'MIGHT AS WELL GO ON, EH?' he shouted.
Then scrambling to their feet, they rushed to destroyed flak emplacement, only to drop down again, as unexploded Earthshaker rounds began to drop all about them. They huddle together as the falling rounds start tearing up the earth, the trenchline, and wrecked vehicles alike. Sometimes the falling round was an Earthshaker, sometimes a Hellfire missile, and once several mortar rounds fell all together at once. Great geysers of earth shoot up all around them, and the air is filled with the heavy scent of cordite; which mingles with the acrid scent of promethium. A few white phosphorous incendiary rounds fell nearby, creating white anemone like explosions, the ends of which burn with a purple-white radiance.
'How far do you think we got Roland?' shouts Crispin her face next to Cumberland's.
'One hundred to one hundred and twenty metres maybe?'
Another tremendous explosion, and the two huddle even closer together.
'Sorry about Sergeant Freeman.'
'What? You knew about Martinez and me?'
'Of course I did. You loved him didn't you?'
'Yes. Yes I did,' said Cumberland with pain on his face. 'Sorry about Private Huxley.'
'Roland how did you know about Albert and me?'
'Really Marta? The same way...'
An explosion threw giant clods of earth on them.
'…The same way you knew about Sergeant Freeman and me!'
'Oh, well alright then.'
'I need to say something Marta. If I don't survive today...' shouted Cumberland taking Crispin's hand in his and looking into her eyes.
'Yes Roland,' she shouted back.
'Marta, I never in all my life have I loved anyone more than Martinez! None one ever! I never loved a man more…in all my entire life!' shouted Cumberland his ice blue eyes tearing up.
'Ah…alright sir?' returned Crispin.
'About you Marta? Did you love Albert?'
She paused as another explosion went off nearby.
'Um, well...maybe I just loved his Roboute Guilliman?'
'His Roboute Guilliman! You know what I mean? For boy his age he was...you know!'
Another explosion.
'WHAT? We're about to die, so I tell you how much I loved Martinez. And all you can say is how much you loved Albert’s willie!' yelled Cumberland.
'YES ROLAND, YES!' shouted Crispin angrily.
'HE WAS JUST SEVENTEEN MARTA!' he shouted back.
Yet another explosion covered them in dirt and grass.
'That's a charge of sexual exploitation of a minor, a charge of fraternization with a subordinate, not to mention an abuse of your authority…'
And still yet another explosion.
'...As an Imperial officer in the Astra Militarum!'
'Sorry, I just loved his willie! Maybe Roland I just don't have the moral backbone you do!' ‘Never trust a ginger is what I always say!’
The two officers then turned their backs to each other and huddled separately.
Then silence.
'I think it's over Roland?'
'Been five minutes since the last falling shell...hmm? Better have a lookie-lookie then?'
Cumberland crept up and looked over the sandbags, but saw no more falling munitions; though the munitions dump was still burning fiercely and there was still the occasional explosion.
'All clear Lieutenant. Righty-oh shall be on our way then?' said the Commissar sliding down next to Crispin.
There was a change of light as if someone's shadow fell over them, and a loud voice said, 'Hoi, Hoi snae'ta gue'la!'
Then both them felt a crushing weight on their backs, as something slammed their heads down into the earth.
'Ahh…By-the-Throne!' groaned Crispin.
'Bloody…double damn!' grimaced Cumberland.
‘Err…what’s that’s on my back?’ asked Crispin wincing.
‘Looks like…arrgh…a large hoof…perhaps,’ grunted Cumberland. 'And me?'
‘You too…Roland,’ said Crispin through gritted teeth.
‘What’s…ugh…got-my-head?’ asked Cumberland in pain.
‘Looks like a…burst cannon.’
‘You’ve got…one as well.’
'Snae'ta, ui’ts’e, alag’ki d'gue'la!’ said the voice even louder.
