arofili · 1 year
StorkSwap 2023 letter
See my signup for DNWs/general likes/etc :) Here are my specific prompts for each request!!
Aragorn/Arwen/Éowyn/Faramir: My LOTR OT4! I love the idea of these two couples being one big polycule :) Having them all be cis, with Arwen and/or Éowyn pregnant, would be great, but I also love the idea of some or all of them being trans. Pregnant transmasc Faramir would be especially wonderful; I also love transfem Faramir if that is something you’re interested in. Regarding babies, it would be so cute to have baby Elboron (canon Faramir/Éowyn baby) and baby Eldarion (canon Arwen/Aragorn baby) hanging out together with their squad of parents—or with those two being a bit older, and hanging out with their little sister(s), Arwen/Aragorn’s daughter(s)!
Pregnancy tags:
Happily pregnant trans character: This is quite possibly the Most Important tag in all of my requests—I love love love trans characters and trans headcanons, and trans pregnancy is one of my favorite things too. I don’t want any angst about trans characters being pregnant (unless specifically requested) and I love to read about transmasc pregnancy as gender-affirming! You don’t have to get super into a character’s transness if you’re not super comfortable with that, but I’d like to keep transphobia to a minimum both in and out of universe.
A&B compete to get C pregnant: I think I would actually prefer if baby parentages remain the same as canon (ie, no Éowyn/Aragorn or Faramir/Arwen babies...though if you wanted to do an Arwen/Éowyn or Faramir/Aragorn OC baby, that would be great! just keep Eldarion & Elboron’s parentages canon, please), but this could be very fun in a foursome situation with Aragorn and Faramir each competing to see who can get their “official” wife pregnant first. Or mess around with gender/sex and do some other combination of pregnant person/impregnator, if you’d like. If you want to do an OC baby, maybe Aragorn and trans!Éowyn compete to get Arwen pregnant? or something?
Polyamory - character smug about getting both their partners pregnant: Aragorn or trans!Éowyn being smug about getting both Arwen and trans!Faramir pregnant! And lightly teasing the other possible impregnator in the scenario for not getting there first :D
Character A and Character B Are Both In Labor At The Same Time: Arwen and Éowyn (or whoever you decide to be pregnant) having babies at the same time! Aragorn and Faramir (or whoever) are very stressed out/concerned...especially if this is the first baby for both couples!
Character A is heavily pregnant while Character B is just starting to show: Or Arwen is almost due, but Éowyn is just starting to show, and Arwen tries to give her advice, except she’s not really *that* experienced, and also Éowyn’s pregnancy is progressing very differently...
A gave birth to first child so B gets to have second: Taking turns getting pregnant so three people can care for/pamper one person at a time!
Character has higher libido when pregnant: This is one of my favorite tropes! Lots of fun kinky pregnant sex, please!! Especially if the pregnant character is constantly horny and constantly in need of satiation, but can’t quite get it...even better if there are two pregnant characters getting each other off!
Receiving oral sex while pregnant: Especially if pregnancy makes their clit Extremely Sensitive...mwah, chef’s kiss, etc
Pregnant characters breastfeeding from each other; A sitting in B's lap to make out and their stomachs pressing together because A is pregnant; A sitting in B's lap to make out and their stomachs pressing together because both are pregnant; Pregnant characters' bumps pressing together as they make out: uhhh HOT? Would love any of these for Arwen and Éowyn, specifically.
First Time Having Sex Postpartum: Body worship / relearning each other’s “new” bodies <3
Baby tags:
Baby crawling away screeching in delight while parents playfully give chase: Cute baby shenanigans! Could also work with older siblings chasing the baby :)
Baby’s first laugh; Baby’s first words: Just. parents melting over how cuuuute the baby is. Meaningful first words, maybe?
Baby wants food item they should not have: This could be fun with peredhel/elf misunderstandings. Maybe the food item is actually okay for baby elves, so Arwen’s not worried, but her human spouses are very concerned for their part-human baby! Or Arwen, not knowing what this kind of peredhel baby can handle, is overprotective while her human spouses reassure her that yes, actually, human babies can eat that, don’t worry.
