#still the same height though technically 1 flight that’s long lol
bibleofficial · 1 year
apple health motif saying ‘ur activity changed over past 5 days’ like yea NO SHIT glad u NOTICED - but i’m looking at it now & im truly realizing how far apart my classes are now considering i would average like 7k steps everyday 😭😭
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purplesurveys · 4 years
survey by lilprincess
Approx. Time you began this survey: 6:46 on a Wednesday evening.
Describe your mood right now: Erm, a bit exhausted because I just ended a work shift; but content for the same reason. Right now I’m simply looking forward to dinner and crashing on the couch or my bed, wherever I feel like sleeping tonight.
Spell your first name without vowels: Rbn. Let’s just also remove y for this one.
Age you will be on your next birthday: 23.
Zodiac Sign: Taurus.
Do you believe what your horoscope says about your sign? I do not believe in astrology whatsoever.
What state/region do you live in? Somewhere in the Philippines somewhere close to Metro Manila.
Height: Like 5′1″ ish. I had a massive growth spurt in 4th grade that also ended in 4th grade, which will always be a funny story to tell people lmao. I went from being placed at the back of the class line to the front really quickly.
Do you smoke? Super occasionally. My last cigarette was like...all the way back in February last year. It was easier to hide the smell around my family before, but because my parents and siblings have mostly been staying at home in the last year it would be so easy to weed out the smell. I never feel like smoking anyway since I vape, so there’s been no reason to seek it out.
Do you drink? Yeah, sometimes socially and sometimes on my own if I wanna unwind and feel a lil buzz come through.
What's your ethnic background? Southeast Asian, specifically Filipino.
What's your religious background? Technically my ~background~ would be Catholic since I was born and baptized in that faith, but I’ve long let go of this. Excluding one very brief period in high school, religion was something I never held much belief and faith in, even if I've been taken to literally every Sunday mass for the last 23 years and even if I was enrolled in Catholic school from preschool to high school.
What's your natural hair color? Black.
What;s your natural eye color? Dark brown, almost black.
Do you have any bad habits you want to break? I do overtime work a lot but used to seldom file it on our company shift log sheet because I get shy that they must think I’m doing it just to be paid more, lol. I’m starting to file them every time I do OT though because fuck it, pay me.
Name a few of your positive habits. I like that I always find a way to meet deadlines. I like that I’m selfless, even though some would see it as a flaw. I’d rather do too much than say I never did anything at all.
Have you ever lived in a foreign country? No, the most I’ve done was travel to one for a week.
Did you vote in the Nov. 6 2012 presidential election? No because I am not American -___- The last election that took place before I was eligible was in 2010, and had I been able to vote then, I would’ve given mine to Gibo Teodoro, who I believe was the most qualified at the time.
Are you even eligible to vote? Yeah, I’ve been for the last 5 years. I’ve voted twice - once for the presidential elections back in 2016, and the next was for the senatorial elections in 2019.
Are you right handed or left handed? Right-handed.
When you write, is your penmanship usually neat or do you tend to scribble? It starts off neat for the most part, but it gradually gets messy and becomes more like a scribble if we’re talking about writing several essays in one sitting, which was usually the case in my exams in college.
Have you ever experienced an accident? (of any type): Sure, I’ve been in car accidents before. I’ve also been shocked once.
Do you have/want children? They would be nice to have, yeah. 
Are you environmentally conscious? For the most part, yeah. But there are some things that can’t be helped, like me driving. Unless the government does something about the shitty public transport system that we have and have had for decades, I refuse to take it.
What's your favorite mode of transportation? Like I said, my own car. If I’m traveling, by plane.
Do you prefer 80's - 90's music compared to today's music? Eh, not at all. I prefer music produced these days.
Are you more of an introvert (quiet/shy), or extrovert (social butterfly)? I’ve been more of an extrovert in the last few years but I will always be shy at first upon meeting new people, like that will never change. I warm up a lot quickly now, though.
What's your favorite emoticon? :)
Do you miss the good old days of hand-written letters? I caught the super super super last part of this era, so I didn’t even get to experience it. I know snail mail was still kind of a thing when I was a kid, but at the same time that was happening my mom was also already using email to keep in touch with my dad, so.
