#still not forgiving u for the brim soulmate prompt btw. awful awful awful/j kekw
villruu · 1 month
Accidentally kidnapping a mafia boss murderer/stalker + Brian and Alex?
I loved this prompt so much ough (this is just over 2K,,, this was meant to be a drabble lmao). Ended up including Tim (bc how could I not???)
On AO3
Anyways, have the beginnings of the Worst Road Trip, Ever.
This is an alternative ending to Entry 67
Brian held the gun loosely, staring at the weapon, flicking the safety on, off, on, off, on, off.
It was just the two of them alone now, on the building. 
Tim was probably far away enough by now, Brian thought, he had been too dazed, too lost under the grip of that fucking thing to refuse. For the better, anyways, Tim was always loose and stunned in these moments, and while he always followed Brian’s lead, it was better to not let an unknown variable in a situation as delicate as this one.
He should be just arriving to his car, probably, if he hasn’t collapsed yet, Brian’s inner clock told him if it wasn’t broken beyond repair thus far. 
Maybe, Brian thought almost fondly, this time he would catch a ride with Tim back into town. Maybe this would be finally the time he allowed Tim to see his face during the day again.
Safety on, off, on, off, on, off, on, off.
Alex’s struggles had finally stopped, Brian noticed once he entered the room again.
The other man just laid on the floor, a drying track of blood down his nose, a blooming bruise on his cheek where Tim had punched him particularly hard.
He looked pathetic.
Good, he thought viciously, good.
If Brian could speak normally, if he could speak, he would viciously tear into Alex, dismiss and rip every little thought the bastard had, make him die in distress, knowing that everything he had worked for was all in vain, a fool’s errands, the crusade of a man who knew he was in the wrong and still tried to comfort himself with lies.
Safety on, off, on, off.
But he can’t. At least, Alex will die just like his other victims did, without a single word to excuse the crime, dying without even the grace of knowing.
He can’t help the grin under the mask and he levels the gun at Kralie’s face. His eyes are tired but frowning, both accepting and rejecting what is about to happen. Coward, he thinks bitterly.
Safety on, off.
The gun feels light in his hands, but Brian knows that it is heavy with all the blood it has spilled.
He draws the hammer back with his thumb, watching how Kralie’s pupils shrink at the sound. 
His hands are steady, the most steady they have been ever since this asshole decided to hit him with a metal bar. He wonders if Alex remembers this place, if he remembers that six years ago he found Brian wandering this dilapidated room dazed after the encounter from that thing, if he remembers how he pretended to comfort Brian, if he remembers holding the metal bar, if he remembers leaving his fucking body beneath a bush.
…He doubts it, but he likes to imagine the other remembers.
It makes this whole thing fit better. An irony, a metaphor, a final fuck you to Alex Kralie’s pretentious ass.
Brian moves slowly, to savor these final moments. Over six years of this, finally coming to an end. Finger resting on the trigger, watching how Kralie’s eyes follow each movement. Every hour spent seething, hating, living out in the wild, living as a ghost, forced to ignore every missed call from Tim, forced to ignore his mom’s unanswered texts, forced to live on scraps and hate.
All of that, to finally end in this. Holding the guy responsible for everything.
(Tim may be the origin but Alex Kralie is the truly one at fault. He can manage Tim once he gets this done with, but for now, he gives his everything in his hunt for Kralie. And it has finally paid off.)
It feels a bit weird that Tim is not here, watchful presence behind him ready to attack as he commands, loyal guard dog ready to bite whoever he is directed to. But it feels more real like this. 
Just him and Kralie, alone. 
Only one of them is walking out of this alive, and they both know it.
And as much as Kralie may be doing that thing’s bidding, Brian is the one who knows how to escape the Operator’s realm. He is the one who has spent six years giving parts of himself to escape the Ark, he is the one who knows how to escape that thing’s grasp. As much as Kralie may have unknowingly worshipped that creature, it will not save him once he is left in the Ark.
The camera he holds on his other hand. He isn’t sure what he will do with the tape, just yet, but he will figure something out.
Maybe upload a part of it for the channel, maybe leave it for Jay, maybe simply burn it. 
A way to make this real, perhaps. If it’s filmed, if it’s recorded, then it can’t be forgotten. It can’t be hidden.
(Like Sarah’s, like Seth’s, like his—)
Just as he finally aligns his sight, the gun pointing straight between Kralie’s eyes, is when all goes to hell.
First, the camera stops working properly, screen lagging behind and pixelated.
The humming in his bones grows louder, louder, louder. 
And then, the sensation of something watching.
Brian turns around, and he can see it, can see it slowly leaning out the doorway, still far away enough to run away, but close enough to make fear and surprise fill his body.
Safety on.
Put the gun away in his jeans, shut the camera off, prepare to run away.
Brian’s eyes land on Alex’s figure and he hesitates.
If he leaves, Alex Kralie will get away again.
If he leaves, who knows Alex Kralie is gonna hurt next?
It’d be so simple to just kill him now. Quickly pull the trigger and bolt away.
But he didn’t want the Operator to take the body. The lighter in his hoodie weighs heavily in his mind as he quickly tries to think of what to do.
It shifts closer.
If he leaves, Alex Kralie lives.
If he stays, he will die again.
(Brian can’t go to the ark again, not this soon. He doesn’t have enough to give, he doesn’t have enough, the ark takes and takes and takes and Brian is a husk, he can’t go, not again, not so soon. He needs time, he just needs more time)
Static grows louder.
Everything is normal, he reassures himself, despite how he can feel himself shaking, everything is fine.
It gets closer.