Dressing Baby Up in Little Outfits: Royal portraits! Little royal outfits! Tiny Gondorian ceremonial outfits! Would love to see older siblings very seriously dressing up their baby siblings <3
Eponyms and Baby Namesakes: Eldarion is very cleverly the “son of the elves”; Elboron’s name could be interpreted as referencing Boromir’s name...how did they arrive at these names? Did they have other names too? And of course with OC babies you can go crazy with naming!
Gifting Baby Important Objects: There are soooo many heirlooms these royal babies could get! The Elessar, Arwen’s evenstar necklace if you go with the movies, any number of artifacts from Rohan, the halves of Boromir’s horn, etc...
Anairë/Fëanor/Fingolfin/Nerdanel: One of my very few incest exceptions, I find Fëanor and Fingolfin to be a very interesting pair. It’s the rivalry!! However, I hate when they abandon their wives to fuck each other, so I want Anairë and Nerdanel to also be involved in this relationship. Anairë is a holy woman; how does she feel about Fingolfin transgressing incest taboos? What is it that made Fëanor and Fingolfin break, and fuck instead of fight? And of course I’d love to see Nerdanel and Anairë getting it on too. Fëanor and Fingolfin getting riled up about cuckolding even when they’re in a foursome situation is extra juicy! (Though I’d really prefer to avoid any situations where Fingolfin has kids with Nerdanel or Fëanor has kids with Anairë. They can talk about it/kink on the idea, but no actual pregnancies in those configurations.) Probably it would be best if this OT4 came together after all their kids are born/mostly grown (though Argon and the Ambarussa could be young still)...OR it could be an OT4 situation where they’ve all four been together all along (again, do still want the parentages of their kids to stay canonical!) so Anairë and/or Nerdanel can get worshipped by their lovers while pregnant :) A bit of dubcon between Fëanor and Fingolfin is okay, but I don’t want noncon.
These two pairings on their own (Fëanor/Nerdanel and Fingolfin/Anairë) are also great. I’m always super here for t4t Fëanor/Nerdanel <3 Fëanor has a breeding kink no matter how you slice it and I think he’s the kind of person who would looooove being pregnant! Nerdanel too, but I’m especially into pregnant Fëanor <3 And I’d love to see itty bitty Maitimo getting super excited about having a baby sibling on the way!! (in the form of Maglor. pls don’t write Maedhros and Fingon as brothers.)
As for Fingolfin/Anairë, I see them as having been an arranged marriage that developed into true love. There might be some slight distance between them still that a pregnancy helps break down :) And Anairë/Nerdanel...what can I say, they are both hardworking ladies with exasperating husbands and they deserve to have some fun together, with or without said husbands!
My headcanons/preferences around these four are complicated, so if you’re writing them, don’t hesitate to hit me up on anon to ask questions! But I think the most important thing here is I want the parentages of canon children to remain canon, and I especially don’t want a Fëanor/Fingolfin baby. BUT anyone can have sex with anyone else in this foursome, so long as it doesn’t lead to a non-canon pregnancy. They’re elves, they have built in birth control, they can manage! And having sex with a person who’s pregnant with another partner’s baby is very hot and definitely encouraged. And fantasizing about non-canon pregnancies is also fine, I just don’t want it to actually happen.
Pregnancy tags:
Happily pregnant trans character: Trans pregnant Fëanor can be so personal,,, (see above comments. this is especially thematically resonant in the context of Míriel’s death...)
Character A is heavily pregnant while Character B is just starting to show: Anairë and Nerdanel sharing pregnancy feelings! Especially if this is Anairë’s first pregnancy and Nerdanel has been through it a couple times already :)
Character Jealous Of Their Love Interest's Pregnant SO: Fingolfin sees Nerdanel pregnant and is absurdly jealous. Probably pre-F/F relationship. Fingolfin decides to get Anairë pregnant in response? Perhaps he fantasizes about getting Fëanor pregnant...or guiltily wishes Fëanor had gotten him pregnant instead, even though he’s cis and that’s not really possible.