Nowadays, though, when I do write letters to loved ones, I will still prefer to make handwritten ones, especially for a significant other or best friend. I don’t think I’ve ever sent out a computerized long letter.
Do you enjoy receiving or giving more? Giving, but it’s nice to be treated too sometimes.
Are you good at keeping secrets? Sure.
Do you take or give advice more often? I don’t usually get into situations wherein I’d have to do either, but I think I’ve been asking for advice more, especially over the last few months.
Do you have your driver's license? “I got my driver’s license last week, just like we always talked about...” Haha this question made me sing a bit. Anyway, yeah, I got it shortly after I turned 18 since I needed to quickly learn before college started.
Would you rather be poor & happy or rich but miserable? Rich but miserable. Soz but I’d solve 4854983594857 of my problems if I never had to worry about money.
Have you ever had a pregnancy scare? Never.
Have you ever blocked someone on Facebook? Probably not blocked, but I’ve unfollowed some current Facebook friends and unfriended others entirely.
Do you think recreational marijuana should be nationally legalized? Idk much about the topic since it’s taboo enough where I live, but sure, I guess?I haven’t heard one bad word about the effects of marijuana.
Describe your perfect first date. I’ve never really had a first date, but I imagine an ideal one would be pretty lowkey, just a stroll around a nice city and maybe have fancyish dinner somewhere.
Have you ever been high? Nope.
Have you ever watched a NC-17 rated film? Sure. A good handful of Kubrick films pass for NC-17, right? I’d be surprised if they weren’t, lol. I’ve been scarred by some of them for sure.
If you ever become reincarnated as an animal, what would you want it to be? A dog.
Do you remember where you were/what you were doing on September 11, 2001? No; I was 2 years old. I did ask my parents where they were in those moments, and my mom understandably missed most of it since the entire thing unfolded in the late evening in the Philippines. The only thing she can recall was being insanely worried for my dad, who had just started to work in the US back then.
Do you ever wish you were of a different nationality/religion? Yeah, to a certain extent, just because the political and socioeconomic situation here is very messy and it doesn’t really give us the nicest reputation in front of the world. I’m proud of my Filipino culture and heritage though.
Are you more of a junk food addict or health nut? Health nut is the last thing anyone should be calling me. But I’m not so much a junk food addict either? I do like spoiling myself with food, but I still monitor my intake.
Do you believe Antarctica should be considered the 7th world continent? Isn’t it already though?? We’ve always been taught there were 7 continents and Antarctica is one of them lol.
Describe your own sense of humor in 1 word: Gen-Z, if that counts as one word.
Have you ever quoted the Bible (or any other Holy Book)? If I ever did it was probably meant to be sarcasm.
Have you ever completed a Sudoku puzzle? No. Never figured out how to play it either.
Would you rather be a nuclear physicist or marine biologist? Marine biologist. That’s one step closer to one of my loves, biology. Plus I was never any good with physics, so.
Do you have a deep, dark secret you're hiding from every one? I guess.
Would you rather be able to soar like an eagle or swim like a dolphin? I’d make my childhood self happy and go with flight.
If you wanted to learn a foreign language, what would it be? Korean so I can finally stop reading subs, hahah.
Are you bi-curious? No.
Did you watch the Disney Channel or Nickelodeon more as a kid? The Nickelodeon cartoons were far more interesting to me. I think I only got into Disney when I got a little bit older, once I was able to appreciate the more mature content in shows like The Suite Life, That’s So Raven, etc. But for the most part our TV was always tuned into Nick Jr., Spongebob, Jimmy Neutron and the other Nick shows.
Name 5 films that were made the year you were born: American History X (great watch), The Truman Show, Mulan, La Vita e Bella if I’m not mistaken (one of my faves, no matter how gut-wrenching it is), and Shakespeare in Love.
Did you have a lot of friends in high school? Yes, eventually I did.
Do you rely more on the newspaper, Internet or TV as your news source? Social media these days since I find that online writers are far more discerning in their reporting than TV anchors, who stay neutral at best.
True or false: Bigger is better. Very vaguely put, but not always, I guess.