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frank131968-blog · 7 years
iam 40 years old now on my 15 th birthday as a present my older cousin told me she had bought me a present and she would let me have it at the party family had arranged for me . me and my cousin are and had always been very close we grew up together same house she was 5 years my senior looking back she was hot great body all my mates wanted her i never saw her like that un till my party . was a great party then was time for my present a women came up to me wearing a long black coat she she came rite up to me started unbutton her coat at this time i was a virgin the only time ied seen a naked women was in fiesta porn mags so u can imagine as she took off her coat my jaw hit the floor . she started dancing she was bout 6 foot tall tanned black hair and she was wearing full works black lingerie and stockings i could not take my eyes off her ill never forget that feeling i had at the sight of this women horny nervous instantly hard was a life changing noment i spent the next week masterbating at every chance lol . so now ied seen a bit every women i saw after that i imagined them naked and wondered wat they had under there clothes couldent control my thoughts . so bout fortnight later i was with my cousin at her house we were going out with some friends . night was going well i had my eye on a girl at table next to us i told my cousin i thought she was sexy and if i lost my virginity ied want to loose it to someone like her . i told her because whenever ied had things like that on my mind i could always tell her like my first french kiss i was so nervous bout it i used to practise on my arm i asked her how to do it one night she was explaining it to me then she just pulled me toward her and told me i could practise with her it was amazing ied never felt a womens lips on mine befor weird thing was looking back i wasent turned on by her was just normal for me and her to do stuff like that i mean not even family looked twice at anything we did whenever i stayed at her house we would sleep in same bed was normal for us . one night we were sitting indoors having a drink and a chat she asked me if ied ever had sex befor obviously i hadent so she asked me how i felt about the stripper she got me i told her i couldent stop thinking bout sex and how much i couldent wait to try it . she said she could arange for me to have sex with one of her pals if i wanted . i asked her if she could really do that for me so we made a plan for that weekend . so the plan was this her best mate ive known for years she was gonna go out with her on the friday and when they got home they always sit n talk as you do when your pissed . she was gonna tell her friend that ied tried to touch her sexualy and that she said no but she hasent stopped thinking wat it would be like if she said yes just to get her friends attention . so they would start chatting bout me then shed ask her if i made a move on her what would she do . then if she showed any interest she would arrange it for me . i was so excited at the thought all that week i couldent think of anything else but i might actualy get my hands on a real life female body . most of my life ied thought as everyone has wat sex would feel like wat a pussy looks like feels like e c t i watched so much porn that week and wanked till my arm was doubled in size . on the thursday i went round after school see wat plans were so we opened a bottle of scotch got buzzing started talking she said when she told her ied made a move on her and wanted her advice on wat she should do instead of her saying it was wrong she wanted to know more bout what and how ied tried it on she asked her if he tried it again would she ever allow it to happen even though we were related . so she told her that when i touched her she was turned on and she nearly let me do more and the thought of taking my virginity and the fact we were related was a massive turn on so was it wrong of her to feel like this . so then she asked her friend wat she would do in her in that position . she said the thought of it was exciting the thought i was a virgin was big turn on if she was in that situation she would probly allow it see where it went . so my cousin asked her if she could would she be the one to take his virginity she said if they could arrange it she would let me . so the plan they came up with was this she said she was going to ask me to babysit for her knowing my biggest turn on was booze few drinks she would get me drunk then she would go round as if she was looking for my cousin go in have few drinks get me to dance slow with her if the chance came up she would let me . so it was set i was well nervous specially on that friday morning i was in bed with a mag imagining wat might actualy happen later i had hard on all day butterflies like you couldent imagine and the fact she diddent know i knew anything was amazing to . so i got round there bout 7 my cousin was going to stay at her mums so this could happen . so we done few shots and she asked me if i was excited and i must tell her every detail next day i agreed