Character loves being pregnant because of how horny it makes them/how good the sex is; Pregnant Sex; Pregnant Person is Highly Desirable to Their Partner: Desperate horny pregnant sex!!! Especially if it’s the pregnant person’s partner who is even more turned on than the pregnant person, and can’t get enough of their pregnant partner’s lush, sexy body.
Couple thought family was complete until surprise third or fourth pregnancy proved otherwise: Or fifth. Or sixth.........
Crafting Jewelry For Baby or Pregnant Partner(s): These are Noldor! This is FËANOR! Of course there’s going to be lots of bespoke jewelry for both the pregnant character(s) and the baby! This would be especially interesting if pregnant!Fëanor is crafting jewelry while heavily pregnant and he proooobably shouldn’t be in a forge...
Fear of Pregnancy After Mother’s Death; Non-Birthing Character Terrified/Inconsolable During Labor: Fëanor after Míriel :( This could work both with pregnant Fëanor convinced he’s going to die...or with him inconsolable thinking Nerdanel is going to die :((( Hurt/comfort with a happy ending, please!
Fix-It - Parent who canonically died pre-birth/in-birth survives: What if Míriel DIDN’T die?? How would that change things for Fëanor? Probably he and Fingolfin would have been raised as brothers with less tension, and so wouldn’t be in any kind of relationship; some nice platonic brotherly bonding while their respective wives are pregnant could be very sweet here, with Finwë’s two polyamorous wives watching on fondly.
Pregnant characters breastfeeding from each other; Pregnant characters' bumps pressing together as they make out: Anairë and Nerdanel!
Baby tags:
Baby Is A Mini Version Of One Parent: This is just Curufin, lmao.
Baby's first words: Fëanor is a linguist! He’s especially interested in this milestone for his child(ren) <3
Eponyms and Baby Namesakes: ALL their kids are named after SOMEONE.... The -finwës are most obvious, but Nolofinwë Arakáno names his -kános after himself, Írissë is probably named after Írimë Lalwen...and then of course there’s Curufinwë Atarinkë and Nolofinwë’s youngest, Arakáno. What went into these names?
Making Toys For The Baby: Again, Noldor!!
Toddler Tries to Be a Good Older Sibling to Baby; Older Kid(s) Meeting New Sibling(s); Older sibling excited about new baby: Thinking about this specifically in the context of little Maedhros and baby Maglor <33 But Fingon meeting Turgon would be cute too!
Aredhel & Baby Maeglin: Soft mom hours <33 They deserve some good times! I’d rather Eöl not be involved here; I don’t particularly like him and I see him as abusive/controlling.
Aredhel/Pregnant Celegorm: I don’t think Aredhel ever wanted to be pregnant. But Celegorm might find it interesting! This cooould maybe be an exception to my “no cis mpreg” rule, if Celegorm is magically impregnated by Oromë, and Aredhel finds that hot? Or we could have a more simple version of t4t Aredhel/Celegorm, where she knocks him up. Maybe not entirely intentionally...breeding kink gone awry, perhaps?
Pregnant Aredhel/Celegorm: For this situation, Aredhel would be pregnant with Maeglin, and escaped from Eöl. Celegorm (and Curufin) take care of Eöl (preferably violently) and then care for Aredhel in the aftermath. Celegorm is basically Maeglin’s dad now :) NOTE: My Aredhel is always aromantic (“to none was her heart’s love given”) and I don’t want her and Celegorm to be in a romantic relationship—but a sexual and/or queerplatonic one would be great!
Fingolfin & Baby Maeglin: This would have to be an AU (maybe in the same one as the situation above?) but look, Fingolfin deserves to meet his grandson, and Maeglin deserves to have a doting grandpa!!! Also, the implied Aredhel & Fingolfin hurt/comfort is a plus <33
Bedtime Stories - not really child-appropriate but baby loves them anyway: Celegorm telling Maeglin inappropriate bedtime stories?? And Curufin (already a parent) trying to rein him in a bit, lol. I bet Aredhel would only encourage him!
