#still tryna familiarize myself with tumblr after years of lurking forgive me
milsirils · 3 months
fleki and lycion’s dynamic is just too good and genius
This is a mini collection of my thoughts on them and a rewrite of something I posted online a few days ago. Be aware this is not an in depth analysis unfortunately, but just a shitty surface level run of the stuff I like about them and how they interact!
I find it hard to put their relationship into words. But they’re like TWINS in spirit. You feel me??! They get into trouble together, nap together, weed sesh and exposing the canaries, just always together, regular bffisms. I love it.
(They could probably kiss and not feel much cuz they’re just chill like that, unless you want them too idk!!)
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Also peep Fleki on Lycion’s back like if he’s still a big fluffy wolf 😭
Which brings me to another point!
Wolves and Ravens are known for having a symbiotic relationship in nature.
Fleki is able to control her familiars which often take the form of corvid-raven like birds, and of course Lycion can transform into a wolf man.
This is one of the little things I just personally really life about them. I have no idea if this was intentional for not, but I I wouldn’t put it past Kui if it was.
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They’re so precious and of course I have to mention the more soppy side of their relationship.
Lycion walking in on Fleki being passed out while in a hallucinogenic state after taking drugs. He automatically goes to shift her into a recovery position and then waits by her bedside for her to come out of her trance.
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The last line, “I think this world’s a bit of a cesspool myself…but it’s pretty decent when I’m taking with you. Hurry back alright?”
It’s a good little comment on how important they are to each other, or at least Lycion to Fleki 😭 I would love to see more on what she thinks of him. Please Kui.
I feel it’s obviously she trust him the most though.
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Let’s loop back to their charms though.
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“Fleki, get this.” You know their shit talk seshs (about their coworkers) go crazy. They're also kinda like weird kids. Fleki wears those amazon anime hoodies with the stolen art you only see being promoted by youtube and ig meme accounts that are probably also dropshippers. And Lycion is a gay furry. They probably woulda loved running otherkin blogs.
But I do like how Fleki tends to wear colorful eyesore attire with different layers and patterns, meanwhile Lycion tends to wear more dull toned, gray, simple outfits. Opposite aesthetic style dynamic win!
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That's all I got. Here are some extras. Please look at them. They're such idiots.
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