by now i was merry on booze and hornier than ied ever been nervous ied never even been alone with a women like that befor . so 8 oclock came and she got up gave me a kiss told me good luck and to act suprised because remember i wasent supposed to know she knew lol . so as she went out the house was quiet i was waiting nothining happened i was so horny i went in my cousins room lay on her bed started to wank off thinking she wasent gonna show as i sat down i felt something under matress a i lfted it and saw a massive vibrator with bumps all over it and couple of v h s cassetts i put on in video and couldent beleive wat i saw a nassive close up of a hard cock and back of a womens head i thought wow ill watch this as i wank i was getting rite into it watching this women dance and tease this fella on tape i was about to cum and the women turned and my jaw hit the floor it was my mums younger sister and my uncle . instead of turning it off i just had to watch as they were having full on sex up close to so turned out the first up close real pussy ied seen was my blood aunts she was in her 30 to . i was bout to cum and there was a knock at the door i quickly switched off tv pulled up my trousers knocked back a triple scotch and went to the open the door . as i opened it first thing i noticed was the smell of this girl smelt amazing she asked if my cousin was in shed come from her house in clacton to see her i played along no shes had to pop out for a bit but if she wanted to wait she could . instead of describing her ill show you her my cousin my aunt myself in pics i have still in my private stuff but only people who understand the story iam telling and why iam telling it . anyway she came in drunkenly i told her to sit down would she like a drink i sat down opposit her poured myself a shot poured her a triple lol so we started talking wasent long befor we were talking bout my cousin and there antics in the past i be honest i heard nothing i was fully focussed on looking at her legs she was wearing mini skirt blouse and i could see she had stockings on . so now we were getting properly drunk started having a rite ol laugh i put on bit of music if i remember billy joel cd . she asked me how old i was why was i babysitting on friday night does my gf mind not going out that sort of stuff although she already knew everything bout me i just went along with it answering her questions . i asked her where her fella was and like me why she was alone on a friday night aswell she said she had arranged to go out with me cousin for a catch up night . she got up to use the toilet i jumped up put one of the vids i found in video player topped her drink up to top took ny trousers off took off my underware put me trousers back on so i was commando if i got a hard on i wanted to make sure she either feels it or if not i wanted to be sure that she would see it without any dout . i sat back down as she came in the room honestly she had great legs and was not skinny just wat i call full . then as we talking she pulled out a lil plastic bag of powder now ied never seen drugs or taken any at that point . she said she hoped i diddent mind if she had a bit to sober her up a bit corse i said no she put a bit in a rizla rolled it into a ball and swallowed it . she asked if i wanted to try it at first i said no but as i was so drunk and so up for anything i said ok . the drug was speed . as ied never had anything befor i diddent know wat to expect . well let me tell you all of the sudden everything became so calm and as horny as i was at that point it tripled and my thoughts became full dirty xxx only thoughts . and better still i wanted to talk dirty sex with her and this made it possible . as it kicked in i told her her bf was well lucky she has great legs and ied never let her out of my sight if she was mine she just blushed a lil and started telling me how polite i was and how easy i was to talk to . i asked her bout her bf wat would he say if he knew she was sitting with a bloke in a flat doin drugs having a drink he thinks iam at my mums for the night she said . she told me her bf has a thing for my cousin thats why she wont let him go with her when they meet up . he aparently has a fantasy bout fucking her my cousin as she watches he dont fancy her he just loves her body and how she dresses and flirts . i asked her wat her thoughts were on that and how weird they were still friends knowing that . she said better he has that fantasy now as he had one before she went home one night early from pub and found him on her bed kissing her mum with his hand up her skirt heavy petting . she hit the roof at first but the thought of wat she saw began to turn her on so she let him have full sex with her mum as long as he videoed it all . i was well listening by now i was blown away so i said i hadent really experienced anything like that befor and i told her ied never had sex befor either . i was really buzzing now i said that ied like to be a porn star as all guys do at that age thats my biggest fantasy . ied love to make a film of every sexual experience i have in my life no matter how small or how good