Dream Sex Leads to Real Pregnancy: This could work for a pregnant Celegorm situation—either magical pregnancy by Oromë (if they’re already in Beleriand??) or Aredhel/Celegorm dream sex while separated, or just they’re having sex while asleep and dreaming and oooops wake up with a baby in your belly!
Falling asleep while holding the baby: Fingolfin and baby Maeglin!!!!! Also Celegorm with baby Maeglin, but mostly Fingolfin <333
Grandparent So Touched to Meet New Grandchild: Fingolfin and Maeglin <3333
Receiving oral sex while pregnant: It’s what Aredhel DESERVES. I guarantee Eöl wasn’t treating her right while she was with him...so if she escapes, Celegorm is going to make up for that!!!
Pregnant Maeglin/Celebrimbor: Poor doomed smiths! I love them very much. I usually imagine them getting together post-canon, after all their traumas, when they’ve been reembodied and are trying to live again. Aredhel is good friends with Celegorm and Curufin, so of course Maeglin will be introduced to Celebrimbor... You could also go the Celebrimbor in Gondolin route, but that’s not my preferred canon.
My Maeglin is always trans, so he’s the pregnant one in this situation. I think he’d have some hangups about pregnancy wrt his mother’s past (and possibly some dysphoria too; this is a situation where a bit of trans-related angst would be acceptable) but in the end he decides to keep the pregnancy and love his baby. Celebrimbor should be absolutely supportive and accepting of whatever Maeglin’s decision would be, but is excited to become a father himself! It would be very sweet if they ended up having a baby girl :)
Communicating with Infant In Utero: Maeglin deciding if he wants to keep the pregnancy and feeling out the not-quite-yet-a-soul inside him? Celebrimbor bonding with the baby pre-birth?
Falling asleep while holding the baby: Maeglin watching his lover (maybe not-yet-husband?) be very sweet and tender with their baby and realizing, oh, maybe I’m in love
Receiving oral sex while pregnant: I can imagine Maeglin as being super grumpy and fussy during pregnancy and Celebrimbor deciding to make him feel better by giving him oral. Or Maeglin demanding an orgasm and Celebrimbor happily getting to work!
Pregnant Bëor/Finrod Felagund: I headcanon Balan (Bëor) as trans, having 2 sons before meeting Finrod with a husband who died in the crossing of the Blue Mountains. He’s been widowed for a while when he meets Finrod, and ready for a new relationship! He’s older and a bit surprised when he gets pregnant again—but not nearly as surprised as Finrod, who hadn’t been intentionally conceiving a child! Peredhel shenanigans <333 My headcanon is that their peredhel son (the FIRST peredhel ever, maybe!!) is named Inglor, and he’s born among Balan’s people but moves with his dads to Nargothrond as soon as he’s old enough for them to travel. Eventually he grows up and has a kid of his own...Gildor Inglorion!
Accidental pregnancy - didn't realize species were compatible: They didn’t worry about birth control because they assumed they couldn’t have kids...and on top of that, Finrod assumed humans have the same built-in birth control as elves!
Communicating with Infant In Utero: Finrod talking to the baby in utero, which totally awes and charms Balan <3
Culture Clash - Babydaddy's Culture Treats Pregnancy Differently From Pregnant Character's Culture: Setting aside the biological differences, the cultural ones are fascinating too! What rituals/gifts/celebrations are traditional for Balan’s people? What Telerin/Noldorin things totally weird Balan out?
Half-elf baby: Inglor (or your OC) is quite possibly the FIRST peredhel EVER...
Happily pregnant trans character: Balan’s culture has absolutely no hangups about a man being pregnant. Maybe the Amanyar did, and Finrod is unlearning that—or he’s awed and impressed that other cultures don’t have the prejudices/assumptions he’s used to?
Hybrid Pregnancy - It's Unknown What Ways The Baby Will Resemble Either Parent: Genuinely they have no idea...especially when it comes to the fate of the baby’s soul :(
Receiving oral sex while pregnant: Because it’s what Balan deserves. Also I think Finrod would be really into it.
