#stop trying to corrupt my angel boyđŸ˜€đŸ˜€
lostsouldierbye · 2 years
@bouqueue​ :  "We have to keep running into each other like this, people are going to talk." She's working her way into dibs now. Let her call dibs, Bucky. The sex is great and she has all kinds of toys.
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‘ You’re not exactly helping me to keep a low profile. ’ He’s sure --- if she hasn’t found reason to tell someone about him already --- his presence is being rippled around town. Sooner or later, the news would reach the ears of the people he’s trying to run recon on. Maybe he’s getting tired of recon anyway, waiting for leads to fall into place. Fujiko was an unexpected variable that he had not accounted for --- and he has no real read on her, doesn’t know whether she’s harmless or more trouble than it’s worth playing along with her games for. ‘ Shouldn’t you have bodyguards, or something ? ’ It doesn’t feel right to leave her defenceless like this. 
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