Do you think religion is the primary cause of war? No? There’ve been plenty other reasons for war.
What's your favorite pizza topping? ...Cheese.
Think of your wardrobe. What color do you wear the most? It’s still black, I think.
Have you ever been to a planetarium? Just once, on a middle school field trip. I’d love to come back, though.
Do you feel like you connect more with animals or other people? I don’t get to be with animals a lot other than my dogs, so I’ll go with people.
Do you feel like sometimes you have to lie in order to protect yourself? Wow so dramatically put haha but yeah, I suppose it does feel that way sometimes.
How often do you exercise? Literally never. I’ve stopped working out this year since I didn’t see the point, and I’ve stopped feeling like I had to ‘get back’ at my ex just by getting a more toned figure. I’m totally at peace with how my body looks, plus I never want to give up on my favorite foods and snacks lol so there’s that.
Can you swear in a different language? Putangina mong bobo kang gago ka. That’s three for ya.
Do you think teachers/doctors deserve to get paid more than pro athletes? Everyone deserves to be paid fairly to the point that no comparison should be necessary, period.
From a scale of 1- 5, you would rate this survey: Erm, a 4.5. I had to delete some questions I didn’t feel comfortable answering or that I found a little meh, but the rest I fairly enjoyed.
Do you think most of these questions were more original or more ordinary? It’s a bit in between.
Approx. time you completed this survey: Hahahahah 10:38 PM. I took a million breaks.
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wendyhamlet · 7 years
The Morning After chapter two
Chapter two of this modern AU, I actually kind of have a plot? A loose guideline? A something for this so we’ll see how it goes lol, enjoy!
Chapter 1
Ed eyed the stairwell with all the bitterness and contempt his hungover being could muster. It was too early for the elevator to stop working, especially when he was this hungover, had a bag to carry, and his prosthetic leg was aching. Apparently he had stressed his amputated limb out with whatever the hell he had been doing last night.
He was tired and emotionally drained, he just wanted to sprawl on the couch and binge watch reality TV so his own life would seem a little less shitty.
So, with a grumble, he slung his bag over his shoulder, grabbed the handrail, and began the three flight ascent to Al’s apartment.
Technically it was his apartment too, but he hadn’t done much living in it for the past four years or so.
In a considerably fouler mood than he had been at the bottom of the stairs, (if that were possible) Ed finally reached their apartment, and after a minute of fumbling for his keys, he stepped inside.
As he tossed his bag on the couch and headed toward the hall, he heard a small sound, almost like a squeak.
Frowning, he marched to Al’s bedroom, calling out as he swung the door open. “Al I swear, if you’ve smuggled another kitten into our apartment I’m going to-”
He stopped short when his gaze fell on a very shocked, very flustered, Alphonse. Gaze sliding from his half dressed brother to the glaring girl currently lying sprawled out on his bed, legs tangled with Al’s. Ed’s bad mood instantly dissipated, and the biggest shit-eating grin crossed his face.
“Oh, hey Mei, how’s it going?”
Alphonse launched himself off the bed. “Edward! You’re not supposed to be back until tomorrow!”
The older brother shrugged. “I decided to cut the trip short and head home. Next time hang a sock on the door or something.”
“Get out!”
Ed put his hands on his hips as his younger brother pulled his shirt back onto his shoulders and marched toward him. “I hope you two are using protection.”
“Oh my god, Edward!” Al wailed, shoving him back into the hall.
Ed cackled, grabbing onto the doorframe to call back into the room. “Remember! Sex isn’t fun unless it’s safe!”
Al used the several inches of height he had against Edward to push him all the way to the front door. “I hate you so much, get out!”
Edward pouted as he was pushed out into the hallway. “Aw, come on, what am I supposed to do while you do Mei?”
Al threw Ed’s jacket in his face. “You’re awful, and frankly, I don’t care what you do, but you’re not allowed back here until tomorrow, when you were supposed to be home.”
The door slammed in his face, and Edward suddenly realized that he had nowhere else to go. Winry was still in Central city, and besides Al, he didn’t really know anyone in Resembool. Not well enough to crash at their house at least.
Remembering he would have to walk back down the three flights of stairs, his bad mood from earlier returned full force.