Singing to a baby: Finrod and Balan met when Finrod took up Balan’s harp and played a song...passing that story on to their baby, through song, would be beautiful :’)
Pregnant Curufin/Finrod; Curufin/Finrod & Baby Celebrimbor: Trans Curufin whose babydaddy is Finrod is a favorite headcanon of mine <3 I especially love a very fraught relationship between Curufin and Finrod, where Curufin never actually acknowledges that Finrod is Celebrimbor’s father...which makes for a veeery awkward time in Nargothrond...
Communicating with Infant In Utero: Curufin reassuring unborn Tyelpë that he’s gonna have the best family ever (in the form of the Fëanorians). Maybe he confesses some complicated feelings about Finrod to his unborn child, which grown up Celebrimbor doesn’t remember, but does have some faint feelings about Finrod due to this...
Happily pregnant trans character: Curufin may not have wanted a relationship with Finrod, but he definitely wanted this pregnancy!
Making Toys For The Baby: Curufin is a NOLDO and his family are renowned craftspeople!! Of course they’re gonna spoil baby Tyelpë with all sorts of fantastic toys!!
Parents watching baby experience something for the first time: This would be especially bittersweet if Finrod is witnessing a toddler Tyelpë experiencing something (maybe a Telerin holiday that the Fëanorians showed up to in Alqualondë one year?) and thinking, I think he’s my son, but I don’t know, and I can’t say anything...but at least I get to have this moment ;-;
Pregnant Elenwë/Finrod/Turgon; Turgon/Elenwë/Finrod & Baby Idril; Turgon/Pregnant Elenwë/Finrod/Amárië: This is another one of my OT4s! I usually love a very repressed Turgon who’s angsting over his feelings for Finrod, but this time I’d like to see him, Finrod, and Elenwë (and maybe Amárië too) in an established relationship. That doesn’t mean it’s drama-free, though! You could have some domestic bliss in Valinor, where everyone is pampering pregnant Elenwë or doting on baby Idril...or you could do something on the Helcaraxë, where they’re all dealing with the horrors of the Ice and having a child there with them, and with missing Amárië :( If Elenwë is somehow pregnant again (HORRIBLE timing) that’s even angstier :((( Would love a bittersweet slice-of-life situation here...maybe not outright canon-compliant tragedy, but this one can definitely lean into the angst. A focus on Finrod’s role in young Idril’s life would be fantastic—does she know about his relationship to her parents? Does she remember happier times and miss Amárië too? Or is she just too young to know about those things?
If you want a grasp on my favorite kind of dynamic for these four, check out my description of them here in my S4S letter. Also: I don’t think Amárië is the kind of person who would want to be a mother/be pregnant, so I don’t want to see her pregnant.
Baby crawling away screeching in delight while parents playfully give chase: Rambunctious baby Idril <333
Character Jealous Of Their Love Interest's Pregnant SO: Finrod jealous of pregnant Elenwë! Maybe wishing he could get pregnant with Turgon’s baby too? (Usually I have Finrod as a cis male, but he could be trans here, and that could be an actual possibility...I would not be opposed to a Turgon/Finrod baby OC!)
Dream Sex Leads to Real Pregnancy: If one of Turgon and Finrod are trans, dream sex while they’re in their hidden kingdoms leads to real pregnancy? Or t4t Finrod and Amárië having dream sex while separted, and Finrod gets pregnant?
Singing to a baby: Finrod is a singer, and he’d be wonderful at lulling little Idril to sleep :)
Tolkien - Three+ elves can collaborate to make a baby: Let Idril have three/four spiritual parents!!! (Bio parents should remain Turgon and Elenwë though)
Maedhros & Maglor & Baby Elrond & Baby Elros: Kidnap fam my beloved <3 I love a nuanced take on this dynamic (aka, no Elwing bashing, but also no Fëanorian bashing). Are E&E actually babies, or a bit older? They’re canonically 6 when they’re kidnapped...something in the difficult early days would be really interesting. Or maybe E and/or E reminiscing on their childhood when they’re older, with babies of their own?
Accidental Baby Acquisition - baby has magical powers; Baby has magical powers: Eldritch peredhil babies!!!!!
