#stop ranting about oregon ultimatum and DRAW
calpalsworld · 1 month
I phrased stuff weird and I want to clarify Treetop **IS ALSO** a "queer disabled nerd." What I meant by "queer disabled nerd" being part of Windows design notes is how she is very open and confident about her identity and her labels. More of a first impression than an objective truth. Like for reference (in the script drafts) the first time you meet Windows she is geeking out and laughing. The first time you meet Treetop isn't even in person, its through him leaving passive aggressive notes.
Cuautle has worked with Treetop for a year but only learns midway into the plot that he Has Interests (horror movies, anthropomorphic objects, new wave music). Treetop hates infodumping and showing excitement, it makes him feel out of control. Windows will infodump to anyone anywhere.
Also despite Treetop having one eye I don't think he ever in his head labels himself as disabled. He just says "I lost my eye." Windows took time to warm up to the label, but nowadays she uses the word a lot, which is why I use it so often in her character descriptions. She uses the word a lot because people misunderstand her and think she is just either "lazy / attention seeking" or infantalize her, so she needs the label to empower herself.
The only identity Treetop is proud of and not repressed about is being Native, because he had his family and friends throughout his life that were Paiute like him. I think he feels some guilt over pursuing his evil government scientist career, since relative to his younger years he's hardly spent any time engaging with his culture and community. (Treetop is kind of a spamton-esque figure. dont ask what it means carry on). But its definitely something he is surprisingly confident in and open about considering how hateful he is to everything else about him.
tldr; Treetop and Windows are both queer disabled nerds but what I really meant is Treetop is an introvert and Windows is an extrovert.
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