“Shit, this day just keeps getting better and better.”
Letting out a sigh, he began the trek down to the street. Considering it was around lunchtime, he could always go grab something to eat before deciding what to do for the rest of the day and where he’d spend the night.
He made his way down the streets to his favorite little pub downtown. It was a hole in the wall that served the best damn hamburgers in Amestris, it was also where he had his first drink. That night had ended in a bloody nose and bruised ribs, and he one of the biggest grins he’d had in a long time.
That was right before he deployed. Before…
He shivered, pulling his jacket’s collar up around his chin, blocking the cold breeze from his neck.
As much as this town was Home to him, it held almost too many painful memories.
He should visit his mom’s grave while he was still in town...it had been a while.
The warmth of the pub chased away the chill of the almost-winter air and remnants of the past that lingered in his mind.
He rubbed his hands together and headed over to the bar, knocking against the wood to get the bartender’s attention.
“Can I get a homebrew and your double burger with extra pickles?”
The burly man nodded. “Sure, find a seat.”
Ed turned around and scanned the room for an empty table.
“Heeeeeey, Edward!”
His shoulders stiffened at the call, eyes widening. “Ling?” Before he could form a defense, he was nearly knocked over by a hug that could’ve easily passed for a tackle. “The hell! What are you doing here?”
Ling laughed, straightening and patting Ed on the shoulder. “It’s good to see you too! It’s been what? A couple years now.”
“A few, yeah. Again, what are you doing in Resembool?”
Ling shrugged, flicking his bangs out of his eye. “My uncle didn’t feel comfortable letting Mei travel all the way from Xing on her own, even though she’s been making the journey since she was like ten.” He stretched, Ed scowling at how much taller it made him look. “So I’m here as her escort, or chaperone or whatever you wanna call it.”
Ed snorted, grabbing the mug the bartender slid over to him. “Well you’re doing a pretty shit job of chaperoning considering I just walked in on her and Al.”
Ling wrinkled his nose. “Gross, dude, that’s my baby cousin.”
“Yeah well he’s my little brother, not exactly the homecoming I was expecting. He kicked me out until tomorrow.”
Ling laughed. “You probably said or did something to deserve that.”
“Maybe, but now I’ve got nowhere to stay. Besides, it’s not like I’ve had the greatest past twenty-four hours, he could’ve cut me a little slack.”
Grabbing Edward’s burger, Ling motioned them both back to a little table in the corner. “I’ve gotta hear this, come on, spill. I want all the details.”
“Like I’d pour my heart out to you, ya nosy bastard.” Plopping down into one of the rickety chairs, he took a long drink from his beer before adding. “By the way, Al owes you that fifty bucks back.”
Ling’s usually relaxed eyes widened. “What? You mean you and Winry didn’t hook up after the concert?”
Edward shook his head, biting into his burger. “Nope. Just ended up falling asleep in the same bed after getting blackout drunk.”
Ling snagged a couple of his companion’s fries. Chewing thoughtfully before replying. “Well if you were that drunk how do you know you didn’t?”
Edward’s cheeks started to burn at the memory. “Look, we didn’t, okay? I’m not going into details, especially not with you, but we didn’t.” Letting out a heavy breath before taking another bite of his hamburger, he spoke around his mouthful. “Besides, from the way she talked, it’s never gonna happen anyway.”
Ling snorted. “You’d have to be blind and the dumbest person out there to think that.”
Ed narrowed his eyes at him. “Yeah? Didn’t you bet against it happening?”
He shook his head, stealing a few more fries. “Nah, I bet Alphonse that him and Mei would be married before you and Winry got over yourselves enough to screw.”
“First of all, stop stealing my fries, secondly, why is my relationship with Winry any of your business? Maybe Al and I should start betting against how long it’ll take for you to finally make a move on Lan fan.”
Ling spluttered. “Edward! She is my bodyguard, do you realize how unprofessional that would be?”
“Yeah well, since when have you ever been professional? Besides, I’m sure she wouldn’t be opposed to some freelance body guarding.”
Staring each other down for a few moments, Ling finally broke eye contact, lifting his hands up in defeat. “Point made, its none of my business.”