Falling asleep while holding the baby: Mae falling asleep while holding the kiddos would be absolutely adorable <333
Half-elf baby: Fully-elven M&M figuring out how to care for part-elf, part-human, part-Maia E&E!
Kidnapping babies for ransom and having to raise them as your own: This is a very plausible interpretation of the kidnapdoption...would love to see M&M falling head over heels for their new charges, and realizing that they’re not really holding them for ransom, they’re raising them.
Singing to a baby: This is Maglor. C’mon.
Russingon with Pregnant Maedhros: Russingon is my OTP of all time, I’d LOVE to receive something about them—and transpreg Russingon is even MORE of a favorite <333 For pregnant Mae, I’m imagining some Valinor-times AU-ish drama, where the secret relationship aspect is a real issue, especially regarding Mae’s family (most of all his dad...) but I do also have some ideas for drama-filled Beleriand scenarios. The baby (or babies) could be either Gil-galad or Erien—or both, if you want them to have twins!
Pregnancy tags:
Accidental Soulbond - Also resulted in bottom partner pregnant surprise the first time they had sex; Unplanned pregnancy as a result of sex pollen; Breeding Kink: This shit is like catnip for me <333 Sex pollen and/or breeding kink going way farther than anticipated and ending up with a surprise pregnancy (a LaCE loophole, if you will) is sooo juicy and fun!! And of course that’s going to result in a soulbond/marriage, too <3
Friends with benefits while pining further complicated by unplanned pregnancy: Could be tied in with the above—Mae is pregnant and both he and Finno are pining like crazy, but are worried the other is only tolerating their romantic affection because of the baby, but no they’re actually in love!
Courting Pregnant Love Interest (Baby Theirs); A finds out about B's pregnancy and asks B to marry them and be a family (baby theirs): Again, similarish to above—whoops, Mae is pregnant, and now Finno is determined to Properly Court him and marry him!
Secret relationship revealed due to accidental pregnancy: Orrrr they’ve been together a long time, but now this pregnancy means they can’t hide things any longer! Cue family/political drama!
Pregnancy Revealed To Impregnator When Parents Are Reunited After Forced Separation: Fëanor (or someone) finds out about Russingon and forces them apart...maybe because he can tell Mae is pregnant? But Finno doesn’t know that yet! And he doesn’t find out until much later, when Mae is visibly showing, and he’s hurt that Mae got over him so fast and got pregnant by someone else...until Mae is like, no, the baby is YOURS....!! And eventually things get sorted out and they live happily ever after :)
Happily pregnant trans character; Pregnant Sex; Character loves being pregnant because of how horny it makes them/how good the sex is: Super Duper Horny pregnant Maedhros is THE BEST EVER and also Fingon is SooOOOO turned on by Mae’s pregnant body and most of all Mae’ insatiability!
Self-sacrificing character forced to take care of self due to pregnancy: Mae is extremely self-sacrificing/self-sufficient and takes everyone’s problems upon himself, but now his family & Fingon are forcing him to take it easy...and learning to solve their own problems, lol.
Badass Character Remains Badass While Pregnant: Beleriand-era pregnant Mae refuses to back down, despite Fingon (and everyone around him) being extremely concerned about his health & the baby’s health.
A comes back from the dead and finds B has given birth to their child: Fingon returns from the dead, either miraculously and shortly after the Nírnaeth OR the “normal” way via Mandos—and finds out Maedhros had a baby while he was dead! If he comes back during the First Age, you know he’s gonna do his damndest to get to his husband and child, no matter what. And if he’s reembodied later...he’s gonna be an emotional WRECK. But maybe having Fingon’s baby changed Mae’s path/choices from what they are in canon? Maybe he could resist the Oath more because he had a bond with his child to cling to? Or maybe he still did the Kinslayings, but decided to submit to the Valar and return to Valinor when Eönwë commanded him and Maglor to do so, and so Fingon can actually reunite with him swiftly-ish!