or bad some of it might be . i told her i understood really then i told her bout wat i had found in my cousins room and who was on the tape and although it was a close family member i made me watch even closer and in detail as she knows my family she wanted to see a bit i said no its to private she said who was it in vid i told her my uncles wife i only have one uncle seven aunts at first then my mums younger sister having full on xxx sex with some guy . this drug was so strong i got up and said come in here and ill let her watch a bit of it ill let her see my uncles cock up close i went to door make sure it was locked incase my cousin came back early and saw us watching her private stuff as i went in her room seeing her sat on the bed gave me the hardest cock ive ever had and have ever had since i put it on i felt bit embarrased at first but she just sat up and watched it up close . ive always wondered wat your uncle s cock was like and wondered wat would be like fucking him . then my cousin came on the screen talking dirty and touching herself so i went to turn it off and she stopped me and asked me why i wanted to turn it off . she said all the fellas who knew them wanted to have sex with her shes sexy great body good in bed and apparently is legend at blow jobs so why was it that i never thought of her like that it made me think yeah that is strange i spend five nights a week sometimes in bed with the bird that all blokes i know would kill to be there . i told her i know i diddent think bout her like that untill now from that moment on its the only way i think of her . she said if i had the chance would i fuck her and let her suck my cock so jokinly i said i would but only if you would like to watch us lol knowing how close we are and that she is my cousin she would love to watch me fuck her best mate doggy style suddenly the thought of it blew me away . if i worked on it would i secretly film anything we do so she could watch it in private i was one of first people i knew to have video camera so i said ok . i went in living room lit a fag got my camera put it on tv pressed record xalled her in started talking bout sex with other couples sex with members of our families fantasys . i asked her if she wanted to dance a bit so she got up and as i pulled her toward me i felt her body touch mine i felt her warmth around me as we danced i had a massive hard on i was thinking she must be able to feel me pressing on her she diddent react so i started pushing my hips into her i slowly put my hands on her hips and was grinding into her . i was about to give up as i lifted away a bit to talk to her it just happened my first heavy kiss i cant explain it but i was literally shaking all over she turned and grabed my hand led me in to the bedroom . we lay on the bed with vid playing in background and my camcorder recording as we kissed my hand went wild i felt her tits up through her top first real tit ied ever touched like that wasent long befor i had my hand in between her legs rubbing with all my might . then it happened nobody had ever seen my cock hard and bare ever since i was a kid she undid my zip and ill never forget how her hand felt pulling at my cock to get it out but i just went with it i couldent beleive it as i looked down as i watched her mouth swallow my cock it felt as ied imagined it would i was just amazed watching her . i asked her if i could take off her knickers to see my very first pussy up close befor i attempted to have sex with her as i played with her pussy and arse she watched the vid of my aunt and the thought of me fucking my cousin was massive turn on for her . she said she would have three in a bed with us if i ever fucked my cousin or planned to as she lay back and opened her legs and showed me everything pulled me down and i swear i slipped straight in that amazing feeling of penatration changed my life instantly as i was fucking her i felt bit let down as good as it was it wasent how ied imagined it to be it felt better if i watched my cock going into her and talking filthy to her . when we finished we sat and talked a bit and made a pact that no matter how long it takes together we will work on it that me her and my cousin have a threesome shed always wanted to sleep with a women and my cousin was the one she would want to sleep with the thought of fucking my cousin was a getting better everytime i thought of it and the thought of the hunt was amazing i had loads of ideas things and ways of making this happen . so cut long story short when it did finally happen the sex and the feeling of my cousin imagine best sex you ever had and times it by ten . my sex life changed for ever that night normal sex with strangers was good but the thought of fucking family members brothers wives n gf s inlaws friends mums anything that was wrong was all i wanted and the riskier the better . i ve tried a done loads of different things since then and lot of it on film and in pics . any like minde people who read this and want to hear and see more swap stories n stuff ill share my pics n vids with happily ...
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