Edward nodded. “Damn straight.”
“But seriously, dude, the fact that you thought it had happened and were freaking out about it says something, right?”
Leaning back in his seat, Ed crossed his arms and sighed. “Look, I kind of don’t want to talk about this right now, I haven’t even processed it yet. So can we talk about literally anything else while I finish my food and beer?”
Ling tapped his hands against the table top several times. “Right then, you eat up, I’m gonna go order something and you’ll spend the night at my place.”
Ed nearly choked on his beer, coughing several times to clear his airway before spluttering. “Since when do you have a place in Resembool?”
Ling smirked. “Dude, chill, it’s just a rental for a week or two, I’m not moving in to the neighborhood or anything.”
For the next hour or so, Edward and Ling ate, drank, and caught each other up on each other’s lives.
They’d never been best friends, but Ling was the Ambassador of Xing’s son, and Ed had saved his life once, since then a weird sort of bond had formed between them.
And after Al and Mei met and started dating, the two young men ended up spending more time together.
It had been a few years since Edward had seen his friend, or really anyone he knew outside the military, in person. Sure there had been texts and video chats and such, but it wasn’t the same.
That’s why getting a few days to hang out with Winry in Central was such a big deal, they’d missed just being together in person, even if it was just hanging out and watching television.
“So, this is the place!” Ling declared, breaking Ed from his reminiscing.
He looked up to see a warm little building nestled behind a simple wrought iron fence.
Inside the furnishings were comfortable and casual, the main room an open concept of living, dining and kitchen.
“Bathroom’s down the hall, guest bedroom is that door, my room is the one across the way. Mei usually sleeps in the loft but I guess she’ll be out tonight.”
Both young men wrinkled their noses, quickly moving on to a different subject.
“You can borrow some of my clothes if you want, I hardly ever wear what’s in the dresser considering I always pack my own clothes from home.”
Ed nodded. “Thanks, I think I’ll shower before catching some sleep, the train ride to and from Central always makes me feel grimy.”
Ling stretched languidly, yawning loudly. “Go for it, I’m going to turn in early, still not used to the time difference here.” He headed toward the bedroom, waving nonchalantly. “Night.”
“Hey Ling?”
He paused, looking over his shoulder. “Hmm?”
Ed scratched the back of his neck. “Uh...thanks. I appreciate you letting me crash here.”
Ling grinned. “Anytime! You’re buying me breakfast in the morning though.”
Edward laughed. “Fair enough, see you then.”
It didn’t take long for Ed to slip into the bathroom and strip out of his grimy clothes, turning the water on and watching the steam rise into the room as he slung a towel on the hook beside the shower and climbed inside.
He sighed as the hot water washed over him, rinsing away the dust and sweat of the day, the warmth and pressure massaging his stiff muscles.
His mind wandered as he lathered up and scrubbed at his scalp, absentmindedly noting that his hair was starting to grow out of its undercut.
The Lieutenant had mentioned the Colonel’s offer again. He probably didn’t have long before an answer would have to be given, one way or the other. He had to make a decision, a hard one.
Dammit, how was he supposed to decide what he wanted for the future when he didn’t even know what he wanted now?
That’s a lie. You know what you want.
He blew water off the end of his nose in a huff, trying to ignore the little voice in his head.
She’d been in bed with you. Naked.
Not naked, she had her undergarments on, they both had.
But what if she was naked? What if you kissed her peachy-pink lips, touched her smooth ivory skin? What then?
“Fuck.” Ed cursed, struggling to reign in his hormones.
It’s not like he’d never thought of Winry as beautiful or sexy, hell he’d admit he thought she was since he was fifteen years old. But he’d refused to allow his mind to go farther down that path. She was his best friend, and his feelings were causing enough awkwardness on his end without throwing in fantasizing about her.
But you want to. You want to think about how she feels, how she tastes, what kinds of noises she would make.
“Fuck!” He cursed again, grabbing the shower gauge and twisting it savagely toward the “C”
Freezing water poured down on him, causing him to gasp and then hiss as icy needles rained against his skin.
Bracing his hands against the wall, he ducked his head under the frigid stream and let the cold water extinguish the fire in his blood.
He was so fucked.
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