Long lived character is reminded of long ago pregnancies/children during new pregnancy: Post-canon Maedhros, when he and Fingon are both reembodied, having another (probably OC) baby much later in life, and reminiscing about his earlier pregnancy/pregnancies from his first life <3
Baby tags:
Baby finds skin to skin contact calming; Falling asleep while holding the baby: Soft baby cuddling times <3
Bedtime Stories - retelling past adventures as bedtime stories: Could be tame-ish Valinor adventures about hunting and climbing, or it could be Maedhros telling great stories about how wonderful Fingon is, especially regarding the eagle rescue!
Eponyms and Baby Namesakes: I have soooo many feelings about baby names for Gil-galad!! Why “starlight”? Is “Artanáro” a reference to Fëanáro and Ar(t)akáno? What’s his -finwë name? Did Finellach come from somewhere? Tell me everything!!
Telepathic Bond with Baby: Communicating with the baby over long distances, since Mae and Finno are necessarily in a LDR while in Beleriand...or maybe in Valinor they are exceptionally sensitive to their baby’s psychic needs.
Russingon with Pregnant Fingon: For a pregnant Fingon, I’d like to see something focusing on their time in Beleriand with Fingon as the High Prince/his father’s heir! The Russingon relationship here wouldn’t be a secret, though it might still be controversial, but overall Fingon is providing the crown an heir! This baby should definitely be Gil-galad, but I like Gil and Erien as twins, so she could also be involved if you want :)
Pregnancy tags:
Couple has fun and kinky sex while trying to conceive: For pregnant Finno I generally imagine them conceiving intentionally...and having lots of fun while doing so!!
Admiration of pregnant body: Body worship <333 I love a chubby Finno, and he’s even chubbier when pregnant, and I love Mae just absolutely loving every inch of his husband <333 Bonus points if Finno is short/small and they’re both kinking on the size difference!
Baby bump is BIG: BIG baby bump for a SMOL Finno!! Bonus points if he’s expecting twins :D
Pregnant Partner Wears Lingerie: Sexy fat pregnant Finno in lingerie makes Mae’s brain go BRRRRR
Cooking for Pregnant Partner: Good cook!Mae is a favorite headcanon, I’d love to see him doting on Finno and supplying him with as much food as he could possibly want, satisfying his every craving!
Character loves being pregnant because of how horny it makes them/how good the sex is: ...including the sexual cravings ;)
Happily pregnant trans character: Trans Finno being happily pregnant means THE WORLD to me <333
Late Night Conversations About (Future) Parenting: Hopeful planning about the future <3 Daydreaming about a world without war, where they can live together as a family and be happy...
Canonical death averted due to baby or pregnancy: ...and maybe they CAN!! What if Finno being pregnant makes him more cautious during the Nírnaeth, and he survives? Doesn’t necessarily mean an angst-free win, but with Fingon by his side, Maedhros will be a lot more put together after their loss...
Resurrected Pregnant Character Unsure if Their Unborn Child Survived Their Temporary Death: OR maybe Fingon DOES die, but only temporarily, and Maedhros brings him back with the Power Of Love or something—and Fingon is terrified he lost the baby!! Bonus points if Mae didn’t even know he was expecting :))))) But PLEASE have a happy ending with the baby being okay!
A discovers they are pregnant with B's child after major falling-out with B: This feels more like a Valinor-times prompt to me—Finno and Mae have a huge argument, probably over the Sword Incident, and Mae goes with Fëanor into exile...and then Finno realizes he’s pregnant. DUN DUN DUN! Again, happy ending is a must, but I love to read the angst along the way!!
Non-Birthing Character Terrified/Inconsolable During Labor: Given uhhh the whole Míriel situation, this is a Must for any Fëanorian who has a partner in labor....but Fingon is strong and confident and everything turns out okay in the end.
Baby tags:
Baby crawling away screeching in delight while parents playfully give chase: Bonus points for TWO babies chasing each other!!
Bedtime Stories - retelling past adventures as bedtime stories: Telling (child-appropriate) versions of their exploits, such as the eagle rescue, the Dagor Aglareb, chasing off Glaurung, etc...
Dressing Baby Up in Little Outfits: Royal babies in royal outfits!!
