carolinahope · 2 years
This episode (6x07) made me wonder  whether Buck and Eddie ever discussed Buck’s traumas. And they did. They talked about Daniel and the Buckley parents and Maddie’s PPD. They just never talk about their shared trauma .
The firetruck 
The pulmonary embolism 
The tsunami 
The well & the will
The shooting 
The hostage situation
I really hope this season they will touch upon at least some of this. It’s way overdue. 
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carolinahope · 2 years
6x07 Cursed
I really hate that Buck is going forward with the donation. The episode had some really awesome Hen x Buck scenes but that is about the only positive of this mess of a story line. The universe was screaming at him and he just wouldn't listen. 
Loved Chim and Hen vs. the bracelet. The look Hen gave Eddie after he threw it at Chim was golden. 
I like that they came back to Eddie's disbelief and gave context to it. For a moment I feared they are trying to throw another woman at him but they are not that stupid, fortunately. 
It was interesting that in an episode that was so Buck-centric and Eddie-centric, they didn’t really interact. 
Overall it was a very enjoyable episode, I'm just really scared how the whole sperm donor thing will turn out. As I don't see any good outcome if they actually go through with it.
On a thirst note, Eddie in the sunglasses and black tank top 🤯
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carolinahope · 2 years
6x09 Red Flag
This episode had some wonderful moments. Loved Chim and the murder house. And Karen and Hen are family goals. Loved Josh. I'm really curious how the cliffhanger will end. Because detective Bobby is on the case. I loved the team talks. And how all the men in the team reacted once the naked sleep driver woke up. Such a little thing but so powerful. Loved our work husbands. So many little moments.
What I didn't love, down right hated, was Buck's news. They are settings him up for failure. I don't really see a way out of this that isn't painful. He clearly won't be able to be a donor but not a dad. The only silver lining of this mess was Eddie's reaction.
I really wonder how they are gonna climb out of this hole they dug for themselves.
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carolinahope · 2 years
I hate Buck agreeing to being a donor. I might understand part of his reasoning but he is just not build for this scenario. This is a disaster in the making.
Is this his I’m quitting 118 era? 
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carolinahope · 2 years
The season opening with Buck getting kicked in the shins doesn’t bode well for my heart. But hopefully it means it’s his time to heal. 
Bobby not telling the team that Lucy was supposed to be his stand in during his vacation seems like such a cop out. Haven’t we learned anything from S3? And how about the team being a family, hm? It was his whole deal at the end of S5. His reasoning for not picking Buck also sounds like BS if his first pick was Lucy. It makes sense for why he would choose Hen. But not Lucy. I also think Hen is a wonderful pick. 
Seeing Buck going into overdrive when he feels like not enough hurts my heart. I understand why Bobby would not consider him yet. But I think one day in not such a far away future, Buck will be a great captain. I don’t necessarily think life experience is the essential ingredient. But I do agree he needs to settle into himself and he needs to heal. He will get there. 
I don’t think being a captain is something Eddie necessarily wants. If anything, I see him more as a teacher. Especially now that he seems to be coming to peace with things and himself. It’s really a sight to behold. 
And now the scene to put all other scenes to shame. 
I just can’t wrap my head around the domesticity of it all. Eddie and Chris playing games while Buck cooks. Buck being down and Eddie trying to lift his spirits. Chris teasing him. 
And the foreshadowing, parallels, metaphors and Čechov’s gun of it all. I mean, not seeing something that is right there? Making the right choice? Not rushing into anything? I keep saying it, they are married and we deserve a ceremony. 
I also love the throwback to Bobby teaching Buck to cook and the Diaz boys appreciating the results. 
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carolinahope · 3 years
This was unexpected but I'm intrigued by parts of it.
When Eddie told Buck to move on, I wanted to slap him. And when he blew up at Bobby, and very much proving him right, I wanted to slap him again. That boy needs all the therapy.
I'm very much ready for Lucy to leave. Even Eddie's shitty introduction - the first 30 minutes, then they pulled their collective heads out of their asses, was better than this dumpsterfire. Is she supposed to be the wrench? Why the fuck are they throwing Buck under the bus?
Are they going to break both boys to pieces before offering any comfort at all? Cause I'm not down with that.
I liked Hen. And Josh. And Chris. And that's about it.