I worry about nothing, Brian tries, but he can feel the static, the blankness slowly creeping on him, cause nothing’s…
The shift of rubble. A tilt of it’s head. On the floor, Alex Kralie whimpers in fear.
Fuck this, Brian thinks, crouching down and with shaking hands pulling out the small knife he keeps on him.
Alex tries to rear back at the sight of it, but Brian focuses on quickly cutting the ties, mind going into overdrive as he tries to ignore how he can feel that thing getting closer, closer, cLOSER—
Quickly, before Alex can react, Brian whacks him as hard as he can on the head with the butt of the knife.
Ignoring Kralie’s pained yelp or the way he slumps, Brian grabs him and with a strength purely fueled by adrenaline, holts him up and starts running. He can hear the Operator grow louder, it’s displeasure easy to tell by the way reality almost seems to warp around him, but Brian has long grown used to this.
Without hesitation, Brian keeps running, as the environment shifts around him. 
Hospital, forest, hallway, his house, forest, hospital, forest.
As much as the Operator may try to keep him here, Brian’s sheer adrenaline is enough to keep him going. The longer it goes on, the less intense the shifts are, until he is left alone in the forest, a few miles away from the abandoned building. He’s in Rosswood, fortunately, so it’s easy to orient himself and keep running towards where he knows the park ends.
He can feel Kralie struggling weakly in his hold, but it is easy to keep him subdued, the other too weak from the hit, probably too dizzy to act. Brian would know, he was in that situation once.
As the woods start to thin out, Brian finally spots the parking lot. 
Blessedly, Tim is still there, standing dazedly by his door, mask in place, looking slightly confused about Kralie’s presence but waiting for his cue to know how to react.
Good. Things would be more complicated if the conscious Tim was awake.
Struggling for breath, Brian slams the rear door open and practically shoves Alex inside, quickly climbing in as well.
He gestures sharply for Tim to get in the front seat, and the other does.
Brian struggles to speak, trying to make his mouth say the word drive, but it is useless, still too agitated and filled by adrenaline to take the proper time to force himself to speak. After a few tense seconds, he throws his hands in the air and simply waves at Tim to drive.
The white mask tilts to the side confused, like a dog trying to figure out a new trick, but before Brian can try again, with a burst of static, the Operator appears at the edge of the forest, frighteningly close.
Tim startles, jumping, but thankfully quickly gets the idea, turning the car on and slamming onto the reverse, the tires screeching loudly as Tim absolutely floors the accelerator.
As Tim quickly starts driving away, Brian focuses back on Alex.
Kralie looks sweaty, with a vaguely nauseous look on his face, trying to move as if he were wading through molasses.
It is easy to manhandle him, pinning him to lay on his side, seatbelts easily serving as restraints as Brian tries his best to tie him up as strongly as possible. A few zip-ties still left in his hoodie pocket help him tie his hands together behind his back, quickly tying the feet together as well, as Brian realizes he could still kick.
He does make sure to tie him up while laying on his side. It’s very probable that he throws up from the injury, likely soon, and the last thing Brian wants is Kralie choke on his vomit. He’d rather kill the man himself than let some vomit do the job for him.
After making sure it’s as safe as it's gonna get, Brian climbs into the front passenger seat, dropping with a tired sigh.
Alex can’t see him from the back, so Brian takes off his mask with a sigh, passing a hand through his sweaty forehead. Tim tilts his head slightly towards him, still somehow keeping the eyes on the road, but clearly waiting for an order.
And Brian… Has absolutely no idea what to do now.
After what feels like an eternity, watching the trees blur together through the window, Brian shrugs.
“...House,” He manages to slur out, voice as loud as a whisper, hoarse and gritty. The word is almost incomprehensible.
Tim nods sharply, however, easily understanding him, and something like fondness swells up inside Brian.
Despite their differences (liar, liar, LIAR, FILTHY FUCKING LIAR, IT’S HIS FUCKING FAULT—) Brian can always trust on Tim to understand him, somehow, through the slurring of his voice and the codes in his works.
After regaining his breath, Brian pulls his mask on again and sighs.
Maybe it is time that Brian brings Tim (the real Tim, the awake one, the conscious one) back on board. It would be difficult to shake Jay off, if Brian manages to convince Tim to go fully off-grid with him for a bit, but it wouldn’t be that hard if they’re lucky.
Moving the rear back mirror, Brian looks at Alex.
Once they get far away from the Operator, they can take care of him… Hopefully. It shouldn’t take long to shake that thing off their tails.
…At least, that’s what he thinks until he sees the Operator appear under the nearest streetlight at the red stoplight.
With a startled noise, Brian whacks Tim’s side, the other startling as well once he notices the thing nearby, pressing down his foot on the accelerator and crossing the red light without a single care as to any possible other cars nearby.
Okay, Brian thought calmly and firmly ignoring his wild heartbeat, maybe Tim’s house is not a viable plan.
He just waves at Tim to continue driving, and drops his head on his hands. 
Okay, alright, he can adjust to this, no problem. Alright.
Brian grimaces under his mask, trying to ignore the Operator reflected on the rear back mirror.
He’s just currently trapped… In a moving car… With a nauseous Alex Kralie in the back… And a Tim Wright in the front seat who is very close to “waking up”... This is, this is fine.
He did always want to go on a road trip, Brian thinks a bit hysterically as he notices Tim starting to seize up and urging him to move to the side.
Quickly switching seats with Tim, Brian gets back onto the road and tries to ignore the anxiety creeping up on him.
This is gonna be just fine… He’ll… He’ll figure something out.
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