Eponyms and Baby Namesakes: See above regarding names :)
Grandparent So Touched to Meet New Grandchild: Fingolfin deserves to hold the baby!!! (Also Fëanor, if he’s still alive he should definitely get to hold the baby too. And bonus points for Fingolfin and Fëanor competing to be the best grandpa ever and finally putting aside their rivalry for the grandbaby’s sake!)
Kingdom celebrates birth of the heir: Royal heir Gil-galad! Everyone loves him and is excited for him to be there!!
Sitting for royal portrait with child: Family portrait! With Fingon and Fingolfin and baby? Or does Fingon insist Mae be there too, even though he’s not the most politically advantageous husband/babydaddy?
Parents watching baby experience something for the first time: Gil-galad experiencing the wonder of Himring’s snow? Or riding a horse with his dads? Anything cute and fun like that would be very much welcome <3
Kíli/Tauriel & Baby & Durin fam: My OG Tolkien ship <333 I adore a half-elven baby, even more when the other half is dwarf, not human!! They’re so sweet together and deserve so much more than what canon gave them. I’d like this to have minimal angst—an everyone lives AU where everything is fine, and even the more elf-resistant Durin family members have mostly come around to Tauriel...especially now that she and Kíli have had a super cute dwelf baby. That just seals the deal!
Kíli and Tauriel can be cis, with Tauriel pregnant, or they can be t4t with Kíli pregnant! I have a very soft spot for t4t Kiliel, I must admit, and I’d be thrilled to see a trans pregnant Kíli <3
Pregnancy tags:
Alternating between oral sex and kissing pregnant belly: Kíli and Tauriel just love each other and I’m positive they love each other’s bodies too <3 Especially I can see them kinking on the differences in their biology; ESPECIALLY a size kink, even more so if they’re t4t and Kíli’s something of a size king for Tauriel’s big elf dick <3
Communicating with Infant In Utero: This is totally normal for elves, but not for dwarves—unless it is? Maybe dwarves have a different way of communicating with the unborn baby?
First Time Having Sex Postpartum: More body worship!
Happily pregnant trans character: Pregnant Kíli who is ecstatic about being pregnant! Especially if dwarf pregnancy is rare/difficult, and so everyone else is also very excited for him.
Heavily pregnant A working with kids; B is enchanted as they watch: Kíli and Tauriel welcoming little dwarflings coming to Erebor for the first time? (Do not want Fíli to have any kids, though he can also be present, just not as a dad)
Late Night Conversations About (Future) Parenting: Staying up late, under the stars, daydreaming about the future <3
Baby tags:
Crafting Jewelry For Baby or Pregnant Partner(s); Making Toys For The Baby: They’re dwarves!! Kíli absolutely is making things for his pregnant wife <3 It would be a great show of respect/acceptance if Kíli’s family made some for her too.
Baby finds skin to skin contact calming: Especially if Fíli or another relative is calming the baby, and the baby is comforted by them <3
Witnessing baby's first steps: <333
Baby gets sick for the first time; new parent(s) freak out: Especially if Tauriel is freaking out because elves don’t get sick and this is all new to her!
Baby's first words: What language is it in—Sindarin, Khuzdul, Westron?
Baby Looks Like a Mix of Both Parents; Half-elf baby: A baby that is obviously both a dwarf and an elf!
Bedtime Stories - retelling past adventures as bedtime stories: Kíli going on and on about how amazing Tauriel is, how she saved his life, etc <3
Character on parental leave is SO BORED and keeps sneaking into work: This definitely feels like Tauriel, lol. She brings the baby to the training yards!
Dressing Baby Up in Little Outfits: In both dwarven and elven traditional clothing!!
Falling asleep reading to child: Especially if it’s one of Kíli’s family members reading to them <3
Gifting Baby Important Objects: The runestone, perhaps?
Grandparent So Touched to Meet New Grandchild: Dís being touched and awed by her grandbaby <3 Bonus points for this being the moment she finally completely accepts Tauriel as a daughter-in-law!
Thanks for reading, and I look forward to whatever it is you write for me <333
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