grumpsupport · 9 years
Someone said I was joking when I said used “stopcisphobia” hashtag as a transgender. Let me make myself very clear.
No one. NO FUCKING ONE. Should get hate for being themselves!
We as the LGBT community are fighting to gain rights, and commonly cis people stand and help fight for us. Why the fuck are they not allowed to be comfortable? If we are allowed to be ourselves, then why the hell are we being hypocritical and accusing them of be themselves. So you were born a girl and you feel normal, then whatever, case closed. They aren’t transgender or anything. Fuck off. If they’re close minded, then sure flame them, but don’t burn the innocent.
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grumpsupport · 9 years
I am Transgender and I believe that cisphobia is real.
I have a best friend and a sister that are identified as cis bi, and if someone were to bully them for being cis, I would literally rip them limb from limb.
Not all damned cis people are out to eat you for lunch, so put your close-minded opinion to the side for a minute and see the person they are rather than judging them by their cis identity.
This sort of thing, hating cis people, is exactly what we as the LGBT community have suffered from for countless years. Do you really want to spread that hate back to them and give them a reason to hate us?
#stopcisphobia #seewithin
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