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carolinahope · 2 years
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I didn't want to hijack the original post (there is more to the post but only these lines are really relevant to my own rant, so) but I have a lot of feelings about the lawsuit arc (that were brought up again by this post and ones like it) and I think the anon summed them all up pretty much in one sentence. Also, Buck is my favorite character and I am very protective of those so there is some bias on my part. I can acknowledge that. But it still doesn’t make the way they concluded the lawsuit arc satisfying or epitome of good writing. 
I don’t remember the first two interactions mentioned in the reply but fair enough. But Chim and Hen’s reactions have never really been my big issue in this story. 
Even if they happened that still doesn’t erase the fact that as far as I recall Bobby never acknowledged the fact he too fucked up. That actually he was the one to set the clusterfuck in motion. But please, correct me if I’m wrong. He acted all pissy and then just “forgiven” Buck and it was as if nothing happened. And it to this day leaves a bad feeling in my mouth. (That is why I liked his scene with Eddie so much in 5x11, even if it fricking hurt, he did learn from his mistakes.)
As for Eddie, he was going through a lot. And handling it piss-poorly. But would it had been so hard to just throw in a line where he said to Buck I was going through a lot of shit, the lawsuit didn’t help but sorry for taking it out on you. I don’t think so. It would have put them back on equal footing. It would also have shown Eddie acknowledging and communicating his feelings. Something he is continually shown to be struggling with but he tries to get better at. If not for himself then for Chris. It would definitely be better writing choice, IMHO, then Buck just taking on all the blame.  
There was also another thing in the writing that often happens in fiction and I fucking hate. When a character speaks the truth about a situation/person and it is dismissed by the narrative because the character is not a good person or is the villain of the story. That’s how the whole arbitration meeting read to me. The lawyer was a self-serving asshole. It doesn’t make what he said untrue or invalid. 
And I think lastly, it was said the city wanted to settle, which to me says that Buck was well within his rights and it was LAFD/Bobby who messed up. Again, correct me if I’m wrong. 
I do think suing was a rather extreme and knee-jerk reaction and Buck jumped right over about five other possibilities but he met the lawyer, he defended his family to the lawyer only to be on the next turn proven wrong. Given what we know about Buck and given the situation, his thought process is pretty understandable. 
In regards to this particular storyline I’m extremely thankful for fan fiction. Because as said above, the canon resolution left me on many instances profoundly unsatisfied and I read many stories that, at least partially, soothed the ache. And managed to handle the story way better than canon. 
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carolinahope · 3 years
While I liked Chim meeting his sorta-mentor and him talking some sense into him, I hate the way he keeps treating Buck.
I really hope he apologizes to Buck once he comes back to the 118. Otherwise I will lose a lot of respect for both the character and the writers. 
But since the show is notoriously terrible at people apologizing to Buck even when they really really should I’m not holding my breath. 
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carolinahope · 2 years
I read several different takes on 5x13 and the Buck and Taylor of it all and there are two things that kinda stuck with me. That Buck asking Taylor to move in was all kinds of wrong and fully his fault and that Taylor should dump his ass. And I respectfully disagree with both. 
Buck’s reasoning for asking about cohabitation is fifty shades of unhealthy, no argument there. But Taylor didn’t question his motives or their readiness for this step at all. She jumped right it. And from that couch debacle it’s pretty clear they barely talked about the move at all afterwards. It takes two to tango. And they are both very much responsible for this mess. 
When she tossed at him after he fessed up to the kiss that he trapped her with the cohabitation I was more surprised than Pikachu and more confused than the math lady. I mean, she lived in LA for at least four year. Is she implying that she has no friends she could crash with for a day or two to clear her head and get some space? Or at the very least some extra money for a hotel or motel or AirBnB? Because I have a hard time believing that. So her remark was only meant to hurt him which is kinda scary trend emerging in their relationship. Where she mostly uses her limited knowledge of who Buck is and how he thinks to either hurt or belittle him. She really is taking out the passive from passive-aggressive. 
And I abso-fucking-lutely need Buck to be the one calling the quits. He needs to stop with relationships just happening to him. He needs to take his own advice and realize that es mejor estar solo que mal acompañado. This relationship was doomed from the get-go. Given their stop-starts and how they started dating in a moment when Buck was in an emotionally incredibly vulnerable place and should have in no way, shape or form make these decisions. And also given how Taylor just bulldozes over every single boundary he sets down and he just lets her. He needs to be the one to put his foot down and to put himself first. Anything else will be a disservice to Buck’s character and his journey. 
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